Re: Success Stories

2004-11-30 Thread Perrin Harkins
On Tue, 2004-11-30 at 16:05 -0500, Marc Slagle wrote:
 Including the information that $X million is run through the system in
 a day/month/year would be more for the benefit of those who are not
 going to be doing the programming.  Sometimes it would help for a
 developer to go to their boss and show them the numbers.

eToys is a good tech story, but business-wise, it went bankrupt.  I
think Ticketmaster is the poster child you're looking for.  If the
numbers in that article I posted weren't enough for you, you can
probably get more by contacting people there.  The amount of money
Ticketmaster Online makes is a matter of public record.

- Perrin

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Re: Why people not using mod_perl

2004-11-30 Thread siberian
don flamesuit

One thing people don't talk about much is deployability.
I've had to start moving away from ModPerl in some
situations for just this reason. 

For example, my recent projects revolve around a public
server that everyone can use with the option to install a
local server on their network that delivers the same
functionality (same codebase with some some tweaks based on
its configuration status). The install has to go smoothly
every single time on a variety of platforms.

Originally I tried to get modperl up in this environment and
it really just was tough., module dependancies, things like
that. Additionally, and I know this is not cool to say, I
didn't really want the entire codebase sitting on someone's
machine since its a shrinkwrap product in a highly
competitive space. Yea yea, you can reverse compile java
classes etc etc etc, its just not the same as 'open the .pm

So that lead to java (Tomcat+Struts) which pretty quickly
and easily gave me a single package deployment method, no
source included and with no dependancies to speak of. Its
literally a double-click installer and a reboot(just to be
cautious, not really required) and the entire system is up
and running with a reverse proxy, tomcat, struts and all our

I know I could have accomplished this with modperl but
having done many modperl install packages in the past I know
its just not as easy and not nearly as bulletproof.

I still use a lot of modperl (South African Airways Holidays
etc) but whenever deployability is a key feature I've moved
to Java. Its not so bad once you get used to doing things in
longhand ;)

Solve the deployability issue and I'd jump back in a
heartbeat on those projects. A better way to package
dependancies up, obsfuscated source etc.
/remove flamesuit

John, still loving my modperl but I've gone to the dark side
on more regular basis over the last year.

- Original Message Follows -
Subject: Why people not using mod_perl
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2004 22:38:11 +

 Hi, there:
 just subscribed to this advocacy list. 
 First, sorry to Frank. I was replying his email in the
 user list but was wrongly put his address as the subject.
 Please let me share some of my experiences in using
 There are four factors when choose a particular language: 
 1) easy to program
 cgi is very easy to use, and php is easy. mod_perl and 
 java servlet are hard.
 2) speed
 mod_perl is fast but php is fast too (if not faster), 
 and so is Java servlet.
 3) capacity/scalable
 mod_perl is very scalable --- I mean, one can properly 
 config a single server to handle dynamic content for
 200K daily unique IPs. PHP may end up with just 100K 
 and servlet ends up at around 50K.
 However, even the old CGI can handle 20K unique IPs
 with a new CPU. Since most sites won't
 need to go above 20K IPs, this advantage is not that
 attractive in practice.
 And what is worse is that the current existing mod_perl
 toolkits seem not scalable when compared to PHP. I knew
 2 cases where people gave up the mod_perl toolkit 
 and turned to PHP.
 4) easy to manage, work as team
 both mod_perl and servlet are good to be written in OO 
 (and the so-called MVC). PHP is bad.
 But again, majority webmasters don't need OO or MVC.
 5) learning curve, friendly environment, existing
 applications etc.
 PHP is the best, then serverlet; mod_perl is the worst.
 Based on the above situation, we see that the potential
 mod_perl  users are those who are using or will choose
 Java servlet,  and advanced PHP users who need the
 projects to be in OO and MVC.
 To advocate mod_perl, the priorities rank as:
 1) focus on mod_perl's ability of OO / MVC
 2) scalability (only the original mod_perl, not toolkits)
 3) and speed
 4) avoid toolkits but diretly go to XHTML.
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Re: Why people not using mod_perl

2004-11-30 Thread siberian
I second this one. I always find my self fine tuning peoples
PHP code before I'll deploy it. Its not that PHP is a bad
language but a lot of the people doing it really don't grasp
the finer aspects of writing code in a scalable fashion and
are new to the scene. They end up doing things like
implementing unpredictable levels of SQL queries etc, it can
just kill performance. 

There was one guy who would generate a random number, query
an sql table to see if it existed and did it in a loop until
he hit on a number that existed. He never quite grasped why
it was such a randomly bad performing system :)

But everyone learns, I cringe when I look back to my first
perl code.


---Eric said
This part I don't get. When I ask a semi advanced question
on a PHP list I 
get a lot of just stupid responses or dead air. Biggest in
this case is 
certainly not best. On the mod_perl list I pretty much end
up feeling 
stupid for asking the question, because the answer comes so
quickly and is 
so simple :)

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Re: mod_perl usage stats continue to decline

2004-11-30 Thread Philippe M. Chiasson
Stas Bekman wrote:
Frank Wiles wrote:
On Mon, 01 Nov 2004 17:47:26 -0500
Stas Bekman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
for some reason we still don't have the numbers for Oct 2004 from
netcraft but regardless it's easy to see that the stats are getting
worse all the time:

 Isn't this probably caused in part by systems that don't have
 'mod_perl' in their server signature and/or systems using a small
 Apache front end with a mod_perl backend on another port? 
You mean the decline is because more and more people move to the 
front-/back-end setup, and people aren't just moving to php?
I just noticed that by default, Fedore Core ships httpd.conf with this
# Don't give away too much information about all the subcomponents
# we are running.  Comment out this line if you don't mind remote sites
# finding out what major optional modules you are running
ServerTokens OS
So that certainly doesn't help numbers.

 I just checked my system at home and it doesn't report mod_perl 
 to NetCraft.
I think we discussed that earlier. If I remember correctly NetCraft can't 
scan ports (even the known ones) due to legal reasons.

Maybe we should put together a quick howto on fixing
 that and suggest it on the mailing list? 
Do you think it'll have any impact when we talk about hundreds of 
thousands of users who aren't on the list and will never reach our site?

What technique to help the scanners were you thinking about?
How about my X-Powered-By suggestion for a while ago ?

Philippe M. Chiasson m/gozer\@(apache|cpan|ectoplasm)\.org/ GPG KeyID : 88C3A5A5 F9BF E0C2 480E 7680 1AE5 3631 CB32 A107 88C3A5A5

Description: OpenPGP digital signature