Re: [abcusers] abc server setup?

2001-02-25 Thread John Chambers

Alan Ng writes:
| At 09:24 PM 2/22/2001 +, John Chambers wrote:
| So your server is getting it right, and sending .abc  files  as  type
| "text/".
| When you say "getting it right," does that mean that you recommend that
| servers serve abc files this way?

Well, this has been widely recommended for several years, but as you've
noticed, it has its problems.  As do all the other "solutions".

| In fact, quickly surfing through Chris Walshaw's index, I can't find any
| other abc sources who serve abc files in a way that John Chambers called
| "getting it right" above.

You might be impressed by what the search program for my Tune  Finder
has  seen.   ABC files are sent in more forms than you might imagine.
The most common type  is  text/plain.   Several  sites  do  send  the
official  text/ type.  Several send application/*, where * has
several  different  values.   Several  send  ABC   encoded   (usually
incorrectly)  as HTML.  At least two send plain-text ABC but label it
as HTML.  That one  took  me  a  bit  of  head-scratching  to  handle
correctly. A few are so garbled that I just give up.

| OK, now two concrete questions from me:
| 1) So are the world's abc collections all currently presenting their files
| as text/plain, and you deprecate this status quo practice?

Nope; not hardly.  And in practical terms, people can make their  web
servers  send  files  however they like, and there's nothing much you
can do about it.

| 2) Given that I would like my new server to behave like everyone else's
| server, do you recommend that I ask my sysadmin to remove the MIME type
| text/ for *.abc files and instead create another MIME type
| text/plain for *.abc files? Or how should I best clearly word my request to
| a busy sysadmin who cares little about abc and us users of it?

Well, making it behave "like everyone else's" is  hopeless.   If  the
goal  is  to make abc usable without any browser configuration, about
the only thing that works is to say that .abc files should be sent as
text/plain.   But this does defeat any attempts by more knowledgeable
users to make their browsers recognize ABC and do  something  musical
with  them.  It forces users to start up ABC software separately, and
use cut-and-paste to copy tunes from their browser window to the  ABC
program's window.

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Re: [abcusers] abc server setup?

2001-02-25 Thread John Chambers

Alan Ng writes:
| At 09:24 PM 2/22/2001 +, John Chambers wrote:
| So your server is getting it right, and sending .abc  files  as  type
| "text/".
| When you say "getting it right," does that mean that you recommend that
| servers serve abc files this way?

Well, this has been widely recommended  for  several  years,  but  as
you've noticed, it has its problems. As do all the other "solutions".

| In fact, quickly surfing through Chris Walshaw's index, I can't find any
| other abc sources who serve abc files in a way that John Chambers called
| "getting it right" above.

You might be impressed by what the search program for my Tune  Finder
has  seen.   ABC files are sent in more forms than you might imagine.
The most common type  is  text/plain.   Several  sites  do  send  the
official  text/ type.  Several send application/*, where * has
several  different  values.   Several  send  ABC   encoded   (usually
incorrectly)  as  HTML.   Sometimes  the HTML has the text/html type;
sometimes it's other things.  At least two send  plain-text  ABC  but
label it as HTML. That one took me a bit of head-scratching to handle
correctly.  A few are so garbled that I just give up.

| OK, now two concrete questions from me:
| 1) So are the world's abc collections all currently presenting their files
| as text/plain, and you deprecate this status quo practice?

Nope; not hardly. That's the most common type, but it's nowhere close
to  universal.  In practical terms, people can make their web servers
send files however they like, and there's nothing  much  you  can  do
about it.

| 2) Given that I would like my new server to behave like everyone else's
| server, do you recommend that I ask my sysadmin to remove the MIME type
| text/ for *.abc files and instead create another MIME type
| text/plain for *.abc files? Or how should I best clearly word my request to
| a busy sysadmin who cares little about abc and us users of it?

Well, making it behave "like everyone else's" is  hopeless.   If  the
goal  is  to make abc usable without any browser configuration, about
the only thing that works is to say that .abc files should be sent as
text/plain.   But this does defeat any attempts by more knowledgeable
users to make their browsers recognize ABC and do  something  musical
with  them.  It forces users to start up ABC software separately, and
use cut-and-paste to copy tunes from their browser window to the  ABC
program's window.

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Re: [abcusers] abc server setup?

2001-02-25 Thread John Chambers

Alan Ng writes:
| At 09:24 PM 2/22/2001 +, John Chambers wrote:
| So your server is getting it right, and sending .abc  files  as  type
| "text/".
| When you say "getting it right," does that mean that you recommend that
| servers serve abc files this way?

Well, this has been widely recommended  for  several  years,  but  as
you've noticed, it has its problems. As do all the other "solutions".

| In fact, quickly surfing through Chris Walshaw's index, I can't find any
| other abc sources who serve abc files in a way that John Chambers called
| "getting it right" above.

You might be impressed by what the search program for my Tune  Finder
has  seen.   ABC files are sent in more forms than you might imagine.
The most common type  is  text/plain.   Several  sites  do  send  the
official  text/ type.  Several send application/*, where * has
several  different  values.   Several  send  ABC   encoded   (usually
incorrectly)  as  HTML.   Sometimes  the HTML has the text/html type;
sometimes it's other things.  At least two send  plain-text  ABC  but
label it as HTML. That one took me a bit of head-scratching to handle
correctly.  A few are so garbled that I just give up.

| OK, now two concrete questions from me:
| 1) So are the world's abc collections all currently presenting their files
| as text/plain, and you deprecate this status quo practice?

Nope; not hardly. That's the most common type, but it's nowhere close
to  universal.  In practical terms, people can make their web servers
send files however they like, and there's nothing  much  you  can  do
about it.

| 2) Given that I would like my new server to behave like everyone else's
| server, do you recommend that I ask my sysadmin to remove the MIME type
| text/ for *.abc files and instead create another MIME type
| text/plain for *.abc files? Or how should I best clearly word my request to
| a busy sysadmin who cares little about abc and us users of it?

Well, making it behave "like everyone else's" is  hopeless.   If  the
goal  is  to make abc usable without any browser configuration, about
the only thing that works is to say that .abc files should be sent as
text/plain.   But this does defeat any attempts by more knowledgeable
users to make their browsers recognize ABC and do  something  musical
with  them.  It forces users to start up ABC software separately, and
use cut-and-paste to copy tunes from their browser window to the  ABC
program's window.

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Re: [abcusers] abc server setup?

2001-02-23 Thread Frank Nordberg

Alan Ng wrote:
 Hello again,
 I appreciate the reasons why John C. and Frank Nordberg have compiled
 browser customization tips for committed abc users, ...

It wasn't much of an effort. Basically there was this discussion here at
abcusers and wer decided to just post it.

 OK, now two concrete questions from me:
 1) So are the world's abc collections all currently presenting their files
 as text/plain, and you deprecate this status quo practice?

Up until now webmasters have been recommended to use the special abc
mime type. (Most of them haven't bothered, though.) There haven't been
any disadvantages to this. If the user had his computer configured for
ABC, the files was treated accordingly, if not they were treated as
plain text.
But it seems things have changed drastically, so I guess we'll have
reconsider the whole thing.
I wish the browser developers could at least e mail us webmasters and
tell us "hey, you know we had this amazingly crazy idea over a couple of
beers yesterday, so now you'll have to redo half your site!" every time
it happened.

 2) Given that I would like my new server to behave like everyone else's
 server, do you recommend that I ask my sysadmin to remove the MIME type
 text/ for *.abc files and instead create another MIME type
 text/plain for *.abc files? Or how should I best clearly word my request to
 a busy sysadmin who cares little about abc and us users of it?

How about "please reset the mime type for the suffix .abc to
text/plain". That should do it.

Frank Nordberg

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Re: [abcusers] abc server setup?

2001-02-22 Thread Phil Taylor

Alan Ng wrote:

My new server is a remote, rented NT server, and I have successfully had
the sysadmin add the text/ MIME type as registered by Steve Allen to
the server setup. However, both before and after that happened, the server
does not deliver the file to the browser as a plain text file, which is of
course the preferred way to view abc files. Before the MIME type, the
browser would say "give me a file name to save this file locally." After
the MIME type was added, the browser now receives the file and says I don't
have the right plug-in to deal with text/ files.

This looks like a local problem with your browser, rather than the server.
Depending on which browser you use, there should be a preferences setting
somewhere which lets you specify what you want to do with downloaded
text/  In Netscape 4 for Mac you choose 'Preferences' from the
Edit menu, then select Navigator  Applications in the left panel of
the resulting dialog.  You can specify any program which will open
text files to handle it.

Phil Taylor

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Re: [abcusers] abc server setup?

2001-02-22 Thread Richard Robinson

On Wed, 21 Feb 2001, Alan Ng wrote:

 Dear abcusers,
 I'm trying to set up my new website to serve abc files properly, but I'm 
 having problems.
 My new server is a remote, rented NT server, and I have successfully had 
 the sysadmin add the text/ MIME type as registered by Steve Allen to 
 the server setup. However, both before and after that happened, the server 
 does not deliver the file to the browser as a plain text file, which is of 
 course the preferred way to view abc files. Before the MIME type, the 
 browser would say "give me a file name to save this file locally." After 
 the MIME type was added, the browser now receives the file and says I don't 
 have the right plug-in to deal with text/ files.

So this at least indicates that the MIME type is been sent ok from the
server ends. Seems to me like a browser setup thing. What browser is it,
how do you tell it what to do with a particular mime-type, what is it set
to be supposed to be doing ?

 What step have I missed? Or is this a question for the abc developers list? 
 If the latter, could someone please e-mail me directions for getting on that?

I have the impression this is dead. Unless anybody knows better ?

Richard Robinson
"The whole plan hinged upon the natural curiosity of potatoes" - S. Lem

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[abcusers] abc server setup?

2001-02-22 Thread Alan Ng

Request for more help with server setup:

Phil Taylor and Richard Robinson both suggested that each user's browser 
needs to be set up with the abc MIME type in order to view abc files.

However, I have never had to do that, and obviously it would be a 
disadvantage to the general success of abc notation, if every user had to 
do that with every new browser they installed.

For example, the exact same browsers, running on the exact same machine (my 
home Win 98 machine), do not behave this way at all when I go to abc files 
at my old web site (on a university-run Unix server) or any of the other 
abc sites linked to from Chris Walshaw's mega-index. I've now confirmed 
this behavior with Navigator 4.08, Navigator 3.04, Internet Explorer 5.0, 
and Lynx 2.8.3.

I suspect this is an issue particular to NT servers (blasted Microsoft!) - 
does anyone out there have a successful NT server setup for abc? If so, 
please drop me a line.

Maybe there's something more specific I need to tell the sysadmin about how 
to set up the abc MIME type? I told him "text/" and that is indeed 
what Navigator 4.08 tells me that the NT server is trying to give me (and 
needs a special plug-in). Interestingly, Lynx reveals that this NT server 
(with the registered MIME type) is sending the file as 

Internet Explorer, by the way, accepts the .abc file, opening it in 
NotePad, which is how I've got my Win98 set up to handle local abc files. 
But that's not what I want the stupid browser to do. I want it to show it 
in the browser as plain text like every other normal browser does 
(double-blasted Microsoft!!).
Alan Ng

German Dept., Univ. Wisconsin-Madison, USA

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Re: [abcusers] abc server setup?

2001-02-22 Thread Alan Ng

At 05:07 PM 2/22/2001 +, John Chambers wrote:
Maybe you should tell us the URL for your server.  Several of us have
web  testing  tools, and we could quickly discover what the server is
actually sending.  (It's possible that the server is sending  a  good
type,  and lynx mapped it to application/octet-stream, but this isn't
the most likely explanation.)

Please try any of the three files:

Thanks for your help!
Alan Ng

German Dept., Univ. Wisconsin-Madison, USA

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Re: [abcusers] abc server setup?

2001-02-22 Thread John Chambers

Alan Ng  writes:
| Maybe there's something more specific I need to tell the sysadmin about how
| to set up the abc MIME type? I told him "text/" and that is indeed
| what Navigator 4.08 tells me that the NT server is trying to give me (and
| needs a special plug-in). Interestingly, Lynx reveals that this NT server
| (with the registered MIME type) is sending the file as
| "application/octet-stream".

Aha! This is MIME-talk for "unknown file format,  treated  as  binary
data".   It's about the worst possible type that a server could send,
unless you really intend for the client to have no clue about  what's
inside the file. There are other servers about that do this with .abc
files; it part of the reason that I  decided  to  have  my  ABC  tune
finder  return files as ABC (text/ or TXT (text/plain).  That
way, even if the server is screwed up, I have a way  of  undoing  the
bad type and converting it with a good type.

Maybe you should tell us the URL for your server.  Several of us have
web  testing  tools, and we could quickly discover what the server is
actually sending.  (It's possible that the server is sending  a  good
type,  and lynx mapped it to application/octet-stream, but this isn't
the most likely explanation.)

| Internet Explorer, by the way, accepts the .abc file, opening it in
| NotePad, which is how I've got my Win98 set up to handle local abc files.
| But that's not what I want the stupid browser to do. I want it to show it
| in the browser as plain text like every other normal browser does
| (double-blasted Microsoft!!).

Hmmm ...  I wonder what it's seeing, and how it's configured.  If the
server  really is sending text/, some browsers do the sensible
thing and say "The type isn't in my list, but I know  how  to
handle  text/plain,  so I'll treat it as that." Or it could be saying
"I don't know how to deal with application/octet-stream, but the .abc
suffix is in my list, so I'll treat it as that."

You haven't given quite enough clues to fully diagnose the problem.

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Re: [abcusers] abc server setup?

2001-02-22 Thread Frank Nordberg

Alan Ng wrote:
 At 05:07 PM 2/22/2001 +, John Chambers wrote:
 Maybe you should tell us the URL for your server.  Several of us have
 web  testing  tools, and we could quickly discover what the server is
 actually sending.  (It's possible that the server is sending  a  good
 type,  and lynx mapped it to application/octet-stream, but this isn't
 the most likely explanation.)
 Please try any of the three files:

I had no problems with those at all, that is they were treated exactly
as I've told Netscape to treat ABC files.

Frank Nordberg

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Re: [abcusers] abc server setup?

2001-02-22 Thread Frank Nordberg

Phil Taylor wrote:
 Alan Ng wrote:
 My new server is a remote, rented NT server, and I have successfully had
 the sysadmin add the text/ MIME type as registered by Steve Allen to
 the server setup. However, both before and after that happened, the server
 does not deliver the file to the browser as a plain text file, which is of
 course the preferred way to view abc files. Before the MIME type, the
 browser would say "give me a file name to save this file locally." After
 the MIME type was added, the browser now receives the file and says I don't
 have the right plug-in to deal with text/ files.
 This looks like a local problem with your browser, rather than the server.
 Depending on which browser you use, there should be a preferences setting
 somewhere which lets you specify what you want to do with downloaded
 text/  In Netscape 4 for Mac you choose 'Preferences' from the
 Edit menu, then select Navigator  Applications in the left panel of
 the resulting dialog.  You can specify any program which will open
 text files to handle it.

Me and John Chambers joined forces once to make a list of instructions
how to configure various brower/OS combinations for ABC.
My part of the project is located at and includes instructions
for Mac/IE 4.5, Mac/Netscape 4.5 and Windows/IE. John's page is at and
includes Unix/Netscape and Mac/AOL. That ought to cover the most common
combinations, but there are still lots of holes, and any help filling
them would be very much appreciated.

Frank Nordberg
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Re: [abcusers] abc server setup?

2001-02-22 Thread John Chambers

Frank Nordberg  wrote:
| Alan Ng wrote:
|  Please try any of the three files:
| I had no problems with those at all, that is they were treated exactly
| as I've told Netscape to treat ABC files.

Out of curiosity, I tried fetching just
to get a list of the files there.  The server gave:

HTTP/1.1 403 Access Forbidden

Any chance  you  could  get  your  webmaster  to  turn  on  directory
indexing?   It would help others diagnose problems.  We could quickly
check all the files, and find out which ones have problems.

(This is something else that webmasters often get wrong, usually  out
of  some  misguided  security concerns.  But there's no real security
problem, since when you put a file in a web directory,  you  normally
want people to be able to read it. That's why you put it there, after
all.  Blocking directory  indexing  just  makes  life  difficult  for
everyone, especially the person trying to set up the web site.)

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Re: [abcusers] abc server setup?

2001-02-22 Thread Wendy Galovich

Alan, I'm getting the same thing Laura is - a box pops up to download
it. I tried both accessing it from the link in your email, and manually
typing the URL into Netscape, but it didn't make any difference. It isn't
displaying the contents of the file in the browser window at all, so I
can't see what's in the file without downloading it to my hard drive
The URL Laura included to her site displays through the browser as
expected, so I don't think there's anything unusual about my browser


On 22 Feb 2001, Laura Conrad wrote:

 Date: 22 Feb 2001 17:26:36 -0500
 From: Laura Conrad [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [abcusers] abc server setup?
  "Alan" == Alan Ng [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Alan Please try any of the three files:
 I get a box to download them.  With the abc files I have up on my
 website (and the same browser), I get them displayed in the browser.
 An example URL is:
 Laura (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) : Putting live music back in the living room.
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[abcusers] abc server setup?

2001-02-21 Thread Alan Ng

Dear abcusers,

I'm trying to set up my new website to serve abc files properly, but I'm 
having problems.

My new server is a remote, rented NT server, and I have successfully had 
the sysadmin add the text/ MIME type as registered by Steve Allen to 
the server setup. However, both before and after that happened, the server 
does not deliver the file to the browser as a plain text file, which is of 
course the preferred way to view abc files. Before the MIME type, the 
browser would say "give me a file name to save this file locally." After 
the MIME type was added, the browser now receives the file and says I don't 
have the right plug-in to deal with text/ files.

What step have I missed? Or is this a question for the abc developers list? 
If the latter, could someone please e-mail me directions for getting on that?


[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Alan Ng Madison, Wisconsin, USA
www.alan-ng.netlinguae: US/DE/NL

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