Overriding onCreateThumbnail in your activity will allow you to supply
a blank bitmap (or padlock etc) instead of a screenshot. Be sure to
return true to tell the system you've overridden the bitmap.

On Jan 20, 9:33 pm, tegbird <tegb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Daz,
> I am facing the same problem. Did you find any solution. It would be
> great help if you can provide any guidance.
> Thanks in advance.
> Tegbir
> On Dec 17 2011, 10:55 am, Daz <kuffs2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi Diane,
> > Sorry I should have been more specific but this was my 3rd attempt at
> > asking the question, the previous 2 not making it past the "New member
> > moderation". I didn't want to waste too much time as I was unsure the post
> > would appear.
> > Basically it is exactly as Zsolt says. My app should not have its contents
> > visible unless a valid password has been entered. I understand that
> > physical access to the phone is required to see the thumbnails but the fact
> > is that the data should not be accessible outside the app at all.
> > As a user as well as a dev, I may pass my phone to another person to show a
> > photo, web page etc and tablets in my household tend to be partly communal
> > for looking up web sites etc. At present I have to ensure that the app has
> > been "swiped away" from the recent apps list before I allow anybody else
> > access.
> > So back to the original question. Is there a way to prevent the screen grab
> > or at the very least, an override I can use to hide the sensitive data
> > manually before the screen grab is taken?
> > Thanks for any help anybody can give.
> > Daz
> > p.s After my first post I am now being spammed. "We saw your post on google
> > groups, would you like to ....."  Any tips to prevent this?

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