[android-developers] LVL give licenses for free

2013-12-26 Thread Gabriel Simões
Is it possible to give to specific users free licenses on LvL or in app 
purchases credits?
If so, how?


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[android-developers] LVL give licenses for free

2013-12-26 Thread Gabriel Simões
Is it possible to give to specific users free licenses on LvL or in app 
purchases credits?
If so, how?


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[android-developers] LVL give licenses for free

2013-12-26 Thread Gabriel Simões
Is it possible to give to specific users free licenses on LvL or in app 
purchases credits?
If so, how?


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[android-developers] Re: Chronometer Widget lags against other stopwatches

2012-11-19 Thread Gabriel Simões
No other reports of this issue?

On Saturday, November 17, 2012 11:58:20 AM UTC-2, Gabriel Simões wrote:


 I have created a simple activity with a chronometer widget just to display 
 the elapsed time.
 The code is really simple:

 //Initiate the chronometer base time
 //start the chronometer

 The time displayed lags hard against other chronometers, what can be 
 visible within less than one minute. 
 The device I´m testing on is a Galaxy Nexus running 4.1.2
 My references for comparison are a Nexus 7 running 4.2 (standard 
 stopwatch, not an app), 2 real watches

 Is this a known issue? Are there any other steps I should take to make 
 things go right?

 Gabriel Simões

On Saturday, November 17, 2012 11:58:20 AM UTC-2, Gabriel Simões wrote:


 I have created a simple activity with a chronometer widget just to display 
 the elapsed time.
 The code is really simple:

 //Initiate the chronometer base time
 //start the chronometer

 The time displayed lags hard against other chronometers, what can be 
 visible within less than one minute. 
 The device I´m testing on is a Galaxy Nexus running 4.1.2
 My references for comparison are a Nexus 7 running 4.2 (standard 
 stopwatch, not an app), 2 real watches

 Is this a known issue? Are there any other steps I should take to make 
 things go right?

 Gabriel Simões

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[android-developers] Chronometer Widget lags against other stopwatches

2012-11-17 Thread Gabriel Simões

I have created a simple activity with a chronometer widget just to display 
the elapsed time.
The code is really simple:

//Initiate the chronometer base time
//start the chronometer

The time displayed lags hard against other chronometers, what can be 
visible within less than one minute. 
The device I´m testing on is a Galaxy Nexus running 4.1.2
My references for comparison are a Nexus 7 running 4.2 (standard stopwatch, 
not an app), 2 real watches

Is this a known issue? Are there any other steps I should take to make 
things go right?

Gabriel Simões

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[android-developers] Re: Lucky patcher - how to protect

2012-10-10 Thread Gabriel Simões
Thanks for your reply!
So, in the end, what is left is to customize lvl enough to change signatures 
and enums in a way that automatic patching stops working. Apps with 
advertisement have no solution against banner disabling or even vendor key 
No comments from google yet? Surprising...

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[android-developers] Lucky patcher - how to protect

2012-10-09 Thread Gabriel Simões

It has been sometime now since this app was first saw in town but I still 
can´t find much about how it bypasses some key java resource protections.
LVL patching has been there for quite sometime and isn´t the problem here 
at all: receiving wrong validation information from dalvik seems to be the 
issue, which no code based on those can help.

While I really don´t expect to find a magic formula to fight this (and keep 
the dogfight between developers and crackers), I´d like to know if anyone 
has found/figured out information on how it works so we can start thinking 
about fighting back strategies.
Any news to be shared?

Gabriel Simões

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[android-developers] Re: LVL + proguard: Google play answers Market not Managed

2012-07-23 Thread Gabriel Simões
Sorry, here is my proguard's config.txt file:

-target 1.6 
-optimizationpasses 5 
-dump class_files.txt 
-printseeds seeds.txt 
-printusage unused.txt 
-printmapping mapping.txt 
-libraryjars ..\libs

-optimizations !code/simplification/arithmetic,!field/*,!class/merging/*

-keep public class * extends android.app.Activity
-keep public class * extends android.app.Application
-keep public class * extends android.app.Service
-keep public class * extends android.content.BroadcastReceiver
-keep public class * extends android.content.ContentProvider
-keep public class * extends android.app.backup.BackupAgentHelper
-keep public class * extends android.preference.Preference
-keep public class com.android.vending.licensing.ILicensingService

-keepclasseswithmembernames class * {
native methods;

-keepclasseswithmembers class * {
public init(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet);

-keepclasseswithmembers class * {
public init(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int);

-keepclassmembers class * extends android.app.Activity {
   public void *(android.view.View);

-keepclassmembers enum * {
public static **[] values();
public static ** valueOf(java.lang.String);

-keep class * implements android.os.Parcelable {
  public static final android.os.Parcelable$Creator *;

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[android-developers] LVL + proguard: Google play answers Market not Managed

2012-07-22 Thread Gabriel Simões

I´ve always used Android LVL + proguard without issues.
After upgrading my apps to android 4 and above (V13), I´ve started having 
issues with LVL answers.

If I test my app straight from Eclipse, using a test signature, everything 
works as expected.
On the other side, after compiling using proguard Google Play answers 
Market Not Managed (code 3). I´ve verified it logging answers on 

I haven´t changed my config.txt on proguard, I have double checked that 
proguard is pointing to the correct config.txt and also I´ve manually 
updated my android target on project.properties (this is something I 
haven´t found on documents but is necessary).

Any ideas on what could be causing this issue?
Just to let you know, my config.txt is almost the same google creates as 
standard on ADP.

Gabriel Simões

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[android-developers] Re: LVL Reasons for answering differently for real users and test accounts

2012-02-08 Thread Gabriel Simões

On Feb 7, 11:26 pm, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:

 I´m facing an issue I haven´t before and I really don´t know what may
 be causing my issues.

 I  have 2 apps implementing LVL. I´ve never faced big issues with LVL
 before but now, for some unknown reason my users started complaining
 that after updates they are not able to validate licenses anymore.
 If I use the same apk and register the user market account as a test
 account, then it works as expected. Everything works fine on my device
 (using the default test account - developer account).

 Are there any reasons for an app to answer in different ways for real
 users and test accounts?
 I´ve confirmed the users have bought the app and market has validated
 their licenses before.

 Things I´m thinking of:
 - I´ve changed my development environment recently. After changing my
 notebook I´ve had issues signing my apks: went back from JRE 7 to JRE
 6 and everything seems fine.
 - Any reasons why Android Market should stop validating users after
 updating from one version to another? I´ve double checked
 LICENSE_OLD_KEY using test accounts and it is working as expected.
 - Will I need to create a new user, attach someone else's credit card
 and download my own app so I can debug market answers?

 Please, help!
 Gabriel Simões

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[android-developers] Re: LVL Reasons for answering differently for real users and test accounts

2012-02-08 Thread Gabriel Simões
Issues finding another credit card but this e will probably be the
only thing left to be debugged

On edeb 8, 8:59 am, Kostya Vasilyev kmans...@gmail.com wrote:
 Have you tried registering a new Google account for youself, setting it up
 on a device, and buying your application, to see what the users see?

 8 февраля 2012 г. 14:06 пользователь Gabriel Simões 


  On Feb 7, 11:26 pm, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:

   I´m facing an issue I haven´t before and I really don´t know what may
   be causing my issues.

   I  have 2 apps implementing LVL. I´ve never faced big issues with LVL
   before but now, for some unknown reason my users started complaining
   that after updates they are not able to validate licenses anymore.
   If I use the same apk and register the user market account as a test
   account, then it works as expected. Everything works fine on my device
   (using the default test account - developer account).

   Are there any reasons for an app to answer in different ways for real
   users and test accounts?
   I´ve confirmed the users have bought the app and market has validated
   their licenses before.

   Things I´m thinking of:
   - I´ve changed my development environment recently. After changing my
   notebook I´ve had issues signing my apks: went back from JRE 7 to JRE
   6 and everything seems fine.
   - Any reasons why Android Market should stop validating users after
   updating from one version to another? I´ve double checked
   LICENSE_OLD_KEY using test accounts and it is working as expected.
   - Will I need to create a new user, attach someone else's credit card
   and download my own app so I can debug market answers?

   Please, help!
   Gabriel Simões

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  To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
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[android-developers] LVL Reasons for answering differently for real users and test accounts

2012-02-07 Thread Gabriel Simões

I´m facing an issue I haven´t before and I really don´t know what may
be causing my issues.

I  have 2 apps implementing LVL. I´ve never faced big issues with LVL
before but now, for some unknown reason my users started complaining
that after updates they are not able to validate licenses anymore.
If I use the same apk and register the user market account as a test
account, then it works as expected. Everything works fine on my device
(using the default test account - developer account).

Are there any reasons for an app to answer in different ways for real
users and test accounts?
I´ve confirmed the users have bought the app and market has validated
their licenses before.

Things I´m thinking of:
- I´ve changed my development environment recently. After changing my
notebook I´ve had issues signing my apks: went back from JRE 7 to JRE
6 and everything seems fine.
- Any reasons why Android Market should stop validating users after
updating from one version to another? I´ve double checked
LICENSE_OLD_KEY using test accounts and it is working as expected.
- Will I need to create a new user, attach someone else's credit card
and download my own app so I can debug market answers?

Please, help!
Gabriel Simões

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[android-developers] Re: LVL Reasons for answering differently for real users and test accounts

2012-02-07 Thread Gabriel Simões
Forgot to mention, it is happening to 2 different apps, with not equal
but close LVL code.
Have double checked and I haven´t changed the app key file, nor the
passwords or package names.

On 7 fev, 23:26, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:

 I´m facing an issue I haven´t before and I really don´t know what may
 be causing my issues.

 I  have 2 apps implementing LVL. I´ve never faced big issues with LVL
 before but now, for some unknown reason my users started complaining
 that after updates they are not able to validate licenses anymore.
 If I use the same apk and register the user market account as a test
 account, then it works as expected. Everything works fine on my device
 (using the default test account - developer account).

 Are there any reasons for an app to answer in different ways for real
 users and test accounts?
 I´ve confirmed the users have bought the app and market has validated
 their licenses before.

 Things I´m thinking of:
 - I´ve changed my development environment recently. After changing my
 notebook I´ve had issues signing my apks: went back from JRE 7 to JRE
 6 and everything seems fine.
 - Any reasons why Android Market should stop validating users after
 updating from one version to another? I´ve double checked
 LICENSE_OLD_KEY using test accounts and it is working as expected.
 - Will I need to create a new user, attach someone else's credit card
 and download my own app so I can debug market answers?

 Please, help!
 Gabriel Simões

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[android-developers] does Android market validate unreleased versions?

2012-02-06 Thread Gabriel Simões

I tried running a beta testing campaign during the weekend but all
users complained that they couldn't get a valid license.
Doors Android market validate unreleased versions of paid apps?


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[android-developers] Re: does Android market validate unreleased versions?

2012-02-06 Thread Gabriel Simões
I have a new version of my app that I´d like to send to beta testers
before publishing this.
For this test I´d like to have users to use their own license since I
´ve been receiving complains about issues with license checking that I
don´t get on my devices (using the dashboard license authorization
The problem is: from the authorization system everything works fine:
tried on 3 different devices and all the registered users were able to
validate their license.
On the other side, all the beta testers that received the same app are
complaining that the validation is always returning a negative answer;

This way, I don´t know if my app has a bug, if the license code has a
bug that makes it work only with the licensed answer from the
dashboard authorization or if android market doesn´t validate licenses
for app versions higher than the version published.

The last thing I´m thinking of is that I´ve changed my development
environment but I´m keep the same passwords and the same license key,
so I shouldn´t have problems with this.

Any info on what is considered in the validation process?

On 6 fev, 16:13, TreKing treking...@gmail.com wrote:
 2012/2/6 Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com

  I tried running a beta testing campaign during the weekend but all
  users complained that they couldn't get a valid license.
  Doors Android market validate unreleased versions of paid apps?

 You should clarify.

 TreKing http://sites.google.com/site/rezmobileapps/treking - Chicago
 transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

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[android-developers] Re: Undefined Reference - ffmpeg on android ndk

2011-10-16 Thread Gabriel Simões
I forgot to add my build script:


function build_one

./configure --target-os=linux \
--prefix=$PREFIX \
--enable-cross-compile \
--extra-libs=-lgcc \
--arch=arm \
--cc=$PREBUILT/bin/arm-eabi-gcc \
--cross-prefix=$PREBUILT/bin/arm-eabi- \
--nm=$PREBUILT/bin/arm-eabi-nm \
--sysroot=$PLATFORM \
--extra-cflags= -O2 -fpic -DANDROID -DHAVE_SYS_UIO_H=1 -
Dipv6mr_interface=ipv6mr_ifindex -fasm -Wno-psabi -fno-short-enums  -
fno-strict-aliasing -finline-limit=300 $OPTIMIZE_CFLAGS  \
--disable-shared \
--enable-static \
--extra-ldflags=-Wl,-rpath-link=$PLATFORM/usr/lib -L$PLATFORM/usr/
lib  -nostdlib -lc -lm -ldl -llog \
--disable-stripping \
--disable-debug \
--disable-symver \
--disable-ffprobe \
--disable-devices \
--disable-avfilter \
--disable-swscale \
--disable-ffplay \
--disable-ffserver \
--disable-network \
(many more ...)
--enable-asm \

#make clean
make  -j4 install

$PREBUILT/bin/arm-eabi-ar d libavcodec/libavcodec.a inverse.o

$PREBUILT/bin/arm-eabi-ld -rpath-link=$PLATFORM/usr/lib -L$PLATFORM/
usr/lib  -soname libffmpeg.so -shared -nostdlib  -z,noexecstack -
Bsymbolic --whole-archive --no-undefined -o $PREFIX/libffmpeg.so
libavcodec/libavcodec.a libavformat/libavformat.a libavutil/
libavutil.a  -lc -lm -lz -ldl -llog  --warn-once  --dynamic-linker=/
system/bin/linker $PREBUILT/lib/gcc/arm-eabi/4.4.0/libgcc.a


#arm v5

On Oct 16, 2:48 am, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:
 I´ve spent many hours trying to figure out why I still get undefined
 reference when trying to link to ffmpeg. I´ve already read most of
 not all posts and sites about the subject, so I think I´m missing
 something little here and I hope you can help me.

 What I have:

 I´m using windows 7 + cygwin + crystax r4. I´ve compiled FFMPEG using
 RockPlayer's ffmpeg source plus some modifications I did (only to
 include / exclude demuxes, decoders, encoders, ...) After compiling, I

 a new folder named armv5te, which includes:
 a folder named include with all folders for each libs' .h
 a folder named lib which includes all libs' .a
 a shared library named libffmpeg.so (checked soname and it is
 The shared library isn´t also placed on project/lib/armeabi/

 After compiling I tried to compile my project and link it. While
 my .cpp compiles ok, I get many undefined references.

 Here is my android.mk:
 LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
 #declare the prebuilt library
 include $(CLEAR_VARS)
 LOCAL_MODULE := ffmpeg-prebuilt
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(LOCAL_PATH)/ffmpeg/android/armv5te/libffmpeg.so
 LOCAL_EXPORT_C_INCLUDES := $(LOCAL_PATH)/ffmpeg/android/armv5te/

 include $(CLEAR_VARS)
 LOCAL_MODULE    := audiocodec
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := ffmpeg_audio.cpp
 LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := $(LOCAL_PATH)/ffmpeg/android/armv5te/include
 LOCAL_LDLIBS    := -llog -ljnigraphics -lz -lm $(LOCAL_PATH)/ffmpeg/

 The result:
 Compile++ thumb: audiocodec = /cygdrive/c/Gabriel/Desenvolvimento/
 SharedLibrary  : libaudiocodec.so
 ocodec/ffmpeg_audio.o: In function
 ffmpeg_audio.cpp:172: u
 ndefined reference to `avcodec_decode_audio3(AVCodecContext*, short*,
 int*, AVPa
 ffmpeg_audio.cpp:178: u
 ndefined reference to `av_read_frame(AVFormatContext*, AVPacket*)'
 ocodec/ffmpeg_audio.o: In function
 ffmpeg_audio.cpp:147: u
 ndefined reference to `av_rescale_q(long long, AVRational,
 ffmpeg_audio.cpp:150: u
 ndefined reference to `av_seek_frame(AVFormatContext*, int, long long,
 ffmpeg_audio.cpp:151: u
 ndefined reference to `avcodec_flush_buffers(AVCodecContext*)'
 ffmpeg_audio.cpp:152: u
 ndefined reference

[android-developers] Undefined Reference - ffmpeg on android ndk

2011-10-15 Thread Gabriel Simões
I´ve spent many hours trying to figure out why I still get undefined
reference when trying to link to ffmpeg. I´ve already read most of
not all posts and sites about the subject, so I think I´m missing
something little here and I hope you can help me.

What I have:

I´m using windows 7 + cygwin + crystax r4. I´ve compiled FFMPEG using
RockPlayer's ffmpeg source plus some modifications I did (only to
include / exclude demuxes, decoders, encoders, ...) After compiling, I

a new folder named armv5te, which includes:
a folder named include with all folders for each libs' .h
a folder named lib which includes all libs' .a
a shared library named libffmpeg.so (checked soname and it is
The shared library isn´t also placed on project/lib/armeabi/

After compiling I tried to compile my project and link it. While
my .cpp compiles ok, I get many undefined references.

Here is my android.mk:
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
#declare the prebuilt library
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := ffmpeg-prebuilt
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(LOCAL_PATH)/ffmpeg/android/armv5te/libffmpeg.so
LOCAL_EXPORT_C_INCLUDES := $(LOCAL_PATH)/ffmpeg/android/armv5te/

include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE:= audiocodec
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := ffmpeg_audio.cpp
LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := $(LOCAL_PATH)/ffmpeg/android/armv5te/include
LOCAL_LDLIBS:= -llog -ljnigraphics -lz -lm $(LOCAL_PATH)/ffmpeg/

The result:
Compile++ thumb: audiocodec = /cygdrive/c/Gabriel/Desenvolvimento/
SharedLibrary  : libaudiocodec.so
ocodec/ffmpeg_audio.o: In function
ffmpeg_audio.cpp:172: u
ndefined reference to `avcodec_decode_audio3(AVCodecContext*, short*,
int*, AVPa
ffmpeg_audio.cpp:178: u
ndefined reference to `av_read_frame(AVFormatContext*, AVPacket*)'
ocodec/ffmpeg_audio.o: In function
ffmpeg_audio.cpp:147: u
ndefined reference to `av_rescale_q(long long, AVRational,
ffmpeg_audio.cpp:150: u
ndefined reference to `av_seek_frame(AVFormatContext*, int, long long,
ffmpeg_audio.cpp:151: u
ndefined reference to `avcodec_flush_buffers(AVCodecContext*)'
ffmpeg_audio.cpp:152: u
ndefined reference to `av_read_frame(AVFormatContext*, AVPacket*)'
ocodec/ffmpeg_audio.o: In function
ffmpeg_audio.cpp:82: un
defined reference to `avcodec_close(AVCodecContext*)'
ffmpeg_audio.cpp:83: un
defined reference to `av_free(void*)'
ffmpeg_audio.cpp:84: un
defined reference to `av_close_input_file(AVFormatContext*)'
ocodec/ffmpeg_audio.o: In function
ffmpeg_audio.cpp:37: un
defined reference to `av_open_input_file(AVFormatContext**, char
const*, AVInput
Format*, int, AVFormatParameters*)'
ffmpeg_audio.cpp:44: un
defined reference to `av_find_stream_info(AVFormatContext*)'
ffmpeg_audio.cpp:52: un
defined reference to `avcodec_find_decoder(CodecID)'
ffmpeg_audio.cpp:60: un
defined reference to `avcodec_open(AVCodecContext*, AVCodec*)'
ffmpeg_audio.cpp:67: un
defined reference to `av_malloc(unsigned int)'
ffmpeg_audio.cpp:70: un
defined reference to `av_read_frame(AVFormatContext*, AVPacket*)'
ocodec/ffmpeg_audio.o: In function `JNI_OnLoad':

[android-developers] Re: Filter specific data from cursor before ListView. How?

2011-05-23 Thread Gabriel Simões

While album_id is unique, in mediastore.audio.media it's not a primary
key and repeats in each song's entry. This is why distinct is
important and necessary here.
About album_key, I think it's unique but I need to confirm.. the key
things here is that a column named _id is necessary for the adapter to
work and it doesn't work if I adapt album_id to it, album_key seemed
the best solution.

On May 22, 11:01 pm, Zsolt Vasvari zvasv...@gmail.com wrote:
 I wouldn't call that a hack if you know that ALBUM_KEY will be
 unique.  But I suspect it may not be, as why would they have both an

 The DISTINCT should never be needed if you were truly retrieving a
 unique key, as a key is distinct by definition.  Something doesn't
 seem right.

 On May 23, 9:04 am, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:

  a little hack: added

  MediaStore.Audio.Media.ALBUM_KEY +  as '_id'

  and now it seems to work 

  On May 22, 9:54 pm, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:

   Thanks once again Kostya,

   I came up with a cleaner solution that still has one thing left to

   Instead of using Media.Audio.Album I got to using only
   Media.Audio.Media. It works as expected but the lack of the _id
   column now is giving my a big headache when loading the Adapter.
   I tried to use

           String[] cols = new String[] {
                           distinct  + MediaStore.Audio.Media.ALBUM_ID +  
   as _id,

   But it simply doesn´t work. How can I fix the Adapter dependency of
   _id so my expandablelistview works?

   Gabriel Simões

   On May 22, 2:42 pm, Kostya Vasilyev kmans...@gmail.com wrote:

22.05.2011 21:13, Gabriel Simões пишет:

 My second approach was to find a way to block the displaying of some
 entries creating a custom adapter but while I can change the
 information I couldn´t find a way to not display full entries.

Ok, here is how you could do filtering on the fly.

Assume the data set you get from CP in a cursor is like this:

0 - mp3
1 - mp3
2 - no mp3
3 - mp3
4 - no mp3

Look through the cursor, checking for mp3s, and create a parallel index
array like this:

[ 0, 1, 3 ]

The array has the cursor positions where albums have mp3.

Now you have the count for the adapter's getCount method, which is the
length of this array. The positions as seen by the list view are 0
through 2.

In getView / bindView, use the table above to find out the position for
the original cursor: the 0th item is remapped to 0, 1 is mapped to 1,
but 2 is mapped to 3.

-- Kostya

Kostya Vasilyev --http://kmansoft.wordpress.com-Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -

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[android-developers] Re: Filter specific data from cursor before ListView. How?

2011-05-22 Thread Gabriel Simões

Any idea here would be of great help, thanks

On May 21, 9:49 pm, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:

 I´ve been searching on the web and here for information but couldn´t
 find anything related to this problem so I hope you can help me.
 I´m retrieving information from 2 diferent content providers that are
 related. Information from one content provider (songs list) should
 define the rules to filter another group of info (albums).

 I´m trying to create an expandablelistview where only the albums which
 have mp3 files would be listed as headers, and the mp3 songs would be
 in the second level list.

 At first I tried to figure out a way of implementing ContentProvider
 searches that would allow me to recover only the required data but I
 couldn´t find a way to do it (use group by, relate both
 contentproviders in the same query, ...). Then I tried to retrieve the
 info and filter programatically but the Cursor class doesn't have
 methods to remove or filter information.

 After I tried to figure out a way to implement the rule in a
 CursorAdapter but while I can customize the information handling, I
 couln´t find a way of blocking some retrieved Cursor lines so I
 could display only albums with at least one mp3 file.

 Please, throw some light in here. How can I archive this result?

 Gabriel Simões

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[android-developers] Re: Filter specific data from cursor before ListView. How?

2011-05-22 Thread Gabriel Simões
Please, any idea/tip will be of great help!
I´m stuck on this one.

Gabriel Simões

On May 21, 9:49 pm, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:

 I´ve been searching on the web and here for information but couldn´t
 find anything related to this problem so I hope you can help me.
 I´m retrieving information from 2 diferent content providers that are
 related. Information from one content provider (songs list) should
 define the rules to filter another group of info (albums).

 I´m trying to create an expandablelistview where only the albums which
 have mp3 files would be listed as headers, and the mp3 songs would be
 in the second level list.

 At first I tried to figure out a way of implementing ContentProvider
 searches that would allow me to recover only the required data but I
 couldn´t find a way to do it (use group by, relate both
 contentproviders in the same query, ...). Then I tried to retrieve the
 info and filter programatically but the Cursor class doesn't have
 methods to remove or filter information.

 After I tried to figure out a way to implement the rule in a
 CursorAdapter but while I can customize the information handling, I
 couln´t find a way of blocking some retrieved Cursor lines so I
 could display only albums with at least one mp3 file.

 Please, throw some light in here. How can I archive this result?

 Gabriel Simões

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[android-developers] Re: Filter specific data from cursor before ListView. How?

2011-05-22 Thread Gabriel Simões
Thanks for the reply Kostya,

I think that querying info from 2 different URIs, merging them
programatically and then converting them to arrays before displaying
the listview won't probably be pretty efficient. Maybe this is the
only solution but I still think there should be a way of:

- Querying the information with the relationships I need (query only
albums with mp3 files inside)
- Querying all albums and displaying only the ones with mp3 files
(need to know how to filter content from a cursor before it is
displayed in the expandablelistview)


On May 22, 12:33 pm, Kostya Vasilyev kmans...@gmail.com wrote:
 You don't have to use Cursor with an expandable list view or any adapter
 view. Do your own filtering and create an in-memory array of just the
 albums you need, then change your adapter code to get data from this
 array, instead of a cursor.

 Perhaps there is a better way, but I can't think of one right now (like
 creating your own Cursor class that intercepts calls to the real cursor,
 filtering data on the fly, but that would get really messy really fast).

 -- Kostya

 22.05.2011 19:20, Gabriel Simões пишет:

  Please, any idea/tip will be of great help!
  I´m stuck on this one.

  Gabriel Simões

  On May 21, 9:49 pm, Gabriel Simõesgsim...@gmail.com  wrote:

  I´ve been searching on the web and here for information but couldn´t
  find anything related to this problem so I hope you can help me.
  I´m retrieving information from 2 diferent content providers that are
  related. Information from one content provider (songs list) should
  define the rules to filter another group of info (albums).

  I´m trying to create an expandablelistview where only the albums which
  have mp3 files would be listed as headers, and the mp3 songs would be
  in the second level list.

  At first I tried to figure out a way of implementing ContentProvider
  searches that would allow me to recover only the required data but I
  couldn´t find a way to do it (use group by, relate both
  contentproviders in the same query, ...). Then I tried to retrieve the
  info and filter programatically but the Cursor class doesn't have
  methods to remove or filter information.

  After I tried to figure out a way to implement the rule in a
  CursorAdapter but while I can customize the information handling, I
  couln´t find a way of blocking some retrieved Cursor lines so I
  could display only albums with at least one mp3 file.

  Please, throw some light in here. How can I archive this result?

  Gabriel Simões

 Kostya Vasilyev --http://kmansoft.wordpress.com

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[android-developers] Re: Filter specific data from cursor before ListView. How?

2011-05-22 Thread Gabriel Simões
that´s the problem. This way I can´t retrieve only he albums with at
least one .mp3 song.
My second approach was to find a way to block the displaying of some
entries creating a custom adapter but while I can change the
information I couldn´t find a way to not display full entries.

On May 22, 1:41 pm, Kostya Vasilyev kmans...@gmail.com wrote:
 22.05.2011 20:30, Gabriel Simões пишет:

  - Querying the information with the relationships I need (query only
  albums with mp3 files inside)

 If you can do this with ContentResolver.query, that would be an great
 solution. I am just assuming you can't do this, hence the question.

 AFAIK, you can't do joins or nested queries (or any other SQL algebra)
 between Content URIs.

 Kostya Vasilyev --http://kmansoft.wordpress.com

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[android-developers] Re: Filter specific data from cursor before ListView. How?

2011-05-22 Thread Gabriel Simões
Thanks once again Kostya,

I came up with a cleaner solution that still has one thing left to

Instead of using Media.Audio.Album I got to using only
Media.Audio.Media. It works as expected but the lack of the _id
column now is giving my a big headache when loading the Adapter.
I tried to use

String[] cols = new String[] {
distinct  + MediaStore.Audio.Media.ALBUM_ID +  as 

But it simply doesn´t work. How can I fix the Adapter dependency of
_id so my expandablelistview works?

Gabriel Simões

On May 22, 2:42 pm, Kostya Vasilyev kmans...@gmail.com wrote:
 22.05.2011 21:13, Gabriel Simões пишет:

  My second approach was to find a way to block the displaying of some
  entries creating a custom adapter but while I can change the
  information I couldn´t find a way to not display full entries.

 Ok, here is how you could do filtering on the fly.

 Assume the data set you get from CP in a cursor is like this:

 0 - mp3
 1 - mp3
 2 - no mp3
 3 - mp3
 4 - no mp3

 Look through the cursor, checking for mp3s, and create a parallel index
 array like this:

 [ 0, 1, 3 ]

 The array has the cursor positions where albums have mp3.

 Now you have the count for the adapter's getCount method, which is the
 length of this array. The positions as seen by the list view are 0
 through 2.

 In getView / bindView, use the table above to find out the position for
 the original cursor: the 0th item is remapped to 0, 1 is mapped to 1,
 but 2 is mapped to 3.

 -- Kostya

 Kostya Vasilyev --http://kmansoft.wordpress.com

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[android-developers] Re: Filter specific data from cursor before ListView. How?

2011-05-22 Thread Gabriel Simões
a little hack: added

MediaStore.Audio.Media.ALBUM_KEY +  as '_id'

and now it seems to work 

On May 22, 9:54 pm, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks once again Kostya,

 I came up with a cleaner solution that still has one thing left to

 Instead of using Media.Audio.Album I got to using only
 Media.Audio.Media. It works as expected but the lack of the _id
 column now is giving my a big headache when loading the Adapter.
 I tried to use

         String[] cols = new String[] {
                         distinct  + MediaStore.Audio.Media.ALBUM_ID +  as 

 But it simply doesn´t work. How can I fix the Adapter dependency of
 _id so my expandablelistview works?

 Gabriel Simões

 On May 22, 2:42 pm, Kostya Vasilyev kmans...@gmail.com wrote:

  22.05.2011 21:13, Gabriel Simões пишет:

   My second approach was to find a way to block the displaying of some
   entries creating a custom adapter but while I can change the
   information I couldn´t find a way to not display full entries.

  Ok, here is how you could do filtering on the fly.

  Assume the data set you get from CP in a cursor is like this:

  0 - mp3
  1 - mp3
  2 - no mp3
  3 - mp3
  4 - no mp3

  Look through the cursor, checking for mp3s, and create a parallel index
  array like this:

  [ 0, 1, 3 ]

  The array has the cursor positions where albums have mp3.

  Now you have the count for the adapter's getCount method, which is the
  length of this array. The positions as seen by the list view are 0
  through 2.

  In getView / bindView, use the table above to find out the position for
  the original cursor: the 0th item is remapped to 0, 1 is mapped to 1,
  but 2 is mapped to 3.

  -- Kostya

  Kostya Vasilyev --http://kmansoft.wordpress.com

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[android-developers] Filter specific data from cursor before ListView. How?

2011-05-21 Thread Gabriel Simões

I´ve been searching on the web and here for information but couldn´t
find anything related to this problem so I hope you can help me.
I´m retrieving information from 2 diferent content providers that are
related. Information from one content provider (songs list) should
define the rules to filter another group of info (albums).

I´m trying to create an expandablelistview where only the albums which
have mp3 files would be listed as headers, and the mp3 songs would be
in the second level list.

At first I tried to figure out a way of implementing ContentProvider
searches that would allow me to recover only the required data but I
couldn´t find a way to do it (use group by, relate both
contentproviders in the same query, ...). Then I tried to retrieve the
info and filter programatically but the Cursor class doesn't have
methods to remove or filter information.

After I tried to figure out a way to implement the rule in a
CursorAdapter but while I can customize the information handling, I
couln´t find a way of blocking some retrieved Cursor lines so I
could display only albums with at least one mp3 file.

Please, throw some light in here. How can I archive this result?

Gabriel Simões

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[android-developers] Re: Music App and Call issue

2011-05-14 Thread Gabriel Simões
If you want the app to stop playing when there´s an incoming call,
then you should listen to the call event and take actions as it
If I got your explanation right, this is the expected behavior.

On May 13, 9:59 am, future yamit.me...@gmail.com wrote:
 1.      Make MO Call.
 2.      Start music while still in call
 3.      Both Music + Voice call active.
 4.      Call end.
 5.      Music continues – expected.
 6.      User gets another call or makes another call.
 7.      Music doesn’t Auto stop @ ring tone.

 Is this expected behaviour?
 Ring is not heard and seems to be potential issue. Any comments?

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[android-developers] query() + where + 2 content providers. Possible?

2011-05-03 Thread Gabriel Simões

I´m struggling with a problem where I have to search for information
on a content provider (MediaStore.Audio.Albums) but I need to restrict
my search based on information on another content provider
Based on what I´ve read over the internet I should not use raw sqlite
queries to gather information from content providers (even from the
ones based on sqlite). By the other side I can´t figure a way to
compose the query() method so I add a where clause comparing info from
both providers.
I also have to add distinct to the albums listed.

Is there a way to compose the query() method to get the information I
need, should I go for raw sql or should I programatically filter my
results by doing a sequence of queries()?

Gabriel Simões

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[android-developers] Re: Insights for using query() and MediaStore.Audio.Albums

2011-04-30 Thread Gabriel Simões
No ideas? Please, some help here would be really nice!


On Apr 28, 10:06 pm, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:
 I´ve been trying to figure a way out to search MediaStore.Audio.Albums
 and MediaStore.Audio.Media to retrieve onlly albums from mp3 files.
 I can list all albums and retrieve their songs but can´t filter which
 albums have mp3s and which don't have.
 Listing albums (all registered albums with audio files of any
          String[] cols = new String[] {
          Uri uriExternal =
          Uri uriInternal =
          Cursor externalCursor =
 getContentResolver().query(uriExternal, cols, null, null,
 MediaStore.Audio.Albums.ARTIST + ,  +
          Cursor internalCursor =
 getContentResolver().query(uriInternal, cols, null, null,
 MediaStore.Audio.Albums.ARTIST + ,  +

 Can I archive the results I want using getContentResolver().query() or
 do I need to run a SQL rougth command?
 Using getContentResolver().query() I couldn´t figure out a way to
 apply WHERE
 clause or also search DISTINCT MediaStore.Audio.Media.ALBUMfiltering
 Thanks for your help,
 Gabriel Simões

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[android-developers] Re: ExpandableListView for only mp3 albums. Tips requested

2011-04-28 Thread Gabriel Simões
Please, any insights would be of great help..

On Apr 27, 10:57 pm, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:

 I´ve been trying to figure a way out to search MediaStore.Audio.Albums
 and MediaStore.Audio.Media to retrieve a list of mp3 albums and
 organize them in an expandablelistview.

 In the end what I haven´t been able to do is to retrieve information
 about existing albums with mp3 files. I can list all albums and
 retrieve their songs but can´t filter which albums have mp3s and which

 Listing albums (all registered albums with audio files of any

          String[] cols = new String[] {
          Uri uriExternal =
          Uri uriInternal =
          Cursor externalCursor =
 getContentResolver().query(uriExternal, cols, null, null,
 MediaStore.Audio.Albums.ARTIST + ,  +
          Cursor internalCursor =
 getContentResolver().query(uriInternal, cols, null, null,
 MediaStore.Audio.Albums.ARTIST + ,  +

 Do I need to run a SQL or can I archive the results I need using
 getContentResolver().query()? I couldn´t figure out a way to use WHERE
 clause or also search DISTINCT MediaStore.Audio.Media.ALBUM filtering

 Thanks for your help,
 Gabriel Simões

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[android-developers] Insights for using query() and MediaStore.Audio.Albums

2011-04-28 Thread Gabriel Simões
I´ve been trying to figure a way out to search MediaStore.Audio.Albums
and MediaStore.Audio.Media to retrieve onlly albums from mp3 files.
I can list all albums and retrieve their songs but can´t filter which
albums have mp3s and which don't have.
Listing albums (all registered albums with audio files of any
 String[] cols = new String[] {
 Uri uriExternal =
 Uri uriInternal =
 Cursor externalCursor =
getContentResolver().query(uriExternal, cols, null, null,
MediaStore.Audio.Albums.ARTIST + ,  +
 Cursor internalCursor =
getContentResolver().query(uriInternal, cols, null, null,
MediaStore.Audio.Albums.ARTIST + ,  +

Can I archive the results I want using getContentResolver().query() or
do I need to run a SQL rougth command?
Using getContentResolver().query() I couldn´t figure out a way to
apply WHERE
clause or also search DISTINCT MediaStore.Audio.Media.ALBUM filtering
Thanks for your help,
Gabriel Simões

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[android-developers] ExpandableListView for only mp3 albums. Tips requested

2011-04-27 Thread Gabriel Simões

I´ve been trying to figure a way out to search MediaStore.Audio.Albums
and MediaStore.Audio.Media to retrieve a list of mp3 albums and
organize them in an expandablelistview.

In the end what I haven´t been able to do is to retrieve information
about existing albums with mp3 files. I can list all albums and
retrieve their songs but can´t filter which albums have mp3s and which

Listing albums (all registered albums with audio files of any

 String[] cols = new String[] {
 Uri uriExternal =
 Uri uriInternal =
 Cursor externalCursor =
getContentResolver().query(uriExternal, cols, null, null,
MediaStore.Audio.Albums.ARTIST + ,  +
 Cursor internalCursor =
getContentResolver().query(uriInternal, cols, null, null,
MediaStore.Audio.Albums.ARTIST + ,  +

Do I need to run a SQL or can I archive the results I need using
getContentResolver().query()? I couldn´t figure out a way to use WHERE
clause or also search DISTINCT MediaStore.Audio.Media.ALBUM filtering

Thanks for your help,
Gabriel Simões

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[android-developers] ImageView resizing when positioned after screen size on the right

2011-01-24 Thread Gabriel Simões

I´ve been searching the internet on how to position an ImageView
inside a RelativeLayout using coordinates in pixels.
After quite a research I decided to use LayoutParams and setMargin()
which is working quite well.
Sometimes my ImageView should be positioned up to half width outside
the screen limit and using this method I´m able to set it before the
left border (X coordinate  0).
My problem happens when the X cordinate + ImageView.getWidth() 
screenSize ... the ImageView is automatically resized to fit on the
screen, being half of its original width and height.

I think it´s probably just a property I need to set but I couldn´t
find anything about it.

Could you guys help me out?

Gabriel Simões

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[android-developers] Re: wrap_content and fill_parent using Java

2011-01-24 Thread Gabriel Simões
Seach for LayoutParameters  this is the way to go.

On 24 jan, 15:36, TreKing treking...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 3:08 AM, Sudhakar Chavali 

 sudhakar.koundi...@gmail.com wrote:
  I wanted to set wrap content and fill parent properties using Java.
  How can I achieve this?

 Read the documentation. Start by searching for those properties and see
 where the links take you.\

 TreKing http://sites.google.com/site/rezmobileapps/treking - Chicago
 transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

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[android-developers] Re: ImageView resizing when positioned after screen size on the right

2011-01-24 Thread Gabriel Simões
Will I have to crop the image dinamically? Please, give me some help
on this one.

On 24 jan, 15:27, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:

 I´ve been searching the internet on how to position an ImageView
 inside a RelativeLayout using coordinates in pixels.
 After quite a research I decided to use LayoutParams and setMargin()
 which is working quite well.
 Sometimes my ImageView should be positioned up to half width outside
 the screen limit and using this method I´m able to set it before the
 left border (X coordinate  0).
 My problem happens when the X cordinate + ImageView.getWidth() 
 screenSize ... the ImageView is automatically resized to fit on the
 screen, being half of its original width and height.

 I think it´s probably just a property I need to set but I couldn´t
 find anything about it.

 Could you guys help me out?

 Gabriel Simões

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[android-developers] Re: ImageView resizing when positioned after screen size on the right

2011-01-24 Thread Gabriel Simões
I´ve tried most of the xml options but the result was the same. I can
move part of the imageview outside thewindows limit when moving to
the left (x  0) but when I try to move it to the right just the same
way (x + imageview.getWidth()  windowSize.width) android starts
rezising the image automatically so it fits completly in the screen.

Please, throw some light in here!

On 24 jan, 16:33, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:
 Will I have to crop the image dinamically? Please, give me some help
 on this one.

 On 24 jan, 15:27, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:


  I´ve been searching the internet on how to position an ImageView
  inside a RelativeLayout using coordinates in pixels.
  After quite a research I decided to use LayoutParams and setMargin()
  which is working quite well.
  Sometimes my ImageView should be positioned up to half width outside
  the screen limit and using this method I´m able to set it before the
  left border (X coordinate  0).
  My problem happens when the X cordinate + ImageView.getWidth() 
  screenSize ... the ImageView is automatically resized to fit on the
  screen, being half of its original width and height.

  I think it´s probably just a property I need to set but I couldn´t
  find anything about it.

  Could you guys help me out?

  Gabriel Simões

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[android-developers] How to move ImageView over RelativeLayout Bondaries (off-screen)

2011-01-24 Thread Gabriel Simões

I´m rewriting this post trying to make it a bit more clear and

In my layout I have:

- RelativeLayout

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[android-developers] How to move ImageView over RelativeLayout Bondaries (off-screen)

2011-01-24 Thread Gabriel Simões

I´ve deleted the last post and I´m rewriting this one trying to make
things a little bit more clear and comprehensive.

What I´m trying to archive is to be able to draw an ImageView
partially off-screen, outside it´s parent relativelayout, without
android resizing it automatically.
The cenario:

I have a layout composed of:
- RelativeLayout
 - RelativeLayout
  - ImageView in quiestion
 - A lot of other widgets

Since the widget´s parent is a relativelayout I´m using a
RelativeLayout.LayoutParams to be able to reposition it on screen
using absolute coodinates (in pixels). This will be combined with a
TouchListener to track dragdrop from the users.

When I use LayoutParams to draw the ImageView off-screen on the left
(it´s X position  0) the app reacts just the way I want and part of
the image is drawn on the screen while the rest of it get hidden on
the left.
My problem starts when I try to do the same move but to the other
side, where the image should get hidden off-screen on the right:
android doesn´t allow it to cross the bondaries of the RelativeLayout
and starts resizing the image to still fit on the screen. If I
understood it right, the imageview is getting positioned on the
outside but android resizes the image drawn to fit on the portion of
the imageview that is still inside the screen area.

What I need here is to make the system react the same way on both
sides, allowing the image to be drawn off-screen, without any resizing
or other transformation.

I still think this is probably just a parameter but I´ve spent the
whole afternoon reading android docs and posts on the web and could
not make it.

I hope you guys can help me.

Thank you very much for your time,
Gabriel Simões

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[android-developers] What´s the name of this UI Widget?

2011-01-15 Thread Gabriel Simões

I´m trying to identify the name of this UI Widget (and it´s class
name) but I couldn´t figure out. I hope you can help me.

Gabriel Simões

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[android-developers] Re: What´s the name of this UI Widget?

2011-01-15 Thread Gabriel Simões
I´m trying to post a link to it but google doesn´t allow me. Then I
will try do describe it:

It´s like the iOS widget where you can choose an option scrolling it
up or down like a kind of dialer. Like a cilinder being rolled.

Here is the link with lots of spaces. Sorry for this but as I said
google doesn´t allow me to di differently.

img64 . imageshack . us / img64 / 9506 / unknownwidget.jpg

Gabriel Simões

On 15 jan, 18:07, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:

 I´m trying to identify the name of this UI Widget (and it´s class
 name) but I couldn´t figure out. I hope you can help me.

 Gabriel Simões

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[android-developers] Re: What´s the name of this UI Widget?

2011-01-15 Thread Gabriel Simões
I hope google help us letting me post the link to it´s printscreen
image ;)

On 15 jan, 18:11, TreKing treking...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 2:07 PM, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:
  I´m trying to identify the name of this UI Widget (and it´s class name) but
  I couldn´t figure out. I hope you can help me.

 I'm trying to identify the UI Widget you're talking about, but couldn't
 figure it out. I hope you can help me.

 TreKing http://sites.google.com/site/rezmobileapps/treking - Chicago
 transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

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[android-developers] Re: What´s the name of this UI Widget?

2011-01-15 Thread Gabriel Simões
Thank you very much. I found it on an app and started trying to digg
out information about it.
I will think carefully about using it but I think it will be a lot
more natural for users than using spinners or edittexts.

On 15 jan, 18:21, Kostya Vasilyev kmans...@gmail.com wrote:

 Is this it?

 It's not part of Android, but you can see it on a phone by HTC: it's part of
 their Sense UI. Not surprisingly, they are not sharing. The link above is
 somebody's independent implementation.

 A word of caution, if I may: once you start adding Sense- or iPhone- like
 features to your Android application, users start demanding more and more.
 So it's a slippery slope, think before you start.

 Kostya Vasilyev --http://kmansoft.wordpress.com
 15.01.2011 23:16 пользователь Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com написал: 
 I hope google help us letting me post the link to it´s printscreen
  image ;)

  On 15 jan, 18:11, TreKing treking...@gmail.com wrote:
  On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 2:07 PM, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com
   I´m trying to identify the name of this UI Widget (and it´s class name)
   I couldn´t figure out. I hope you can help me.

  I'm trying to identify the UI Widget you're talking about, but couldn't
  figure it out. I hope you can help me.


  TreKing http://sites.google.com/site/rezmobileapps/treking - Chicago
  transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

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[android-developers] Re: layout issues, is the reason minsdk=3?

2011-01-14 Thread Gabriel Simões
No help on this one? No one ever stepped on this same problem, mainly
with htc wildfire or using minsdk=3 (even with targetsdk=4 or above)?


On 13 jan, 22:28, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello dear developers, how are you doing?

 After many months developing for android using only the emulator my
 test device I finally got a real device. When I thought everything was
 perfect and I was finally testing on an environment that would mimic
 every user's device, I found out that the world is not that
 beautiful, at all!, hehehe.

 I´d like to ask for your help for an issue I can´t find information

 Every layout I code I check on the emulator for android 1.5 and above.
 There everything looks just the way I want, that´s my parameter. When
 I started seing the app running on different devices I found out that
 many thing do not show just like the emulator, and I´m not talking
 about different UI components' skins  I´m talking about

 - Buttons that appear with sides sliced
 - Components out of place
 - Texts that do not appear on spinners
 - Images blurred
 - Etc...

 HTC wildfire seems to be one of the most problematic devices ... using
 relative layout components show up out of place, one in front of the
 other, etc. When I check on the emulator, everything looks great!
 I received one complain and a tip from an android market user saying
 that removing android 1.5 from my manifest (minsdk=4) fixes the
 problem. On the other side I wouldn´t like to drop support to 1.5 nor
 place the same app twice on the market (one for 1.5 and one for 1.6
 and above).
 Have you ever faced this problem? If so, how have you solved it?

 Gabriel Simões

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[android-developers] layout issues, is the reason minsdk=3?

2011-01-13 Thread Gabriel Simões
Hello dear developers, how are you doing?

After many months developing for android using only the emulator my
test device I finally got a real device. When I thought everything was
perfect and I was finally testing on an environment that would mimic
every user's device, I found out that the world is not that
beautiful, at all!, hehehe.

I´d like to ask for your help for an issue I can´t find information

Every layout I code I check on the emulator for android 1.5 and above.
There everything looks just the way I want, that´s my parameter. When
I started seing the app running on different devices I found out that
many thing do not show just like the emulator, and I´m not talking
about different UI components' skins  I´m talking about

- Buttons that appear with sides sliced
- Components out of place
- Texts that do not appear on spinners
- Images blurred
- Etc...

HTC wildfire seems to be one of the most problematic devices ... using
relative layout components show up out of place, one in front of the
other, etc. When I check on the emulator, everything looks great!
I received one complain and a tip from an android market user saying
that removing android 1.5 from my manifest (minsdk=4) fixes the
problem. On the other side I wouldn´t like to drop support to 1.5 nor
place the same app twice on the market (one for 1.5 and one for 1.6
and above).
Have you ever faced this problem? If so, how have you solved it?

Gabriel Simões

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[android-developers] Re: layout issues, is the reason minsdk=3?

2011-01-13 Thread Gabriel Simões
Just to complete the post above, I´m using relativelayout, sizes and
distances in dip, font sizes in sp.

On 13 jan, 22:28, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello dear developers, how are you doing?

 After many months developing for android using only the emulator my
 test device I finally got a real device. When I thought everything was
 perfect and I was finally testing on an environment that would mimic
 every user's device, I found out that the world is not that
 beautiful, at all!, hehehe.

 I´d like to ask for your help for an issue I can´t find information

 Every layout I code I check on the emulator for android 1.5 and above.
 There everything looks just the way I want, that´s my parameter. When
 I started seing the app running on different devices I found out that
 many thing do not show just like the emulator, and I´m not talking
 about different UI components' skins  I´m talking about

 - Buttons that appear with sides sliced
 - Components out of place
 - Texts that do not appear on spinners
 - Images blurred
 - Etc...

 HTC wildfire seems to be one of the most problematic devices ... using
 relative layout components show up out of place, one in front of the
 other, etc. When I check on the emulator, everything looks great!
 I received one complain and a tip from an android market user saying
 that removing android 1.5 from my manifest (minsdk=4) fixes the
 problem. On the other side I wouldn´t like to drop support to 1.5 nor
 place the same app twice on the market (one for 1.5 and one for 1.6
 and above).
 Have you ever faced this problem? If so, how have you solved it?

 Gabriel Simões

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[android-developers] NDK: result compiled and used on cygwin different from compiled and used on android

2010-12-05 Thread Gabriel Simões
Hello guys,

Since I work with DSP, the NDK is a dream come true for me. Right now I
´m trying to compile a LGPL lib for audio processing but unfortunately
the results aren´t the ones I needed.
I´m using windows 7 + cygwin for the NDK (and also for crystax). I
have tried both (ndk and crystax) with the same results.
The code compiles on cygwin for usage on the computer and also for
android (generating the .so for armembi and armembi-v7) but the
results they produce are different. While in the first the audio is
perfect, on the second the audio gets a lot of artifacts and also the
processment seems to have some miscalculations. The right result is
the one that compiles and runs on cygwin.
The code is just the same! It uses mostly integers but a little FP

Am I missing something here? What should I care about so I get the
results right? Does the SDK use the makefiles from the lib (so I
should keep them)?

Gabriel Simões

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[android-developers] Re: ListView OnItemClickListener not working

2010-09-07 Thread Gabriel Simões
Sorry for the bump but I´m still stuck into this and that is the
only feature not ready.
Could you guys please give me a hand here? thanks!

On 6 set, 14:29, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello guys
 After a long time away, got back to coding on this brazilian
 independency holiday.

 What I´m trying to do is to create a list (using a listview) of items
 (which are views inflated from the same layout) what must be
 At first I thought that all I had to do was to add an
 onItemClickListener to the ListView so if the used clicked on any of
 the views that composed this Item the listener would react. Well, I
 was wrong.
 I´ve tried a lot of things, including setting focus and
 focusontouchmode off for each of the views that compose the item´s
 view but it still doesn´t work.

 Any tips here? Can I archive this result?
 Oh, also ... this listview is in a dialog and the listener  is in the
 activity that builds the dialog.

 Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks,
 Gabriel Simões

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[android-developers] Re: ListView OnItemClickListener not working

2010-09-07 Thread Gabriel Simões
Hey Kostia,

Thanks for your reply.

I´ve already done it, but the method onItemClick is never called!
I´ve read some stuff about focus, onTouchfocus but nothing changed the
Each item in the listview is a view inflated from a layout which has
TextViews and a button (in a relative layout).

Any ideas why clicking on an item (view) doesn´t fire onItemClick?


On 7 set, 11:37, Kostya Vasilyev kmans...@gmail.com wrote:

 This is how it's done:

 ListView listView = ..whatever;

 listView.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() {


              public void onItemClick(AdapterView?  parent, View view, int 
 position, long id) {

                 do your thing here



 -- Kostya

 07.09.2010 17:39, Gabriel Simões пишет:

  Sorry for the bump but I´m still stuck into this and that is the
  only feature not ready.
  Could you guys please give me a hand here? thanks!

  On 6 set, 14:29, Gabriel Simõesgsim...@gmail.com  wrote:
  Hello guys
  After a long time away, got back to coding on this brazilian
  independency holiday.

  What I´m trying to do is to create a list (using a listview) of items
  (which are views inflated from the same layout) what must be
  At first I thought that all I had to do was to add an
  onItemClickListener to the ListView so if the used clicked on any of
  the views that composed this Item the listener would react. Well, I
  was wrong.
  I´ve tried a lot of things, including setting focus and
  focusontouchmode off for each of the views that compose the item´s
  view but it still doesn´t work.

  Any tips here? Can I archive this result?
  Oh, also ... this listview is in a dialog and the listener  is in the
  activity that builds the dialog.

  Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks,
  Gabriel Simões

 Kostya Vasilyev -- WiFi Manager + pretty widget 

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[android-developers] Re: ListView OnItemClickListener not working

2010-09-07 Thread Gabriel Simões
Tried calling setOnItemClickListener before setAdapter but nothing :(

final ListView lvList = (ListView)

lvList.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener(){
public void onItemClick(AdapterView? arg0, View arg1, 
int arg2,
long arg3) {
lvList.setAdapter(new DBAdapter(this.getApplicationContext()));

thanks once again,

On 7 set, 12:48, Kostya Vasilyev kmans...@gmail.com wrote:

 For what it's worth, here is my ListItem layout xml:


 And this is the list adapter's getView method:


 Nothing special here, including any code to mess with view focus. I call
 setOnItemClickListener before setAdapter in the ListView.

 -- Kostya

 07.09.2010 19:41, Gabriel Simões пишет:

  Hey Kostia,

  Thanks for your reply.

  I´ve already done it, but the method onItemClick is never called!
  I´ve read some stuff about focus, onTouchfocus but nothing changed the
  Each item in the listview is a view inflated from a layout which has
  TextViews and a button (in a relative layout).

  Any ideas why clicking on an item (view) doesn´t fire onItemClick?


  On 7 set, 11:37, Kostya Vasilyevkmans...@gmail.com  wrote:

  This is how it's done:

  ListView listView = ..whatever;

  listView.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() {


                public void onItemClick(AdapterView?    parent, View view, 
  int position, long id) {

                   do your thing here



  -- Kostya

  07.09.2010 17:39, Gabriel Simões пишет:

  Sorry for the bump but I´m still stuck into this and that is the
  only feature not ready.
  Could you guys please give me a hand here? thanks!
  On 6 set, 14:29, Gabriel Simõesgsim...@gmail.com    wrote:
  Hello guys
  After a long time away, got back to coding on this brazilian
  independency holiday.
  What I´m trying to do is to create a list (using a listview) of items
  (which are views inflated from the same layout) what must be
  At first I thought that all I had to do was to add an
  onItemClickListener to the ListView so if the used clicked on any of
  the views that composed this Item the listener would react. Well, I
  was wrong.
  I´ve tried a lot of things, including setting focus and
  focusontouchmode off for each of the views that compose the item´s
  view but it still doesn´t work.
  Any tips here? Can I archive this result?
  Oh, also ... this listview is in a dialog and the listener  is in the
  activity that builds the dialog.
  Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks,
  Gabriel Simões
  Kostya Vasilyev -- WiFi Manager + pretty widget 

 Kostya Vasilyev -- WiFi Manager + pretty widget 

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[android-developers] Re: ListView OnItemClickListener not working

2010-09-07 Thread Gabriel Simões
yes, I´m asking myself the same 

Anyone here ever faced this?

On 7 set, 13:05, Kostya Vasilyev kmans...@gmail.com wrote:
   Ah, it seems you are using a dialog. I wonder if this makes any
 difference vs. an activity.

 -- Kostya

 07.09.2010 19:58, Gabriel Simões пишет:

  Tried calling setOnItemClickListener before setAdapter but nothing :(

           final ListView lvList = (ListView)

             lvList.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener(){
                     public void onItemClick(AdapterView?  arg0, View arg1, 
  int arg2,
  long arg3) {
             lvList.setAdapter(new DBAdapter(this.getApplicationContext()));

  thanks once again,

  On 7 set, 12:48, Kostya Vasilyevkmans...@gmail.com  wrote:

  For what it's worth, here is my ListItem layout xml:


  And this is the list adapter's getView method:


  Nothing special here, including any code to mess with view focus. I call
  setOnItemClickListener before setAdapter in the ListView.

  -- Kostya

  07.09.2010 19:41, Gabriel Simões пишет:

  Hey Kostia,
  Thanks for your reply.
  I´ve already done it, but the method onItemClick is never called!
  I´ve read some stuff about focus, onTouchfocus but nothing changed the
  Each item in the listview is a view inflated from a layout which has
  TextViews and a button (in a relative layout).
  Any ideas why clicking on an item (view) doesn´t fire onItemClick?
  On 7 set, 11:37, Kostya Vasilyevkmans...@gmail.com    wrote:
  This is how it's done:
  ListView listView = ..whatever;
  listView.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() {
                 public void onItemClick(AdapterView?      parent, View 
  view, int position, long id) {
                    do your thing here
  -- Kostya
  07.09.2010 17:39, Gabriel Simões пишет:
  Sorry for the bump but I´m still stuck into this and that is the
  only feature not ready.
  Could you guys please give me a hand here? thanks!
  On 6 set, 14:29, Gabriel Simõesgsim...@gmail.com      wrote:
  Hello guys
  After a long time away, got back to coding on this brazilian
  independency holiday.
  What I´m trying to do is to create a list (using a listview) of items
  (which are views inflated from the same layout) what must be
  At first I thought that all I had to do was to add an
  onItemClickListener to the ListView so if the used clicked on any of
  the views that composed this Item the listener would react. Well, I
  was wrong.
  I´ve tried a lot of things, including setting focus and
  focusontouchmode off for each of the views that compose the item´s
  view but it still doesn´t work.
  Any tips here? Can I archive this result?
  Oh, also ... this listview is in a dialog and the listener  is in the
  activity that builds the dialog.
  Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks,
  Gabriel Simões
  Kostya Vasilyev -- WiFi Manager + pretty widget 
  Kostya Vasilyev -- WiFi Manager + pretty widget 

 Kostya Vasilyev -- WiFi Manager + pretty widget 

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[android-developers] Re: ListView OnItemClickListener not working

2010-09-07 Thread Gabriel Simões
Here is my code:

Dialog dialog = new Dialog(this);
dialog.setTitle(Program Saving Center);
final ListView lvList = (ListView)

lvList.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener(){
public void onItemClick(AdapterView? arg0, View arg1, 
int arg2,
long arg3){

lvList.setAdapter(new DBAdapter(this.getApplicationContext()));

I´m stuck on this...

On 7 set, 13:59, TreKing treking...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 11:05 AM, Kostya Vasilyev kmans...@gmail.com wrote:
   Ah, it seems you are using a dialog. I wonder if this makes any difference
  vs. an activity.


 OP, how are you setting up your dialog?
 If you're doing this 

 You should be supplying a click listener as part of the setup, not after the
 I wouldn't be surprised if the ListView in the dialog is eating the

 TreKing http://sites.google.com/site/rezmobileapps/treking - Chicago
 transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

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[android-developers] Re: ListView OnItemClickListener not working

2010-09-07 Thread Gabriel Simões
If I´m not wrong I can´t inflate a layout on an alertdialog, right?
On this Layout I have more than a ListView (buttons and TextViews) so
to use an AlertDialog probably is not the best solution for me right

Mark, thanks for your answers.
About the context, I didn´t get it. I thought that when I created a
dialog I should pass to it the context of the activity that created
it, am I wrong?

If I don´t decide to use an alertdialog, is there a way to make it
work using a pure dialog?

Thank you guys very much!

On 7 set, 17:35, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:
 2010/9/7 Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com:

  Here is my code:

         Dialog dialog = new Dialog(this);
         dialog.setTitle(Program Saving Center);
         final ListView lvList = (ListView)

         lvList.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener(){
                         public void onItemClick(AdapterView? arg0, View 
  arg1, int arg2,
  long arg3){

         lvList.setAdapter(new DBAdapter(this.getApplicationContext()));

  I´m stuck on this...


 -- Use AlertDialog.Builder and setAdapter(), supplying the listener that way, 

 -- Create a dialog-themed ListActivity

 Mark Murphy (a Commons 

 Android Training in London:http://skillsmatter.com/go/os-mobile-server

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[android-developers] Re: ListView OnItemClickListener not working

2010-09-07 Thread Gabriel Simões
what intrigates me is that the listeners for the buttons work
perfectly, plug  play.

On 7 set, 17:54, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:
 2010/9/7 Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com:

  If I´m not wrong I can´t inflate a layout on an alertdialog, right?

 Sure you can.

  On this Layout I have more than a ListView (buttons and TextViews) so
  to use an AlertDialog probably is not the best solution for me right

 That probably should not be a dialog. Use an activity.

  About the context, I didn´t get it. I thought that when I created a
  dialog I should pass to it the context of the activity that created
  it, am I wrong?

 The Activity *is* a Context. Never call getApplicationContext().

  If I don´t decide to use an alertdialog, is there a way to make it
  work using a pure dialog?

 Use an activity. Give it Theme.Dialog if you want it to look like a dialog.

 Mark Murphy (a Commons 

 Android Training in London:http://skillsmatter.com/go/os-mobile-server

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[android-developers] Re: ListView OnItemClickListener not working

2010-09-07 Thread Gabriel Simões

Tried changing to an AlertBuilder but got the same result:

Builder loadDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
loadDialog.setTitle(Program Loading Center);
View v = View.inflate(this, R.layout.load, null);
final ListView lvList = (ListView) v.findViewById(R.id.lvList);
lvList.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener(){
public void onItemClick(AdapterView? arg0, View arg1, 
int arg2,
long arg3) {
FlurryAgent.onEvent(Load, null);
lvList.setAdapter(new DBAdapter(this));

Everything is displayed just as expected but when I the function
onItemClick is never fired (clicking on any of the items displayed at
lvList, which inflated from the same layout containing textviews and a
button, all over a relativelayout).

Any other ideas?


On 7 set, 18:04, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:
 what intrigates me is that the listeners for the buttons work
 perfectly, plug  play.

 On 7 set, 17:54, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:

  2010/9/7 Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com:

   If I´m not wrong I can´t inflate a layout on an alertdialog, right?

  Sure you can.

   On this Layout I have more than a ListView (buttons and TextViews) so
   to use an AlertDialog probably is not the best solution for me right

  That probably should not be a dialog. Use an activity.

   About the context, I didn´t get it. I thought that when I created a
   dialog I should pass to it the context of the activity that created
   it, am I wrong?

  The Activity *is* a Context. Never call getApplicationContext().

   If I don´t decide to use an alertdialog, is there a way to make it
   work using a pure dialog?

  Use an activity. Give it Theme.Dialog if you want it to look like a dialog.

  Mark Murphy (a Commons 

  Android Training in London:http://skillsmatter.com/go/os-mobile-server

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[android-developers] Re: ListView OnItemClickListener not working

2010-09-07 Thread Gabriel Simões
and if it helps, this is how I populate my ListView:

public View getView(int arg0, View arg1, ViewGroup arg2) {
View layout = View.inflate(context, R.layout.program, 
(load views and set their values ...)
Button btDelete = (Button)
btDelete.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(View v) {
(on click action for a button inside the 
view that
builds each item in the list)

return layout;

On 7 set, 18:55, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:

 Tried changing to an AlertBuilder but got the same result:

 Builder loadDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
                 loadDialog.setTitle(Program Loading Center);
                 View v = View.inflate(this, R.layout.load, null);
                 final ListView lvList = (ListView) 
                 lvList.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener(){
                         public void onItemClick(AdapterView? arg0, View 
 arg1, int arg2,
 long arg3) {
                                 FlurryAgent.onEvent(Load, null);
         lvList.setAdapter(new DBAdapter(this));

 Everything is displayed just as expected but when I the function
 onItemClick is never fired (clicking on any of the items displayed at
 lvList, which inflated from the same layout containing textviews and a
 button, all over a relativelayout).

 Any other ideas?


 On 7 set, 18:04, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:

  what intrigates me is that the listeners for the buttons work
  perfectly, plug  play.

  On 7 set, 17:54, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:

   2010/9/7 Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com:

If I´m not wrong I can´t inflate a layout on an alertdialog, right?

   Sure you can.

On this Layout I have more than a ListView (buttons and TextViews) so
to use an AlertDialog probably is not the best solution for me right

   That probably should not be a dialog. Use an activity.

About the context, I didn´t get it. I thought that when I created a
dialog I should pass to it the context of the activity that created
it, am I wrong?

   The Activity *is* a Context. Never call getApplicationContext().

If I don´t decide to use an alertdialog, is there a way to make it
work using a pure dialog?

   Use an activity. Give it Theme.Dialog if you want it to look like a 

   Mark Murphy (a Commons 

   Android Training in London:http://skillsmatter.com/go/os-mobile-server

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[android-developers] Re: Vertical Button Text

2010-09-07 Thread Gabriel Simões
havent tried that but maybe  setting button´s text as
S\no\nm\ne\nT\ne\nx\nt may do the trick.
It´s not an elegant solution but may be functional. try it.

On 7 set, 19:49, William Ferguson william.ferguson...@gmail.com

 I want to display the text for some buttons vertically down the
 screen instead of horizontally. I don't want the orientation of the
 letters to change just the direction in which the letters are printed.

 Ie Instead of


 it would be


 Is there any way to achieve this, other than creatng a drawable that
 has the letters in this format and using it as a background?

 I guess I'd need to center the letters horizontally as well.


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[android-developers] Re: ListView OnItemClickListener not working

2010-09-07 Thread Gabriel Simões
Mark, Treking, NEWS!!!

Well, I´ve changed some code to try different things on my Adapter and
I found out that if I don´t inflate the layout, use a TextView
instead, the code works great.
The thing is, if the function getView from my AdapterClass returns the
View that I have inflated than it doesn´t work. If it returns a
TextView, it works (using my old Dialog).

What to try next?

On 7 set, 19:22, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:
 and if it helps, this is how I populate my ListView:

 public View getView(int arg0, View arg1, ViewGroup arg2) {
                         View layout = View.inflate(context, R.layout.program, 
                         (load views and set their values ...)
                         Button btDelete = (Button)
                         btDelete.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener(){
                                 public void onClick(View v) {
                                     (on click action for a button inside the 
 view that
 builds each item in the list)

                         return layout;


 On 7 set, 18:55, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:


  Tried changing to an AlertBuilder but got the same result:

  Builder loadDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
                  loadDialog.setTitle(Program Loading Center);
                  View v = View.inflate(this, R.layout.load, null);
                  final ListView lvList = (ListView) 
                  lvList.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener(){
                          public void onItemClick(AdapterView? arg0, View 
  arg1, int arg2,
  long arg3) {
                                  FlurryAgent.onEvent(Load, null);
          lvList.setAdapter(new DBAdapter(this));

  Everything is displayed just as expected but when I the function
  onItemClick is never fired (clicking on any of the items displayed at
  lvList, which inflated from the same layout containing textviews and a
  button, all over a relativelayout).

  Any other ideas?


  On 7 set, 18:04, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:

   what intrigates me is that the listeners for the buttons work
   perfectly, plug  play.

   On 7 set, 17:54, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:

2010/9/7 Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com:

 If I´m not wrong I can´t inflate a layout on an alertdialog, right?

Sure you can.

 On this Layout I have more than a ListView (buttons and TextViews) so
 to use an AlertDialog probably is not the best solution for me right

That probably should not be a dialog. Use an activity.

 About the context, I didn´t get it. I thought that when I created a
 dialog I should pass to it the context of the activity that created
 it, am I wrong?

The Activity *is* a Context. Never call getApplicationContext().

 If I don´t decide to use an alertdialog, is there a way to make it
 work using a pure dialog?

Use an activity. Give it Theme.Dialog if you want it to look like a 

Mark Murphy (a Commons 

Android Training in London:http://skillsmatter.com/go/os-mobile-server

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[android-developers] ListView OnItemClickListener not working

2010-09-06 Thread Gabriel Simões
Hello guys
After a long time away, got back to coding on this brazilian
independency holiday.

What I´m trying to do is to create a list (using a listview) of items
(which are views inflated from the same layout) what must be
At first I thought that all I had to do was to add an
onItemClickListener to the ListView so if the used clicked on any of
the views that composed this Item the listener would react. Well, I
was wrong.
I´ve tried a lot of things, including setting focus and
focusontouchmode off for each of the views that compose the item´s
view but it still doesn´t work.

Any tips here? Can I archive this result?
Oh, also ... this listview is in a dialog and the listener  is in the
activity that builds the dialog.

Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks,
Gabriel Simões

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[android-developers] Re: UI Stack over flow

2010-06-24 Thread Gabriel Simões
Well, it´s seems my computer has a virus that interacts only with some
And one of them is the emulator.
If I try to alt+tab I notice that periodically the screen´s action is
interrupted just like pressing another key (which is probably =).
Now I have to find out which virus.

On 23 jun, 20:22, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:
 It´s a notebook and just as I said, this problem doesn´t happen on
 windows at all, on the emulator running over linux.
 Also, it started 3 days ago and I´m using this same system for more
 than 3 months.

 On 23 jun, 15:03, DonFrench dcfre...@gmail.com wrote:

  Try swapping in a different keyboard just to eliminate a possible
  hardware problem.

  On Jun 22, 8:15 pm, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:

   Please help!
   Reinstaling the SDK tools hasn´t solved the problem.
   Right now I can´t work :(

   On 22 jun, 22:57, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:

Could you please open another thread and let this one for the original

On 22 jun, 22:48, shakeel shakeelaha...@tataelxsi.co.in wrote:

 Will you please send me example of how to use views with tabs.

 It will be of great help.


 -Original Message-
 From: android-developers@googlegroups.com

 [mailto:android-develop...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Mark Murphy
 Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 5:02 PM
 To: android-developers@googlegroups.com
 Subject: Re: [android-developers] UI Stack over flow

 On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 11:47 PM, shakeel 
  My application works fine if launch independently, but gives stack 
  when I use add my class to tabhost.

  Please suggest

 Don't use activities as the contents of tabs. Use views as the
 contents of tabs. As I have been saying, again and again and again,
 for a year or so.

 You can also use hierarchyviewer to see if there are other
 optimizations you can make, to shorten the depth of your View

 Mark Murphy (a Commons 

 _Android Programming Tutorials_ Version 2.1 Available!

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 Groups Android Developers group.
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[android-developers] Re: UI Stack over flow

2010-06-23 Thread Gabriel Simões
It´s a notebook and just as I said, this problem doesn´t happen on
windows at all, on the emulator running over linux.
Also, it started 3 days ago and I´m using this same system for more
than 3 months.

On 23 jun, 15:03, DonFrench dcfre...@gmail.com wrote:
 Try swapping in a different keyboard just to eliminate a possible
 hardware problem.

 On Jun 22, 8:15 pm, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:

  Please help!
  Reinstaling the SDK tools hasn´t solved the problem.
  Right now I can´t work :(

  On 22 jun, 22:57, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:

   Could you please open another thread and let this one for the original

   On 22 jun, 22:48, shakeel shakeelaha...@tataelxsi.co.in wrote:

Will you please send me example of how to use views with tabs.

It will be of great help.


-Original Message-
From: android-developers@googlegroups.com

[mailto:android-develop...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Mark Murphy
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 5:02 PM
To: android-developers@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [android-developers] UI Stack over flow

On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 11:47 PM, shakeel 
 My application works fine if launch independently, but gives stack 
 when I use add my class to tabhost.

 Please suggest

Don't use activities as the contents of tabs. Use views as the
contents of tabs. As I have been saying, again and again and again,
for a year or so.

You can also use hierarchyviewer to see if there are other
optimizations you can make, to shorten the depth of your View

Mark Murphy (a Commons 

_Android Programming Tutorials_ Version 2.1 Available!

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Groups Android Developers group.
To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com
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For more options, visit this group 

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[android-developers] Re: Emulator behaving like I´m pressing =, but I´m not!

2010-06-22 Thread Gabriel Simões
No, I haven´t added any new peripheral to the computer lately.
I´m using Windows XP in brazilian portuguese ...
But for the record, I´ve used the same development environment on this
same computer/system/config/devices for the last 5 months without
Also, I´ve updated the android´s eclipse plug-in (and then also the
emulator´s binaries) and the problem persists ...
Please, help me because it´s turning impossible to develop on an
environment like this ... and formating my computer right now is out
of scope.


On 22 jun, 03:45, David Turner di...@android.com wrote:
 Thank you,

 This is very weird, it looks like the emulator's event loop falsely believes
 it is receiving keypresses from the user.
 It seems to be a problem in the emulator binary. The relevant code uses the
 SDL library, and I don't see anything
 that could trigger this in the code.

 For the record, which exact version of Windows are you using ? What regional
 / locale / keyboard / language settings are you using ?
 Did you plug a new input device recently to your machine (keyboard / mouse /
 webcam / drawing tablet) ?

 thanks in advance.

 On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 6:22 PM, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:

   KEY [0x00d,down]
  emulator: could not handle sym=61, mod=0, str=EQUAL

  Now I ask myself ... why and how is it happening? I´m not pressing
  anything and I´ve been using this system for months!
  This happens to ALL my avds  :(

  On 21 jun, 21:50, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:
   It´s weird by default 
   I´m not pressing any button ... in windows the same effect can´t be
   seing  but if I load ANY AVD,  there it is ...
   Gonna create a new AVD and try it  but right now I´m afraid I will
   have to work a lot on it ... was about to release a new version of an
   app :(

   On 21 jun, 21:44, David Turner di...@android.com wrote:

mmm, seems really weird. Can you start the emulator with the
option and see what keycodes are dumped.
If they are different (for different key strokes on your keyboard),
something is weird inside the emulated system.
If all codes are the same, something is weird in the emulator binary or
likely your system's configuration.

On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 5:35 PM, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com
 Guys  can you help me in this one too?

 Yesterday I was coding and everything in my system was working great.
 Turned off the computer, turned on today ...
 Now when I run the emulator, it behaves like I´m pressing the =
 and opens the search for  (infinite) .. I´ve
 restarted, tried different AVDs, ... but this happens in all cases.

 On the other side ... on windows every application is working great,
 and there´s no sign of an onKeyDown event (the key being =).

 Have anyone here faced this before?
 I have many AVDs and right now I don´t want to delete my whole system
 and start it all fresh ...

 I´m using Eclipse + ADS


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[android-developers] Re: UI Stack over flow

2010-06-22 Thread Gabriel Simões
Could you please open another thread and let this one for the original

On 22 jun, 22:48, shakeel shakeelaha...@tataelxsi.co.in wrote:
 Will you please send me example of how to use views with tabs.

 It will be of great help.


 -Original Message-
 From: android-developers@googlegroups.com

 [mailto:android-develop...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Mark Murphy
 Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 5:02 PM
 To: android-developers@googlegroups.com
 Subject: Re: [android-developers] UI Stack over flow

 On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 11:47 PM, shakeel shakeelaha...@tataelxsi.co.in
  My application works fine if launch independently, but gives stack over
  when I use add my class to tabhost.

  Please suggest

 Don't use activities as the contents of tabs. Use views as the
 contents of tabs. As I have been saying, again and again and again,
 for a year or so.

 You can also use hierarchyviewer to see if there are other
 optimizations you can make, to shorten the depth of your View

 Mark Murphy (a Commons 

 _Android Programming Tutorials_ Version 2.1 Available!

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 Groups Android Developers group.
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[android-developers] Re: UI Stack over flow

2010-06-22 Thread Gabriel Simões
Please help!
Reinstaling the SDK tools hasn´t solved the problem.
Right now I can´t work :(

On 22 jun, 22:57, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:
 Could you please open another thread and let this one for the original

 On 22 jun, 22:48, shakeel shakeelaha...@tataelxsi.co.in wrote:

  Will you please send me example of how to use views with tabs.

  It will be of great help.


  -Original Message-
  From: android-developers@googlegroups.com

  [mailto:android-develop...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Mark Murphy
  Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 5:02 PM
  To: android-developers@googlegroups.com
  Subject: Re: [android-developers] UI Stack over flow

  On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 11:47 PM, shakeel shakeelaha...@tataelxsi.co.in
   My application works fine if launch independently, but gives stack over
   when I use add my class to tabhost.

   Please suggest

  Don't use activities as the contents of tabs. Use views as the
  contents of tabs. As I have been saying, again and again and again,
  for a year or so.

  You can also use hierarchyviewer to see if there are other
  optimizations you can make, to shorten the depth of your View

  Mark Murphy (a Commons 

  _Android Programming Tutorials_ Version 2.1 Available!

  You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
  Groups Android Developers group.
  To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com
  To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
  For more options, visit this group 

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For more options, visit this group at

[android-developers] Emulator behaving like I´m pre ssing =, but I´m not!

2010-06-21 Thread Gabriel Simões
Guys  can you help me in this one too?

Yesterday I was coding and everything in my system was working great.
Turned off the computer, turned on today ...
Now when I run the emulator, it behaves like I´m pressing the = key,
and opens the search for  (infinite) .. I´ve
restarted, tried different AVDs, ... but this happens in all cases.

On the other side ... on windows every application is working great,
and there´s no sign of an onKeyDown event (the key being =).

Have anyone here faced this before?
I have many AVDs and right now I don´t want to delete my whole system
and start it all fresh ...

I´m using Eclipse + ADS


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[android-developers] Re: Emulator behaving like I´m pressing =, but I´m not!

2010-06-21 Thread Gabriel Simões
It´s weird by default 
I´m not pressing any button ... in windows the same effect can´t be
seing  but if I load ANY AVD,  there it is ...
Gonna create a new AVD and try it  but right now I´m afraid I will
have to work a lot on it ... was about to release a new version of an
app :(

On 21 jun, 21:44, David Turner di...@android.com wrote:
 mmm, seems really weird. Can you start the emulator with the -debug-keys
 option and see what keycodes are dumped.
 If they are different (for different key strokes on your keyboard),
 something is weird inside the emulated system.
 If all codes are the same, something is weird in the emulator binary or more
 likely your system's configuration.

 On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 5:35 PM, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:
  Guys  can you help me in this one too?

  Yesterday I was coding and everything in my system was working great.
  Turned off the computer, turned on today ...
  Now when I run the emulator, it behaves like I´m pressing the = key,
  and opens the search for  (infinite) .. I´ve
  restarted, tried different AVDs, ... but this happens in all cases.

  On the other side ... on windows every application is working great,
  and there´s no sign of an onKeyDown event (the key being =).

  Have anyone here faced this before?
  I have many AVDs and right now I don´t want to delete my whole system
  and start it all fresh ...

  I´m using Eclipse + ADS


  You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
  Groups Android Developers group.
  To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com
  To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
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[android-developers] Re: Emulator behaving like I´m pressing =, but I´m not!

2010-06-21 Thread Gabriel Simões

 KEY [0x00d,down]
emulator: could not handle sym=61, mod=0, str=EQUAL

Now I ask myself ... why and how is it happening? I´m not pressing
anything and I´ve been using this system for months!
This happens to ALL my avds  :(

On 21 jun, 21:50, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:
 It´s weird by default 
 I´m not pressing any button ... in windows the same effect can´t be
 seing  but if I load ANY AVD,  there it is ...
 Gonna create a new AVD and try it  but right now I´m afraid I will
 have to work a lot on it ... was about to release a new version of an
 app :(

 On 21 jun, 21:44, David Turner di...@android.com wrote:

  mmm, seems really weird. Can you start the emulator with the -debug-keys
  option and see what keycodes are dumped.
  If they are different (for different key strokes on your keyboard),
  something is weird inside the emulated system.
  If all codes are the same, something is weird in the emulator binary or more
  likely your system's configuration.

  On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 5:35 PM, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:
   Guys  can you help me in this one too?

   Yesterday I was coding and everything in my system was working great.
   Turned off the computer, turned on today ...
   Now when I run the emulator, it behaves like I´m pressing the = key,
   and opens the search for  (infinite) .. I´ve
   restarted, tried different AVDs, ... but this happens in all cases.

   On the other side ... on windows every application is working great,
   and there´s no sign of an onKeyDown event (the key being =).

   Have anyone here faced this before?
   I have many AVDs and right now I don´t want to delete my whole system
   and start it all fresh ...

   I´m using Eclipse + ADS


   You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
   Groups Android Developers group.
   To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com
   To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
   For more options, visit this group at

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[android-developers] Re: Emulator behaving like I´m pressing =, but I´m not!

2010-06-21 Thread Gabriel Simões
Also I have updated android sdk tools and the problem persists ...

Anyone got any idea of what could be going on here? My emulator says it
´s receiving keyboard inputs that I´m not doing  and this way I can
´t develop! :(

Please help

On 21 jun, 22:22, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:

  KEY [0x00d,down]

 emulator: could not handle sym=61, mod=0, str=EQUAL

 Now I ask myself ... why and how is it happening? I´m not pressing
 anything and I´ve been using this system for months!
 This happens to ALL my avds  :(

 On 21 jun, 21:50, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:

  It´s weird by default 
  I´m not pressing any button ... in windows the same effect can´t be
  seing  but if I load ANY AVD,  there it is ...
  Gonna create a new AVD and try it  but right now I´m afraid I will
  have to work a lot on it ... was about to release a new version of an
  app :(

  On 21 jun, 21:44, David Turner di...@android.com wrote:

   mmm, seems really weird. Can you start the emulator with the -debug-keys
   option and see what keycodes are dumped.
   If they are different (for different key strokes on your keyboard),
   something is weird inside the emulated system.
   If all codes are the same, something is weird in the emulator binary or 
   likely your system's configuration.

   On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 5:35 PM, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:
Guys  can you help me in this one too?

Yesterday I was coding and everything in my system was working great.
Turned off the computer, turned on today ...
Now when I run the emulator, it behaves like I´m pressing the = key,
and opens the search for  (infinite) .. I´ve
restarted, tried different AVDs, ... but this happens in all cases.

On the other side ... on windows every application is working great,
and there´s no sign of an onKeyDown event (the key being =).

Have anyone here faced this before?
I have many AVDs and right now I don´t want to delete my whole system
and start it all fresh ...

I´m using Eclipse + ADS


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[android-developers] Re: Emulator behaving like I´m pressing =, but I´m not!

2010-06-21 Thread Gabriel Simões
And it seems I´m not alone in this one!


On 21 jun, 23:08, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:
 Also I have updated android sdk tools and the problem persists ...

 Anyone got any idea of what could be going on here? My emulator says it
 ´s receiving keyboard inputs that I´m not doing  and this way I can
 ´t develop! :(

 Please help

 On 21 jun, 22:22, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:


   KEY [0x00d,down]

  emulator: could not handle sym=61, mod=0, str=EQUAL

  Now I ask myself ... why and how is it happening? I´m not pressing
  anything and I´ve been using this system for months!
  This happens to ALL my avds  :(

  On 21 jun, 21:50, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:

   It´s weird by default 
   I´m not pressing any button ... in windows the same effect can´t be
   seing  but if I load ANY AVD,  there it is ...
   Gonna create a new AVD and try it  but right now I´m afraid I will
   have to work a lot on it ... was about to release a new version of an
   app :(

   On 21 jun, 21:44, David Turner di...@android.com wrote:

mmm, seems really weird. Can you start the emulator with the -debug-keys
option and see what keycodes are dumped.
If they are different (for different key strokes on your keyboard),
something is weird inside the emulated system.
If all codes are the same, something is weird in the emulator binary or 
likely your system's configuration.

On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 5:35 PM, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com 
 Guys  can you help me in this one too?

 Yesterday I was coding and everything in my system was working great.
 Turned off the computer, turned on today ...
 Now when I run the emulator, it behaves like I´m pressing the = key,
 and opens the search for  (infinite) .. I´ve
 restarted, tried different AVDs, ... but this happens in all cases.

 On the other side ... on windows every application is working great,
 and there´s no sign of an onKeyDown event (the key being =).

 Have anyone here faced this before?
 I have many AVDs and right now I don´t want to delete my whole system
 and start it all fresh ...

 I´m using Eclipse + ADS


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[android-developers] Re: Control any led of the device, does the sdk allow?

2010-06-20 Thread Gabriel Simões
Thanks Dianne

Based on that, I will wait for future SDKs´s features

 2010/6/19 Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com

  Thanks for your reply...

  I should have mentioned that I knew about using the
  notificationManager to flash leds but unfortunately it doesn´t work
  for me mainly because you can´t syncronize events with the blink of
  the led.

  Is there any other way to control when to turn the led on/off?


  On 19 jun, 17:38, YuviDroid yuvidr...@gmail.com wrote:
   Take a look here:

   2010/6/19 Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com


I´d like to create some visual referentes for an app and I think being
able to control any led of the device would be the best choice.
Does the sdk allow us to control (by code) the intensity and turning
any led on/off?
If so, how?


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 Dianne Hackborn
 Android framework engineer

 Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
 provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
 questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
 answer them.

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[android-developers] Re: Spinners showing text in white with white background!

2010-06-20 Thread Gabriel Simões
Still thinking about how I will solve this problem.

I would like to keep using spinners ... and I can´t find a tutorial on
how to create a custom layout for the spinner´s options list.
The usage of textviews + listviews is not as intuitive as a

Is there a way to use simple_spinner_dropdown_item and not to display
the big round buttons on the spinner after an option is choosen?
Also, any other ideas on how to fix this motorola firmware bug?

Gabriel Simões

On 14 jun, 21:31, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:

 I guess I will switch to textviews + listviews on onclick events.
 This way I can control everything using only default widgets ...
 indeed spinners don´t look that good (but are instinctive ...)


 On 14 jun, 02:47, Bob Kerns r...@acm.org wrote:

  If you do that, then users will complain that your spinners are
  different than every other app on their device.

  Once device manufacturers start pulling stuff like this, there's no
  hope for us poor developers. Or our users.

  On Jun 13, 8:58 pm, Kumar Bibek coomar@gmail.com wrote:

   A better approach would be to create your own spinner adapter with a
   custom layout. If you try to use the androids', they might have been
   modified by the device manufacturers. And you wont have any control
   over that.

   Thanks and Regards,
   Kumar Bibekhttp://tech-droid.blogspot.com

   On Jun 14, 6:46 am, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:


While this may work ... there´s a button in the list that appears also
in the widget before the choosen option´s text.
My spinner is small so the text doesn´t even appear. I guess I will
have to give up the spinner .


On 13 jun, 01:03, Seni Sangrujee sangru...@gmail.com wrote:

 I ran into complaints from Motorola Backflip users about white on
 white spinners.

 My workaround was to give up on the svelte simple_spinner_items and
 use the big and beautiful simple_spinner_dropdown_items.


 On Jun 12, 8:36 pm, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:


  I have an app which uses 3 different spinners to allow users to 
  from some options.
  I´ve added those spinners to my layout without editing most of it´s
  properties and this way it works for most of my users. Unfortunately
  most isn´t all and then some of them started complaining that the 
  of options is showing text in white with over a white background!
  I´d like to know if there´s a way (or a property) so I can force 
  spinners to show the options list using text in black.

  Gabriel Simões

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[android-developers] Control any led of the device, does the sdk allow?

2010-06-19 Thread Gabriel Simões

I´d like to create some visual referentes for an app and I think being
able to control any led of the device would be the best choice.
Does the sdk allow us to control (by code) the intensity and turning
any led on/off?
If so, how?


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[android-developers] Re: Control any led of the device, does the sdk allow?

2010-06-19 Thread Gabriel Simões
Thanks for your reply...

I should have mentioned that I knew about using the
notificationManager to flash leds but unfortunately it doesn´t work
for me mainly because you can´t syncronize events with the blink of
the led.

Is there any other way to control when to turn the led on/off?


On 19 jun, 17:38, YuviDroid yuvidr...@gmail.com wrote:
 Take a look 

 2010/6/19 Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com


  I´d like to create some visual referentes for an app and I think being
  able to control any led of the device would be the best choice.
  Does the sdk allow us to control (by code) the intensity and turning
  any led on/off?
  If so, how?


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[android-developers] Re: How trigger intent to execute a specific method from a specific activity

2010-06-19 Thread Gabriel Simões
Works as expected!

On 16 jun, 05:31, a2ronus a...@theipcompany.nl wrote:
 1. Register a BroadcastReceiver that listens for a specific Intent.
 2. When the user clicks on the Notification, the PendingIntent will be
 launched. You can put extra's in this Intent. You can use the extra's
 to determine which method will be launched in the Service.

 Good luck, a2ronus

 On Jun 16, 1:12 am, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:

  any ideas on this one?


  On 14 jun, 21:33, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:

   I need to send it to a service.

   How can a notification message start an specific action (method) on a
   service? is that possible (for example ... a service downloading a
   file would stop the download as the user clicks on the


   On 14 jun, 00:21, Kumar Bibek coomar@gmail.com wrote:

Broadcast will only work if your activity is in the foreground. If
your activity is not yet started, you can however start it with
specific data passed via bundle and in the onCreate() do specific

If your activity is currently in the foreground, you need to listen to

Thanks and Regards,
Kumar Bibek

On Jun 14, 6:17 am, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:


 I´ve been searching a way to implement an intent so when a user clicks
 on a notification, an specific method from an activity is executed (or
 an specific behavior happens).
 Right now I´m thinking about using broadcast but I don´t know if this
 is the best way to implement this functionality.
 How would you implement it?


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[android-developers] Re: How trigger intent to execute a specific method from a specific activity

2010-06-15 Thread Gabriel Simões
any ideas on this one?


On 14 jun, 21:33, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:
 I need to send it to a service.

 How can a notification message start an specific action (method) on a
 service? is that possible (for example ... a service downloading a
 file would stop the download as the user clicks on the


 On 14 jun, 00:21, Kumar Bibek coomar@gmail.com wrote:

  Broadcast will only work if your activity is in the foreground. If
  your activity is not yet started, you can however start it with
  specific data passed via bundle and in the onCreate() do specific

  If your activity is currently in the foreground, you need to listen to

  Thanks and Regards,
  Kumar Bibek

  On Jun 14, 6:17 am, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:


   I´ve been searching a way to implement an intent so when a user clicks
   on a notification, an specific method from an activity is executed (or
   an specific behavior happens).
   Right now I´m thinking about using broadcast but I don´t know if this
   is the best way to implement this functionality.
   How would you implement it?


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[android-developers] Re: Spinners showing text in white with white background!

2010-06-14 Thread Gabriel Simões

I guess I will switch to textviews + listviews on onclick events.
This way I can control everything using only default widgets ...
indeed spinners don´t look that good (but are instinctive ...)


On 14 jun, 02:47, Bob Kerns r...@acm.org wrote:
 If you do that, then users will complain that your spinners are
 different than every other app on their device.

 Once device manufacturers start pulling stuff like this, there's no
 hope for us poor developers. Or our users.

 On Jun 13, 8:58 pm, Kumar Bibek coomar@gmail.com wrote:

  A better approach would be to create your own spinner adapter with a
  custom layout. If you try to use the androids', they might have been
  modified by the device manufacturers. And you wont have any control
  over that.

  Thanks and Regards,
  Kumar Bibekhttp://tech-droid.blogspot.com

  On Jun 14, 6:46 am, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:


   While this may work ... there´s a button in the list that appears also
   in the widget before the choosen option´s text.
   My spinner is small so the text doesn´t even appear. I guess I will
   have to give up the spinner .


   On 13 jun, 01:03, Seni Sangrujee sangru...@gmail.com wrote:

I ran into complaints from Motorola Backflip users about white on
white spinners.

My workaround was to give up on the svelte simple_spinner_items and
use the big and beautiful simple_spinner_dropdown_items.


On Jun 12, 8:36 pm, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:


 I have an app which uses 3 different spinners to allow users to choose
 from some options.
 I´ve added those spinners to my layout without editing most of it´s
 properties and this way it works for most of my users. Unfortunately
 most isn´t all and then some of them started complaining that the list
 of options is showing text in white with over a white background!
 I´d like to know if there´s a way (or a property) so I can force those
 spinners to show the options list using text in black.

 Gabriel Simões

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[android-developers] Re: How trigger intent to execute a specific method from a specific activity

2010-06-14 Thread Gabriel Simões
I need to send it to a service.

How can a notification message start an specific action (method) on a
service? is that possible (for example ... a service downloading a
file would stop the download as the user clicks on the


On 14 jun, 00:21, Kumar Bibek coomar@gmail.com wrote:
 Broadcast will only work if your activity is in the foreground. If
 your activity is not yet started, you can however start it with
 specific data passed via bundle and in the onCreate() do specific

 If your activity is currently in the foreground, you need to listen to

 Thanks and Regards,
 Kumar Bibek

 On Jun 14, 6:17 am, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:


  I´ve been searching a way to implement an intent so when a user clicks
  on a notification, an specific method from an activity is executed (or
  an specific behavior happens).
  Right now I´m thinking about using broadcast but I don´t know if this
  is the best way to implement this functionality.
  How would you implement it?


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[android-developers] How trigger intent to execute a specific method from a specific activity

2010-06-13 Thread Gabriel Simões

I´ve been searching a way to implement an intent so when a user clicks
on a notification, an specific method from an activity is executed (or
an specific behavior happens).
Right now I´m thinking about using broadcast but I don´t know if this
is the best way to implement this functionality.
How would you implement it?


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[android-developers] Re: Spinners showing text in white with white background!

2010-06-13 Thread Gabriel Simões

While this may work ... there´s a button in the list that appears also
in the widget before the choosen option´s text.
My spinner is small so the text doesn´t even appear. I guess I will
have to give up the spinner .


On 13 jun, 01:03, Seni Sangrujee sangru...@gmail.com wrote:
 I ran into complaints from Motorola Backflip users about white on
 white spinners.

 My workaround was to give up on the svelte simple_spinner_items and
 use the big and beautiful simple_spinner_dropdown_items.


 On Jun 12, 8:36 pm, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:


  I have an app which uses 3 different spinners to allow users to choose
  from some options.
  I´ve added those spinners to my layout without editing most of it´s
  properties and this way it works for most of my users. Unfortunately
  most isn´t all and then some of them started complaining that the list
  of options is showing text in white with over a white background!
  I´d like to know if there´s a way (or a property) so I can force those
  spinners to show the options list using text in black.

  Gabriel Simões

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[android-developers] Spinners showing text in white with white background!

2010-06-12 Thread Gabriel Simões

I have an app which uses 3 different spinners to allow users to choose
from some options.
I´ve added those spinners to my layout without editing most of it´s
properties and this way it works for most of my users. Unfortunately
most isn´t all and then some of them started complaining that the list
of options is showing text in white with over a white background!
I´d like to know if there´s a way (or a property) so I can force those
spinners to show the options list using text in black.

Gabriel Simões

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[android-developers] Re: samsung app store

2010-05-21 Thread Gabriel Simões
Well, my opinion:

- paid apps (for users)

- The problems google have to be able to sell to any country, any
store will have: laws! Apple took a lot of time to open an app store
here in Brazil and still most of the apps aren´t available because the
governament has a diferent age definition per category here, so most
games aren´t publihed.

- paid apps (for developers)

- This sucks, and sucks hard! It´s something google needs to fix as
soon as possible. Most users are on USA and Europe but developers are
around the whole world and using ads to support our development is
taking things to the limit already.

- browsing through a website

- Already shown on google I/O. Let´s wait for froio devices and this
will show up. I hope in a shot time.

- buying through a website

- Also shown on google I/O and even MUCH better than the app store/
iTunes. Right now there´s no better system for mobile devices.

- payment methods different then Google Checkout

- This won´t happen, and won´t happen in ANY store. Why? Using other
systems mean getting less money, and unless the company that owns the
store don´t have the ability to manage money, we will see only
proprietary systems for this. Also, if they don´t they will probably
use only one system also. Same for advertisement companies ...

- no trash apps (some form of quality standards)

- Freedom vs. Closed systems. This is the discussion between app
store and android market. I prefer open systems where anyone can
publish anything. This way the comunity will show what is best and
what is worst. Also, the ability to ask for a refund forces developers
to make great apps in order to receive anything for them. If there´s
someone to say if your app is good enough we will see the same old
story again: rejected apps for no reason, long delays between
In this case I do agree that android market should use a system to
give emphasis to the best apps and start putting the crap ones on the
lower parts of the search lists...

- and all of this in their native language:

- This is a good sugestion that should be sent to google. I don´t
think this is something too hard for them, and for sure would help in
the expasion of android around the world.

On 21 maio, 07:06, Tomáš  Hubálek tom.huba...@gmail.com wrote:
 On 21 kvě, 11:48, Juan Delgado zzzar...@gmail.com wrote:


  I think in the future companies building apps will sell them through
  their own channels. Sure you can buy Photoshop from many places
  (including Adobe's website), not only on a single store? At the end of
  the day you just buy it from the channel you trust.


 I believe that a lot of people don't even buy Photoshop as it is
 expensive and difficult to buy. There is nothing like central store
 for Windows and buying software is really not single click stuff. For
 many people it is easier to download it from rapishare or wherever.

 People have no problem to spend small amounts of money when it is easy
 (= download from AM that is preinstalled in every phone). This is IMHO
 reason why there should be one well working(!!!) Android Market for

 Me as a developer I don't want sell one application in many
 marketplaces. It increases costs and gives no added value to me and/or
 my customers.

 Unfortunately Google is not able deliver anything working for me (many
 countries can't visit the market, I can't sell apps, ...). It's shame
 as I think that working AM should be there from beginning. Non working
 AM supports many useless wouldbe alternative markets, pirats and
 confuses end users.


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[android-developers] Re: samsung app store

2010-05-20 Thread Gabriel Simões
. something to think about ...

Why would users need another App Store for the same plataform if it
doesn´t add anything better than the ones we have already?
I´m trying to imagine what will happen if every manufacturer/carrier
decides not to include android market on their custom Android OS
compilations and use their own market. Fragmentation is the smaller of
the problems.
As a developer, I don´t want to have to register my apps in a lot of
places ... check all of them to see comments, reviews, to update
versions, to receive money, to check for issues, etc.
Also, for users this will be terrible since no store (but android
market maybe) will have all the apps available. Also, the user won´t
be able to choose which store to use since market apps normaly aren´t
available for download (for security reasons).
And all this for what? Every manufacturer now want´s to get it´s part
of the standard 30% stores take. Also, every carrier want´s it, so we
will end in an even more fragmented scenario.
This is something the alliance should discuss as a decision for a
future scenario of Android. Also, I hope users opt for devices with
Android Market, as here in Brazil some carriers are already selling
devices without Android Market and have already informed that this
decision is related to the launch of their own markets. This can lead
to a decline in the plataform, for sure.

In the end, I hope Google stops closing it´s eyes and start to improve
Android Market imediately: security problems, web portal´s lack of
features (including search), small description and only 2 screenshots
for developers, etc are just a few of the complains we hear every
single day.

Well, I wish samsung doesn´t take android market off of their
devices  but I don´t believe it can be stopped since it seems
their market won´t be any better so users won´t use it unless they
have to. Business decisions ... and the concept of an integrated app
store goes down the water.


On 19 maio, 23:24, Nathan critter...@crittermap.com wrote:
 SamsungApps.com is apparently registered to Samsung Electronics CO.,
 Ltd. according to WHOIS information.

 So they want Android apps? I heard Samsung wanted to do their own
 operating system.


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[android-developers] Re: samsung app store

2010-05-20 Thread Gabriel Simões
Talking about Android Market  I don´t know if anyone here attended
to Google I/O, I haven´t so I have no news, maybe you do ...

What about Google Checkout? Any news on when developers from other
countries will be able to sell apps on AM?

On 20 maio, 14:35, Nathan critter...@crittermap.com wrote:
 I'm with you on this. I don't want more fragmentation.

 Profit is not the only motive, though. They want a market that works
 on their HDTVs and DVD players. I don't know if they will be running
 Android, but Google doesn't support running the market on non
 smartphone devices. Samsung also makes Windows Mobile devices and
 other OS devices.

 I still think the Android Market would be a better choice where it is
 usable, though.


 On May 20, 9:40 am, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:

  . something to think about ...

  Why would users need another App Store for the same plataform if it
  doesn´t add anything better than the ones we have already?
  I´m trying to imagine what will happen if every manufacturer/carrier
  decides not to include android market on their custom Android OS
  compilations and use their own market. Fragmentation is the smaller of
  the problems.
  As a developer, I don´t want to have to register my apps in a lot of
  places ... check all of them to see comments, reviews, to update
  versions, to receive money, to check for issues, etc.
  Also, for users this will be terrible since no store (but android
  market maybe) will have all the apps available. Also, the user won´t
  be able to choose which store to use since market apps normaly aren´t
  available for download (for security reasons).
  And all this for what? Every manufacturer now want´s to get it´s part
  of the standard 30% stores take. Also, every carrier want´s it, so we
  will end in an even more fragmented scenario.
  This is something the alliance should discuss as a decision for a
  future scenario of Android. Also, I hope users opt for devices with
  Android Market, as here in Brazil some carriers are already selling
  devices without Android Market and have already informed that this
  decision is related to the launch of their own markets. This can lead
  to a decline in the plataform, for sure.

  In the end, I hope Google stops closing it´s eyes and start to improve
  Android Market imediately: security problems, web portal´s lack of
  features (including search), small description and only 2 screenshots
  for developers, etc are just a few of the complains we hear every
  single day.

  Well, I wish samsung doesn´t take android market off of their
  devices  but I don´t believe it can be stopped since it seems
  their market won´t be any better so users won´t use it unless they
  have to. Business decisions ... and the concept of an integrated app
  store goes down the water.


  On 19 maio, 23:24, Nathan critter...@crittermap.com wrote:

   SamsungApps.com is apparently registered to Samsung Electronics CO.,
   Ltd. according to WHOIS information.

   So they want Android apps? I heard Samsung wanted to do their own
   operating system.


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[android-developers] Re: Google TV - Developer Device Seeding

2010-05-20 Thread Gabriel Simões
I wish they do a new round of the smartphone seeding for developers
from other countries before this.
We barely can find devices to buy here and when we do they cost many
many times more than in the US.
Also we can´t even mae money to buy one because we can´t make a
merchant google checkout account.

Google, ... we do exist, don´t you know?

On 20 maio, 16:11, TreKing treking...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 12:05 PM, cpick cp...@vmenu.com wrote:
    I would be interested in any Developer Device Seeding program that
  Google has with regards to their TV.



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[android-developers] Re: Android Market Developer Console Bugs feature

2010-05-20 Thread Gabriel Simões
Before anything else, what is ANR?

I couldn´t find any info related to the bug reported searching the web
and the documentation :(

On 20 maio, 18:23, Mr Pants pantssoftw...@googlemail.com wrote:
 Woohoo working now.

 Moto - was you problem an OutOfMemoryException from Admob by any

 Post here to try to push for a 

 I wonder how many more developer will now discover they're suffering
 from this problem

 On May 20, 10:06 pm, Moto medicalsou...@gmail.com wrote:

  This new feature is sick!  I just found out my ads engine is a major
  bug cause! :)

  Thanks google!

  On May 20, 4:51 pm, Mr Pants pantssoftw...@googlemail.com wrote:

   Ironically, I just get Server error. Try again when I click on the
   bugs link :(

   Teething problems perhaps?

   On May 20, 9:27 pm, TreKing treking...@gmail.com wrote:

On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 3:17 PM, Zanshin zanshin...@gmail.com wrote:
  ANRs don't show version in the report.

I see: This report was sent in by a pre-Froyo client, which did not 
an ANR stack trace.

So it looks like it requires the device to be running the new platform
to support it for ANRs. So the feature is there, it's just not backwards

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[android-developers] Does the use of a remote service help avoiding GC lags?

2010-05-18 Thread Gabriel Simões
Hello all,

Since yesterday I got an idea running around my mind but I don´t know
first if it would work, and then how hack it would be.

People who develop audio processing/recording/playback apps for
Android know how hard it is to maintain GC away from our critical
paths: playing and recording audio.
Processing must be as optimized as possible not only to save batery
and use less CPU, but also not to create new objects/allocate new
memory spaces ... this all to avoid GC at all cost. Well, we have
knowledge and this we can handle (mostly).
But what about all the other processing that happens from and for user
interaction? Media players display images, some apps display ads, ...
and sometimes we have to avoid releasing features to the users just to
maintain our critical paths free from GC.

Yesterday I stumbled upon an article about remote services and this
led me to a doubt: if they can run as a different process, would a GC
call from my activity impact the performance of my remote service? I
really don´t know how GC works on the Dalvik so this may be a dumb
question. If so, I apologize.

Thanks for your help,

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[android-developers] Re: Developing UI for Android apps

2010-05-18 Thread Gabriel Simões
Well, my tip is: understand how layouts work for the different display
sizes/resolutions and then start thinking about using images to create
your UIs.
It´s a lot easier when you are developping for iphone/iPT since (until
today) you have only one display size and one resolution config.

For android you have to understand how each image will be positioned
and displayed for each device. After you get it ... just find a
designer and bring it on!

On 18 maio, 11:46, Moto medicalsou...@gmail.com wrote:
 For actual graphics I recommend Adobe products, i.e. Photoshop...  and
 yeah for layout design use the Eclipse one...  I hope better tools do
 become available for layout design... :)

 On May 18, 10:10 am, Tomáš  Hubálek tom.huba...@gmail.com wrote:

  I'm using Eclipse with Android Plugin.


  On 18 kvě, 08:25, warunsl waru...@gmail.com wrote:

   Hello everyone,
   I am new to Android programming and have tried writing a couple of
   apps myself. One thing i noticed is that my application was very poor
   wrt the UI and the design aspects. I want to know what tools/softwares
   are used for developing the UI for Android apps.
   Thanks in advance

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[android-developers] Re: Urgent Help: AudioTrack class ...Streaming Mode

2010-05-18 Thread Gabriel Simões
Well, let´s see if I can help you some ...

The question is 
1. For real time streaming operation how to configure the
write(byte[], int offsetInBytes, int sizeInBytes) methods??? 

For real time or offline streaming, it works the same way: as you
receive your packets, call write so you can fill AudioTrack´s internal
buffer with the voice data. As the buffer is read, your audio will be
played by the system by itself. Parameters for this function are well
described on Android´s documentation.

2. What is the function and purpose of
What is playback head position kindly explain! 

Playback head position can show you the actual status of AudioTrack´s
internal buffer: the position returned is the last avaliable sample in
the buffer. This way you know how full/empty it is and then take
actions as needed. To tell you the truth, unless there´s something
really unique/special in your code you won´t use it.

The playback will occur just like in any audio device: fill the buffer
and the data will be played. The write call blocks if the buffer doesn
´t have enough space for your data so you don´t have to syncronize
anything (like a producer/consumer algorithm). What you will probably
need is a separate thread to garantee you don´t lose packets when
blocket by write().
One last thing: all android audio applications have a considerable
audio delay because of the way audio is handled by the system. In it´s
actual state it´s not possible to develop low latency audio

Hope it helps,

On 18 maio, 13:16, BobG bobgard...@aol.com wrote:
 8khz sample rate sends 8 samples per ms. If you bundle up 50ms worth
 of samples in a packet (400 samples, 800 bytes) and send them the 50
 ms lag is almost undetectable (unless you can hear the original too...
 2 phones at the same time for example)

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[android-developers] Re: Does the use of a remote service help avoiding GC lags?

2010-05-18 Thread Gabriel Simões
Let me try to make things a little bit simpler here 

If one process allocate/deallocate memory and this triggers the system
to call Garbage Collector, does this GC operation impacts other
This way, in a situation where you create a remote service and attach
to it using a view, if this view triggers GC will the service´s
performance suffer any impact?


On 18 maio, 11:57, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello all,

 Since yesterday I got an idea running around my mind but I don´t know
 first if it would work, and then how hack it would be.

 People who develop audio processing/recording/playback apps for
 Android know how hard it is to maintain GC away from our critical
 paths: playing and recording audio.
 Processing must be as optimized as possible not only to save batery
 and use less CPU, but also not to create new objects/allocate new
 memory spaces ... this all to avoid GC at all cost. Well, we have
 knowledge and this we can handle (mostly).
 But what about all the other processing that happens from and for user
 interaction? Media players display images, some apps display ads, ...
 and sometimes we have to avoid releasing features to the users just to
 maintain our critical paths free from GC.

 Yesterday I stumbled upon an article about remote services and this
 led me to a doubt: if they can run as a different process, would a GC
 call from my activity impact the performance of my remote service? I
 really don´t know how GC works on the Dalvik so this may be a dumb
 question. If so, I apologize.

 Thanks for your help,

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[android-developers] Re: Does the use of a remote service help avoiding GC lags?

2010-05-18 Thread Gabriel Simões
Sorry, the expression should have been attaching from an activity.

The idea is: if my activity does something that lead to a system call
to GC and this call produces bad results for a critical path
processment (in my case related to audio processing/play back), then I
can code this critical path as a remote service (which runs as a
different process) and use my activity to attach to it and exchage

I just would like to hear opinions not to try something that is known
not to work.

Thanks for your reply,

On 18 maio, 20:11, Miguel Morales therevolti...@gmail.com wrote:
 From my personal experience, yes.
 By putting the code that allocates or calls the GC in a remote service
 (using a different process) helped increase frame rate for a game I'm

 I'm not entirely sure what you mean by 'attaching using a view'  by
 what I do is just use a callback function and pass to it a byte[]

 I'm not familiar with the insides of android, but it apparently
 doesn't trigger a GC on the View activity/process.
 However, it has been quite a while and the game has been running
 smoothly since so I haven't bothered to double check if a GC is
 triggered in the View process.

 Perhaps someone else can confirm.

 2010/5/18 Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com:

  Let me try to make things a little bit simpler here 

  If one process allocate/deallocate memory and this triggers the system
  to call Garbage Collector, does this GC operation impacts other
  This way, in a situation where you create a remote service and attach
  to it using a view, if this view triggers GC will the service´s
  performance suffer any impact?


  On 18 maio, 11:57, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hello all,

  Since yesterday I got an idea running around my mind but I don´t know
  first if it would work, and then how hack it would be.

  People who develop audio processing/recording/playback apps for
  Android know how hard it is to maintain GC away from our critical
  paths: playing and recording audio.
  Processing must be as optimized as possible not only to save batery
  and use less CPU, but also not to create new objects/allocate new
  memory spaces ... this all to avoid GC at all cost. Well, we have
  knowledge and this we can handle (mostly).
  But what about all the other processing that happens from and for user
  interaction? Media players display images, some apps display ads, ...
  and sometimes we have to avoid releasing features to the users just to
  maintain our critical paths free from GC.

  Yesterday I stumbled upon an article about remote services and this
  led me to a doubt: if they can run as a different process, would a GC
  call from my activity impact the performance of my remote service? I
  really don´t know how GC works on the Dalvik so this may be a dumb
  question. If so, I apologize.

  Thanks for your help,

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[android-developers] Re: MediaStore.Audio

2010-05-09 Thread Gabriel Simões
Thanks for your reply!

Will try some code and post the results then!

On 5 maio, 22:57, Second Dancer seconddan...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Gabriel
 I'm not quite sure whether the data in the real file changes when changes
 occurs in the database, i only has done some querying operation. If you
 wanna to see the details about the media file, you may see into the
 external-xxx.db file

 2010/5/5 Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com

  I´ve found a snipplet for MediaStore.Images that I think will work for
  audio also,

  public String getRealPathFromURI(Uri contentUri) {

     // can post image
     String [] proj={MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA};
     Cursor cursor = managedQuery( contentUri,
             proj, // Which columns to return
             null,       // WHERE clause; which rows to return (all
             null,       // WHERE clause selection arguments (none)
             null); // Order-by clause (ascending by name)
     int column_index =

     return cursor.getString(column_index);

  This way I´m left with two questions:

  How can I get the name of the track?
  Will any changes to the container also change the data in the real


  On 4 maio, 22:46, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:

   I´ve been trying to understand how to get data about all the audio
   files in the device using MediaAudio but unfortunately the
   documentation is far from clear. Also, there´s almost nothing about it
   on the forum right now and I couldn´t find good resources over the

   I´ve seen pretty quick and objective examples on how to access the
   main information from the containers but I couldn´t find in any place
   how I could get the names of the tracks (MediaStore.Audio.AudioColumns
   doesn´t have  an specific constant for it) and the most important, how
   I could retrieve the path for the media (audio file in this case) I´ve
   found using the info on MusicStore.Audio.

   am I missing something here? It seems it should be so easy but I can´t
   find the info!

   Also ... if I change any data on the container, will this data be also
   changed in the real file as well?

   Thanks for your help,

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[android-developers] Emulator 1.5 displaying blurry images. Emulator FWQVGA displaying misplaced layout

2010-05-09 Thread Gabriel Simões

I´d like to know if you guys face the same problems I do.
Unfortunately I´m not able to try my layouts in real devices right
now, so I have to trust the Android Emulator.

The problem is: using some specific configurations things are
displayed just the way I need them to, in others they don´t; and in
the end I don´t know if this is the real expected behavior of if it is
just the emulator.

1: All my pngs are bluried on my avd using android sdk 1.5. Well, they
display just great for the others. This affects not only images loaded
onto a imageview but also my icon (png 48x48).
2: I have an AVD to simulate a FWQVGA, which is a SDK 2.1 avd using
WQVGA432 skin. Here I face two problems:
- The avd works only for the first time I launch it. Things are
displayed correctly until I close it and reopen. Without installing my
app again (which means starting the same app I instaled in the session
before) widgets are displayed as the skin was a WQVGA400.
- If I set android:largeScreens=false so android uses compatibility
mode for large display devices, FWQVGA display widgets wrong, as a
WQVGA400 avd. By what I know and understand a FWQVGA device is a
normal display device, so android:largeScreens=false should not
affect it.

Have anyone ever faced this problems?

Gabriel Simões

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[android-developers] Can PendingIntent.getActivity just bring activity to foreground?

2010-05-07 Thread Gabriel Simões

I´m trying to figure out how could PendingIntent.getActivity, when
used for a notification, instead of launching a new instance of an
application just bring it´s already running instance to front.

Is that possible? How could I acomplish this effect?


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[android-developers] Re: Can PendingIntent.getActivity just bring activity to foreground?

2010-05-07 Thread Gabriel Simões
Also, if there´s no way from a notification to bring the same instante
that launched it to front, am I able to launch a notification with an
empty Intent (just to alert the user that something has happened)?
If I can, how then (null intent or null intent parameters just doesn´t
work, as expected)?

On 7 maio, 20:08, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:

 I´m trying to figure out how could PendingIntent.getActivity, when
 used for a notification, instead of launching a new instance of an
 application just bring it´s already running instance to front.

 Is that possible? How could I acomplish this effect?


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[android-developers] Re: Device Seeding Program for Top Android Market Developers

2010-05-07 Thread Gabriel Simões
I wish google does the same for brazilian developers...
Here we even can´t find a 2.1 device to buy ... droid (aka milestone)
ships with 2.01 and costs a pile of money! and yes... we still can´t
sell apps so no money comming our way :(

On 5 maio, 12:10, TreKing treking...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 10:07 AM, Greg Donald gdon...@gmail.com wrote:
  I recommend Ambien.  Works great for me.  Ask your doctor  :)

 This is the most useful post I've seen in this thread yet. I will try it,

 TreKing - Chicago transit tracking app for Android-powered 

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[android-developers] MediaStore.Audio

2010-05-04 Thread Gabriel Simões

I´ve been trying to understand how to get data about all the audio
files in the device using MediaAudio but unfortunately the
documentation is far from clear. Also, there´s almost nothing about it
on the forum right now and I couldn´t find good resources over the

I´ve seen pretty quick and objective examples on how to access the
main information from the containers but I couldn´t find in any place
how I could get the names of the tracks (MediaStore.Audio.AudioColumns
doesn´t have  an specific constant for it) and the most important, how
I could retrieve the path for the media (audio file in this case) I´ve
found using the info on MusicStore.Audio.

am I missing something here? It seems it should be so easy but I can´t
find the info!

Also ... if I change any data on the container, will this data be also
changed in the real file as well?

Thanks for your help,

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[android-developers] Re: MediaStore.Audio

2010-05-04 Thread Gabriel Simões
I´ve found a snipplet for MediaStore.Images that I think will work for
audio also,

public String getRealPathFromURI(Uri contentUri) {

// can post image
String [] proj={MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA};
Cursor cursor = managedQuery( contentUri,
proj, // Which columns to return
null,   // WHERE clause; which rows to return (all
null,   // WHERE clause selection arguments (none)
null); // Order-by clause (ascending by name)
int column_index =

return cursor.getString(column_index);

This way I´m left with two questions:

How can I get the name of the track?
Will any changes to the container also change the data in the real


On 4 maio, 22:46, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:

 I´ve been trying to understand how to get data about all the audio
 files in the device using MediaAudio but unfortunately the
 documentation is far from clear. Also, there´s almost nothing about it
 on the forum right now and I couldn´t find good resources over the

 I´ve seen pretty quick and objective examples on how to access the
 main information from the containers but I couldn´t find in any place
 how I could get the names of the tracks (MediaStore.Audio.AudioColumns
 doesn´t have  an specific constant for it) and the most important, how
 I could retrieve the path for the media (audio file in this case) I´ve
 found using the info on MusicStore.Audio.

 am I missing something here? It seems it should be so easy but I can´t
 find the info!

 Also ... if I change any data on the container, will this data be also
 changed in the real file as well?

 Thanks for your help,

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[android-developers] Re: Different screen sizes x different layouts

2010-04-30 Thread Gabriel Simões
One other interesting thing 

My FWQVGA avd (android 2.1 + skin WQVGA432) seems to work only for one
session. If I close and run it again the resolution changes, icons
appear a lot bigger and it displays the UI componentes totally
I don´t know if I made a huge mess with last posts so I will try to
resume my main concern:

If I set android:largeScreens=false so android can adapt my layout
for large screens, my /layout-normal-long isn´t displayed correctly on
my FWQVGA avd (android 2.1 + skin WQVGA432). If I set
android:largeScreens=true the layout is displayed perfectly on the
same AVD (need to recreate it because, as I said, just work for 1
session) but is not adjusted for large devices.

Well, took a long time to figure this out because to me it makes no
sense since this FWQVGA avd emulates a normal device with a low
density, so no changes to android:largeScreens should have impact to
it, right?

On 30 abr, 02:03, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:
 Some other conclusions ...

 I´ve have found another interesting fact (at least on my environment):

 if on my AndroidManifest.xml I set android:largeScreens=true, my avd
 running the skin WQVGA432 works just as it is supposed to (there
 shouldn´t be any connection between them, right?), but large avds
 display my layout horribly (as expected).
 Well, if I set it as false, don´t ask me why the layout is not
 displayed right on WQVGA432. Indeed it looks like it´s height is a lot
 smaller than it should (I have an widget anchored at the bottom of the
 screen and it shows up +/- at 2/3). The only thing I did was to change
 this setting, back and forth, many times and the error appeared
 repeatedly in all of them.
 Leaving this way my app should now work on cellphones but not on
 tablets or other devices (since it´s gonna look back on a FQWVGA
 Any thoughts on this one?


 On 29 abr, 23:48, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:

  Thanks for your reply Mark!
  Took some time to answer because I was testing the new layouts.
  What I did:

  /layout (for HVGA displays - medium density and normal size)
  /layout-small (for QVGA displays - low density and low size)
  /layout-long (for all the other displays).

  At first everything was working great! indeed better than I expected.
  Well, I wrote was because I only tested on emulators of small
  and medium size (WQVGA, FWQVGA, HVGA, WVGA, FWVGA) displays.
  When I tried to use /layout-long on emulators of large displays
  WVGA800 and WVGA854 with density = 160 - medium) all my widgets were
  displayed just like in the HVGA emulator (I guess as expected since
  they have the same density) but, as the screen is much bigger, they
  were completly misplaced.

  By what I understand, large displays are only for tablets ? Motorola
  Droid and Google Nexus One are both Normal Size High Density display
  devices, am I right?

  Thinking so I decided to change AndroidManifest.xml to use
  compatibility mode for large screens. Problem 2: the display was not
  right because it was loading a long layout and rescaling it for
  compatibility as a normal layout (this, to me, is a bug).

  Then, to finish the saga I decided to rename the folder /layout-long
  to /layout-normal-long (so it works only for cellphones). Now, for
  large displays, the compatibility mode works nice (using my HVGA
  layout, unfortunately), and for normal and small displays everything
  seems ok.

  I just don´t know if it was the best solution.

  Gabriel Simões

  On 28 abr, 13:16, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:

   Gabriel Simões wrote:
If I´m allowed to make another question ...

Any ideas on how I could handle the different screen height/width
proportions (for example, the WVGA´s proportion is bigger than the HVGA
´s so a layout based on relativeLayout build up considering a HVGA
device will leave a lot of empty space in the bottom of a WVGA
device). That´s my main problem right now and to fix this I can only
think about creating a new layout for large/normal-hpdi devices, one
for normal-ldpi (if the one for the large screens doesn´t work here,
but I think this should work) and a last one for small-ldpi devices.

   There are the -long and -notlong resource set suffixes you can use to
   distinguish between these aspect ratios.

   Mark Murphy (a Commons 

   Android Development Wiki:http://wiki.andmob.org

   You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
   Groups Android Developers group.
   To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com
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[android-developers] Re: Different screen sizes x different layouts

2010-04-29 Thread Gabriel Simões
Thanks for your reply Mark!
Took some time to answer because I was testing the new layouts.
What I did:

/layout (for HVGA displays - medium density and medium size)
/layout-small (for QVGA displays - low density and low size)
/layout-long (for all the other displays).

At first everything was working great! indeed better than I expected.
Well, I wrote was because I only tested on emulators of small (QVGA)
and medium size (WQVGA, FWQVGA, HVGA, WVGA, FWVGA) displays.
When I tried to use /layout-long on emulators of large displays (skins
WVGA800 and WVGA854 with density = 160 - medium) all my widgets were
displayed just like in the HVGA emulator (I guess as expected since
they have the same density) but, as the screen is much bigger, they
were completly misplaced.
Is that the expected behavior for the system or should it understand
that the layout was created for a medium display and rescale it?
If not, then I should work on /layout-large-long, right (or just

Gabriel Simões

On 28 abr, 13:16, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:
 Gabriel Simões wrote:
  If I´m allowed to make another question ...

  Any ideas on how I could handle the different screen height/width
  proportions (for example, the WVGA´s proportion is bigger than the HVGA
  ´s so a layout based on relativeLayout build up considering a HVGA
  device will leave a lot of empty space in the bottom of a WVGA
  device). That´s my main problem right now and to fix this I can only
  think about creating a new layout for large/normal-hpdi devices, one
  for normal-ldpi (if the one for the large screens doesn´t work here,
  but I think this should work) and a last one for small-ldpi devices.

 There are the -long and -notlong resource set suffixes you can use to
 distinguish between these aspect ratios.

 Mark Murphy (a Commons 

 Android Development Wiki:http://wiki.andmob.org

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 Groups Android Developers group.
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[android-developers] Re: Different screen sizes x different layouts

2010-04-29 Thread Gabriel Simões
One last thing:

Does an avd emulator created using skin WVGA800, and with density
setup as 160 really emulate a Nexus One, and the same but using skin
WVGA854 emulate a Motorola Droid? I´m asking this because, on eclipse,
when I open my layout and set it for Nexus One it appears just right
(as loaded by an AVD created using skin WVGA800, density = 240).

On 29 abr, 23:22, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks for your reply Mark!
 Took some time to answer because I was testing the new layouts.
 What I did:

 /layout (for HVGA displays - medium density and medium size)
 /layout-small (for QVGA displays - low density and low size)
 /layout-long (for all the other displays).

 At first everything was working great! indeed better than I expected.
 Well, I wrote was because I only tested on emulators of small (QVGA)
 and medium size (WQVGA, FWQVGA, HVGA, WVGA, FWVGA) displays.
 When I tried to use /layout-long on emulators of large displays (skins
 WVGA800 and WVGA854 with density = 160 - medium) all my widgets were
 displayed just like in the HVGA emulator (I guess as expected since
 they have the same density) but, as the screen is much bigger, they
 were completly misplaced.
 Is that the expected behavior for the system or should it understand
 that the layout was created for a medium display and rescale it?
 If not, then I should work on /layout-large-long, right (or just

 Gabriel Simões

 On 28 abr, 13:16, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:

  Gabriel Simões wrote:
   If I´m allowed to make another question ...

   Any ideas on how I could handle the different screen height/width
   proportions (for example, the WVGA´s proportion is bigger than the HVGA
   ´s so a layout based on relativeLayout build up considering a HVGA
   device will leave a lot of empty space in the bottom of a WVGA
   device). That´s my main problem right now and to fix this I can only
   think about creating a new layout for large/normal-hpdi devices, one
   for normal-ldpi (if the one for the large screens doesn´t work here,
   but I think this should work) and a last one for small-ldpi devices.

  There are the -long and -notlong resource set suffixes you can use to
  distinguish between these aspect ratios.

  Mark Murphy (a Commons 

  Android Development Wiki:http://wiki.andmob.org

  You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
  Groups Android Developers group.
  To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com
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[android-developers] Re: Different screen sizes x different layouts

2010-04-29 Thread Gabriel Simões
Thanks for your reply Mark!
Took some time to answer because I was testing the new layouts.
What I did:

/layout (for HVGA displays - medium density and normal size)
/layout-small (for QVGA displays - low density and low size)
/layout-long (for all the other displays).

At first everything was working great! indeed better than I expected.
Well, I wrote was because I only tested on emulators of small
and medium size (WQVGA, FWQVGA, HVGA, WVGA, FWVGA) displays.
When I tried to use /layout-long on emulators of large displays
WVGA800 and WVGA854 with density = 160 - medium) all my widgets were
displayed just like in the HVGA emulator (I guess as expected since
they have the same density) but, as the screen is much bigger, they
were completly misplaced.

By what I understand, large displays are only for tablets ? Motorola
Droid and Google Nexus One are both Normal Size High Density display
devices, am I right?

Thinking so I decided to change AndroidManifest.xml to use
compatibility mode for large screens. Problem 2: the display was not
right because it was loading a long layout and rescaling it for
compatibility as a normal layout (this, to me, is a bug).

Then, to finish the saga I decided to rename the folder /layout-long
to /layout-normal-long (so it works only for cellphones). Now, for
large displays, the compatibility mode works nice (using my HVGA
layout, unfortunately), and for normal and small displays everything
seems ok.

I just don´t know if it was the best solution.

Gabriel Simões

On 28 abr, 13:16, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:
 Gabriel Simões wrote:
  If I´m allowed to make another question ...

  Any ideas on how I could handle the different screen height/width
  proportions (for example, the WVGA´s proportion is bigger than the HVGA
  ´s so a layout based on relativeLayout build up considering a HVGA
  device will leave a lot of empty space in the bottom of a WVGA
  device). That´s my main problem right now and to fix this I can only
  think about creating a new layout for large/normal-hpdi devices, one
  for normal-ldpi (if the one for the large screens doesn´t work here,
  but I think this should work) and a last one for small-ldpi devices.

 There are the -long and -notlong resource set suffixes you can use to
 distinguish between these aspect ratios.

 Mark Murphy (a Commons 

 Android Development Wiki:http://wiki.andmob.org

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 Groups Android Developers group.
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[android-developers] Re: Different screen sizes x different layouts

2010-04-29 Thread Gabriel Simões
Some other conclusions ...

I´ve have found another interesting fact (at least on my environment):

if on my AndroidManifest.xml I set android:largeScreens=true, my avd
running the skin WQVGA432 works just as it is supposed to (there
shouldn´t be any connection between them, right?), but large avds
display my layout horribly (as expected).
Well, if I set it as false, don´t ask me why the layout is not
displayed right on WQVGA432. Indeed it looks like it´s height is a lot
smaller than it should (I have an widget anchored at the bottom of the
screen and it shows up +/- at 2/3). The only thing I did was to change
this setting, back and forth, many times and the error appeared
repeatedly in all of them.
Leaving this way my app should now work on cellphones but not on
tablets or other devices (since it´s gonna look back on a FQWVGA
Any thoughts on this one?


On 29 abr, 23:48, Gabriel Simões gsim...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks for your reply Mark!
 Took some time to answer because I was testing the new layouts.
 What I did:

 /layout (for HVGA displays - medium density and normal size)
 /layout-small (for QVGA displays - low density and low size)
 /layout-long (for all the other displays).

 At first everything was working great! indeed better than I expected.
 Well, I wrote was because I only tested on emulators of small
 and medium size (WQVGA, FWQVGA, HVGA, WVGA, FWVGA) displays.
 When I tried to use /layout-long on emulators of large displays
 WVGA800 and WVGA854 with density = 160 - medium) all my widgets were
 displayed just like in the HVGA emulator (I guess as expected since
 they have the same density) but, as the screen is much bigger, they
 were completly misplaced.

 By what I understand, large displays are only for tablets ? Motorola
 Droid and Google Nexus One are both Normal Size High Density display
 devices, am I right?

 Thinking so I decided to change AndroidManifest.xml to use
 compatibility mode for large screens. Problem 2: the display was not
 right because it was loading a long layout and rescaling it for
 compatibility as a normal layout (this, to me, is a bug).

 Then, to finish the saga I decided to rename the folder /layout-long
 to /layout-normal-long (so it works only for cellphones). Now, for
 large displays, the compatibility mode works nice (using my HVGA
 layout, unfortunately), and for normal and small displays everything
 seems ok.

 I just don´t know if it was the best solution.

 Gabriel Simões

 On 28 abr, 13:16, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:

  Gabriel Simões wrote:
   If I´m allowed to make another question ...

   Any ideas on how I could handle the different screen height/width
   proportions (for example, the WVGA´s proportion is bigger than the HVGA
   ´s so a layout based on relativeLayout build up considering a HVGA
   device will leave a lot of empty space in the bottom of a WVGA
   device). That´s my main problem right now and to fix this I can only
   think about creating a new layout for large/normal-hpdi devices, one
   for normal-ldpi (if the one for the large screens doesn´t work here,
   but I think this should work) and a last one for small-ldpi devices.

  There are the -long and -notlong resource set suffixes you can use to
  distinguish between these aspect ratios.

  Mark Murphy (a Commons 

  Android Development Wiki:http://wiki.andmob.org

  You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
  Groups Android Developers group.
  To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com
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