RE: [ActiveDir] Permissions vanishing

2006-01-31 Thread Bahta, Nathaniel V Contractor NASIC/SCNA
Title: RE: [ActiveDir] Token Bloat

Hey Joe,

That script, when run, only can return a 
subdirectory. I tried using the flag false for the subdirectory not being 
monitored, but I cant get it to work. I tried, true, false, 0, 1, and 
2. I cant get it to monitor a folder like M:\Data. It will monitor 
everything from data, through its subdirectories. Do you know how the flag 
is supposed to be run? I am using perl version 5.8.7.


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
joeSent: Monday, January 23, 2006 10:20 PMTo: 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: RE: [ActiveDir] Permissions 

Sorry for the delay, just catching back up. Had to step out 
and review some chapters of the 2E version of the AD Cookbook. 

The code is really basic, it simply sleeps until something 
breaks or the security is changed. You can get help on the changenotify module 
in the basic ActiveState Perl help as it is right in the Win32:: stuff. Just 
scroll to the bottom of the TOC on the left of the User Guide and then under 
Win32 look for ChangeNotify. Just slap that on a path and then if the security 
changes on anything under that path it should fire. It won't tell you what 
changed, just that there was a change. 

use Win32;use Win32::ChangeNotify;


$WatchDir = new Win32::ChangeNotify($path, 1, 
"Failed to monitor watch directory $path\n"; print "Error: " . 
GetError() . "\n"; 

$WatchDir-wait or warn "Something failed: 

print "There has been a change to the security.\n";

Glad you like oldcmp!


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bahta, Nathaniel 
V Contractor NASIC/SCNASent: Friday, January 20, 2006 5:01 
AMTo: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: RE: [ActiveDir] 
Permissions vanishing

That is a good avenue of approach, although I do not recall 
any GPO's that modify folder permissions, it is something I have not checked 
nevertheless.I will give that a look.

That would be great if you had the perl code for file 
change/modification notification. I would greatly appreciate that. I 
am using your oldcmp.exe right now and putting together some perl code that 
parses through it to pull out host names and user names and then emails a 
monthly list that can be used to clean them up in AD with a cron job consisting 
of perl code based upon the Active Directory Cookbook's jobs.Your 
utilityis very useful. Thanks again.

Nate Bahta

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
joeSent: Friday, January 20, 2006 1:13 AMTo: 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: RE: [ActiveDir] Permissions 

I concur with Gil, either something really bad is happening 
or the auditing isn't tight (i.e. some account doing the work is outside of the 
audit policy, like say you configured watch for domain users making changes and 
it isn't catching the secprin doing it).Verify theSACL on the folder 
(btw is that getting changed too?), make sure SharedData isn't a junction and 
taking its perms from somewhere else, set up a script to do event notification 
on the folder that will detect a DACL change and tell you exactly when it is 

On the last, if you need it, I think I have some old old 
old old perl code I wrote back in the 90's to dofile change notification I 
could try and find. A friend of mine had a project where he had to set up an 
auto FTP feedthat had to be fired when certain file types hit the folder 
so Iwhipped up aquick perl script to handle it. 

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gil 
KirkpatrickSent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 2:19 PMTo: 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: RE: [ActiveDir] Permissions 

The fact that nothing showed up in the audit log is 
disturbing. Can you modify the ACL manually and see the audit entries that 

Is there possibly a group policy that is changing the 


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bahta, Nathaniel 
V Contractor NASIC/SCNASent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 11:34 
AMTo: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: [ActiveDir] 
Permissions vanishing

Hey everyone,

I am having a issue with a cluster server that shares our 
our common access data drive. Every other day, the NTFS permissions on the 
shared clustered drive will revert to only Administrators and System having 
privleges. I have it set up as follows:

X:\SharedData - Share permissions 
Authenticated Users RWX

X:\SharedData - Inherited NTFS 
permissions Authenticated Users RX,LIST FOLDER 
System F

Every other day or so the Authenticated users 
vanish from the NTFS permissions.

enabled auditing on the folder for permission change, but nothing came up in the 
security log that stated that th

RE: [ActiveDir] Permissions vanishing

2006-01-31 Thread joe
Title: RE: [ActiveDir] Token Bloat

I do not know, it has been quite a while since I used it. I 
would recommend peeking at the help and you should find an email address of the 
author of the module who may be willing to answer a question on 

O'Reilly Active Directory Third Edition -

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bahta, Nathaniel 
V Contractor NASIC/SCNASent: Tuesday, January 31, 2006 8:34 
AMTo: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: RE: [ActiveDir] 
Permissions vanishing

Hey Joe,

That script, when run, only can return a 
subdirectory. I tried using the flag false for the subdirectory not being 
monitored, but I cant get it to work. I tried, true, false, 0, 1, and 
2. I cant get it to monitor a folder like M:\Data. It will monitor 
everything from data, through its subdirectories. Do you know how the flag 
is supposed to be run? I am using perl version 5.8.7.


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
joeSent: Monday, January 23, 2006 10:20 PMTo: 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: RE: [ActiveDir] Permissions 

Sorry for the delay, just catching back up. Had to step out 
and review some chapters of the 2E version of the AD Cookbook. 

The code is really basic, it simply sleeps until something 
breaks or the security is changed. You can get help on the changenotify module 
in the basic ActiveState Perl help as it is right in the Win32:: stuff. Just 
scroll to the bottom of the TOC on the left of the User Guide and then under 
Win32 look for ChangeNotify. Just slap that on a path and then if the security 
changes on anything under that path it should fire. It won't tell you what 
changed, just that there was a change. 

use Win32;use Win32::ChangeNotify;


$WatchDir = new Win32::ChangeNotify($path, 1, 
"Failed to monitor watch directory $path\n"; print "Error: " . 
GetError() . "\n"; 

$WatchDir-wait or warn "Something failed: 

print "There has been a change to the security.\n";

Glad you like oldcmp!


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bahta, Nathaniel 
V Contractor NASIC/SCNASent: Friday, January 20, 2006 5:01 
AMTo: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: RE: [ActiveDir] 
Permissions vanishing

That is a good avenue of approach, although I do not recall 
any GPO's that modify folder permissions, it is something I have not checked 
nevertheless.I will give that a look.

That would be great if you had the perl code for file 
change/modification notification. I would greatly appreciate that. I 
am using your oldcmp.exe right now and putting together some perl code that 
parses through it to pull out host names and user names and then emails a 
monthly list that can be used to clean them up in AD with a cron job consisting 
of perl code based upon the Active Directory Cookbook's jobs.Your 
utilityis very useful. Thanks again.

Nate Bahta

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
joeSent: Friday, January 20, 2006 1:13 AMTo: 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: RE: [ActiveDir] Permissions 

I concur with Gil, either something really bad is happening 
or the auditing isn't tight (i.e. some account doing the work is outside of the 
audit policy, like say you configured watch for domain users making changes and 
it isn't catching the secprin doing it).Verify theSACL on the folder 
(btw is that getting changed too?), make sure SharedData isn't a junction and 
taking its perms from somewhere else, set up a script to do event notification 
on the folder that will detect a DACL change and tell you exactly when it is 

On the last, if you need it, I think I have some old old 
old old perl code I wrote back in the 90's to dofile change notification I 
could try and find. A friend of mine had a project where he had to set up an 
auto FTP feedthat had to be fired when certain file types hit the folder 
so Iwhipped up aquick perl script to handle it. 

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gil 
KirkpatrickSent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 2:19 PMTo: 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: RE: [ActiveDir] Permissions 

The fact that nothing showed up in the audit log is 
disturbing. Can you modify the ACL manually and see the audit entries that 

Is there possibly a group policy that is changing the 


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bahta, Nathaniel 
V Contractor NASIC/SCNASent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 11:34 
AMTo: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: [ActiveDir] 
Permissions vanishing

Hey everyone,

I am having a issue with a cluster server that shares our 
our common access data drive. Every other day, t

RE: [ActiveDir] Permissions vanishing

2006-01-23 Thread joe
Title: RE: [ActiveDir] Token Bloat

Sorry for the delay, just catching back up. Had to step out 
and review some chapters of the 2E version of the AD Cookbook. 

The code is really basic, it simply sleeps until something 
breaks or the security is changed. You can get help on the changenotify module 
in the basic ActiveState Perl help as it is right in the Win32:: stuff. Just 
scroll to the bottom of the TOC on the left of the User Guide and then under 
Win32 look for ChangeNotify. Just slap that on a path and then if the security 
changes on anything under that path it should fire. It won't tell you what 
changed, just that there was a change. 

use Win32;use Win32::ChangeNotify;


$WatchDir = new Win32::ChangeNotify($path, 1, 
"Failed to monitor watch directory $path\n"; print "Error: " . 
GetError() . "\n"; 

$WatchDir-wait or warn "Something failed: 

print "There has been a change to the security.\n";

Glad you like oldcmp!


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bahta, Nathaniel 
V Contractor NASIC/SCNASent: Friday, January 20, 2006 5:01 
AMTo: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: RE: [ActiveDir] 
Permissions vanishing

That is a good avenue of approach, although I do not recall 
any GPO's that modify folder permissions, it is something I have not checked 
nevertheless.I will give that a look.

That would be great if you had the perl code for file 
change/modification notification. I would greatly appreciate that. I 
am using your oldcmp.exe right now and putting together some perl code that 
parses through it to pull out host names and user names and then emails a 
monthly list that can be used to clean them up in AD with a cron job consisting 
of perl code based upon the Active Directory Cookbook's jobs.Your 
utilityis very useful. Thanks again.

Nate Bahta

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
joeSent: Friday, January 20, 2006 1:13 AMTo: 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: RE: [ActiveDir] Permissions 

I concur with Gil, either something really bad is happening 
or the auditing isn't tight (i.e. some account doing the work is outside of the 
audit policy, like say you configured watch for domain users making changes and 
it isn't catching the secprin doing it).Verify theSACL on the folder 
(btw is that getting changed too?), make sure SharedData isn't a junction and 
taking its perms from somewhere else, set up a script to do event notification 
on the folder that will detect a DACL change and tell you exactly when it is 

On the last, if you need it, I think I have some old old 
old old perl code I wrote back in the 90's to dofile change notification I 
could try and find. A friend of mine had a project where he had to set up an 
auto FTP feedthat had to be fired when certain file types hit the folder 
so Iwhipped up aquick perl script to handle it. 

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gil 
KirkpatrickSent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 2:19 PMTo: 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: RE: [ActiveDir] Permissions 

The fact that nothing showed up in the audit log is 
disturbing. Can you modify the ACL manually and see the audit entries that 

Is there possibly a group policy that is changing the 


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bahta, Nathaniel 
V Contractor NASIC/SCNASent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 11:34 
AMTo: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: [ActiveDir] 
Permissions vanishing

Hey everyone,

I am having a issue with a cluster server that shares our 
our common access data drive. Every other day, the NTFS permissions on the 
shared clustered drive will revert to only Administrators and System having 
privleges. I have it set up as follows:

X:\SharedData - Share permissions 
Authenticated Users RWX

X:\SharedData - Inherited NTFS 
permissions Authenticated Users RX,LIST FOLDER 
System F

Every other day or so the Authenticated users 
vanish from the NTFS permissions.

enabled auditing on the folder for permission change, but nothing came up in the 
security log that stated that the permissions had changed.


would appreciate anything anyone had to suggest.


RE: [ActiveDir] Permissions vanishing

2006-01-20 Thread Bahta, Nathaniel V Contractor NASIC/SCNA
Title: RE: [ActiveDir] Token Bloat

That is a good avenue of approach, although I do not recall 
any GPO's that modify folder permissions, it is something I have not checked 
nevertheless.I will give that a look.

That would be great if you had the perl code for file 
change/modification notification. I would greatly appreciate that. I 
am using your oldcmp.exe right now and putting together some perl code that 
parses through it to pull out host names and user names and then emails a 
monthly list that can be used to clean them up in AD with a cron job consisting 
of perl code based upon the Active Directory Cookbook's jobs.Your 
utilityis very useful. Thanks again.

Nate Bahta

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
joeSent: Friday, January 20, 2006 1:13 AMTo: 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: RE: [ActiveDir] Permissions 

I concur with Gil, either something really bad is happening 
or the auditing isn't tight (i.e. some account doing the work is outside of the 
audit policy, like say you configured watch for domain users making changes and 
it isn't catching the secprin doing it).Verify theSACL on the folder 
(btw is that getting changed too?), make sure SharedData isn't a junction and 
taking its perms from somewhere else, set up a script to do event notification 
on the folder that will detect a DACL change and tell you exactly when it is 

On the last, if you need it, I think I have some old old 
old old perl code I wrote back in the 90's to dofile change notification I 
could try and find. A friend of mine had a project where he had to set up an 
auto FTP feedthat had to be fired when certain file types hit the folder 
so Iwhipped up aquick perl script to handle it. 

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gil 
KirkpatrickSent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 2:19 PMTo: 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: RE: [ActiveDir] Permissions 

The fact that nothing showed up in the audit log is 
disturbing. Can you modify the ACL manually and see the audit entries that 

Is there possibly a group policy that is changing the 


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bahta, Nathaniel 
V Contractor NASIC/SCNASent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 11:34 
AMTo: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: [ActiveDir] 
Permissions vanishing

Hey everyone,

I am having a issue with a cluster server that shares our 
our common access data drive. Every other day, the NTFS permissions on the 
shared clustered drive will revert to only Administrators and System having 
privleges. I have it set up as follows:

X:\SharedData - Share permissions 
Authenticated Users RWX

X:\SharedData - Inherited NTFS 
permissions Authenticated Users RX,LIST FOLDER 
System F

Every other day or so the Authenticated users 
vanish from the NTFS permissions.

enabled auditing on the folder for permission change, but nothing came up in the 
security log that stated that the permissions had changed.


would appreciate anything anyone had to suggest.


RE: [ActiveDir] Permissions vanishing

2006-01-19 Thread Gil Kirkpatrick
Title: RE: [ActiveDir] Token Bloat

The fact that nothing showed up in the audit log is 
disturbing. Can you modify the ACL manually and see the audit entries that 

Is there possibly a group policy that is changing the 


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bahta, Nathaniel 
V Contractor NASIC/SCNASent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 11:34 
AMTo: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: [ActiveDir] 
Permissions vanishing

Hey everyone,

I am having a issue with a cluster server that shares our 
our common access data drive. Every other day, the NTFS permissions on the 
shared clustered drive will revert to only Administrators and System having 
privleges. I have it set up as follows:

X:\SharedData - Share permissions 
Authenticated Users RWX

X:\SharedData - Inherited NTFS 
permissions Authenticated Users RX,LIST FOLDER 
System F

Every other day or so the Authenticated users 
vanish from the NTFS permissions.

enabled auditing on the folder for permission change, but nothing came up in the 
security log that stated that the permissions had changed.


would appreciate anything anyone had to suggest.


RE: [ActiveDir] Permissions vanishing

2006-01-19 Thread joe
Title: RE: [ActiveDir] Token Bloat

I concur with Gil, either something really bad is happening 
or the auditing isn't tight (i.e. some account doing the work is outside of the 
audit policy, like say you configured watch for domain users making changes and 
it isn't catching the secprin doing it).Verify theSACL on the folder 
(btw is that getting changed too?), make sure SharedData isn't a junction and 
taking its perms from somewhere else, set up a script to do event notification 
on the folder that will detect a DACL change and tell you exactly when it is 

On the last, if you need it, I think I have some old old 
old old perl code I wrote back in the 90's to dofile change notification I 
could try and find. A friend of mine had a project where he had to set up an 
auto FTP feedthat had to be fired when certain file types hit the folder 
so Iwhipped up aquick perl script to handle it. 

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gil 
KirkpatrickSent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 2:19 PMTo: 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: RE: [ActiveDir] Permissions 

The fact that nothing showed up in the audit log is 
disturbing. Can you modify the ACL manually and see the audit entries that 

Is there possibly a group policy that is changing the 


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bahta, Nathaniel 
V Contractor NASIC/SCNASent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 11:34 
AMTo: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: [ActiveDir] 
Permissions vanishing

Hey everyone,

I am having a issue with a cluster server that shares our 
our common access data drive. Every other day, the NTFS permissions on the 
shared clustered drive will revert to only Administrators and System having 
privleges. I have it set up as follows:

X:\SharedData - Share permissions 
Authenticated Users RWX

X:\SharedData - Inherited NTFS 
permissions Authenticated Users RX,LIST FOLDER 
System F

Every other day or so the Authenticated users 
vanish from the NTFS permissions.

enabled auditing on the folder for permission change, but nothing came up in the 
security log that stated that the permissions had changed.


would appreciate anything anyone had to suggest.
