
Need to make the thing: if my app is default for HCE answer and for some 
reason "the card is not ready", then APDU exchange should not start. The 
reason is that PoS terminal aborts current operation, and salesman need to 
restart financial operation -- the bad UX :-/

As HCE tech is based on NFC and NfcAdapter should be in PASSIVE mode to run 
HCE session, I've found some workaround for my issue -- if one switches 
NfcAdapter to ACTIVE mode, then HCE session wouldn't start at all. So, 
salesman needs not to re-start financial operation, and user is able to 
unlock device or do some other staff to make his emulated card 

Yet, I've not found how to detect if there is an NFC reader near. Looking 
my device log I've seen that NFC adapter changes its state from IDLE to 
NfcAdapter.ACTION_ADAPTER_STATE_CHANGED event occurs only on enabling and 
disabling NFC.

Do anyone knows is it possible to detect this state change? Or, maybe there 
is some other way to say that current NFC session need to be restarted 

Thanks in advance!

Some logs from my device when NFC is on and adapter is in PASSIVE mode -- 
device is near an NFC reader:
12-19 16:55:25.667 9166-8260/? D/USERIAL_LINUX: my_read: return 27(0x1b) 
bytes, errno=11 count=280, n=1, timeout=-1
12-19 16:55:25.667 9166-8260/? D/USERIAL_LINUX: userial_read_thread(): 
enqueued p_buf=0xef329260, count=1, length=27
12-19 16:55:25.667 9166-8260/? D/USERIAL_LINUX: my_read: enter, 
pbuf=ef329f4c, len = 280
12-19 16:55:25.667 9166-8250/? I/BrcmNci: --
12-19 16:55:25.668 9166-8250/? I/BrcmNci: RECV NCI  Type:NTF   Name: 
RF_ACTIVATE(0x5)   PBF:No/Last   Param Len: 23/23 f:0x0
12-19 16:55:25.668 9166-8250/? I/BrcmNci:                               RF 
Disc ID : 1 (0x01)
12-19 16:55:25.668 9166-8250/? I/BrcmNci:                           
Interface Type : Frame (1/0x01)
12-19 16:55:25.668 9166-8250/? I/BrcmNci:                         
SelectedProtocol : T2T (2/0x02)
12-19 16:55:25.668 9166-8250/? I/BrcmNci:                             
DetTechNMode : POLL_A_PASSIVE (0/0x00)
12-19 16:55:25.668 9166-8250/? I/BrcmNci:                                
Buff Size : 255 (0xff)
12-19 16:55:25.668 9166-8250/? I/BrcmNci:                                
Num Buffs : 1 (0x01)
12-19 16:55:25.668 9166-8250/? I/BrcmNci:                           Tech 
Param Len : 12 (0x0c)
12-19 16:55:25.668 9166-8250/? I/BrcmNci:                                 
SENS_RES : 44 00 
12-19 16:55:25.668 9166-8250/? I/BrcmNci:                                   
NFCID1 : 04 85 7e 3a 5f 36 80 
12-19 16:55:25.668 9166-8250/? I/BrcmNci:                                  
SEL_RES : 08 
12-19 16:55:25.668 9166-8250/? I/BrcmNci:                            
DataTechNMode : POLL_A_PASSIVE (0/0x00)
12-19 16:55:25.668 9166-8250/? I/BrcmNci:                                
TxBitRate : 106kbit/s (0/0x00)
12-19 16:55:25.668 9166-8250/? I/BrcmNci:                                
RxBitRate : 106kbit/s (0/0x00)
12-19 16:55:25.668 9166-8250/? I/BrcmNci:                           Actv 
Param Len : 0/0x00
12-19 16:55:25.668 9166-8250/? D/BrcmNci: Raw NCI Packet:
12-19 16:55:25.668 9166-8250/? D/BrcmNci: 0000: 61 05 17 01 01 02 00 ff 01 
0c 44 00 07 04 85 7e a.........D....~
12-19 16:55:25.668 9166-8250/? D/BrcmNci: 0010: 3a 5f 36 80 01 08 00 00 00 
00                   :_6.......
12-19 16:55:25.668 9166-8250/? I/BrcmNci: --
12-19 16:55:25.668 9166-8250/? I/NfcNciHal: nfc_hal_nci_preproc_rx_nci_msg()
12-19 16:55:25.668 9166-8250/? I/NfcNciHal: nfc_hal_dm_power_mode_execute 
() event = 1
12-19 16:55:25.669 9166-8250/? I/NfcNciHal: nfc_hal_dm_set_nfc_wake () 
12-19 16:55:25.669 9166-8250/? D/USERIAL_LINUX: UPIO_Set: ioctl, state=0
12-19 16:55:25.669 9166-8250/? D/USERIAL_LINUX: UPIO_Set: ioctl, old 
state=1, insert delay for 20 ms
12-19 16:55:25.669 9166-8250/? D/NfcNciHal: BroadcomHalDataCallback: enter; 
12-19 16:55:25.669 9166-8250/? D/NfcAdaptation: 
NfcAdaptation::HalDeviceContextDataCallback: len=26
12-19 16:55:25.669 9166-8249/? I/BrcmNfcNfa: NFC received ntf gid:1
12-19 16:55:25.669 9166-8249/? I/BrcmNfcNfa: nfc_set_state 4 (IDLE)->5 
12-19 16:55:25.669 9166-8249/? I/BrcmNfcNfa: nfc_ncif_proc_activate:23 0, 
12-19 16:55:25.669 9166-8249/? I/BrcmNfcNfa: nfa_dm_disc_discovery_cback 
(): event:0x4004
12-19 16:55:25.669 9166-8249/? I/BrcmNfcNfa: nfa_dm_disc_sm_execute (): 
state: DISCOVERY (1), event: ACTIVATED_NTF(5) disc_flags: 0x1
12-19 16:55:25.669 9166-8249/? I/BrcmNfcNfa: nfa_dm_disc_new_state (): 
old_state: DISCOVERY (1), new_state: POLL_ACTIVE (4) disc_flags: 0x1
12-19 16:55:25.669 9166-8249/? I/BrcmNfcNfa: nfa_dm_disc_notify_activation 
(): tech_n_mode:0x0, proto:0x2
12-19 16:55:25.669 9166-8249/? I/BrcmNfcNfa: nfa_dm_disc_get_disc_mask (): 
tech_n_mode:0x0, protocol:0x2, disc_mask:0x2
12-19 16:55:25.669 9166-8249/? I/BrcmNfcNfa: activated_protocol:0x2, 
activated_handle: 0x1
12-19 16:55:25.669 9166-8249/? I/BrcmNfcNfa: nfa_dm_poll_disc_cback (): 
12-19 16:55:25.670 9166-8249/? I/BrcmNfcNfa: nfa_rw_handle_event event: 
NFA_RW_ACTIVATE_NTF_EVT (0x601), flags: 00000001
12-19 16:55:25.670 9166-8249/? I/BrcmNfcNfa: nfa_rw_activate_ntf
12-19 16:55:25.670 9166-8249/? I/BrcmNfcNfa: 
nfa_dm_notify_activation_status (): status:0x0
12-19 16:55:25.670 9166-8249/? D/BrcmNfcJni: nfaConnectionCallback: event= 5
12-19 16:55:25.670 9166-8249/? D/BrcmNfcJni: nfaConnectionCallback: 
NFA_ACTIVATED_EVT: gIsSelectingRfInterface=0, sIsDisabling=0
12-19 16:55:25.670 9166-8249/? D/BrcmNfcJni: NfcTag::setActivationState: 
12-19 16:55:25.670 9166-8249/? D/BrcmNfcJni: pn544InteropIsBusy: 0
12-19 16:55:25.670 9166-8249/? D/BrcmNfcJni: NfcTag::IsSameKovio: enter
12-19 16:55:25.670 9166-8249/? D/BrcmNfcJni: NfcTag::discoverTechnologies 
(activation): enter
12-19 16:55:25.670 9166-8249/? D/BrcmNfcJni: NfcTag::discoverTechnologies 
(activation): index=0; tech=1; handle=1; nfc type=2
12-19 16:55:25.670 9166-8249/? D/BrcmNfcJni: NfcTag::discoverTechnologies 
(activation): exit
12-19 16:55:25.670 9166-8249/? D/BrcmNfcJni: NfcTag::createNativeNfcTag: 
12-19 16:55:25.673 9166-8249/? D/BrcmNfcJni: 
12-19 16:55:25.673 9166-8249/? D/BrcmNfcJni: 
12-19 16:55:25.673 9166-8249/? D/BrcmNfcJni: 
NfcTag::fillNativeNfcTagMembers3: index=0; rf tech params mode=0
12-19 16:55:25.673 9166-8249/? D/BrcmNfcJni: 
NfcTag::fillNativeNfcTagMembers3: tech A
12-19 16:55:25.673 9166-8249/? D/BrcmNfcJni: 
NfcTag::fillNativeNfcTagMembers4: index=0
12-19 16:55:25.673 9166-8249/? D/BrcmNfcJni: 
NfcTag::fillNativeNfcTagMembers4: T2T; tech A
12-19 16:55:25.673 9166-8249/? D/BrcmNfcJni: 
NfcTag::fillNativeNfcTagMembers5: tech A
12-19 16:55:25.673 9166-8249/? D/BrcmNfcJni: NfcTag::createNativeNfcTag: 
try notify nfc service
12-19 16:55:25.673 9166-8249/? D/BrcmNfcJni: NfcTag::createNativeNfcTag: 

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