wiss-org-24.7.09.-18.3.10: VERANSTALTUNG: [InetBib] Workshop: Elektronisches Publizieren anwissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken

2010-05-27 Diskussionsfäden Ohly, H. Peter

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: inetbib-boun...@ub.uni-dortmund.de im Auftrag von Stolarski, Ursula
Gesendet: Di 29.09.2009 01:51
An: undisclosed-recipients
Betreff: [InetBib] Workshop: Elektronisches Publizieren anwissenschaftlichen 
Liebe Kolleginnen, liebe Kollegen,

die Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen
veranstaltet in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Zentrum für Aus- und Fortbildung der
Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz-Bibliothek Hannover die u.g.
Fortbildungsveranstaltung, zu der wir hiermit Interessenten auch außerhalb
Niedersachsens herzlich einladen:

Elektronisches Publizieren an wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken - 

Entwickeln und Verankern von Diensten



Zielgruppe: Der Workshop richtet sich an Beschäftigte wissenschaftlicher



Wissenschaftliche Bibliotheken bieten neben der Literaturversorgung zunehmend
Dienste an, die das Publizieren selbst unterstützen. Hierzu gehören
Infrastrukturen für das Open Access, Bereitstellen von bereits publizierter
Literatur, aber auch Dienste wie ein Universitätsverlag, ein
Dissertationsserver oder ein reiches Informationsangebot zum Publizieren. Am
Beispiel der Niedersächsischen Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek wird
aufgezeigt, wie solche Dienste entwickelt, im Haus verankert und in
Zusammenarbeit mit der Universität betrieben werden. 


Referenten: Margo Bargheer, Dr. Birgit Schmidt (Universitätsverlag Göttingen)


Termin: Dienstag, 10. November 2009


Ort: Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Göttingen


Teilnahmegebühr: EUR 50.-   (für Teilnehmende aus Niedersachsen kostenfrei)


Anmeldeschluss: 1.11.2009


Ansprechpartnerin und Anmeldungen an:

Ursula Stolarski

Nieders.Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen  -
Fortbildungsbeauftragte -

Papendiek 14, 37073 Göttingen Tel. : +49 (551) 39-5266; FAX: +49 (551)




wiss-org-24.7.09.-18.3.10: aktuelles Programm: Wissen - Wissenschaft -Organisation, Bonn, 19. - 21.10.2009

2010-05-27 Diskussionsfäden Ohly, H. Peter
Sehr geehrte Listenteilnehmende,

hiermit teile ich das aktuelle Programm der bevorstehenden Dt. ISKO-Tagung mit

Mit freundlichen Gruessen,
With kind regards,
Sincères salutations,

H. Peter OHLY
GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften / Abt. Fachinformation für 
die Sozialwissenschaften / Lennestr. 30 / 53113 BONN / Germany / Tel.:
+49-228-2281-542 / Fax.: +49-228-2281-4542 / mailto:peter.o...@gesis.org 
ATTENTION: my other official business mail addresses are no longer valid!
http://www.gesis.org/SocioGuide / http://www.isko.org/people.html
Visitors Address: GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften / Bereich 
Produkte  Marketing / Dreizehnmorgenweg 42 / 53175 BONN (Metro-Stop: Platz der 
Vereinten Nationen / Olof-Palme-Allee)

Aktuelles Programm zur
12. Tagung der Deutschen Sektion der Internationalen Gesellschaft für 
Wissen - Wissenschaft -Organisation  
Tagungsort: Universitätsclub Bonn e.V. , Konviktstr.9 , 53113 Bonn 
(in Zusammenarbeit mit GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für die Sozialwissenschaften 
und dem Universitätsclub Bonn e.V.)

Montag, 19.10.2009 
Tutorium: Ontologiesprachen (Y. Sure)
H. P. Ohly: Wissen und Organisation (Eröffnung)
J. Blasius: Informationsverhalten 
K. Weber: Informationsnachhaltigkeit 
K. Weishaupt; U. Müller; U. Herb Qualitätssicherung und Qualitätsmessung - 
Determinanten der Akzeptanz für Open Access? (Open-Access-Zeitschriften als 
Schutt-Abladeplatz für minderwertige Beiträge? Die Frage ihrer Qualität und 
ihre Bedeutung für die Akzeptanz  / Peer-Review-Verfahren / Die Bedeutung von 
P. Mayr; P. Putschke; P. Schaer; Y. Sure:  Mehrwertdienste für das Information 
Retrieval: das Projekt IRM 
W. Shen; M. Stempfhuber: Embedding discussion in online publications: Two roles 
in supporting eSocial Science in sowiport.de 
I. Dahlberg: Desiderate für die Wissensorganisation 
J. Lindenthal; E. Scheven: ISO 25964 : Thesauri and interoperability with 
other vocabularies 
M. Sondermann: Monitoring der Exzellenzinitiative: Beobachtungen zur 
Startphase von Graduiertenschulen und Exzellenzclustern 
B. Hopp: Open Access in der Wissenschaftslandschaft 
W. Dees: Ansätze zur Bewertung von Publikations-Orten der 
S. Dücker; U. Roth: Wissenslandkarte Berufsbildungsforschung 
Führung durch Bonn 
Empfang im Uni-Club 

Dienstag, 20.10.2009 
U. Riege: Fachinformation und Forschungsevaluierung 
O. Bidlo; C. J. Englert: Wissen verbindet - verbindet Wissen. Der 
Open-Source-Gedanke als Vergemeinschaftungsimpuls 
H. Czap: Erkennen durch künstliche Systeme 
H.-J. Püttmann: Anreichern von Ontologien durch sprachlichesWissen zur 
Suchunterstützung in Vorschlags-Funktionen 
R. San Segundo: Invalidity of a General Theory on knowledge organization 
K. Raghavan: Emerging areas in IS and education 
B. Zapilko; Y. Sure: Neue Möglichkeiten für die Wissensorganisation durch die 
Kombination von Digital Library Verfahren mit Standards des Semantic Web 
K. Prätor: Logik als Organisation von Handlungen 
F. Boteram: Stratifizierte Typisierung semantischer Relationen in integrierten 
Systemen der Wissensorganisation 
H. Paepcke; J. Harfensteller: Building an Epistemic Community 2.0 
W. Koch: Vokabularien und WebServices 
J. Hubrich: Vom Stringmatching zur Begriffsexploration: das Potential 
integrierter begrifflicher Interoperabilität 
S. Gradmann, M. Olensky: Semantische Kontextualisierung von Museumsbeständen in 
C. Biester: Der intrinsisch motivierte Professor - ein Vexierbild 
E. Ammann: A Conception of Knowledge and Knowledge Dynamics in an Enterprise 
J. Bertram: Bedarf an Enterprise - Search - Lösungen - Eine Befragung 
österreichischer Großunternehmen 
J. Sieglerschmidt: Der Zauber ubiquitaeren Wissens 
G. Rahmstorf: Philosophie als Wissensgebiet 
M. Zens: Electronic Health Records (EHRs): Modelle, Komponenten, 
M. Braschler; B. Heuwing, T. Mandl, C. Womser-Hacker; J.Herget; P. Schäuble; J. 
Stuker: Evaluation der Suchfunktion deutscher Unternehmens-Websites 
Mitgliederversammlung der Dt. ISKO
Empfang im Bonner Rathaus 

Mittwoch, 21.10.2009 
L. Bornmann: Lässt sich die Qualität von Forschung messen? Empirische 
Ergebnisse zur Güte des Peer Review Verfahrens und zu bibliometrischen 
S. Hofhues; M. Kamper; T. Specht: Förderung des Wissensaustauschs unter 
Studierenden: die Augsburger Initiative w.e.b.Square 
M. Stempfhuber, B. Zapilko: A layered Model for Semantic Integration of Primary 
Data and Publications in Digital Libraries 
V. Dreier: Fotografien als empirische Daten 
T. Sporer; P. Meyer; M. Steinle: Technisch-organisatorische Einbettung 
informellen Lernens in das Universitätsstudium am Beispiel des Augsburger 
J. Hagenah; D. Becker: Überregionale Tageszeitungen: Eine aussterbende 
E. Horvatic: Pädagogische Wissensorganisation 
K. M. Janowitz: Netographie 
A. Kovaleva: Psychologische Konstrukte 
C. Swertz: 

wiss-org-24.7.09.-18.3.10: Mo. 19.10.09 9:00 Tutorium Ontologiesprachen auf der Wissensorganisation'09

2010-05-27 Diskussionsfäden Ohly, H. Peter
Sehr geehrte evtl. Teilnehmende an der 12. Tagung der Deutschen ISKO, 
(siehe: http://isko.gesis.org/isko2009/index.php?id=64 )

Am Montag, den 19.10.09 von 9:00-11:00 bietet Professor York Sure von der 
GESIS, Bonn ein Tutorium (kostenlos) für ISKO-Mitglieder und Tagungsteilnehmer 
an. Wegen beschränkter Teilnehmerzahl muss allerdings eine Voranmeldung 
erfolgen an: Mailto:peter.o...@gesis.org

Übrigens können auch weitere Interessenten für eine Gebühr von 30 EUR 

Mit freundlichen Gruessen,
With kind regards,
Sincères salutations,

H. Peter OHLY
GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften / Abt. Fachinformation für 
die Sozialwissenschaften / Lennestr. 30 / 53113 BONN / Germany / Tel.:
+49-228-2281-542 / Fax.: +49-228-2281-4542 / mailto:peter.o...@gesis.org 
ATTENTION: my other official business mail addresses are no longer valid!
http://www.gesis.org/SocioGuide / http://www.isko.org/people.html
Visitors Address: GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften / Bereich 
Produkte  Marketing / Dreizehnmorgenweg 42 / 53175 BONN (Metro-Stop: Platz der 
Vereinten Nationen / Olof-Palme-Allee)

wiss-org-24.7.09.-18.3.10: LITERATUR: Knowlege Organization - ISKO quarterly journal

2010-05-27 Diskussionsfäden Ohly, H. Peter
-Original Message-
From: Richard P Smiraglia [mailto:smira...@uwm.edu] 
Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2009 6:09 PM
To: isk...@lists.gseis.ucla.edu
Subject: [isko-l] Knowlege Organization - ISKO quarterly journal

please forward as you think appropriate


Knowledge Organization (KO)

Devoted to Concept Theory, Classification, Indexing and Knowledge 
Representation, Official Quarterly Journal of the International Society for 
Knowledge Organization (ISKO)

Published by ERGON-Verlag, Würzburg, Germany http://www.ergon-verlag.de/

Knowledge Organization is an international refereed quarterly journal that 
publishes scholarly papers and reports related to all aspects of knowledge 

Scope of KO: Structuring and construction of ordering systems; problems of 
their use in providing access to the information contents of new literature; 
clarify theoretical foundations (general ordering theory, philosophical 
foundations of knowledge and its artifacts, theoretical bases of 
classification, data analysis and reduction); describe practical operations 
associated with indexing and classification, as well as applications of 
classification systems and thesauri, manual and machine indexing; trace the 
history of knowledge organization; discuss questions of education and training 
in classification; and problems of terminology in general and with respect to 
special fields.

The contents of this journal are indexed and abstracted in Referativnyi Zhurnal 
Informatika and in the following online databases: Information Science 
Abstracts, INSPEC, Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA), Library 
Literature, PASCAL, Social Science Citation Index, Sociological Abstracts and 
Web of Science.

MANUSCRIPTS: To submit a manuscript, please email manuscripts (in Word, or RTF 
format) with an indicative abstract to:

Prof. Richard P. Smiraglia, Editor-in-Chief, Knowledge Organization, 

BOOKS FOR REVIEW: Contact the KO Reviews Editor, Joseph Tennis, 

Richard P. Smiraglia
Editor-in-Chief, Knowledge Organization
Visiting Professor
Information Organization Research Group, School of Information Studies 
University of Wisconsin Milwaukee smira...@uwm.edu

wiss-org-24.7.09.-18.3.10: VERANSTALTUNG: 17th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW 2010)

2010-05-27 Diskussionsfäden Ohly, H. Peter
-Original Message-
From: HSofia Pinto [mailto:so...@ontol.inesc-id.pt] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 03, 2009 8:17 PM
To: irl...@lists.shef.ac.uk
Subject: [SIG-IRList] Call for Papers: 17th International Conference on 
Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW 2010)

International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management EKAW 

Lisbon, Portugal, 11th October-15th October 2010


The 17th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge 
Management is concerned with all aspects of eliciting, acquiring, modeling and 
managing knowledge, and its role in the construction of knowledge-intensive 
systems and services for the semantic web, knowledge management, e-business, 
natural language processing, intelligent information integration, etc.

The focus of the 17th edition of EKAW will be on Knowledge Management and 
Engineering by the Masses.

The call for papers in PDF available at

Important dates

* Submission: 19th of March 2010
* Notification: 14th of May 2010
* Camera Ready: 11th of June 2010

Organizing Committee

* General and PC chairs:
 - Sofia Pinto (INESC-ID, Lisbon)
 - Philipp Cimiano (CITEC, Universität Bielefeld)

* Workshop chair:
 - Siegfried Handschuh (DERI, NUI Galway)

* Tutorial chair:
 - Victoria Uren (University of Sheffield)

Demonstration chairs:
 - Oscar Corcho (UPM, Madrid)
 - Johanna Völker (University of Mannheim)

The proceedings of the conference will be published by Springer Verlag in the 
LNCS series. The LNCS volume will contain contributed papers.
EKAW 2010 will also feature a tutorial and workshop program, as well as a 
poster and demo track. Poster/demo notes and workshop/tutorial notes will be 
published separately in a companion booklet.

Paper submission and reviewing for EKAW 2010 will be electronic via the 
EasyChair conference submissions site. Submissions should be 15 pages long 
(max) formatted according to Springer Verlag LNCS guidelines.

EKAW 2010 welcomes papers dealing with theoretical, methodological, 
experimental, and application aspects. In particular, but not exclusively, we 
solicit papers about methodologies, models, and tools for the following topics:

1) Knowledge Management

* Methodologies and tools for knowledge management
* Aspects of collaboration, distribution and evolution of knowledge in KM
* Advanced knowledge modeling languages and tools
* Best practices / experiences in KM
* Foundations of KM
* Entity-oriented approaches to KM
* Layered intelligence in knowledge management
* Provenance, reliability and trust in knowledge management
* Knowledge management for collaboration and decision support
* Methods for accelerating take-up of KM technologies
* Corporate memories for KM
* Case-based reasoning for KM

2) Knowledge Engineering and Acquisition

* Methodologies for knowledge engineering
* Knowledge acquisition, ontology learning
* Knowledge sharing
* Knowledge evolution
* Collaborative knowledge engineering
* Design patterns
* Techniques for knowledge acquisition based on machine learning, NLP etc.
* Uncertainty and vagueness in knowledge modeling
* Knowledge engineering and software engineering
* Ontology localization
* Ontology alignment
* Evolution of knowledge (including ontology evolution)
* Knowledge acquisition from non-ontological resources (thesauri, folksonomies, 
lexica etc.)
* Knowledge acquisition and knowledge integration from heterogeneous sources 
(multimedia and 3D data, databases, sensor data streams, social interaction 
* Knowledge authoring and knowledge markup languages
* Ontology evaluation
* Dynamic, distributed and process knowledge (including web services, grid 
services, P2P systems, rules and business processes, problem solving methods, 
procedural knowledge)
* Agent-based approaches to knowledge management
* Knowledge mashups

3) Knowledge In Use:
knowledge management and engineering for

* Retrieval and proactive delivery of pertinent knowledge
* Multimedia applications
* Life and E-sciences
* E-Government and public administration
* Health and medicine
* Automotive and manufacturing industry
* Semantic desktop applications
* The legal domain
* Cultural heritage applications
* Digital broadcasting and film, game and 3D media content production and 
* Digital libraries
* Virtual worlds
* Storytelling
* Management in critical applications
* Organizing user-contributed content
* Transition across organizations

4) Social and Cognitive Aspects of Knowledge Engineering

* Sustainability and cost analysis of knowledge engineering
* Human-knowledge interaction
* Cognitive systems and knowledge engineering
* Knowledge ecosystems
* Knowledge and social network analysis  modeling
* Knowledge in trust networks
* Personal sphere in knowledge engineering and management
* Collaborative and social approaches to knowledge management and acquisition

5) Special focus knowledge management 

wiss-org-24.7.09.-18.3.10: VERANSTALTUNG: CFP: Information Retrieval Facility Conference, 31 May 2010, Vienna

2010-05-27 Diskussionsfäden Ohly, H. Peter
-Original Message-
From: Stefan Rueger [mailto:s.rue...@open.ac.uk] 
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 1:51 PM
To: irl...@lists.shef.ac.uk
Cc: irfc2...@ir-facility.org
Subject: [SIG-IRList] CFP: Information Retrieval Facility Conference, 31 May 
2010, Vienna

The 1st Information Retrieval Facility Conference provides a 
multi-disciplinary, scientific forum for researchers and aims at bringing young 
researchers into contact with industry at an early stage.

The 1st IRF Conference tackles 4 complementary research areas: 
* Information retrieval
* Semantic web technologies for IR
* Natural language processing for IR
* Large-scale or distributed computing for the above areas

The conference proceedings will be published in Springer LNCS.

General Chair: Hamish Cunningham, University of Sheffield Programme Chair: 
Stefan Rueger, The Open University Programme Committee: see 

The conference takes place in Vienna on the 31st of May 2010, one day before 
the IRF Symposium 2010.
More information available here:
* IRF Conference: http://www.ir-facility.org/events/irf-conference
* IRF Symposium: http://www.ir-facility.org/events/irf-symposium/2010

Paper submission: 8 January 2010
Notification of acceptance: 22 February 2010 Final paper submission: 22 March 
2010 IRF Conference: 31 May 2010

For queries please e-mail to irfc2...@ir-facility.org

Stefan Rueger   s.rue...@open.ac.uk
Knowledge Media Institute tel: +44-1908-655 945
The Open University   fax: +44-1908-653 169
Milton Keynes MK7 6AA, UKhttp://kmi.open.ac.uk/mmis

Professor of Knowledge Media,   The Open University, UK
Honorary Professor,   University of Waikato, NZ

The Open University is  incorporated  by  Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt 
charity in England  Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302)

wiss-org-24.7.09.-18.3.10: VERANSTALTUNG: Call for papers, COLING2010--August 23-27th, 2010, Beijing, China

2010-05-27 Diskussionsfäden Ohly, H. Peter
-Original Message-
From: Wang Bin [mailto:wang...@ict.ac.cn] 
Sent: Thursday, November 26, 2009 2:52 AM
To: IRList
Subject: [SIG-IRList] Call for papers, COLING2010--August 23-27th, 2010, 
Beijing, China

We apologize if you receive duplicates of this CFP
  Please feel free to distribute it to those who might be interested.

The 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics COLING 2010 

August 23 - 27, 2010, Beijing, China


COLING 2010, the 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics, is 
being organized by the Chinese Information Processing Society of China (CIPS) 
and will be held in Beijing, China on August 23-27th, 2010 under the auspices 
of the International Committee on Computational Linguistics (ICCL) . We look 
forward to welcoming you to Beijing, the cultural, educational, and political 
capital of China, and the proud host of the 2008 Olympics. 

COLING will cover a broad spectrum of technical areas related to natural 
language and computation. The conference will include full papers, oral 
presentations, poster presentations, demonstrations, tutorials, and workshops. 
We invite the submission of papers on original and unpublished research on all 
aspects of computational linguistics. More details will be available closer to 
the April 19, 2010 submission deadline.

Important Dates: 
Apr 19, 2010
Full paper submissions due (Main conference) 
May 28, 2010 Acceptance notification of main conference 
May 30, 2010 Submission deadline for workshop papers 
Jun 30, 2010 Acceptance notification of workshop papers 
Jul 2, 2010 Camera-ready full papers due (Main conference) 
Jul 10, 2010 Camera-ready full papers due (Workshops) 
Aug 21-22, 2010 Pre-COLING(Collocating conferences/workshops) 
Aug 23-27, 2010 COLING 2010 Main Conference 
Aug 28, 2010 Post-COLING (one-day workshops)

Topics include, but are not limited to:

Syntax, semantics, grammar, and the lexicon 
Lexical semantics and ontologies 
Phonology/morphology, word segmentation, and tagging 
Language generation 
Paraphrasing and textual entailment 
Parsing and chunking 
Spoken language processing, understanding and speech-to-speech 
Linguistic, psychological and mathematical models of language 
Computational pragmatics 
Dialogue and conversational agents 
Computational models of discourse 
Information retrieval 
Question answering 
Word sense disambiguation 
Information extraction and text mining 
Semantic role labeling 
Sentiment analysis and opinion mining 
Corpus-based modeling of language 
Machine translation and translation aids 
Multilingual processing 
Multimodal systems and representations 
Statistical and machine learning methods 
Corpus development and language resources 
Evaluation methods and user studies 


General Chair
Joshi, Aravind K. University of Pennsylvania

Program Committee Chairs:
Huang, Chu-Ren The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Jurafsky, Dan Stanford University

Organization Committee Chairs:
Zong, Chengqing Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Sun, Le Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Wang Bin
Information Retrieval Group
Center for Advanced Computing Research
Institute of Computing Technology
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

Tel: +86-10-62601350
Fax: +86-10-62601356
Email: wang...@ict.ac.cn
Web:   http://ir.ict.ac.cn/

wiss-org-24.7.09.-18.3.10: Obituary for PN Kaula

2010-05-27 Diskussionsfäden Ohly, H. Peter
On behalf of Ingetraut Dahlberg I am sending an obituary for P.N. Kaula by our 
former ISKO member M.P. Satija

Mit freundlichen Gruessen,
With kind regards,
Sincères salutations,

H. Peter OHLY

An Obituary of Prof. PN Kaula: Professor P.N. Kaula: Another Titan Gone
Professor Prithvi Nath Kaula who died suddenly at the age of 85 on 30th August 
2009 at Lucknow due to cardiac arrest lived his life to the full and to the 
last lees. He was born to a Kashmiri Brahmin school teacher in Sri Nagar on 
25th March 1924. Thirst for knowledge brought him from Kashmir to Madras to 
study Library Science. Perceiving the determination of the boy S.R. Ranganathan 
took him under his tutelage and admitted him in his class of 1944 first in 
Madras and then in at Benaras Hindu University. Kaula become his life long 
disciple who revered Ranganathan which became a living model of the ancient 
Indian Guru-Chela tradition. He avowed his professional achievements and status 
entirely to Ranganathan. Citing his own example he would quite often say that 
his Guru had the capacity to forge a man out of clay. Indeed he was an able and 
vocal ambassador of Ranganathan and Indian Librarianship. Professor Kaula was a 
man of many parts, who rose to become a highly experienced and most visible 
face of Indian Librarianship both at home and abroad. Only sky was his limit. A 
learned teacher, a voluble speaker, a hardworking and skilful editor and an 
organizer par excellence, he had many firsts to his credits including the 
first full professorship in India that was at BHU. He had a penchant to parade 
his achievements to inspire lesser professionals like us. Indeed the catalogue 
of his achievements and recognitions in the form of many festschrifts, medals, 
documentaries, full length books, citations, nominations and invitations is 
long, varied and truly unique. It culminates with the covetous award of 
by the President of India in 2004. He deemed that as recognition of the Indian 
library profession and blessings of  his guru from his heavenly abode. 
Entrusting his ailing wife to the tender cares of his son, like Ulysses he will 
not rest from travel nor could resist it to conquer new and far away 
professional territories till the death closed it all.. He lived no life other 
than of librarianship.
Fame never spoiled his head with haughtiness who eagerly communicated with 
mighty and laity. Humility was his hallmark. He always spotted talent and 
encouraged it and awarded, too. Many a green horn has become authors due to his 
grooming and guidance. He would spend hours on an article sent by a budding 
professional to correct and polish it to make it publishable. For promotion of 
librarianship he established a family trust named after him. Therein he found a 
dedicated Secretary, Dr Velaga Venkatappiah, who served him selflessly. One 
major function of the trust is to recognize without compromise internationally 
meritorious professionals to award them with Kaula Gold Medals. His awardees 
which include Bernard Palmer, Dean Jesse Shera and Allen Gilchrist make a tally 
of noble laureates of the library profession. For home the trust instituted 
Ranganathan-Kaula Medal. Being a prolific and lucid author he has left behind a 
voluminous body of
writings in the form of books, articles, lectures reports, editorials, and 
notes and news. Yet he will be remembered for his journal Herald of Library 
Science that he founded 45years ago. It is a peerless model in format and 
contents. Writing came naturally and effortlessly to him. He always advised his 
followers to practice work chastity and work more than you are paid for. Indeed 
he did what he preached.
In his death we have lost an able advocate, a guiding force which will be 
missed for long. It closes another era of
librarianship having a direct link with Ranganathan. Such heroic lives are not 
mourned but celebrated and deified.
Prof. M.P.Satija
Trustee, Kaula Endowment in Library and Information Science; and Executive 
Member, IATLIS
Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar. Email: satija...@yahoo .com

wiss-org-24.7.09.-18.3.10: VERANSTALTUNG: Computational Linguistics - Applications (CLA'10) Preliminary Announcement

2010-05-27 Diskussionsfäden Ohly, H. Peter
From: [IMCSIT] News Service [mailto:chair.cla2...@imcsit.org] 
Sent: Sunday, January 10, 2010 8:33 PM
To: irl...@lists.shef.ac.uk
Subject: [SIG-IRList] [CLA'10] Computational Linguistics - Applications 
(CLA'10) Preliminary Announcement


Dear Colleague, 

We apologize if you received this message more than once. Information how to 
permanently unsubscribe from the list can be found on the bottom of this 

Please forward this message to colleagues that may be interested in our 

CL-A Organizing Committee

Computational Linguistics - Applications (CLA'10)

Wisła, Poland, October 18-20, 2010

http://CLA2010.imcsit.org http://CLA2010.imcsit.org  



http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=212819479326 If you have your account 
at Facebook you can also join a group: HERE 
http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=212819479326 . 

Workshop Goals

The Computational Linguistics - Applications Workshop was created in 2008 in 
response to the fast-paced progress in the area. 

Traditionally, computational linguistics was limited to the scientists 
specialized in the processing of a natural language by computers. Scientific 
approaches and practical techniques come from linguistics, computer science, 
psychology, and mathematics. Nowadays, there is a number of practical 
applications available. These applications are sometimes developed by smart yet 
NLP-untrained developers who solve the problems using sophisticated heuristics. 

Computational Linguistics needs to be applied to make the full use of the 
Internet. There is a definite need for software that can handle unstructured 
text to allow search for information on the web. According to the European 
Commission, Human Language Technologies are one of the key research areas for 
the upcoming years. The priority aim of the research in this area is to enable 
users to communicate with the computer in their native language. 

CLA'10 Workshop is a place where the parties meet to exchange views and ideas 
with a benefit to all involved. The Workshop will focus on practical outcome of 
modeling human language use and the applications needed to improve 
human-machine interaction. 

Paper Topics

This call is for papers that present research and developments on all aspects 
of Natural Language Processing used in real-life applications, such as (this 
list is not exhaustive): 

*   information retrieval
*   extraction of linguistic knowledge from text corpora
*   semantic ontologies in computer linguistics
*   lexical resources
*   machine translation and translation aids
*   ambiguity resolution
*   text classification
*   corpus-based language modeling
*   POS-tagging
*   parsing issues
*   proofing tools
*   dialogue systems
*   machine learning methods applied to language processing
*   ontology and taxonomy evaluation
*   opinion mining
*   question answering
*   sentiment analysis
*   speech and audio processing
*   text summarization
*   use of NLP techniques in practical applications

Paper Presentation

The presentation of the paper has to include a demonstration of an existing 
tool. The papers should include a section describing the tool (or a prototype), 
which demonstrates the theory discussed in the paper. 

The presentation is divided into two parts. First, the author(s) shortly 
demonstrate their tools to the audience. In the second part, the authors 
discuss their work with other participants and let the audience test their 

Papers will be evaluated and accepted on the basis of their technical merit, 
usefulness of the real life application and relevance to the workshop scope by 
the CLA'10 Program Committee. The paper will be assessed by academics as well 
as industry representatives in order to assure fair and balanced assessment. 

All accepted and presented papers will be published in the Conference 
Proceedings and included in the IEEE Xplore® database. The best demonstrations 
will be selected to be shown to the general audience of the conference at a 
plenary session. 

Papers Submission

*   Authors should submit draft papers (as Postscript, PDF of MSWord file).
*   The total length of a paper should not exceed 8 pages (IEEE style). 
IEEE style templates will be available ASAP.
*   Papers will be refereed and accepted on the basis of their scientific 
merit and relevance to the workshop.
*   Accepted and Presented paper will be published in the Conference 
Proceedings and included in the IEEE Xplore® database.
*   Organizers reserve right to move accepted papers between IMCSIT events.

Important dates

31.05.2010 (May 31, 2010) - Full paper submission 

wiss-org-24.7.09.-18.3.10: VERANSTALTUNG: WissKom2010: Call for Papers

2010-05-27 Diskussionsfäden Ohly, H. Peter
-Original Message-
From: Neuigkeiten fuer Mitglieder und Freunde der DGI 
[mailto:dgi-n...@listserv.dfn.de] On Behalf Of Edith Salz
Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 1:55 PM
To: dgi-n...@listserv.dfn.de
Subject: WissKom2010: Call for Papers

WissKom21010: Call for Papers

Vielerorts regieren jetzt die Narren mit Alaaf! und Helau!
Als Alternativprogramm (oder in den Feierpausen) bietet es sich an, einen 
Abstract für die Konferenz WissKom2010 eLibrary - den Wandel gestalten zu 
Die aktuelle Konferenz der Zentralbibliothek gibt interessierten 
Informationsexperten aus Hochschulen und Bibliotheken die Möglichkeit, ihre 
Ergebnisse aus Forschung und Praxis zu präsentieren.

Beiträge sind erbeten zu den Bereichen:

- Virtuelle Bibliothek
- eJournals
- eBooks
- ERM-Systeme
- Bestandsmanagement in einer virtuellen Bibliothek

Bitte senden Sie Ihren Abstract bis 15. Februar 2010 an: 

Ausführliche Informationen zur WissKom2010: www.wisskom2010.de

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Edith Salz


Edith Salz
Forschungszentrum Jülich
52425 Jülich

Tel. 02461/61-2907
E-Mail e.s...@fz-juelich.de
Internet: http://www.fz-juelich.de/zb

Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH
52425 Juelich
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Juelich
Eingetragen im Handelsregister des Amtsgerichts Dueren Nr. HR B 3498 
Vorsitzende des Aufsichtsrats: MinDir'in Baerbel Brumme-Bothe
Geschaeftsfuehrung: Prof. Dr. Achim Bachem (Vorsitzender), Dr. Ulrich Krafft 
(stellv. Vorsitzender), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Bolt, Prof. Dr. Sebastian M. 

wiss-org-24.7.09.-18.3.10: VERANSTALTUNG: CfP: the third WI-IAT Doctoral Workshp, Toronto

2010-05-27 Diskussionsfäden Ohly, H. Peter
From: Daniel Tao [mailto:x@qut.edu.au] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 1:33 AM
To: irl...@lists.shef.ac.uk
Subject: [SIG-IRList] CfP: the third WI-IAT Doctoral Workshp, Toronto


Apologies if you receive this message more than once.

Please be so kind and forward this information to interested parties.



Call for Contributions


The Third Doctoral Workshop for

2010 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on 

Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology  (WI-IAT'2010) 

August 31, 2010, York University, Toronto, Canada







  Following the successful first Doctoral Workshop at WI-IAT'08 in Sydney and 
second Workshop at WI-IAT'09 in Milan, we  invite contributions to its third 
edition. This one-day doctoral workshop will have a strong focus on Web 
Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology, and covers some recent and 
trendy topics and applications. During the Workshop, doctoral students will be 
invited to share their current thesis work-in-progress with their peers and 
with an international panel of academic staff.

The aims of the Doctoral Workshop include:


* To provide an opportunity for research/graduate students to interact closely 
with established researchers in their fields, receive feedback on their work 
and get   advice on managing their careers.

* To present the ongoing doctoral projects and discuss possibilities of 
development for new ones.

* To provide a forum for interaction between students/young researchers from 
different countries and following different programmes. To stimulate 
interchange of ideas   and knowledge between them in an attempt to broaden and 
enrich their pursuit for scientific excellence in the area of WI-IAT.

* To discuss on challenging problems and large projects in different countries, 
and potential commercial projects.


Much effort will be devoted to bringing together in one place both rookie and 
experienced researchers, and to stimulating a vivid discussion and exchange of 
ideas. Several established researchers in the areas of WI and IAT will be 
invited to participate and discuss with younger colleagues.

The workshop will consist of several presentations by contributing authors. The 
length and distribution of presentations will depend on number and topics of 
contributions. The organisers plan to provide sufficient amount of time for 
questions as well as formal and informal discussion.




The Workshop proceedings volume  will be published by IEEE Computer Society 
Press, to be indexed by EI. All accepted contributions will be included in the 
volume. Doctoral workshop has the same status as all other WI-IAT 2010 

Also, the authors of most interesting projects who already have results ready 
to publish may get the recommendation and support from members of Workshop 
Committee to submit their work to leading journals in the field.




All types of doctoral students are eligible to submit description of their 
projects to Doctoral Workshop. No preference is made with respect to the

scientific field they represent as long as the project they present is relevant 
to the WI-IAT topics. As the contributions are supposed to explain the current 
work, they shall include clearly defined motivation, reference to related work, 
research problems/questions, approach used, description of contributions and 
prospects for future work.

All submitted papers will be reviewed by program committee members on the basis 
of technical quality, relevance, significance, and clarity.

Paper submissions should be limited to a maximum of 4 pages (only one 
additional page is allowed and extra payment is required for the additional 
page).  The papers must be in English and should be formatted according to the 
IEEE 2-column format (see the Author Guidelines at  

The workshop only accepts on-line submissions. Please use the Workshop 
Submission Page on the WI-IAT'2010 website to submit your paper. The authors of 
accepted contributions will be asked to submit final version and register for 
the conference. In addition, they may be asked to provide organisers with

short CV and/or the letter of support/recommendation from the 
supervisor/advisor of their doctoral programme.

The Organisers wish to encourage all students pursuing their doctoral research 
to submit their contributions. We also encourage advisors/supervisors of 
doctoral students to direct their young co-workers towards this event. In 
particular, participation in the Doctoral Workshop may be a very good addition 
to taking 

[wiss-org] - VERANSTALTUNG: CfP: RecSys 2010 International Workshop on Information Heterogeneity and Fusion in Recommender Systems (HetRec 2010)

2010-06-28 Diskussionsfäden Ohly, H. Peter
From: Iván Cantador [mailto:ivan.canta...@uam.es] 
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2010 4:04 PM
To: irl...@lists.shef.ac.uk
Subject: [SIG-IRList] CfP: RecSys 2010 International Workshop on Information 
Heterogeneity and Fusion in Recommender Systems (HetRec 2010)


[Apologies if you receive this more than once]


2nd Call for Papers 


International Workshop on Information Heterogeneity and Fusion in Recommender 
Systems (HetRec 2010)

26 September 2010 | Barcelona, Spain http://ir.ii.uam.es/hetrec2010/ 


In conjunction with the

4th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2010) 
http://recsys.acm.org/2010/ http://recsys.acm.org/2010/  



Important dates



* Paper submission: 30 June 2010

* Notification of paper acceptance: 22 July 2010

* Camera-ready copies of accepted papers:   30 July 2010

* HetRec 2010 Workshop: 26 or 30 September 2010






Recent years have shown much progress in the field of recommender systems, 
including the development of innovative models and very efficient algorithms. 
Almost all current systems are trying to make best use of a single kind of 
data, and are designed for specific domains and applications, without 
explicitly addressing the heterogeneity of the existing information.

As an example, some systems are based on analyzing user ratings, while others 
concentrate on understanding purchase history.


Recognizing this limitation, research attention has been given to finding ways 
for combining/integrating/mediating user models for the purpose of providing 
better personalized services to users in many information seeking and ecommerce 
services. See for example the work done in the series of UbiqUM workshops that 
traditionally takes place at conferences related to user modelling, such as 
UMAP, IUI and ECAI. In spite of prior work, however, the issue remained one of 
the major challenges for recommender systems.


The heterogeneity of personal information sources can be identified in any of 
the three pillars of a recommendation algorithm: the modelling of user 
preferences, the description of resource contents, and the modelling and 
exploitation of the context in which recommendations are made.


Increasingly, users create and manage more and more profiles in online systems 
for different purposes, such as leisure (e.g., Facebook), professional 
interests (e.g., LinkedIn), or specialized applications (e.g., LearnCentral for 
educational issues, PatientsLikeMe for health issues, etc.). Similarly, rated, 
tagged or bookmarked resources belong to distinct

multimedia: text (e.g., del.icio.us, BibSonomy, Google News), image (e.g., 
Flickr, Picasa), audio (e.g., Last.fm, Spotify), or video (e.g., MovieLens, 
NetFlix, YouTube). Moreover, recommendation algorithms may also present 
heterogeneity based on different types of input (e.g., explicit feedback from 
ratings, reviews, tags, etc. vs. implicit feedback from records of views, 
queries and purchases), or based on different levels of input granularities 
(e.g., a user may not only rate individual songs, but also albums, artists or 
even a full music genre).


Finally, contextual factors also increase heterogeneity in recommender systems. 
Location and time are key external elements that may affect the relevance of 
the recommendations, as shown in recent works. Many other factors can be taken 
into account as well, such as physical and social environment, device and 
network settings, and external events, to name a few. Approaches that integrate 
several of these factors into recommendation models are needed.


HetRec workshop aims to attract the attention of students, faculty and 
professionals both from academia and industry who are interested in addressing 
and exploiting any of the above forms of information heterogeneity and fusion 
in recommender systems. The work goals are broad.

First, we would like to raise awareness of the potential of using multiple 
information sources. Then, we look for sharing expertise and suitable models. 
Another dire need is for strong datasets, and one of our aims is to establish 
benchmarks and standard datasets on which the problem would be studied 
following the workshop. Our hope is that this workshop will put a basis for a 
line of works, and will help shaping the research agenda. 



Topics of interest



The goal of the workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners 
interested in addressing the challenges posed by information heterogeneity in 
recommender systems and studying information fusion in this context. We aim at 
identifying the main challenges, suggesting and discussing novel ideas for 