On 20 Apr 2011, Anthony Campbell wrote:
> I found that Lyx was not generating the index with at least two files I
> tried it on.
> After a lot of experimentation I managed to get an index using a
> semi-manual method:
> 1. Export the file as latex (luatex and possibly other formats work).
> 2. Run latex on myfile.tex (did it twice)
> 3. Run makeindex on myfile.idx.
> 4, Run latex again on myfile.tex
> After doing all this, LyX does show the index when I view the file. Is
> this a bug I should report or am I doing something wrong? I tried
> setting Document>Settings>Indexes to different processors (makeindex,
> xindy, and texindy) but no joy.
> It looks as if LyX doesn't automatically generate myfile.idx on my
> setup; I have to do it manually.
> Anthony

OK, I got it working in the end by setting Document>Settings>Indexes to
makeindex. I had thought that didn't do anything but then I found I
needed to save, quit and reload LyX to make it operative.

The background to this is that there is currently a bug in clisp for
Debian which prevents xindy from working; LyX was trying to use xindy as
the default so nothing was happening.


Anthony Campbell - a...@acampbell.org.uk 
Microsoft-free zone - Using Debian GNU/Linux 
http://www.acampbell.org.uk - sample my ebooks at

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