
I'd like to remove ant from my build process as ant often has wierd
errors and is hard to install, so I am creating a Windows batch script
to substitute it, but I have some issues:

 1> How can I add JNI native libraries to the apk? I tryed everything
I could think of, but "aapt add" just doesnt work properly, it ignores
the relative path and adds the file into the root of the apk =( Worse
even that it seams that my file needs to be moved from "libs\armeabi"
into "lib\armeabi" in the zip which isnt the same. Does anyone know
how to tell aapt to add my native library to the APK? Here is what I

 F:\Programas\lazarussvn\examples\androidlcl\android>aapt a bin
 _ libs\armeabi\liblclapp.so
  'libs\armeabi\liblclapp.so' as 'liblclapp.so'... <<--- I want it to
 add as "lib\armeabi\liblclapp.so"

2> Who adds the META-INF directory and its files to the APK? The sign
process? Or do I need to add it myself? How to generate the files
inside it then?

3> Signing. How can I create a debug key and sign the APK without
having to ask for user input?

I am trying to do this:

keytool -genkey -v -keystore bin\LCLDebugKey.keystore -alias
LCLDebugKey -keyalg RSA -validity 10000 -keypass senhas

But it still asks for user input for the password. It seams that -
keypass is ignored.

Here is my current build file:




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