Hello Carol,
I'm not sure if I'm writing to the correct email address with this question. I
checked the archives and saw references to molasses but not molasses grass.
We have a lot of Molasses Grass available. Can anyone tell me if it is a good
thing to feed Hair Sheep and how young can they
My Definitiion of "Naturally Raised"
Before the animal was processed, it was living in the
wild-- the person who had it processed went out and hunted
it down.
Terry W who at this point, is considering that militant
attitudes may be needed if the gov'mint keeps this Male
Bovine Feces up!
Comment on the ASI announcement copied below: Your "naturally raised"
may not be the same as my "naturally raised" but we certainly don't
need the federal government to tell us how to define the term. Why
not let producers accept responsibility? If producers don't provide
enough information abo