[android-beginners] Adhoc net connection over Wi-Fi

2010-02-17 Thread ayush

   I am trying to browse the net over Wi-Fi on my android developer
phone. I have created an Ad-hoc connection on my Mac and want to
connect the phone to this using Wi-Fi.
   The setup is working perfectly when I connect my iPod Touch to the
Mac. However in the case of the ADP, I am unable to browse the net. It
keeps giving the message There was a network error.
I am able to connect the ADP to the network and it shows
connected with an excellent signal strength. It even acquires an IP
automatically from the Mac. I have tried with both the Open as well as
WEP encrypted network. However I am unable to browse or even access my
Gmail account.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.


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[android-beginners] Re: from iPhone to android

2009-09-09 Thread ayush

although i havent used Quartz much on iphone, i think you'll get most
of its functionality in the Canvas class of the android. this Class
contains many methods to draw lines, circles, bitmaps, text etc. a
related class is the Paint Class that allows you to specify the style
of drawing - i.e. colour, stroke etc.it is not necessary to get a
current context prior to drawing in Android.

for a game you'll probably need to extend the View Class and then
override its onDraw method. i'd suggest you browse through the Class
Index for Android and go over the documentation for these classes. the
Class Index on Android is very well compiled and its a one-place
reference guide for the entire platform, unlike the iphone where you
have different documents for different frameworks.

from a graphics point of view, the following are some crude
analogies between the two platforms:

UIViewController on iphone corresponds to (Activity + ViewGroup) on
UIView on iphone corresponds to View on Android
the drawRect method of UIView corresponds to onDraw method of the View
class on Android
setNeedsDisplay call on UIView is the same as invalidate() call on a
View on Android

on Android, the Views and Subviews dont automatically redraw (i.e.
invalidate) themselves unlike their counterparts on iphone. for eg,
suppose you have a game character that you display using a UIImageView
on iphone. if you change the position of this object then it
automatically updates the same on the screen. however on Android you
will have to send an invalidate call to the View that contains this
game character.

unfortunately designing a screen and UI on android is nowhere as
convenient as the drag and drop in Interface Builder. you'll have to
specify screen layouts in XML (although it can be done in JAVA code
too) using the built in XML editors on eclipse. conceptually its
exactly the same as creating the xib files on IB ... the difference is
that you'll have to do quite a bit of typing instead of drag and

hope that helps.

On Sep 6, 9:51 am, Hulacir hula...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi, I have two Apps now in iPhone AppStore and I am thinking about
 developing the Android version too. I would like to get some feedback
 from those who have already done this. I am more concerned about the
 2D graphics side. On iPhone, it is Quartz. Do we have CGContext and
 something similar on Android?


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[android-beginners] GestureListener events

2009-08-09 Thread ayush

i'm using the GestureDetector and GestureListener in a program. i want
to have separate actions for the onFling and onScroll events. for a
scroll event there is no problem - only the onScroll event is
called. however for a fling event BOTH the onFling and onScroll
events are being called. i tried returning true in the onFling
method to prevent further propagation of the event but that didnt
help. following is the code excerpt from the onTouchEvent and the
related gesture events:

private static boolean fling, scroll; //two boolean values to detect
whether the performed action is a fling or scroll
private GestureDetector scanner; //this is the gesture detector

public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent me){

fling = false;
scroll = false;


if (fling) {
scroll = false;
return true;
} else if (scroll){

return true;

return super.onTouchEvent(me);

public boolean onFling(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float
float velocityY) {

fling = true;

return false; //changing this to return true at this point 
makes no

public boolean onScroll(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float
float distanceY) {

scroll = true;

return false;

what i tried in the onTouchEvent method above is to put a kind of a
lock so that if a fling is detected then the appropriate action is
taken and the event is not propagated further. however despite trying
every combination of returning true / false in each of the above
methods, i am unable to separate out the fling event from the
scroll event.

as i said - there is no problem in the conventional scroll - in this
case only the action for scroll is being performed.

for the gesture events, is there any particular sequence in which the
event is propagated? i.e. does it first go to the onClick, then the
onFling, then the onScroll ... etc?

any inputs will be greatly appreciated

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[android-beginners] Re: Is the emulator good enough for production?

2009-07-01 Thread ayush

a few more thoughts in favour of actual on-device testing rather than
just emulators:

1) what happens to ur game when it is interrupted by an incoming
call / SMS?
2) the touch events in the emulator are triggered by mouse-clicks.
however on the device the user will use his fingers ... finger touches
have far lower precision than mouse-clicks
3) the performance of ur code could be much slower on the device than
on the emulator. u'll need to optimize accordingly
4) the emulator has a (physical dimensions) larger screen. this does
not give u a true picture of what the graphics appear on a real
device. i'd say this is very important especially for a game

On Jul 1, 5:51 pm, Carl carl...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have written a game for Android and have tested it on the emulator -
 everything seems to be perfect.
 It is a simple game with few graphics and a few touch-based commands.

 I'd like to release it on the market (paid). I have not yet tested it
 on any devices though, as I am waiting for the HTC Hero to be released
 so I can buy a device.

 Should I wait for the release or is the emulator reliable enough?
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[android-beginners] Re: Android Emulator Orientation on Macbook

2009-06-23 Thread ayush

use Control + F11

On Jun 21, 2:51 am, ed ed.atw...@gmail.com wrote:
 I know I've seen this question asked, but none of the answers seem to

 I have a Macbook (not a MacbooPro) without numeric keypad, and I'm
 perplexed as to how to change the orientation of the emulator when it
 starts from Eclipse.

 The key combinations in the SDK docs do not seem to apply to this

 Any help is appreciated.
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[android-beginners] Re: Basic Layout

2009-06-23 Thread ayush

its hard to figure out without looking at your XML content. my guess
is that you are using the fill_parent value for the layout_width of
your linear layouts and the ImageView. replace this by wrap_content
or alternatively specify the exact width in pixels that you want each
of the 3 linear layouts to be. you will also have to use the same
value on the ImageView.

On Jun 23, 5:13 am, Carl carl...@gmail.com wrote:
 Why has it got to be s difficult?  For a week now I’ve been
 reading and playing around with code and have still not found the

 I want a simple 3 column layout, with images going from bottom to top
 in each.
 Whenever I put 3 LinearLayouts next to each other in the Activity, the
 first one takes up all the space.
 That is if I add an ImageView to it in the XML. If I don’t then all
 none of the Layouts appear.

 Very frustrated and about to quit Android altogether. Please help!
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[android-beginners] Re: how to create apk file in android ,like in j2me we create jar and jad files

2009-06-15 Thread ayush

assuming ur using eclipse with ADT, simply right-click on the project
in the left panel, choose Android Tools = Export unsigned Application

this will create the (unsigned) apk at the destination you specify.
before loading this apk, it must be signed with your private key. you
can consult the documentation in the Android Developer Guide under the
section Publishing your Application for details on how to do this.

On Jun 15, 9:50 am, janardhan vuruvakilina...@gmail.com wrote:
 i am new to android .
 i done some sample applications.
 how to create apk files for that one.
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[android-beginners] Re: how to create apk file in android ,like in j2me we create jar and jad files

2009-06-15 Thread ayush

oops ... instead of section on Publishing your Application, read
Signing your Applications

On Jun 15, 3:32 pm, ayush ayushv2...@gmail.com wrote:
 assuming ur using eclipse with ADT, simply right-click on the project
 in the left panel, choose Android Tools = Export unsigned Application

 this will create the (unsigned) apk at the destination you specify.
 before loading this apk, it must be signed with your private key. you
 can consult the documentation in the Android Developer Guide under the
 section Publishing your Application for details on how to do this.

 On Jun 15, 9:50 am, janardhan vuruvakilina...@gmail.com wrote:

  i am new to android .
  i done some sample applications.
  how to create apk files for that one.
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[android-beginners] compatibility of an app across android versions

2009-06-13 Thread ayush

if an application is developed entirely on SDK 1.1, would it run (with
no modifications) on a device with 1.5 installed?
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[android-beginners] Re: Practical questions

2009-06-11 Thread ayush


i've had a J2ME background and switched over to android a few
months ago since nokia placed their (in)famous restrictions of Java
Verified Certification for J2ME apps on the Ovi store. some thoughts
on ur queries -

 Looking at the documentation for Android it seems to me that the
 learning curve for working with Android is large.

   compared to J2ME, android has loads more built in classes and
libraries. however the JAVA syntax, concepts of inheritance etc remain
the same. the learning curve is not steep ... its just that getting
good learning material for newcomers takes some time. what u need to
pick up first is the basic structure of an android applications -
activities, intents etc. once u get the hang of this u'll see that the
language elements will take no time to master. a BIG difference - in
android u'll have to design for touchscreen devices. its not enough to
simply implement the appropriate event handler. designing the
application to ensure a convenient UI is crucial.

 Looking at the available phones they are all about $500 without a
 contract. We're in a Recession and $500 is a lot of money. Compare
 that to my 3-inch touch screen Sciphone i68 which was $100 and has
 MIDP support.

  fair enough ... but another way to look at it is that android is an
upcoming platform. most manufacturers, with the exception of Nokia,
are on board and will be launching devices in the coming months. i'm
sure u can research a bit and get the sales of the G1 last year as
well as the projected sales for coming years. it was enough to
convince me that its worth the effort :)
  also, while the iphone is much cheaper than the $500 tag (thanks to
operator bundling) i dont think u can really call it inexpensive. the
bottom line IMHO is that a there is a market for a good product price
   ur free to form ur own opinion on this.

 I don't do contracts. I have heard that Android phones are hobbled by
 the requirement that I'd have to have a contract. I use prepaid
 exclusively to keep my phone bills down.

 No contract means no data plan.

   are u concerned about this aspect as a user or a developer? if its
the latter then i dont see why it should be a consideration for u. i
dont have exact figures, but i do know that paid downloads from the
android market are steadily increasing. as a developer i wouldnt be
too concerned about the data plans of my customers apart from the fact
that i should keep the size of my application (for download) down to a
minimum and avoid unnecessary communication between the device and
  if ur concerned about being restricted to a particular operator on
the G1, then u can always purchase the dev phone and choose ur own
service provider and tariff plan.

 I can get a Windows Mobile phone for $260, called the CECT M88+. It
 will run native apps and J2ME. That's half the cost of an Android

  ok ... now i'm really confused - are u evaluating android as
prospects for a developer or as an end user? u ask about the learning
curve and documentation etc but then ur worried about the cost factor
of the phone.
as a developer J2ME doesnt give u even a fraction of the control
and access to APIs that android does. agreed, there are thousands more
J2ME apps floating around currently ... but it'll all change in a year
or two in favour of other platforms.
   if ur looking at this whole thing from a customer point of view,
then i'm sorry i cant help u much. maybe u should post ur query on
customer feedback forums where u'll get a better perspective.

 Regular consumers know we're in a recession. They are going to avoid
 expensive phones and long contracts more now than ever. Will $500
 luxury Android phones take hold? I'm skeptical.

i shall refrain from making my views on this weird statement here
on a public forum. in case ur interested then drop a private mail to
me and we can dicuss it then.

 I am not someone who is easily impressed by Google. There is no wow
 factor for me in using Android. I'm entirely pragmatic.

   take ur call. i can only give u a developer's perspective on
android vs J2ME. for ur considerations about the cost vs benefit of
purchasing an android phone i can only refer u to hundreds of customer
disucssion boards on this topic.

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[android-beginners] Re: Creating semi-transparent list items - possible?

2009-06-08 Thread ayush

if you want a traditional dialog-box look, then another option would
be to implement the built in Dialog Theme on your Activity containing
the ListView. also, you can override the standard Dialog Theme and
make changes to the background colour, fonts etc.
theres a short-and-sweet example on how to do this in the Android
Documentation under the section on User Interfaces = Applying Styles
and Themes. apart from the Dialog Theme you also have a Translucent
Theme. however, based on discussion forums, it seems that the
Translucent Theme cant be overridden and customized.

On Jun 9, 12:31 am, mastix mc masti...@googlemail.com wrote:
 Hi Mark,

 I haven't tried it yet, but I guess I can say that you're my hero! :)

 thank you very much!



 On 8 Jun., 20:19, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:

  mastix mc wrote:
   thanks for that hint. :)

  Well, you only asked if it was possible, not how to actually *do* it... ;-)

   Do you have a demo/example/documentation that shows me what I have to

  1. Create a layout for your rows. Make sure your containers
  (LinearLayout, etc.) have android:background set with an appropriate
  transparency (e.g., #80FF is red with 50% transparency).

  2. Specify that layout when you create your adapter. This could be as
  simply as providing the layout ID in the adapter constructor, all the
  way to implementing getView() (or newView()/bindView() for
  CursorAdapter), depending on what you want to do with your rows.

  For the getView() scenario, visit:


  where you will find links to the half-dozen or so blog posts I made
  under the Fancy ListViews series.

  Mark Murphy (a Commons 

  Android App Developer Books:http://commonsware.com/books.html
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[android-beginners] Re: Hello, Android the book

2009-06-05 Thread ayush

i've purchased both the books - Hello Android and Busy Coders
Guide and after two months (and 4 android applications developed)
here are my thoughts -

the Busy Coders Guide has been the single most useful resource
during my brief stint with android. for a newcomer, it does a great
job of explaining the concepts in a concise step-by-step manner. even
though i have a J2ME background, the concept of using XML to define
elements, layouts etc was new to me. it was only after reading this
book that i became comfortable with this aspect and understood the
huge benefits of the XML approach.
positives of this book -
1) crisp, clear and systematic explanation of all concepts
2) covers almost all aspects of android ... i.e. pretty much a one-
stop solution and reference. its second only to the actual Android
3) written in a style that even newbies can follow - very very
important aspect INMO

negatives (if at all u consider them as negatives): does not deal much
with the topic of improving the look and graphics of ur application.
theres hardly any discussion on using elements such as Custom Views,
Gradients, AnimationDrawables etc ... though i guess these things
matter only to budding game programmers like me.
overall still a great book to have.

Hello Android seemed an excellent buy when i first read the reviews.
as i said, i'm focussed more on game development and it seemed a great
book considering that the author builds a Sudoku game from scratch.
positives of this book -
1) covers all designing concepts and techniques for game design on
2) starts off the project (i.e. Sudoku) from scratch and takes the
reader through the entire game development cycle

negatives -
the author tries to cover too much in too short a time. so even though
at the end of 4 chapters u have a pretty decent model of a game
running, u dont really feel as though u have quite grasped the
foundations of the core concepts.
game design can broadly be classified into three parts -
a) the basic skeleton - i.e. a main menu with buttons for New Game,
Help, High Scores, Exit etc. each of these buttons link to a new
screen as required
b) the core game logic - i.e. the coding part ... variables, arrays,
methods etc
c) the visual appeal and experience - i.e. how to improve this aspect
of ur game
in my opinion, the book should ideally be divided into two parts - the
first to deal with the basic steps of setting up a skeleton, linking
the buttons to new screens, displaying game content on those screens
and navigation between screens. once the reader is familiar with this
process, the second part could dwell deeper into the finer aspects
like preferences, different menu structures, saving game states, 3D
Graphics etc.

   all in all, there still arent too many decent books available for
android given its infancy ... but both the above books have been a
real help in their own ways. hopefully this review will help new
developers searching for learning resources.


On Jun 5, 9:07 pm, Musashi Baka musashib...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello Android is indeed excellent. My personal favorite is The busy
 coders guide to Android development.
 I purchased the e-book (pdf) which came with two other books (The
 advanced guide, and the tutorial) for free.

 I primarily purchased it because of the 1 year update guarantee, and
 with the sdk constantly evolving I would hate to
 buy a book that didn't update its examples.

 Just my 2cents.

 On Jun 5, 11:51 am, Steve steveoliv...@gmail.com wrote:

  I'll second that!  And it packs a lot of very good material in only
  200 pages, so a great way to get an intro to Android dev in a short

  On Jun 4, 4:43 pm, grakhul grak...@gmail.com wrote:

   So I went into Borders and bought the book in the subject line. Just
   my way of keeping open source alive by supporting others.  The book is
   great for a novice with none to limited experience in Java and
   Android. I would recommend it to any novice or new user interested in
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[android-beginners] Re: very very urgent need

2009-05-27 Thread ayush

there is an excellent example of how to read and write to a txt file
on android in the following book - The Busy Coder's Guide to Android
Development by Mark Murphy. it covers all aspects of this topic and is
very easy to understand. it'll also serve as a good reference for
other aspects of android.

On May 27, 12:02 pm, abdelkarim bezi beziabdelkar...@gmail.com
 hi Aakash Patel
 thank you
 i'd like an example explaining how to access file and read data from it.(all
 th procedure)
 thank you.

 2009/5/27 Aakash Patel aakashbpa...@gmail.com

  How is your application accessing an external resource on the computer
  like that?  That is not possible.

  On May 26, 4:02 pm, abdelkarim bezi beziabdelkar...@gmail.com wrote:
   hi everybody
   i develop an android application which need to access video file (the
   is c:\sequence.mp4) and play it.
   my problem is that where i launch the emulator nothing is happened and
   nothing is played.
   i would like a detailed example which explains how to play a video file
   C:\ or another lector) .
   thank you.
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[android-beginners] MotionEvent coordinates

2009-05-26 Thread ayush

is it possible to get information regarding a touch event in terms of
a Rect or a Region? i.e. when a user presses the screen, then the
finger is actually touching a small region at the point of contact and
not just one single point. so is there any way to get this region?
also, with regard to the above, out of all the points of contact
between the finger and the screen, which points are returned by
MotionEvent.getX() and MotionEvent.getY()?

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[android-beginners] Re: MotionEvent coordinates

2009-05-26 Thread ayush

does this mean that the getX() and getY() returns the center point of
the area touched by the finger?

On May 26, 4:22 pm, Sean Hodges seanhodge...@googlemail.com wrote:
 I haven't tried this before, but I'd imagine you could construct a
 region positioned at getX()/getY() with a circumcircle radius based on
 the output of getSize().

 With this approach, you will have to define a relative size for the
 fingerprint. This may not be useful if you are looking for high
 precision when using a pointer on the touch screen, but an estimate
 should be satisfactory for a fingerprint.

 On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 12:02 PM, ayush ayushv2...@gmail.com wrote:

  is it possible to get information regarding a touch event in terms of
  a Rect or a Region? i.e. when a user presses the screen, then the
  finger is actually touching a small region at the point of contact and
  not just one single point. so is there any way to get this region?
  also, with regard to the above, out of all the points of contact
  between the finger and the screen, which points are returned by
  MotionEvent.getX() and MotionEvent.getY()?

  ~ayush- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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[android-beginners] handling long touch / click in android

2009-05-25 Thread ayush

i'm using a Custom View in my Activity. can someone give me an idea
how to register the long i.e. sustained clicks on this View?
i tried the following approach (which didnt work) -

 the Custom View implements View.OnLongClickListener and implements
the onLongClick(View v) method. i also registered the View to handle
long clicks using setOnLongClickListener(this). further i called
setClickable(true) on the View as well.

   however the onLongClick is not being called at all. i'm also using
a onTouchEvent handler in the view to handle other touch events. i
made sure that this handler returns false so as to allow the event to
propogate to other listeners. but the long click is still not being
   is there any other way that i can capture an extended click or
touch event? the basic objective is something like this -
a) the Custom View is the game screen for a board game
b) the user touches a piece to move (this is captured by onTouchEvent)
c) the user touches the destination square on the board (again
captured by onTouchEvent)
d) if the user keeps the destination square pressed for around 1
second (i.e. long click) then move the piece

   the first three points are working just fine with the onTouchEvent.
i tried to propogate the fourth event to onLongClick but it doesnt


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[android-beginners] storing values of an array

2009-05-20 Thread ayush

i'm designing a simple board game, where the positions and states of
pieces are stored in two separate (single dimension) int arrays. i
want to give the user the option to save the game and reload the same
at a future time.
is there anyway that these two arrays can be stored on the device and
accessed later? the option of using SQL seemed a little to extensive
since the data is just a simple array.

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[android-beginners] Re: Sprite imaging for 2D game programming

2009-05-18 Thread ayush

there is no Sprite class available like the one in J2ME. like nicholas
suggests - u might want to write your own custom sprite class with the
same functionality. i managed to avoid it on my current project, but i
guess sooner or later i'll have to write my own game API. here is what
i have in mind:

1) the basic Sprite class will extend the BitmapDrawable class in the
android.graphics.drawables package
2) the new extended class will have a Rect or a RectF member variable
to keep track of its position on screen. The Rect and RectF classes
already have useful methods that can be used for detecting collisions
3) the BitmapDrawable class has an existing setBounds() method which
contains the actual position to draw the screen

   the methods for translating / scaling a bitmap within its bounds
are not very useful especially when you have a number of frames in
your sprite. perhaps u'll need to have an array of bitmaps where each
bitmap represents one frame in the animation. again - this will be
specific to the game at hand.

  actually, ALL of the above tasks, including the animation
functionality can be implemented using the AnimationDrawable class
that is part of the same graphics package as BitmapDrawable. however,
despite many attempts i was unable to get it to work in my program.
the animation never moved beyond the first frame. apparently other
people have faced the same problem ... but i am yet to receive a
response to my query posted a few weeks ago. after extensive googling
on the subject i came across some complicated solutions, but i never
got round to implementing them coz i really didnt need animation in my
current project. i managed to create a workaround using static images
   i'd suggest u try AnimationDrawable once ... if it works then it
will solve all your problems.


On May 17, 8:31 pm, Nicholas Radford nikradf...@googlemail.com
 Take a look at 
 android.graphics.Rect, android.graphics.RectF, 

 drawBitmap calls, (if your using the Android graphics and not the OpenGl
 graphics libs)

 You'll see this one in particular

 android.graphics.Rect, android.graphics.RectF, android.graphics.Paint)(
 Bitmap http://developer.android.com/reference/android/graphics/Bitmap.html
  paint)Draw the specified bitmap, scaling/translating automatically to fill
 the destination rectangle.

 Where Bitmap is your Sprite sheet, src is a rectangle on your sprite sheet
 (just the section you want to draw) and dst is a destination rectangle on
 the canvas (where you want to draw it), and paint is your paint object.

 I'd give example code, but I've not actually written anything for android
 yet, so my example code would not be the best to learn from. Hopefully
 though, that function will show you the way.


 2009/5/17 G. Murat Taşbaşı gmt...@gmail.com

          Hi guys,

          For a 2D game programming, I'm trying to learn about loading an
  image file for all states of a game character (simply a walking soldier lets
  say) and simply animate it. I think this classic method is called as sprite
  imaging that you load whole image of all states of the character that you
  want to animate.

  Is there anyone that can provide some sample code about this or at least
  can you tell me which classes to use, how to refer some 'part of' whole
  image file and animate it etc.

          Your help is much appreciated.

          Thanks a lot.
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[android-beginners] Re: Create a Button on a Canvas

2009-05-15 Thread ayush

i had tried a similar approach but it managed to get it to work. in
fact even defining the button in XML didnt work. i had put up a
message in this regard but got no response :(
the workaround was something like this - in the activity being
displayed, define the View (which has the canvas) and the button
separately. then use a ViewGroup container (i used a RelativeLayout)
and add the View and the Button as child views to this Container.
finally you use setContetView(myLayoutContainer) to display it all. u
can use the LayoutParams to position the button anywhere within the
container. its a simple matter to get a handle to the button
anywhere in your code so as to register the click events.
from what i gather, if you need to display two or more views (i.e. ur
View with the canvas and the Button) then it is necessary to use a
ViewGroup object such as LinearLayout, RelativeLayout etc.

hope that helps.

On May 15, 3:06 pm, Neha nehathakka...@gmail.com wrote:

 Can we create a button on a canvas without defining the button widget
 in the layout file. ie there is no layout .xml file defined for the

 Urgent help required please.

 Thanks and Regards,
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[android-beginners] Fullscreen in Custom View

2009-05-04 Thread ayush

is there any method by which a custom view (eg a game screen) can
occupy the full screen of the device? i.e. the menu bar at the top
showing the application title, battery level, network strength etc is

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[android-beginners] Re: Android and Netbeans

2009-05-04 Thread ayush

i tried the same thing a few months ago. i managed to get the plugin
installed and open up a new android project in netbeans. however the
build kept failing. if i remember rightly, one of the forums mentioned
that the netbeans plugin is unable to maintain the R.java file which
is why the build failed. it might work if you are willing to make the
effort to create and maintain the R.java file manually.
in my case, i (reluctantly) switched over to eclipse. but trust me -
eclipse is pretty decent once u get used to it. the built in XML
editors are useful when u need to define the layouts and resources
using XML.

On May 4, 7:52 pm, ntuple ntu...@gmail.com wrote:
 Has anyone gotten Android to work on Netbeans ? I'm using the
 nbandroid plugin which works fine but I can't get to the next step of
 defining the Android Platform.

 Whether I point to the Android folder or the platforms subfolder or
 the 1.1 or 1.5 underneath, Netbeans refuses to recognize any of these
 as platform folders  G !

 This is on Kubunto 9.04 so it maybe that the Android Unix distro isn't
 recognized but it's really frustrating because I prefer to work in

 Without a workaround it seems the only choice is to use Eclipse to
 develop Android apps.

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[android-beginners] AnimationDrawable not starting

2009-05-03 Thread ayush

i'm trying to use an AnimationDrawable for frame wise animation. the
problem is that when i render it on screen, only the first image in
the Drawable is displayed. the animationDrawable.isRunning() returns
true, however the images are not animated.

following is the XML file (called whitepawnchanged.xml) and is stored
in the res/anim folder

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
animation-list xmlns:android=http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/
android android:oneshot=false android:id=@+id/upgradewhite
item android:drawable=@drawable/whitebishop
android:duration=100 /
item android:drawable=@drawable/whiteknight
android:duration=100 /
item android:drawable=@drawable/whiterook android:duration=100 /

item android:drawable=@drawable/whitequeen android:duration=100 /


the java code within the onCreate() method of the Activity is as
follows ... (the relevant snippet)

public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {

ImageView whitePawnChange = new ImageView(this);
whiteChange = (AnimationDrawable)whitePawnChange.getBackground
();  //whiteChange is an AnimationDrawable object defined in the

//rest of the stuff

the call to the whiteChange.start() is NOT in the onCreate and is
fired later when a button is clicked ... typically well after the
application is running.
apparently other people have faced this same issue but i could not
find any solution. any help would be greatly appreciated.

incidentally, i'm also looking at a workaround (in case this problem
persists) - is there any way that we can change the Bitmap associated
with a BitmapDrawable AFTER the BitmapDrawable has been created? in
the documentation i could only find a getBitmap() method and nothing
along the lines of a setBitmap() or similar method.


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[android-beginners] Game Development Tutorials

2009-02-20 Thread ayush


I am new to Android Development and have managed to instal the
SDK. I am primarily interested in developing games for the Android
Platform. Could someone please suggest tutorials specifically for game
development i.e. the relevant APIs and architecture?
I saw the LunarLander Source Code in the documentation, but was
unable to follow the code after a few lines. Is there any tutorial on
this example (similar to the Notepad tutorial) that explains in detail
what the code is doing?


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