>From the rewrite-in-progress of the User Manual --

1.4 Is MindForth conscious?

MindForth has been engineered for artificial consciousness 
but most likely will not report its own consciousness unless 
it is installed in a robot body with a sufficient motorium 
and adequate sensorium to engender self-awareness. 

Instead of having a consciousness module -- which would be 
impossible -- the MindForth software is geared towards having 
the proper flow of information for consciousness to emerge 
as an epiphenomenon on top of the otherwise mechanistic 
machinery of mind. Consciousness has to serve a purpose, or 
it would not even exist in nature. Perhaps the purpose of 
consciousness is to ensure the fastest possible speed of 
thought in the Darwinian fight for survival of the fittest. 
On the other hand, perhaps consciousness is a byproduct of 
the division of labor between sleep and the waking state 
in the maintenance of a central nervous system (CNS). 
Rest assured, however, that True AI Mind.Forth was 
truly built with consciousness in mind. 

In the section of this Manual on how Mind.Forth thinks, 
we read of the developmental decision to have syntax reach 
down into the conceptual plane and activate one single 
concept after another until a chain of thought is formed. 
That decision in 2001 was unwittingly a milestone on the 
long march towards machine consciousness in MindForth AI, 
because a few years later in 2005 a decision was made to 
have single activations move like a wave through the mindgrid, 
based on the earlier idea from 2001 that the process of NLP 
generation "chases" activation from concept to concept. 

If we think of consciousness as the constantly shifting 
focus of the searchlight of attention, then our Moving 
Wave Algorithm (MWA) facilitates consciousness by keeping 
only one concept active at a time in the AI Mind. The MWA 
at the same time facilitates the subconscious area of the 
mind, where previously active concepts slowly decrease 
their activation on a slide into temporary oblivion. 
The subconscious area, however, facilitates meandering 
chains of thought, because semi-activated concepts remain 
briefly available for inclusion in an incipient thought. 
Consciousness, then, because it includes the subconscious, 
may be a necessary conditio sine qua non for the 
very existence of rational intellect engaging in thought. 


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