Ideally, I'd like to use ContentResolver.applyBatch() to insert a large 
number of contacts. This provides the needed transaction support to 
guarantee to the user that the entire batch either was completely inserted 
or not at all. It also provides the "back reference" linking of FKs to PKs. 
Unfortunately there is a limit of 500 operations per batch, which is not 
large enough for my usage.

Besides simply breaking the inserts into smaller batches, which doesn't 
provide a fail safe way to do the overall operation, I could use 
BulkInsert(). Is there a fail-safe way to use this? Here's what I'm 

First, the scope is to insert a bunch of RawContact rows and, for each, 
several Data rows. 

1. Do a BulkInsert() for all the RawContact rows:
For each row, set SOURCE_ID to com.mydomain.<my source id>, where <my 
source id> is a persistent index to the data I'm reading to do the inserts. 
If the action doesn't complete, I'm presuming upon restart I can do a 
single delete: where SOURCE_ID like 'com.mydomain.%'.

2. Query all the rows I just inserted:
Use: where SOURCE_ID like 'com.mydomain.%'. From this I can get the new row 
_ID values for each of the rows I just inserted. I'll need these ids for 
the next step.

3. Do a BulkInsert() for all the Data rows:
Create Data rows with an FK determined from step 2 - the RawContact._ID. If 
this fails before completing, upon restart, I can delete my new rows 
similarly to what I described for step 1.

4. Clear SOURCE_ID:
The SOURCE_ID is for the sync adapter. According to the android 
should be left blank to indicate that the sync adapter must create a new 
contact on its server. I presume that while not null the sync adapter will 
ignore the row and when I set it to NULL the sync adapter will be able to 
do its work.

I see two potential problems with this. Should I be concerned? Is there a 
better way?

A. If there is a failure, the contacts database will be left in a bad state 
until my app is restarted and can clear out the partially created rows.

B. By putting my own value in SOURCE_ID, I am assuming the sync adapter 
will ignore the row. However, it might try to update rows on its server 
using the bogus SOURCE_ID values. Clearly those updates will fail. Will the 
sync adapter handle the failures nicely?

I would very pleased to hear any comments and suggestions on this dilemma.


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