[android-beginners] Random question on app market

2009-07-06 Thread Nicholas Radford
Okay, so it's not a dev question, but I was wondering if anyone knew.

For arguments sake, lets say I had G1, and then later I bought a HTC Hero.

I've purchased paid apps on my G1, but now I want to transfer those over to
my HTC Hero. Would I have to repurchase them again? or are they linked to my
google account or something similar?

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[android-beginners] Re: Widgets User input.

2009-07-06 Thread wonglik

Argh! I thought so but I hoped that there were some walkaround :)


On Jul 5, 9:03 pm, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:
 wonglik wrote:
  I see documentation mention only those classes are available for
  widgets :

      *  AnalogClock
      * Button
      * Chronometer
      * ImageButton
      * ImageView
      * ProgressBar
      * TextView

  Non of them are input ones. Is it possible to gather user input from

 Only via a Button or ImageButton. If you are looking for EditText or
 something like that, the answer is no.

 Mark Murphy (a Commons 

 _Android Programming Tutorials_ Version 1.0 In Print!
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[android-beginners] How to deal with service permission?

2009-07-06 Thread Pamplemousse Mk2


I have implemented a service which must start another service and I
get a permission exception. The implementation of the two services are
in two different projects, i.e. in two different apk.

The first apk contains a package my.package, the first service
my.package.service1 and an abstract class my.package.abstractservice
which extends the Service class. The second apk contains the
implementation of the second service my.package.service2 which extends

When service1 starts service2 with the function startService(), I get
an error telling that the system can't start service2 without private
permissions. So I modify the manifest files: the first apk declares
and uses my own permission, and in the second apk I added
android:permission=... in the declaration of service2 in the manifest
file. But I get a SecurityException telling that service2 can't be
started without the requested permission.

I have checked the application settings and the dumpsys of adb.
Permission is well attributed, but this does not help. One thing I
read in this group is that the order of the installation of packages
declaring permissions and those using them is important. I noticed
that when debugging service2, its apk is first installed in the
emulator, then the first apk (which declares the permission) is
installed. Probably due to the fact that service2 extends the abstract
class of the first apk. Is it this the origin of my permission

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[android-beginners] mapActivity problem,cant use when already app's process dead.

2009-07-06 Thread kaa

i wanna use alarmmanager and call new mapactivity.
its test code.i checked bc_test is called.and if set line A,this class
can call Activity_normal's activity.
-its called by
public class bc_test extends BroadcastReceiver {
public void onReceive(Context ctx, Intent intent) {
Context context = ctx;
Intent newIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
//newIntent = new Intent(context, Activity_normal.class);//line 
newIntent = new Intent(context, Activity_map.class);//line B

if i set line B code.log shows this error.
07-06 02:08:35.496: WARN/dalvikvm(12368): Unable to resolve superclass
of Ltest/serviceText/Activity_map; (18)
07-06 02:08:35.496: WARN/dalvikvm(12368): Link of class 'Ltest/
serviceText/Activity_map;' failed
this error happened when app's main process dead.if process alived,map
avtivity was call without error.
i think uses-library is called only app's main process.
i tried like process:remote in  manifest.xml.but couldn't clear.

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[android-beginners] Can't send SMS between 2 emulators

2009-07-06 Thread till.ess...@googlemail.com


I'm writing a widget for messages and was trying to let it run in the
emulator. But I can't send messages between the emulators, even with
the messaging app.
I started one emulator from within Eclipse, started a second one from
the terminal and used the ports as phone numbers, but I don't receive
any SMS...
I'm running it on Mac OS X if that matters.

Any help is welcome.

Thanks in advance,


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[android-beginners] image creating in code

2009-07-06 Thread Clear Computers
Hi there,

i am at the moment attempting to get my head round all this java and android
stuff in the hope to making one of my games run on the android platform.

The game i am hoping to port / convert is a tile base puzzle game, where you
put pices onto a board, these pieces are shapes of different colours.

Right now all my stuff is C and SDL based, so to create the pieces i have a
grey shaded image of the shape, a black outline of the shape, and several
colour textures, so to save having hundreds of images of all the shapes in
all the colours, i create all the game pieces in the code, by putting the
colour onto the grey with alpha, creating a coloured shape then overlaying
the outline then set a mask, creating my game coloured outlined and masked
game piece.

is there any fucntions in the android set that i can achieve this sort of

here is my original c code...

SDL_Surface *makeshape( int colourn , int shapen )
// handlers for working surfaces
SDL_Surface *surface ;
SDL_Surface *image ;
SDL_Surface *color;
SDL_Surface *shae;
SDL_Surface *shaem;
// sdl rect to choose areas of surfaces
SDL_Rect pos;
// get the base images we are going to use

// make the inside of the outline masked ready to go ober the shape at tyhe
// create a random texture to plot over grey shape
surface=SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, PCS, PCS, 32, rmask, gmask,
bmask, amask);
SDL_BlitSurface(texbase[randoon(2)+1] , NULL , shae , pos);
SDL_BlitSurface(texbase[randoon(2)+1] , NULL , shae , pos);

// plot the colour over the grey shape creating a coloured shape
SDL_BlitSurface(color , NULL , shae , pos);

// put the coloured shape into a fresh surface, not sure why this is here :/
SDL_BlitSurface(shae, NULL , surface , NULL);

// put the outline over the new coloured shape
SDL_BlitSurface(shaem, NULL , surface , NULL);

// set the outside of the shape to mask

// create the final coloured outlined masked shape at current screen
  image = SDL_DisplayFormat(surface);

// return the new coloured shape
return image;

hope this all makes sence...



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[android-beginners] ItemizedOverlay example

2009-07-06 Thread Arvind

Hello to all peoples

I also beginner on android since 2 months
I thinks some one can help me all clever here...

I working on maps...
I needs help with this example

I try same...
I have API key and used it
I have made properly manifest and main.
Map appears and goes to location

But Marker does not appear i have store it in drawable folder
I waste lot of time over this... I think you can help me.
Please do.

My english is poor, please forgive it...

Thank you advancely..God is bless you


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[android-beginners] Webview and RTSP link

2009-07-06 Thread DelphiGuy

Hi All,

I have a  web page that displays product details and thumbnail image
of that product. When a thumbnail is clicked, it plays the video of
that product via a rtsp link.

In Android phone G1, when I view the above page in the browser and
click a thumbnail, it plays the rtsp link video perfectly.

I have developed a small application in Android which uses the Webview
control to display the same web page. In the Webview, the page is
getting loaded. But, when I click a thumbnail, the rtsp link video
(same as above) is not getting played. Instead, an error message
stating that the page may not be available is displayed.

I understand that the Webview uses the same code as the browser. But,
it is not working in Webview.

I am sure I am missing something simple here. Could someone please

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[android-beginners] Re: trouble getting HelloGallery example for android sdk 1.5 to work

2009-07-06 Thread htbest2000

you can take the following steps:

step 1. append file attars.xml in res/values with content:

declare-styleable name=Gallery
attr name=android:galleryItemBackground

step 2. modify the code from

public ImageAdapter(Context c) {
mContext = c;
TypedArray a = obtainStyledAttributes
mGalleryItemBackground = a.getResourceId(
android.R.styleable.Theme_galleryItemBackground, 0);


public ImageAdapter(Context c) {
mContext = c;
TypedArray a = obtainStyledAttributes(R.styleable.Gallery);
mGalleryItemBackground = a.getResourceId(
R.styleable.Gallery_android_galleryItemBackground, 0);

On Jun 12, 1:18 am, ls86 lavanyashas...@gmail.com wrote:

 I have just installed android 1.5 and  finished trying out the Hello
 Android example.
 I am now trying out thegalleryexample and I think I am stuck.I
 pretty much copy pasted the code in the example - changing only the
 names of the images.

 I am facing a problem in the ImageAdapter class where I am getting a
 compile time error

 android.R.styleablecan not be resolved.

 I googled and it turns out that other newcomers have also faced this

 I found this threadhttp://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=3861872
 here someone has suggested removing android and using just,

 I tried this too and it doesnt seem to work.

 If someone has faced this problem before and knows how to deal with it
 or can point me to some useful references, I would really appreciate


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[android-beginners] Re: trouble getting HelloGallery example for android sdk 1.5 to work

2009-07-06 Thread htbest2000

you can take the following 2 step:

step 1. append file attars.xml in res/values with content:

declare-styleable name=Gallery
attr name=android:galleryItemBackground

step 2. modify the code from

public ImageAdapter(Context c) {
mContext = c;
TypedArray a = obtainStyledAttributes
mGalleryItemBackground = a.getResourceId(
android.R.styleable.Theme_galleryItemBackground, 0);


public ImageAdapter(Context c) {
mContext = c;
TypedArray a = obtainStyledAttributes(R.styleable.Gallery);
mGalleryItemBackground = a.getResourceId(
R.styleable.Gallery_android_galleryItemBackground, 0);

On Jun 12, 1:18 am, ls86 lavanyashas...@gmail.com wrote:

 I have just installed android 1.5 and  finished trying out the Hello
 Android example.
 I am now trying out thegalleryexample and I think I am stuck.I
 pretty much copy pasted the code in the example - changing only the
 names of the images.

 I am facing a problem in the ImageAdapter class where I am getting a
 compile time error

 android.R.styleablecan not be resolved.

 I googled and it turns out that other newcomers have also faced this

 I found this threadhttp://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=3861872
 here someone has suggested removing android and using just,

 I tried this too and it doesnt seem to work.

 If someone has faced this problem before and knows how to deal with it
 or can point me to some useful references, I would really appreciate


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[android-beginners] Turn page effect implementation

2009-07-06 Thread treetop

Hi all, since the previous functionality PageTurner is removed, is
there any alternative to implement page-turning effect like Stanza on
the iPhone?

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[android-beginners] Re: Is there any method to showAlert?

2009-07-06 Thread Jack Ha

You can use AlertDialog.Builder:

new AlertDialog.Builder(this)
.setMessage(my error message')
.setPositiveButton(OK, null)

Jack Ha
Open Source Development Center
・T・ ・ ・Mobile・ stick together

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the author solely in their individual capacity, and do not
necessarily represent those of T-Mobile USA, Inc.

On Jul 2, 11:02 pm, 伟伟 bapuwa...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hey everybody, I am writing a simply dial program, first I compare the phone
 number inputed with a pattern, if not match show some alert. but it seems
 that the showAlert method is not avalibal anymore. is there other method to
 alert the user?
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[android-beginners] post removed about problem starting emulator from command line?

2009-07-06 Thread greg

A couple hours ago I posted a message about the problem I am having
when I try to start the emulator from the command line even though I
can reliably start the emulator from within Eclipse.

It appears the post was removed from the group.  Why??
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[android-beginners] Re: post removed about problem starting emulator from command line?

2009-07-06 Thread greg

My mistake.  The post is still in the group, but further from the most
recent post than I expected.

On Jul 6, 12:50 pm, greg sep...@eduneer.com wrote:
 A couple hours ago I posted a message about the problem I am having
 when I try to start the emulator from the command line even though I
 can reliably start the emulator from within Eclipse.

 It appears the post was removed from the group.  Why??
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[android-beginners] Re: Tutorial for using Android SDK samples with Eclipse

2009-07-06 Thread Roman

In your Eclipse Menu go to

File --Android Project which opens a new window.

Select in the Contents section Create project from existing source.
Now you can specify in the section called Location where to pick up
your existing project (in this case the sample applications).

For example the samples on my system are located at


Now specify for which target you want to build (for example Android

If everything works fine, you should be able to click on the Finish
button to create your Android project with the Android sample code.

Roman Baumgaertner
Sr. SW Engineer-OSDC
·T· · ·Mobile· stick together
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author solely in their individual capacity, and do not necessarily
represent those of T-Mobile USA, Inc.

On Jul 3, 1:27 pm, Brian Jorgenson bjorgenst...@gmail.com wrote:
 How do I use the android SDK samples with eclipse?  Anything I try results
 in horrible failure, the import dialog fails to find the projects even
 though I navigated straight to them, so I tried making a new project from
 existing source and it said Invalid project description

 I can't find any useful information on how to work with the IDE and get
 started, all I can do successfully is make new projects from scratch
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[android-beginners] Re: Google Maps on Android

2009-07-06 Thread Geoff Newson

Hi all,

After some tinkering I found that it was a problem with the firewall.
All up and running now.


On Jun 17, 5:07 pm, Geoff Newson geoff.new...@googlemail.com wrote:
 Hi all,

 I'm joining this thread as I've had the same problem when following
 the tutorial.  I have the INTERNET permission set, as per the
 tutorial.  The manifest is below.

 I also have a key that was generated from my debug.keystore file.
 I've put the key into the manifest file, again as in the tutorial but
 I still only get the grid lines.

 I read something about signing the app.  Does this need to be done as


 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
 manifest xmlns:android=http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android;
     uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion=3 /
     uses-permission android:name=android.permission.INTERNET /
     application android:icon=@drawable/icon android:label=@string/
         uses-library android:name=com.google.android.maps /
         activity android:name=.HelloMapView
                 action android:name=android.intent.action.MAIN /
 android:name=android.intent.category.LAUNCHER /

 On May 29, 12:25 am, Dave Bordoley bordo...@gmail.com wrote:

  Did you sign up and configure your application specificmapsdeveloper key?


  On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 10:52 AM, simonfro...@googlemail.com

  simonfro...@googlemail.com wrote:

   Hello Everybody!

   I currently getting started with developing for Android and I was just
   doing the MapView Tutorial fromhttp://developer.android.com. I
   managed to get it all working, except I can't see an actualGoogle-Map
   on my emulator. Instead I'm only seeing that grid, so that I'm
   assuming the emulator has some problems connecting to the internet.
   Are there some settings that have to be changed in order to let my
   emulator use the internet connection of my computer?

   Thanks in advance!
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[android-beginners] Re: CheckBox enabled/disabled reality check

2009-07-06 Thread Beth

Dear Jack,
Thank you for the help with my checkbox reality check.  When I
programmed the button, there was a point in my onResume method where I
have to call setEnabled(false).  When switching from a button to a
CheckBox, I missed that piece of code. It was easy to correct and is
now working as expected.

On Jul 2, 7:45 pm, Jack Ha jack...@t-mobile.com wrote:
 setEnabled(false) works fine for CheckBox. What version of SDK are you
 using? Can you post your code here?

 Jack Ha
 Open Source Development Center
 ・T・ ・ ・Mobile・ stick together

 The views, opinions and statements in this email are those of
 the author solely in their individual capacity, and do not
 necessarily represent those of T-Mobile USA, Inc.

 On Jul 2, 6:18 pm, Beth Mezias emez...@gmail.com wrote:

  I want to switch a button out of my UI in favor of a CheckBox object.
   However, the enable = false parameter in my layout does not seem to have
  any effect on a CheckBox!  My plan is to code the CheckBox to be enabled
  when certain other objects are valid.  With a button object, the grayness
  and the lack of response to clicks is clear and obvious.  When I use
  a CheckBox and set it to be disabled it has no effect.  The object is drawn
  the same way with true as it is drawn with false in the enabled/setClickable
  parameter, the callbacks for the touch events work the same, the
  object continues to respond to onClick and onCheckedChange events when it is
  supposed to be disabled.  This looks like a bug to me.

  Has anybody got the setEnabled(false) or setClickable(false) methods working
  on a CheckBox?  Any workaround or explanation would be helpful.

  Thanks and regards,


  Rita Rudner http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/r/rita_rudner.html
  - I was a vegetarian until I started leaning toward the sunlight.
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[android-beginners] Re: How to install and run applications from within another application?

2009-07-06 Thread Justin (Google Employee)

  How does the process for retrieving system rights look like?

Its a matter of signatures. Whoever signs the system is also going to
need to sign any app that wants system privileges.

 I suppose this problem
 shouldn't exist if I was able to save the .apk file in the private
 directory of my application and then invoke the system install UI on
 the file.

Well, no, you can't have your cake and eat it to. The package manager
needs to be able to read the APK file to install the app. In order to
do this you need to place the APK in a world-readable location because
you can't have the same UID or GID as the package manager. No matter
what you do, if you want to allow the package manager to read the
file, everyone can. Now, if you put the file in your private directory
and set the mode to MODE_WORLD_READABLE, the package manager may be
able to read the file, I think it should be able to. Everyone else
can, but they would have to know the exact path because I don't
believe they can list the directory in which the file resides.

Now, regardless of where the APK is placed, you should probably delete
it after installation, otherwise you're at least doubling storage
space required per application. If you delete the APK after its
installed, you also fix your install only to device downloaded on.

Android Team @ Google

On Jul 2, 3:48 am, calleandersson calleanders...@hotmail.com wrote:
 I have been testing with the 'file://' prefix and got the following

 When saving an .apk file in the private directory of my application
 and trying to invoke the system installation UI, an parse error
 occured due to permission issues:
   07-02 07:15:27.826: WARN/zipro(726): Unable to open zip '/data/data/
 test.calle.helloworld/files/AndroidHelloWorld.apk': Permission denied
   07-02 07:15:27.826: DEBUG/asset(726): failed to open Zip archive '/
   07-02 07:15:27.846: WARN/PackageParser(726): Unable to read
 AndroidManifest.xml of /data/data/test.calle.helloworld/files/
   07-02 07:15:27.846: WARN/PackageParser(726):
 java.io.FileNotFoundException: AndroidManifest.xml
   07-02 07:15:27.856: WARN/PackageInstaller(726): Parse error when
 parsing manifest. Discontinuing installation

 When I saved the .apk file on the SD card, everything went as supposed
 and the system installation UI was displayed.

 So far so good. However, I only want a downloaded .apk file to be
 installed on the same phone which downloaded it. If the application is
 placed on the SD card, wouldn't it be possible to use the same SD card
 in another phone (or copy the .apk file to another SD card used by
 another phone) and install the application on that phone too? Am I
 correct in these assumtions?

 With regards to what I wrote above, is it somehow possible to restrict
 an application file from beeing installed on any other phone except
 the very same phone which downloaded the .apk file (using my
 application)? Is system rights needed? I suppose this problem
 shouldn't exist if I was able to save the .apk file in the private
 directory of my application and then invoke the system install UI on
 the file.


 On 1 Juli, 18:22, calleandersson calleanders...@hotmail.com wrote:

  Hi Justin,

  Thanks for the tips about the 'file://' prefix and SD card, I will
  look into that tomorrow.

  How does the process for retrieving system rights look like? Is it the
  manufacturer of an Android device which decides if an application
  should have system rights? I suppose that that kind of clients must be
  installed/included in the device before it is released or am I wrong?

  Is there somehow possible to simulate that an application has system
  rights in the Emulator?

  By the way, I was thinking of using the same Intent code to start an
  already installed application but, currently, I'm using the following
  code which seems to work pretty well (and the class name doesn't need
  to be specified):
  Intent intent = getPackageManager().getLaunchIntentForPackage


  On 1 Juli, 17:18, Justin (Google Employee) j...@google.com wrote:

   The package manager way will not work, you need the permission you
   referenced, INSTALL_PACKAGES, which only the system has and is not
   obtainable by user-installed applications.

   I think your Intent-based method should work, I believe this is more
   or less what the browser does when you download an APK from the
   internet. I have two thoughts. First, you haven't specified a proper
   Uri, you've specified a file path, try file:///data/data/... Second,
   I'm not sure you can place the file in your app's private directory
   and have this work, to remove this variable, try placing the APK on
   the SD card.

   As far as removing packages, I'm not sure, I'm not sure what Intent
   you would use to do this, although certainly some 

[android-beginners] Re: Can we use gcc for compilation in emulator

2009-07-06 Thread Yusuf T. Mobile

There are any number of reasons that might not be working; it sounds
like your .so is not in the path. The other issue is that Android does
not use the usual glibc, but instead a replacement called 'bionic'.

If you are writing a native application, I would recommend looking
into the upcoming 'native development kit' for that.

Yusuf Saib
·T· · ·Mobile· stick together
The views, opinions and statements in this email are those of the
author solely in their individual capacity, and do not necessarily
represent those of T-Mobile USA, Inc.

On Jul 1, 10:19 pm, ani anish198519851...@gmail.com wrote:
 Which all compilers are supported in emulator?Actualy i have created
 native library in .c file and created .so file using gcc and when i am
 trying to load this .so file in my java file i am getting unable to
 load .so not found library problem(i have placed .so file in system/
 lib using push command)

 Can i not use gcc compiler or do i need to use some other compiler i
 tried with arm-eabi-gcc also which is provided in prebuilt directory
 under toolchain path.

 Kindly give an example or tell me how to go about it.
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[android-beginners] No output on the eclipse console

2009-07-06 Thread chinna Durai
When i print any output to the console using System.out.println() or when i
use the Log class for debug, it is not printing on the eclipse console.
I could see the Log class debug message on DDMS monitor console. But not on
the eclipse console. Any idea why?

Thanks and Regards
Chinnadurai M

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[android-beginners] Re: No output on the eclipse console

2009-07-06 Thread Mark Murphy

chinna Durai wrote:
 When i print any output to the console using System.out.println() or
 when i use the Log class for debug, it is not printing on the eclipse

AFAIK, it is not supposed to. Don't use System.out or System.err in
Android apps -- use android.util.Log.

If you absolutely need to see stdout/stderr output (e.g., 3rd-party
JAR), visit:


and read the Viewing stdout and stderr section.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
http://commonsware.com | http://twitter.com/commonsguy

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[android-beginners] Re: Tutorial for using Android SDK samples with Eclipse

2009-07-06 Thread Kent Loobey

On Monday 06 July 2009 09:54:59 Roman wrote:
 In your Eclipse Menu go to

 File --Android Project which opens a new window.

File -- New -- Project... -- Android Project

 Select in the Contents section Create project from existing source.
 Now you can specify in the section called Location where to pick up
 your existing project (in this case the sample applications).

 For example the samples on my system are located at


 Now specify for which target you want to build (for example Android

 If everything works fine, you should be able to click on the Finish
 button to create your Android project with the Android sample code.

 Roman Baumgaertner
 Sr. SW Engineer-OSDC
 ·T· · ·Mobile· stick together
 The views, opinions and statements in this email are those of the
 author solely in their individual capacity, and do not necessarily
 represent those of T-Mobile USA, Inc.

 On Jul 3, 1:27 pm, Brian Jorgenson bjorgenst...@gmail.com wrote:
  How do I use the android SDK samples with eclipse?  Anything I try
  results in horrible failure, the import dialog fails to find the
  projects even though I navigated straight to them, so I tried making a
  new project from existing source and it said Invalid project
  I can't find any useful information on how to work with the IDE and get
  started, all I can do successfully is make new projects from scratch


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[android-beginners] Re: adb - for developer handsets only

2009-07-06 Thread Tony Su

You can run adb against any Android device connected in debugging mode 
(supported on at least the G1).

ADB basically enables a remote console to your device, although technically ADB 
will generally work carriers like T-Mobile may/are putting their own 
restrictions on what you can do from the local console (using ADB or launching 
a console locally on the phone).

So, for instance of the commands you currently list, remount, push and install 
will work but root will not.

BTW - I found that push (and likely pull) only works for small files (a few 
megabytes only). Anything larger than just a few megabytes appears to not only 
lockup but also dump unreadable files thereby requiring a reformat (I was 
trying to push to a SDCARD).


- Original Message -
From: Shawn Brown big.coffee.lo...@gmail.com
Sent: Sat, 7/4/2009 4:54am
To: android-beginners@googlegroups.com
Subject: [android-beginners] adb - for developer handsets only


Is adb for developer phones only?  I can't tell from the docs --
Android Debug Bridge (adb) is a versatile tool lets you manage the
state of an emulator instance or Android-powered device!.

For instance, if I have a regular phone , could I run ...

adb kill-server
adb root
adb remount
adb push test/test.ttf /system/fonts/
adb install test/test.apk

or do I need a developer phone for this.

Thanks for your reply.


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[android-beginners] Re: Doubts with SharedPreference

2009-07-06 Thread Mapara,Harshit Nitinkumar

(1) Yes, it;' absolutely fine I am also using that
(2) You can do that like this:

user_data_in_shared = mPrefs.getString(Your_Key, NOT_EXIST);

If you have already defined your value for the key Your_key,
than it will return the value. If no value is set on key Your_Key,
then it will simple return the defalut value (whatever you set as
second parameter. here NOT_EXIST)

(3) Simply replace the value with null.

On Jul 6, 6:06 am, chinna Durai chinnadur...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am developing a game in Android and need to store very few data in a
 persistance storage. I have few questions over it

 My first question is
             I am currently using SharedPreference instead of SQLLite as i
 have to deal with very less data. so i have chosen SharedPreferance over
 SQLLite. Is that ok??
 Second Question is
             How to check if the Preference is alreadyExists? I could check
 if the Key is exists using the method SharedPreferences.containks(String
 key) but i could not see if there is any method to find if the preference
 with PreferenceName(Any  preference name to store our datas) is already
 Third Question is
             How to delete the entire Preference?

 Thanks and Regards
 Chinnadurai M
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[android-beginners] Re: problem starting emulator from command line

2009-07-06 Thread greg

The reason the android emulator starting from within Eclipse did not
appear to have some emulator options available is that I did not fully
extend the window shown in response to the Eclipse Run/Run
Configurations/Target menu item.  Vertically extending that window
revealed the Additional Emulator Command Line Options field.

The reason for the emulator not starting from the (64-bit Vista)
command line is still a mystery.  I'll post that problem  to the
Android Issue Tracker if I don't get any tips from the group.

- Greg

On Jul 6, 11:18 am, greg sep...@eduneer.com wrote:
 Although I can reliably start the android emulator from within Eclipse
 (version 3.4.2), I would like to use some emulator options (e.g., -
 scale) that don't appear to be available from within Eclipse.  However
 I get a Microsoft Windows error dialog displaying emulator.exe has
 stopped working whenever I try to start the emulator using the
 command line emulator -avd my_avd

 If I disconnect the network, in addition to the emulator.exe has
 stopped working dialog, the command line response is Warning: No DNS
 servers found.  Note that the android emulator starts avd my_avd
 reliably from within Eclipse with or without a network connection.

 This problem is occurring on the android 1.5 platform running on 64-
 bit Vista.

 There was a reference to a seemingly similar problem 
 but I didn't see any resolution to it.

 By the way, I think the android development environment and
 documentation is very impressive, especially considering how new it
 is.  I did happen to notice a couple typos in the SDK's emulator

 -- files tht you want
 -- control the its behaviors

 Best regards,
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[android-beginners] Re: VFY: unable to find class referenced in signature

2009-07-06 Thread fadden

On Jul 4, 6:28 am, hefeng hefeng.y...@gmail.com wrote:
 It seems that the XMPPConnection class with its method have been
 install properly already.

I'd guess that the org.jivesoftware.smack.apk file is not present in
the process responding to the instrumentation test request.

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[android-beginners] Re: Garbage Collection of Threads

2009-07-06 Thread fadden

On Jul 3, 4:50 pm, Drifter daveh...@yahoo.co.uk wrote:
 I've finally figured out the discrepancy. Using the following code, I
 ran it through the debugger (in Eclipse, WinXP, emulator) and then ran
 it just through the emulator - I get different results. The debugger
 shows TestThread Running while the non-debugger version shows
 TestThread FinaIizing. I believe the debugger holds a reference to
 the TestThread which prevents it from getting garbage collected.

Yes, I should've spotted that earlier.  The debugger queries all
threads, and references to the Thread objects get passed around.  The
debugger support in Dalvik is somewhat simple-minded, and takes the
approach that anything the debugger might care about cannot be
discarded.  (This isn't necessary, but it does make life a lot
simpler.)  So yes, if you have a debugger attached you're not going to
see Thread objects get collected.

(You also won't see most Exception objects get cleaned up, which is
rather more of a problem.)  See Known Issues and Limitations in
dalvik/docs/debugger.html, or
.  I'll add a note about Thread objects.

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[android-beginners] Re: Is there any method to showAlert?

2009-07-06 Thread Jose Ayerdis
i rather preffer override the

onCreateDialog method in order to set my dialogs in there but its up to you

2009/7/6 Jack Ha jack...@t-mobile.com

 You can use AlertDialog.Builder:

new AlertDialog.Builder(this)
.setMessage(my error message')
.setPositiveButton(OK, null)

 Jack Ha
 Open Source Development Center
 ・T・ ・ ・Mobile・ stick together

 The views, opinions and statements in this email are those of
 the author solely in their individual capacity, and do not
 necessarily represent those of T-Mobile USA, Inc.

 On Jul 2, 11:02 pm, 伟伟 bapuwa...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hey everybody, I am writing a simply dial program, first I compare the
  number inputed with a pattern, if not match show some alert. but it seems
  that the showAlert method is not avalibal anymore. is there other method
  alert the user?


[[Jose Luis Ayerdis Espinoza]]

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[android-beginners] Does anyone think it would be good to save a page in the browser?

2009-07-06 Thread Stuart Curley

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[android-beginners] Re: Shortcuts

2009-07-06 Thread Henning

On 2 Jul., 19:42, Danesh Mondegarian danesh...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hey how would yo make ur program go directly to somewhere in the
 system lets say settings/applications/manage applications ?

startActivity(new Intent

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[android-beginners] Re: problem starting emulator from command line

2009-07-06 Thread David Turner
that's pretty weird. Can you tell us what is the output of emulator -avd
my_avd -debug-all before the crash?

On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 5:18 PM, greg sep...@eduneer.com wrote:

 Although I can reliably start the android emulator from within Eclipse
 (version 3.4.2), I would like to use some emulator options (e.g., -
 scale) that don't appear to be available from within Eclipse.  However
 I get a Microsoft Windows error dialog displaying emulator.exe has
 stopped working whenever I try to start the emulator using the
 command line emulator -avd my_avd

 If I disconnect the network, in addition to the emulator.exe has
 stopped working dialog, the command line response is Warning: No DNS
 servers found.  Note that the android emulator starts avd my_avd
 reliably from within Eclipse with or without a network connection.

 This problem is occurring on the android 1.5 platform running on 64-
 bit Vista.

 There was a reference to a seemingly similar problem at

 but I didn't see any resolution to it.

 By the way, I think the android development environment and
 documentation is very impressive, especially considering how new it
 is.  I did happen to notice a couple typos in the SDK's emulator
 documentation at

 -- files tht you want
 -- control the its behaviors

 Best regards,

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[android-beginners] Re: ERROR Resource entry main is already defined.

2009-07-06 Thread Coder J

having same problem right now with something i built from scratch,
sometimes it does this and sometimes it dosent and it will jump from
xml file to xml file
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[android-beginners] Intent does not support FloatArrayList ?

2009-07-06 Thread az9702

Intent supports putIntegerArrayListExtra(String name,
ArrayListInteger value)  but  no corresponding
putFloatArrayListExtra.  It has putFloatArrayExtra though.
Same for Double.

Does anyone know why those ArrayList are not supported ?


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[android-beginners] Re: ERROR Resource entry main is already defined.

2009-07-06 Thread Michael Dorin

I think I figured it out.
When you hit run, make sure you are in (editing) a java program, not
an xml file.

On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 4:54 PM, Coder Jcoder...@gmail.com wrote:

 having same problem right now with something i built from scratch,
 sometimes it does this and sometimes it dosent and it will jump from
 xml file to xml file

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[android-beginners] Re: adb - for developer handsets only

2009-07-06 Thread Disconnect

Thats generally a sign of a bad usb cable - I routinely push 70-90 meg
updates and such to sd without issue (except on one cable, which can
get really hosed up.)

On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 2:21 PM, Tony Suton...@su-networking.com wrote:

 You can run adb against any Android device connected in debugging mode 
 (supported on at least the G1).

 ADB basically enables a remote console to your device, although technically 
 ADB will generally work carriers like T-Mobile may/are putting their own 
 restrictions on what you can do from the local console (using ADB or 
 launching a console locally on the phone).

 So, for instance of the commands you currently list, remount, push and 
 install will work but root will not.

 BTW - I found that push (and likely pull) only works for small files (a few 
 megabytes only). Anything larger than just a few megabytes appears to not 
 only lockup but also dump unreadable files thereby requiring a reformat (I 
 was trying to push to a SDCARD).


 - Original Message -
 From: Shawn Brown big.coffee.lo...@gmail.com
 Sent: Sat, 7/4/2009 4:54am
 To: android-beginners@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [android-beginners] adb - for developer handsets only


 Is adb for developer phones only?  I can't tell from the docs --
 Android Debug Bridge (adb) is a versatile tool lets you manage the
 state of an emulator instance or Android-powered device!.

 For instance, if I have a regular phone , could I run ...

 adb kill-server
 adb root
 adb remount
 adb push test/test.ttf /system/fonts/
 adb install test/test.apk

 or do I need a developer phone for this.

 Thanks for your reply.



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[android-beginners] Re: Random question on app market

2009-07-06 Thread Wayne Wenthin
After my third phone I can absolutely tell you that the NON paid apps do not
follow.  My guess is that the market relies on the AndroidID to associate
downloads.   Since I had not paid for an app yet I cannot give you an answer
on paid apps.

On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 5:47 AM, QLinks qli...@gmail.com wrote:

 You shouldn't have to pay again! It would be wrong if you did.

 Nicholas Radford wrote:
  Okay, so it's not a dev question, but I was wondering if anyone knew.
  For arguments sake, lets say I had G1, and then later I bought a HTC
  I've purchased paid apps on my G1, but now I want to transfer those
  over to my HTC Hero. Would I have to repurchase them again? or are
  they linked to my google account or something similar?

 __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus
 signature database 4219 (20090705) __

 The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.



Writing code is one of few things
that teaches me I don't know everything.

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[android-beginners] Re: problem starting emulator from command line

2009-07-06 Thread greg

Hi David,

Thanks for suggesting the -debug-all emulator option.  The last line
of the -debug-all output was emulator: ERROR: the user data image is
used by another emulator. aborting.

After closing the existing emulator, the command line emulator -avd
my_avd correctly starts the emulator.  Apparently when starting the
emulator from within Eclipse, my neglect of closing the emulator was
countered by an automatic closing.

Thanks again,

P.S., In reading the SDK emulator documentation at
http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/tools/emulator.html, I
noticed a few typos

-- files tht you want
-- control the its behaviors
-- you ca start the emulator

Is the Android Issue Tracker the proper place to report documentation

On Jul 6, 5:58 pm, David Turner di...@android.com wrote:
 that's pretty weird. Can you tell us what is the output of emulator -avd
 my_avd -debug-all before the crash?

 On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 5:18 PM, greg sep...@eduneer.com wrote:

  Although I can reliably start the android emulator from within Eclipse
  (version 3.4.2), I would like to use some emulator options (e.g., -
  scale) that don't appear to be available from within Eclipse.  However
  I get a Microsoft Windows error dialog displaying emulator.exe has
  stopped working whenever I try to start the emulator using the
  command line emulator -avd my_avd

  If I disconnect the network, in addition to the emulator.exe has
  stopped working dialog, the command line response is Warning: No DNS
  servers found.  Note that the android emulator starts avd my_avd
  reliably from within Eclipse with or without a network connection.

  This problem is occurring on the android 1.5 platform running on 64-
  bit Vista.

  There was a reference to a seemingly similar problem at

  but I didn't see any resolution to it.

  By the way, I think the android development environment and
  documentation is very impressive, especially considering how new it
  is.  I did happen to notice a couple typos in the SDK's emulator
  documentation at

  -- files tht you want
  -- control the its behaviors

  Best regards,
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[android-beginners] File operations

2009-07-06 Thread subram

Hi there
   I have an doubt regarding file operations(fread(),fwrite(),fopen
(),fclose()) in the NDK,I have an JNI that calls the c program,but i
have to do file operations either in JNI,pass to c program  or in c or
in Java program pass to JNI/C program,If any one know kindly say how
to open a file in write mode(create output file),read from file.

Thanks  Regards
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