[android-developers] Transparent background overlay of SurfaceView broken on 1.5

2009-06-17 Thread Sarnoth

I believe I have found a graphics bug introduced in the 1.5 platform.
I'm looking for some confirmation (or a description of what I'm doing
wrong) before reporting it as a real bug.

I have a SurfaceView that fills the screen and on top of that I have a
LinearLayout that wraps some other components that overlay the
surface. These other components are not visible most of the time, and
the LinearLayout has a transparent background so that the SurfaceView
is unobstructed until the other components are made visible. Under 1.0
and 1.1 this all worked with a background of # for the
LinearLayout. Now under 1.5 there is a black rectangle obstructing my
surface unless I give the LinearLayout background some color. I can
still keep the transparency so it is still invisible as it should be
but it is strange that it can't be black and invisible anymore. My
layout is below. The background of #0001 works, but changing it to
# results in a black rectangle.

RelativeLayout xmlns:android=http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/

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[android-developers] Re: Black Screen problem with graphics update using unlockCanvasAndPost()

2009-04-16 Thread Sarnoth

You definitely need to do your game loop on a different thread. If
your game loop is running in the main UI thread then while it is
running the screen can't update and you can't get input events. The UI
thread is what does these things.

On Apr 15, 10:25 pm, Warren warrenba...@gmail.com wrote:
 Sarnoth, I appreciate you taking the time to comment.

 Does that matter - if the thread isn't different?

 Just in case there were problems with the thread, I rewrote the
 program not to use a second thread and just execute the drawing loop
 in the view.

 In the code sample, I also changed draw() to drawSprites(), as I
 described in an earlier post. Neither of these things helped.

 == Begin Code ==

 package com.baltz.scorched;

 import android.content.Context;
 import android.content.res.Resources;
 import android.graphics.Bitmap;
 import android.graphics.BitmapFactory;
 import android.graphics.Canvas;
 import android.util.AttributeSet;
 import android.util.Log;
 import android.view.SurfaceHolder;
 import android.view.SurfaceView;

 class ScorchedView extends SurfaceView implements
 SurfaceHolder.Callback {

     private Context context;
     private SurfaceHolder holder;

     private Bitmap backgroundImage;
     private Bitmap foregroundImage;
     private Bitmap spriteImage;

     private Resources resources;
     private ScorchedTerrain terrain;
     private Engine engine;

     public ScorchedView(Context c, AttributeSet attrs) {
         super(c, attrs);
         // register our interest in hearing about changes to our
         holder = getHolder();

         context = c;

         resources = context.getResources();

         // load background image as a Bitmap instead of a Dable b/c
         // we don't need to transform it and it's faster to d this way
         backgroundImage = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(resources,

         foregroundImage = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(resources,

         spriteImage = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(resources,

         terrain = new ScorchedTerrain(foregroundImage);

         engine = new Engine();
         Body body;

         body = new Body(spriteImage);
         body.setLocation(50, 50);

         body = new Body(spriteImage);
         body.setLocation(40, 100);

     /* Callback invoked when the surface dimensions change. */
     public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder h, int format, int width,
 int height) {
         holder = h;

      * Callback invoked when the Surface has been created and is ready
 to be
      * used.
     public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder h) {
         holder = h;

      * Callback invoked when the Surface has been destroyed and must
 no longer
      * be touched. WARNING: after this method returns, the Surface/
 Canvas must
      * never be touched again!
     public void surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder holder) {

     private void gameLoop(){

         Canvas canvas;

         int i=0;
                 canvas = null;
                 try {
                     canvas = holder.lockCanvas(null);
                 } finally {
                     // do this in a finally so that if an exception is thrown
                     // during the above, we don't leave the Surface in an
                     // inconsistent state
                     if (canvas != null) {
                         Log.w(dbg, unlocking canvas + i);

                 catch(Exception e){

      * Draws the sprites and background to the provided
      * Canvas.
     public void drawSprites(Canvas canvas) {
         // Draw the background image. Operations on the Canvas
         // so this is like clearing the screen.
         canvas.drawBitmap(backgroundImage, 0, 0, null);

         //draw the up-to-date, deformed foreground

         //draw all bodies (players, projectiles, etc) on the screen


 On Apr 15, 4:47 pm, Sarnoth jesse.st...@gmail.com wrote:

  I can't really say without seeing more of the code, but based on your
  description of the problem I wonder if your thread is in fact a
  separate thread or if the run method is simply being executed in the
  main UI thread. Something worth checking. You can log
  Thread.currentThread().getName() from inside your run method and from

[android-developers] Re: Black Screen problem with graphics update using unlockCanvasAndPost()

2009-04-15 Thread Sarnoth

I can't really say without seeing more of the code, but based on your
description of the problem I wonder if your thread is in fact a
separate thread or if the run method is simply being executed in the
main UI thread. Something worth checking. You can log
Thread.currentThread().getName() from inside your run method and from
inside your activity's onCreate method to make sure they are

On Apr 15, 9:57 am, Warren warrenba...@gmail.com wrote:
 I may have found my problem.

 The SurfaceView class implements a function called draw(Canvas).

 I unwittingly created my own function draw() with the same signature,
 overriding the original. I'm guessing that the SurfaceView probably
 calls draw() during unlockCanvasAndPost(). But instead of executing
 its original draw() method and doing what it is supposed to do, it
 calls my function - simply overwriting the canvas buffer without
 affecting the Surface at all... thus the black screen.  I'm still
 confused about why it eventually shows. Perhaps some final cleanup

 I will test this tonight when I have access to my development computer
 and post my findings.

 On Apr 15, 8:48 am, Warren warrenba...@gmail.com wrote:

  Thanks for the comment ellipsoidmobile.

  If I remove the sleep, I still don't see anything until the very end.
  I don't need that sleep in there for the application. I only put it in
  so that, hopefully, I could see what was happening a little better.

  Also, I thought that the SurfaceView allowed you to write to the
  screen at your own pace, whatever that may be. So in this case, there
  would be nothing from the outside that's causing a screen refresh.
  The screen should stay how I left it until I post a new canvas. Am I
  misunderstanding this?

  What really confuses me is why the last call to unlockCanvasAndPost()
  does work.  It seems like if an error prevented the first calls from
  functioning, then it would also prevent the last.

  On Apr 15, 3:09 am, ellipsoidmob...@googlemail.com

  ellipsoidmob...@googlemail.com wrote:
   The problem is your line Thread.currentThread().sleep(1000);//sleep
   for 1000 ms

   I believe with SurfaceView you have to draw your whole view on 
   everyscreenrefresh. You just need to loop as fast as possible and the
   system will throttle the speed in the calls to lockCanvas(). By
   sleeping for 1 second you are failing to provide a canvas for every
   refresh so thescreenappears blank.

   What I don't know is whether there is any guidance on how quickly you
   have to get through your loop, i.e. what the maximum refresh rate is
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[android-developers] Re: How the use same instances when launching application twice

2009-04-14 Thread Sarnoth

Haven't we been over this before?

On Apr 14, 2:53 am, Neo mobi.liub...@gmail.com wrote:
 My app has 4 activities on the stack A-B-C-D (top)

 If you press home and re-enter the application, another instance of A
 is started, so the stack is A-B-C-D-A (top). I know this because
 when I press BACK, A is popped off and I now see D (instead of going
 to the Home screen).

 What I want is that when the user re-enters the app, they re-enter on
 the same activity they were in before (D).

         Intent intent;
         intent = new Intent();
         intent.setClass(this, LoginActivity.class);

 i tested add the android:launchMode=singleTask no changed

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
 manifest xmlns:android=http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android;
 uses-permission android:name=android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE/
 uses-permission android:name=android.permission.INTERNET/
 application android:icon=@drawable/icon
 activity android:name=.SplashActivity
 action android:name=android.intent.action.MAIN /
 category android:name=android.intent.category.LAUNCHER /
 activity android:name=.LoginActivity
 activity android:name=.MainActivity

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[android-developers] Re: How the use same instances when launching application twice ?

2009-04-05 Thread Sarnoth

I posted with this same problem before and then it just seemed to
disappear so I replied to my own post with a never mind, it works
now and no real resolution. Well, as I've continued to develop I've
run in to it again and figured out what is going on. There is a
problem with the development environment that causes this. When an app
is run through the IDE either on a real device hooked up to the USB
port or on the emulator it will exhibit this behavior as follows:
1. Hit run in IDE
2. App launches with activity A
3. Navigate to activity B
4. Press the home button
5. Click the app icon to return to the app
6. App appears with activity A on top
7. Press back and activity B is revealed, back again returns to
activity A, and a third back returns to the home screen

This problem is present for every combination manifest and activity
launch options that I have tried.
The problem is avoided by exiting the app after hitting run in the
1. Hit run in the IDE to load the new version of the app but DO NOT
use it when it runs
2. Hit back to exit the app and return to the home screen
3. Launch the app from the icon, activities will work properly now
4. Navigate from A to B
5. Hit home
6. Click the app icon, you are turned to B as expected

On Apr 4, 9:58 pm, Dianne Hackborn hack...@android.com wrote:
 As I've said, what you are saying you want is the normal behavior.

 To everyone, you must give -detailed- information about exactly what you are
 doing for there to be any hope of someone being able to help you.  In
 particular, provide:

 (1) Your complete AndroidManifest.xml
 (2) The exact code you are using to build your Intent objects that you are
 using to start your activities.
 (3) Likewise exactly how you are constructing any PendingIntent being used
 with notifications etc.
 (4) The exact sequence of activities you are seeing started, and what you
 instead expect to have started; supplying the Starting activity logs as
 you do the steps can also help a lot.
 (5) It also would tremendously help to supply the output of adb shell
 dumpsys activity immediately before you are going to get in to the problem
 state, along with the code you are executing to get in to the problem state,
 and also the Starting activity log statement at the point where the
 problematic activity launch happens.

 On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 11:05 PM, Lovell hodayath...@gmail.com wrote:

  I think I have the same question, but I'm going to try to explain it a
  little better:

  My app has 4 activities on the stack A-B-C-D (top)

  If you press home and re-enter the application, another instance of A
  is started, so the stack is A-B-C-D-A (top). I know this because
  when I press BACK, A is popped off and I now see D (instead of going
  to the Home screen).

  What I want is that when the user re-enters the app, they re-enter on
  the same activity they were in before (D). How do you do that?

  On Mar 20, 12:05 pm, Dianne Hackborn hack...@android.com wrote:
   Um, what you are requesting is the normal behavior.  When you tap on an
   app's icon in home, it brings the current task of that app to the
   if it is already running.

   And services are singletons so you can only every get a single instance
  of a
   service running.

   On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 2:26 AM, Derek cram.de...@gmail.com wrote:


Is it possible to re-use all the instances of Activities and Services
when an application is launched twice. For instance:
1/ I start my application APP1. Some activities are launched and a
service is started.
2/ I click Home device button
3/ I can see the icon the launch again my application APP1
4/ I click on it and the APP1 is launched twice

I would like to re-use the existing the instances of Activities and
Services from the first launch.
I guess it is related to SingleTop or SingleTask but it doesn't
seem to work.

Any suggestion ?

   Dianne Hackborn
   Android framework engineer

   Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
   provide private support.  All such questions should be posted on public
   forums, where I and others can see and answer them.

 Dianne Hackborn
 Android framework engineer

 Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
 provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
 questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
 answer them.
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[android-developers] Re: how to color key 2d sprite backgound?

2009-03-29 Thread Sarnoth

I tried this out and unfortunately it is not a good solution.
AvoidXfermode is implemented very inefficiently such that each pixel
is converted to 32 bits, run through an alpha calculation, and then
converted back to 16 bits. Based on the documentation of the tolerance
parameter I was hoping for a shorcut mode when it was set to 0 that
simply did a compare and write with no conversions.

On Mar 24, 4:20 am, Tazzer arjenvanha...@gmail.com wrote:
 A very interesting idea :) although I have my doubts that drawing with
 AvoidXfermode is not slower then drawing with alpha. Especially when
 drawing the complete background in this mode. If I have the time I
 certainly would like to try it. I now have the alpha issue working
 using the solution above.


 On Mar 23, 3:35 am, Sarnoth jesse.st...@gmail.com wrote:

  I have been frustrated by the lack of support for sprites, but I came
  up with an idea that is backwards (literally) but might work. I
  haven't tested it to make sure it works as expected or to evaluate its
  speed. If you try it yourself I would be interested in the results.

  Use the same key color for all of your sprites. To draw a frame, clear
  the canvas to the key color. Then draw each sprite starting with the
  front most and ending with the back most, and finally draw the
  background image. When drawing use AvoidXfermode with opColor set to
  your key color, tolerance set to 0, and mode set to TARGET. Drawing
  bitmaps of format 565 (no alpha channel) is by far the fastest way to
  draw, so hopefully drawing color keyed bitmaps of this type will
  produce nice results.

  On Mar 19, 2:23 am, Tazzer arjenvanha...@gmail.com wrote:


   I am working on a 2d library for creating  a game including sprite
   collisions, sorting and animation converting (.spr to Java classes/

   At first I used png's with the background color being transparant (24
   bits png image) but I want to use 256 color bitmaps with the
   background color being transparant.

   Is this possible to do color keying in android? I looked at several
   other threads about this topic but the all ended without a solution.

   Also I am now using the canvas.drawBitmap to render my sprites, but
   will using opengl be faster?
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[android-developers] Re: how to color key 2d sprite backgound?

2009-03-22 Thread Sarnoth

I have been frustrated by the lack of support for sprites, but I came
up with an idea that is backwards (literally) but might work. I
haven't tested it to make sure it works as expected or to evaluate its
speed. If you try it yourself I would be interested in the results.

Use the same key color for all of your sprites. To draw a frame, clear
the canvas to the key color. Then draw each sprite starting with the
front most and ending with the back most, and finally draw the
background image. When drawing use AvoidXfermode with opColor set to
your key color, tolerance set to 0, and mode set to TARGET. Drawing
bitmaps of format 565 (no alpha channel) is by far the fastest way to
draw, so hopefully drawing color keyed bitmaps of this type will
produce nice results.

On Mar 19, 2:23 am, Tazzer arjenvanha...@gmail.com wrote:

 I am working on a 2d library for creating  a game including sprite
 collisions, sorting and animation converting (.spr to Java classes/

 At first I used png's with the background color being transparant (24
 bits png image) but I want to use 256 color bitmaps with the
 background color being transparant.

 Is this possible to do color keying in android? I looked at several
 other threads about this topic but the all ended without a solution.

 Also I am now using the canvas.drawBitmap to render my sprites, but
 will using opengl be faster?
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[android-developers] Re: Using ColorFilter to remove image background?

2009-03-03 Thread Sarnoth

I was expecting to find a way to handle sprites with a color-keyed
background but I haven't found a way. This is certainly on my wish
list for future SDKs.

There is AvoidXfermode but it does the opposite of what we want,
keying off of a color on the destination instead of on the source.
I've had to work around this missing feature by using sprites with an
alpha channel, but this has a significant impact of speed.

I believe that what you are doing with a ColorFilter is actually
transforming the colors of your bitmap using your specified color as
the source and your bitmap as the destination in the PorterDuff
calculations. The result of this color transformation is then drawn on
the canvas.

On Mar 2, 7:33 pm, Bill sax...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have some 2d character sprites, with a greenish background, that I'm
 trying to display, without the background.

 Since the background is a consistent color, I assumed there'd be a way
 to filter it out, thereby making the background transparent.  I wonder
 if I'm right in assuming this...

 Here is my code:

 Drawable d = mContext.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.queen);
 d.setColorFilter(Color.parseColor(#585C38), PorterDuff.Mode.DST_IN);
 d.setBounds(0, 0, 100, 100);

 I've tried all of the PorterDuff modes and none of them seem to do the
 right thing.  In fact, it looks like the color is ignored all

 Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?
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[android-developers] Re: surffaceHolder.lockCanvas(dirtyRect) help?

2009-02-26 Thread Sarnoth

I've been playing around with various drawing techniques myself and
came across a few things that might help you (and others). It seems
that the preferred color mode of the G1 is RGB_454 if you don't
specify another type for your surface, and it runs much faster in this
mode. When drawing on such a surface it is much faster if your bitmaps
are RGB_454 or ARGB_. To take advantage of this as much as
possible I keep an in-memory RGB_454 bitmap the size of the screen
that has the background and anything that is relatively static already
drawn on it. Drawing the entire screen from the static bitmap only
takes 3ms which leaves plenty of time to draw your dynamic pieces on
top and you don't even have to worry about fencing off dirty
rectangles (although I'm sure that would help speed things up even

On Feb 26, 11:58 am, snctln catlin.s...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thank you very much for this reply, your advice about not using a high
 quality png seemed to make all of the difference... My problem wasn't
 with the png really but was more the way that I was working with the

 I was loading the png into a bitmap, and then resizing that bitmap as
 needed for the background, BUT I was going about it all wrong

 Old Attempt
 m_backgroundBmp = Bitmap.createBitmap(backgroundWidth,
 backgroundHeight, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_);
 Canvas c = new Canvas(backgroundBmp);

 New Attempt (from lunarlander)
 m_backgroundBmp = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(context.getResources(),
 m_backgroundBmp = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(m_backgroundBmp ,
 backgroundWidth, backgroundHeight, true);

 I didn't change any of my actual drawing code, just this bitmap
 loading/sizing code, and I went from about 24 fps to 60 fps, I guess
 that is teh difference between with with a 24 bit bitmap and a 32 bit

 I know I need to do some more profiling and work on my timestep code,
 but this definitely helps a lot, thanks.

 So in summary I am still not sure why I was seeing flickering when
 using very small rectangles, probably just errors in my code and not
 drawing the whole rectangle I guess.

 I am using the lockCanvas(dirtyRect) on a large region of the screen
 and am getting a nice performance increase over redrawing the whole

 Thanks again


 On Feb 26, 3:05 am, Stoyan Damov stoyan.da...@gmail.com wrote:

  On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 5:53 AM, snctln catlin.s...@gmail.com wrote:


   I appreciate the reply (especially because I believe we have competing
   games up on the paid market).

  np :) It's not that I'm sharing a trade secret here.

   I will go back and look at my code again, I am probably doing it

   currently I have 4 approaches to updating the screen

   Approach #1 - (Original Approach) Update the whole surface, this works
   ok (30 fps) when I just have a solid color background , but once I add
   in a complex bitmap to the background the performance falls to about
   18-20 fps

  Are you doing too many updates (as opposed to drawings)? 30 fps
  doesn't look right.
  With  50 blocks and music (not sfx) turned off I'd get ~60 fps. Now
  here's a trade secret ;) -- careful with the background, I wouldn't
  use a high quality .png.
  You need to time the time you spend in updates and the time in drawing
  - if it's something like ~70 (drawing) / ~30 (updates) you'll probably
  get high fps.

   Approach #2 - Specify A large dirty rect that encompasses all possible
   areas of update (things that can change multiple times a second), this
   yields great results for solid color background (60 fps), but still
   only gives me 24fps or so for a complex bitmap background

  This is the approach I use although a bit modified because of the
  specifics of my game - I have 2 dirty rectangles which I switch every
  now and then - one is bigger than the other and encompasses it.

   Approach #3 - Draw the current screen state to a bitmap member
   variable, and make multiple calls to lockCanvas(DirtyRect) and specify
   only the areas that have changed and then do a drawBitmap and copy the
   regions from the screen bitmap member variable to the canvas, this
   approach seems to be the worst as it has the most flicker and

  I wouldn't do that. How many fps have you squeezed using this approach
  (if you do use it)?

   Approach #4 - Draw to a bitmap like in approach #3, but rather than
   doing multiple lockCanvas calls, just add all of the rectangles
   together to get one large rectangle that encompasses all of the areas
   that need to be updated and call lock canvas on that then draw to that
   area from the bitmap, this seems to work better the #3 but stil leaves

  Haven't tried that either.

   Did you take any of these approaches?

   I probably have holes in my code and will be going over it all

  You need to profile your game 

[android-developers] Re: viewable area

2009-02-11 Thread Sarnoth

I agree with Dianne about trying to use what is available to make your
application as flexible as possible. But I also get the impression
that people are asking these kinds of questions because they want to
write games, not standard apps. There can be cases when for purposes
of speed or over all graphical polish it is necessary to operate with
some assumptions such as the target screen size or that the dimensions
will not change while the game is running.

I have some ideas that may help for the questions at hand if there is
good reason to prioritize pixel counting over flexibility. I haven't
tried all these myself so I can't guarantee that they will work.

The most rigid way to know what space you are working with is to set
your window full screen and hard code the dimensions based on the
device that you know you will run on (320x480 for the G1). Obviously
this limits you to that one device, and you'll need to do some fancy
handling of orientation change or things will go bad.

If you want to let the device choose a size for you, but you want to
know what this size is and use an absolute layout, try getHeight() and
getWidth(). These sound like they should provide you with the correct
values, however they are likely not valid until the layout is
displayed. To get around this problem you can use a Handler in onCreate
() to schedule a Runnable that does initialization to run sometime in
the future. Or you could try extending AbsoluteLayout and scheduling
initialization with a Handler (and no delay) inside of onDraw(). In
this case you can also track the previous height and width and
reinitialize when they change to handle screen size changes.

144 buttons is an awful lot. Makes me cringe. It will probably be
unusably slow and consume gobs of memory. I totally agree with Dianne
here, you need a custom layout for this. I'll go one farther and say
you probably need a custom view object so that you can draw the entire
area for the buttons as one object and map touch event coordinates to
the correct virtual button.

Overlapping views works pretty well without any tricks. At least when
using XML layouts, those layouts will draw the components in order
such that the last layout listed is the one on top. I've used this
with RelativeLayout to put text on top of a background image and
AbsluteLayout is also supposed to draw its children on top of each
other with an order. I haven't tried moving any of the views around to
see how it handles that, but my feeling is that the system will handle
overlapping views for you without any work on your part.

On Feb 10, 8:32 pm, Dianne Hackborn hack...@android.com wrote:
 It's not that, it's that making assumptions about you having all of the
 available space on the screen and that it will never change after you start
 will make your application very rigid.  For example, in the future when
 there is a soft keyboard that gets shown, wouldn't you like your application
 to resize to account for that?  Or if someone does a device with a little
 larger screen but some kind of system controls that can be placed in that
 area, wouldn't you like your UI to grow to use that space if those controls
 are hidden?

 Assuming that you can just look at the screen dimensions when you initialize
 and count on that being constant for the rest of your life just doesn't
 work.  It isn't even true on Windows where the use can drag the taskbar up
 to make it larger and stuff.

 So the right approach is to use what the system gives you, write a layout
 view that does its layout based on the size it is given, and then whenever
 the display configuration changes you will just get called again with a new
 size and can layout to that.

 On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 5:13 PM, Sundog sunns...@gmail.com wrote:

  Could somebody on the thread perhaps explain why this is so rigid?
  So many
  people are asking for such a very simple thing.  I'd really like to

  It's a Java thing. ;)  You VILL fit ze paradigm! Resistance is futile!

 Dianne Hackborn
 Android framework engineer

 Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
 provide private support.  All such questions should be posted on public
 forums, where I and others can see and answer them.

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