Debug using ADB with a rooted Samsung nexus S device!

I have been debugging my Native code changes to allow Bluetooth to function
as the transport inside the CCNX ccnd daemon. However, I am not able to get
any of my command line CCNX tools (like ccncat, etc) to execute. My process
includes unlocking the locked bootloader, download the superuser app and
recovery image to root the device. Then I remounted the mounted partitions
R/W so I can add, execute and debug with the many ccnx commands. However, I
am not able to get anyone to work.

----rwxr-x system   sdcard_rw   235987 2012-02-12 19:16 ccncat
 shell@android:/mnt/sdcard # ./ccncat -h
sh: ./ccncat: cannot execute - Permission denied

So I copied the ccncat command to /system/bin and I get the same error.
Only thing that I can think of is that these commands were not cross
compiled for the correct ARM processor, since I was able to issue the mount
command and remount the filesystems as root without issue.

Anyone have other ideas?

I will work on the ARM issue. Is there any way to know if the commands are
arm from the exe files?


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