[android-porting] Re: C to CPP conversion (or vice-versa) based on the package type having C or CPP.

2009-04-22 Thread sreedhar b
Hi fadden,

The library which i am using has exteral C linkage definition incorrect in
some of the header files.


On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 8:19 PM, sreedhar b sreedhar...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi fadden,

 my libmyusecase is having  *.c files and all my header files is with the
 C linkage as below.

 #ifdef _cplusplus
 extern C {
 #endif /* _cplusplus */

 #ifdef _cplusplus
 #endif /* _cplusplus */

 And i am trying to call the API's part of these *.c in a package containing
 *.cpp files. I get undefined reference error.

 But when i make the *.c files of libmyusecase to *.cpp  and remove the C
 linkage  in the header files i dont get the undefined reference error.

 Thanks and Regards,

 On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 10:53 PM, fadden fad...@android.com wrote:

 On Apr 20, 4:56 am, sreedhar b sreedhar...@gmail.com wrote:
  I have a use-case library having *.cpp files. And i made an application
  *.c extension. I included the above said library as a shared library
 part of
  the Android.mk for building the application.
  I am getting errors showing undefined reference to API's of use-case
  that i used part of the application.

 My first thought would be a name-mangling issue.  Are you missing an
 'extern C' on the prototypes in your header file?

 % cat  foo.c
 int test(int value) { return 3; }
 % gcc -c foo.c
 % nm foo.o
  T test
 % mv foo.c foo.cpp
 % gcc -c foo.cpp
 % nm foo.o
  T _Z4testi
 U __gxx_personality_v0


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[android-porting] Re: Bluetooth not working on G1 device (cupcake version)

2009-04-22 Thread Nimit Manglick
Hi Pavan,

I dnt think that Zoom1 / LDp doesn't have an inbuilt Bluetooth module.

Its product brief and schematics  document clearly mention that zoom1 has
an inbuilt

+ Built-in Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR

So can you please confirm this ?

Thanks  Regards

On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 8:20 PM, pavan savoy pavan.sa...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi deepak,

 Please have a look in


 for the relevant driver, as far as I know, zoom1 or ldp1 as its called,
 doesn't have an on-board bt device, and the gpio line to enable BT chip
 would solely depend on how the BT chip is connected to ldp1.
 [are you using exp board+exp connector+carrier brd combo ?]


 On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 12:23 AM, deepak singal deesin...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi NicK,

 When I am trying to turn on Bluetooth on ZOOM1(3430) board, using below
 init.rc changes :


 mkdir /data/misc/hcid 0770 bluetooth bluetooth
 chown bluetooth bluetooth /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0/typeecho
 chown bluetooth bluetooth /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0/state
 chmod 0660/sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0/state

 chmod 0660 /dev/ttyS1
 chown bluetooth bluetooth /dev/ttyS1

 service dbus /system/bin/dbus-daemon --system --nofork
 socket dbus stream 660 bluetooth bluetooth
 user bluetooth
 group bluetooth net_bt_admin

 #STOPSHIP: disable the verbose logging
 service hcid /system/bin/logwrapper /system/bin/hcid -d -s -n -f
 /etc/bluez/hcid.confsocket bluetooth stream 660 bluetooth bluetooth
 socket dbus_bluetooth stream 660 bluetooth bluetooth
 # init.rc does not yet support applying capabilities, so run as root
 # let hcid drop uid to bluetooth with the right linux capabilities
 group bluetooth net_bt_admin misc

 service hciattach /system/bin/hciattach -n -s 115200 /dev/ttyS1 texas
 115200 flow
 user bluetooth
 group bluetooth net_bt_admin misc

 service hfag /system/bin/sdptool add --channel=10 HFAG
 user bluetooth
 group bluetooth net_bt_admin

 service hsag /system/bin/sdptool add --channel=11 HSAG
 user bluetooth
 group bluetooth net_bt_admin

 Android now uses the rfkill interface to turn on/off bluetooth. It looks
 for a type of bluetooth in each of the rfkill interfaces
 (/sys/class/rfkill/rfkill*/type). We need to have kernel support for this
 to work as devices should be powering on/off with it.

 I would like to know how does the /sys/class/rfkill/* entry present.

 I'm already apply below configuration in zoom1 kernel


 After booting the zoom1 kernel nothing present in /sys/class/rfkill/
 bttest also looking for  /sys/class/rfkill/* entry. If nothing present its
 give -1.

 Please help me if I need to do something else enable or disable in kernel

 *Any other way to enable* / disable *bluetooth* device?

 Thanks in advance,


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[android-porting] Re: Beagle Android Build released

2009-04-22 Thread Skuld

Dear Rupesh:

I download and build it.
It can't run Music application in Android system.
When I execute music application, it will happen error.
(Error Message: The process android.process.acore has stopped
unexpectedly. Please try again)
Are there any suggestion ?
Thank you

On 4月22日, 上午2時33分, Rupesh Gujare rupesh.guj...@embinux.com wrote:
 Hi All,

  In continuation to our efforts, for Android port on Beagle, we are
 pleased to release Beagle-Android build.

  Our Goal is to have stable customized Android build for Beagle Board.
 We will try to add features and make sure Android works on Beagle Board
 out of Box.

 Here are steps to sync Beagle-Android build over repo:-

 1. mkdir beagledroid
 2. cd beagledroid
 3. repo init -u
 4. repo sync
 5. make

 Beagle Kernel with Android patches is located in kernel directory.

 Enjoy Androing ...


 Rupesh Gujarehttp://embinux.com
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[android-porting] Re: X86 ALSA Sound Issue

2009-04-22 Thread Androidphan

I just downloaded the alsa-lib and alsa-utils with repo, you need to
download it with a local_manifest file.
Then turn on BOARD_USES_ALSA_AUDIO := true and
BUILD_WITH_ALSA_UTILS := true at asus/eee_701/BoardConfig.mk.

Then it builds Android with the alsa library and the alsa utils. Then
you need a proper asound.conf to get your sound working.

On Apr 21, 4:52 pm, dmoti moti.dan...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi people,
 I followed this discussion and I'm trying to do what you did and
 I just need the configure line you used for both alsa-lib and alsa-


 On Apr 17, 9:28 pm, Luca Belluccini lucabellucc...@gmail.com wrote:

  Ok i see them ... Sorry :D

  On 17 Apr, 18:57, Androidphan niels.kee...@tass.nl wrote:

   It probably is possible to add alsa-utils to your local_manifest and
   put BUILD_WITH_ALSA_UTILS := true inside your BoardConfig.mk and then
   run alsa_ctl.

   On Apr 17, 5:27 pm, Luca Belluccini lucabellucc...@gmail.com wrote:

Thanks! I'm preparing a ubuntu live for getting all alsa controls.

On 17 Apr, 16:44, Androidphan niels.kee...@tass.nl wrote:

 My asound.conf can be found here:http://pastebin.com/f41e6b204

 I also added the following to init.rc :
 setprop alsa.mixer.playback.master Front
 setprop alsa.mixer.capture.master Capture
 setprop alsa.mixer.playback.earpiece Master
 setprop alsa.mixer.capture.earpiece Capture
 setprop alsa.mixer.playback.headset Master
 setprop alsa.mixer.playback.speaker Master

 I don't know how to play video files yet, haven't tried actually.
 But I ran Mediascanner from Dev tools, then it found my mp3 inside
 'Music' and that played well.

 On 17 apr, 14:56, Luca Belluccini lucabellucc...@gmail.com wrote:


  Could you post your asound.conf, just to see it and understand
  correctly its structure?
  Mediaplayer is working?

  On 17 Apr, 14:26, Androidphan niels.kee...@tass.nl wrote:

   I finally got my sound working. I tested it outside Android with
   aplay. Alsa-utils can be downloaden now from the Android 
   repository. I
   used alsactl store in Ubuntu to get an asound.state. With the 
   from that file I created my own asound.conf. It looks a lot like 
   one in my alsa thread.

   On 17 apr, 13:57, Luca Belluccini lucabellucc...@gmail.com 

Can you post your asound.conf ? I am using this one.
I don't know it it works... I am working on a eeepc 701.
Btw... You just modified the USES_ALSA_AUDIO... in mk file and 
the lines in init.rc (and moved asound.conf in the right 
place), isn't
Tonight I'll try to copy a song in sd partition.

asound.conf ===

# Android ALSA configuration file for OMAP2430SDP using the MXC 
## Mixer Devices
ctl.AndroidPlayback {
        type hw
        card 0}

ctl.AndroidRecord {
        type hw
        card 0}

## Playback Devices
pcm.AndroidPlayback_Speaker {
        type hooks
        slave.pcm {
                type hw
                card 0
                device 0        # Must be of type digital audio
        hooks.0 {
                type ctl_elems
                hook_args [
                        # Enable audio output from the DSP
                                name Master codec configure 
                                lock false
                                preserve true
                                optional false
                                value true
                                name Master codec Sample Rate
                                lock false
                                preserve true
                                optional true
                                value 48000
                                name Playback Source
                                lock false
                                preserve true
                                optional false
                                # Values are:
                                #  0 - 'Stereo Headset'
                                #  1 - 'Hands-free (Speakers)'
                                #  2 - 'Mono Handset'
                                #  3 'USB CarKit'
                                value 'Hands-free (Speakers)'

[android-porting] Re: Compile Again after new bzImage

2009-04-22 Thread Gani Bhagavathula

Sorry for asking the question without checking archives.  I answered
my own question by looking at other posts in the archives.  I should
be renaming the bzImage as kernel when I copy to vendor/asus/eee_701
for the newly compiled kernel to take precedence.  Thats what I was
doing wrong.


On Apr 22, 8:38 am, Gani Bhagavathula gani.bhagavath...@gmail.com

 That is a good question.  I have since realized that the kernel binary
 is not getting updated at all.  Which is probably why the
 installer_img is not being built again.

 Am I missing a step after building the new kernel with 'make
 bzImage'?  I just copy the bzImage file into the vendor/asus/eee_701
 directory as bzImage and then try the compile.  Should I be renaming
 the bzImage as 'kernel' before trying?


 On Apr 21, 9:36 am, Avtar Singh s.av...@gmail.com wrote:

   Where am I going wrong?

  You are not going anywhere. It is the way dependencies have been set in the
  makefiles. But your installer_img should have built again without you having
  to compile everything again.

  I am trying to find out if there is a way to do this in a shorter time to 
  incorporate just the new bzImage, rather than compile everything

  Can you check the timestamps of old and new kernel binaries in
  vendor/asus/eee_701. Is the new kernel binary having a newer timestamp?

  - Avtar
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[android-porting] Re: wpa_supplicant wifi problems no scan results

2009-04-22 Thread Gani Bhagavathula


I found my problem.  I was not renaming the new kernel as kernel when
I copied the bzImage file to vendor/asus/eee_701 - so my new kernel
was not being loaded...

I have to try this when I get home tonight...


On Apr 22, 6:15 am, Gani Bhagavathula gani.bhagavath...@gmail.com

 I tried this, and am getting stuck at a more basic place.  I dont
 think I am even loading the kernel that I am compiling.  Here is what
 I do - I did a menuconfig on the kernel, and compiled it.  I also did
 something like 'make SUBDIRS=drivers/net/wireless/ath5k modules'.

 Then I copied the bzImage into the vendor/asus/eee_701 directory as
 suggested.  Also the ath5k.ko module into vendor/asus/eee_701/modules
 directory.  The module ends up in the image allright.  I have added
 the relavant lines in the init.rc to load the ath5k module also.

 However, in the dmesg, I see something like ath5k disagrees with the
 version of struct_symbol.  Looks like the stock kernel that came from
 the repo (2.6.25) is being loaded, rather than the one I compiled
 2.6.27.  That kind of makes sense, since the driver didnt work when I
 tried to make it part of the driver rather than a module either.

 I must be missing a step after copying the bzImage into place and
 before I compile the installer_img OR the make-live script is making a
 difference.  One of these.  Can you help?


 On Apr 21, 9:41 pm, Luca Belluccini lucabellucc...@gmail.com wrote:

  It is not working for me. I did the same changes on wifi.c as you
  pasted here.
  In Android GUI, I can press Enable wifi and I get:
  -module insmodded
  -GUI locked for some seconds
  -Android in airplane mode
  I'm running on a real eeepc701.
  It seems the hot code causing error is:
  wifi_load_driver in wifi.c

  By the way I think we need wpa_supplicant (or it will be launched by
  The property wlan.driver.status must be set. But I don't know which
  value must be set.

  On 21 Apr, 19:40, Gani Bhagavathula gani.bhagavath...@gmail.com


   If I dont use WPA (and have no wpa_supplicant) is it OK just to change
   the wifi.c like this, and compile the module and make sure it is in
   the init.rc?  Will it connect to a WEP protected network at that

   static const char IFACE_DIR[]           = /data/system/
   static const char DRIVER_MODULE_NAME[]  = ath5k;
   static const char DRIVER_MODULE_TAG[]   = ath5k ;
   static const char DRIVER_MODULE_PATH[]  = /system/lib/modules/
   static const char FIRMWARE_LOADER[]     = wlan_loader;
   static const char DRIVER_PROP_NAME[]    = wlan.driver.status;


   On Apr 21, 3:54 pm, Luca Belluccini lucabellucc...@gmail.com wrote:

I'm with the same module. I set it NOT built-in.
You are planning to make wifi interact with Android GUI?
I modified wifi.c specifying the right path to module to be insmodded.
By the way I'm having the same SIOCSIWAUTH error, starting manually
the wpa_supplicant.
I think it's the main problem.

On 21 Apr, 12:59, Androidphan niels.kee...@tass.nl wrote:

 I have an Atheros 5007EG wireless network card at my hardware
 platform. I compiled the kernel(2.6.27) with ath5k built in.

 Then I compiled wpa_supplicant with CONFIG_WIRELESS_EXTENSIONS=y

 Then in my init.rc :
     mkdir /data/misc/wifi 0770 wifi wifi
     mkdir /data/misc/wifi/sockets 0770 wifi wifi
     mkdir /data/system/wpa_supplicant 0770 wifi wifi
     mkdir /data/misc/dhcp 0770 dhcp dhcp
     chown dhcp dhcp /data/misc/dhcp

     ifup wlan0

 service wpa_supplicant /system/bin/logwrapper /system/bin/
 wpa_supplicant -Dwext -iwlan0 -c/system/etc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf -
     group wifi

 My wpa_supplicant.conf at /system/etc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf :

 ctrl_interface=DIR=/data/system/wpa_supplicant GROUP=system

 Then when I try to scan with: wpa_cli -p/data/system/wpa_supplicant -
 iwlan0 and then scan  scan_results, I'm getting no scan results, when
 I know there are definitly scan results. Because when I scanned with
 Windows, I do get to see scan results.

 What is wrong with my configuration?

 My logcat output from wpa_supplicant:

 I//system/bin/wpa_supplicant( 2127): Initializing interface 'wlan0'
 conf '/system/etc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf' driver 'wext'
 ctrl_interface 'N/A' bridge 'N/A'
 I//system/bin/wpa_supplicant( 2127): Configuration file '/system/etc/
 wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf' - '/system/etc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf'
 I//system/bin/wpa_supplicant( 2127): Reading configuration file '/
 I//system/bin/wpa_supplicant( 2127): update_config=1
 I//system/bin/wpa_supplicant( 2127): ctrl_interface='DIR=/data/system/

[android-porting] Re: ath5k disagrees with the version of struct_symbol

2009-04-22 Thread Gani Bhagavathula


I found my problem.  I was not renaming the new kernel as kernel when
I copied the bzImage file to vendor/asus/eee_701 - so my new kernel
was not being loaded...

I have to try this when I get home tonight...


On Apr 22, 6:17 am, Gani Bhagavathula gani.bhagavath...@gmail.com
 Hi Everyone:

 I am trying to compile Wifi support, but getting stuck at a more basic
 place.  I dont think I am even loading the kernel that I am
 compiling.  Here is what I do - I did a menuconfig on the kernel, and
 compiled bzImage.  I also did something like 'make SUBDIRS=drivers/net/
 wireless/ath5k modules' to get a ath5k.ko file for the module.

 Then I copied the bzImage into the vendor/asus/eee_701 directory as
 suggested.  Also the ath5k.ko module into vendor/asus/eee_701/modules
 directory.  The module ends up in the image allright.  I have added
 the relavant lines in the init.rc to load the ath5k module also.

 However, in the dmesg, I see something like ath5k disagrees with the
 version of struct_symbol.  Looks like the stock kernel that came from
 the repo (2.6.25) is being loaded, rather than the one I compiled
 2.6.27.  That kind of makes sense, since the driver didnt work when I
 tried to make it part of the driver rather than a module either.

 I must be missing a step after copying the bzImage into place and
 before I compile the installer_img OR the make-live script is making a
 difference.  One of these.  Can you help?

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[android-porting] [android-porting]Does android emulator support alsa(not oss)?

2009-04-22 Thread magiciansai
Does android emulator support alsa(not oss)? 
If support, how to port it?

thanks a lot!



unsubscribe: android-porting+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
website: http://groups.google.com/group/android-porting

[android-porting] Re: Fw:porting android to omap3 evm

2009-04-22 Thread cindy_king_1024
Thanks ,the color is normal now.
But the touch screen didn't work,I can't exit the menu .Any advise?

在2009-04-22 12:46:29,vishal bhoj vishalb...@gmail.com 写道:

I am pasting the content of the link 

On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 4:20 PM, Daniel Schaeffer
 Has anyone looked into why the LCD display on the OMAP3EVM is always tinted

 red? I created a couple of color test images that I cat'ed to /dev/fb and it
 looks like the blue color channel is completely ignored.  I was testing on
 v2.6.26-omap2 but is doesn't look like there have been any changes to the fb

 driver since then so I'm assuming the issue is also present in the head of
 the git tree.


 Daniel Schaeffer

Try the patch below(Remember that you may have to manually edit because

this patch is against current HEAD)

diff --git a/drivers/video/omap/lcd_omap3evm.c
index a564ca5..821bafe 100644
--- a/drivers/video/omap/lcd_omap3evm.c
+++ b/drivers/video/omap/lcd_omap3evm.c

@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@
 #define ENABLE_VDAC_DEV_GRP0x20
 #define ENABLE_VPLL2_DEV_GRP   0xE0
+#define TWL4030_VPLL2_DEV_GRP  0x33
+#define TWL4030_VPLL2_DEDICATED0x36

 #define TWL_LED_LEDEN  0x00
 #define TWL_PWMA_PWMAON0x00
@@ -86,12 +88,24 @@ static void omap3evm_panel_cleanup(struct lcd_panel *panel)

 static int omap3evm_panel_enable(struct lcd_panel *panel)

+   if (system_rev  OMAP3430_REV_ES1_0) {
+   twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_PM_RECEIVER,
+   twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_PM_RECEIVER,

+   }
omap_set_gpio_dataout(LCD_PANEL_ENABLE_GPIO, 0);
return 0;

 static void omap3evm_panel_disable(struct lcd_panel *panel)

+   if (system_rev  OMAP3430_REV_ES1_0) {
+   twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_PM_RECEIVER, 0x0,
+   twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_PM_RECEIVER, 0x0,

+   TWL4030_VPLL2_DEV_GRP);
+   }
omap_set_gpio_dataout(LCD_PANEL_ENABLE_GPIO, 1);

2009/4/21 cindy_king_1024 cindy_king_1...@126.com

At the first time I boot up it the graphic was normal,but later the graphic 
just look as it was make of green and red,lose the blue color.

在2009-04-21 17:29:35,Nimit Manglick nimitandr...@gmail.com 写道: 


Change the settings as :-

menu -- settings -- sound  display -- screen timeout

select never timeout option from there.


2009/4/21 cindy_king_1024 cindy_king_1...@126.com

Now it can boot up but the system is very unstable.
and some time the graphic come with red  
And the terminal putout:
VFS: Mounted root (nfs filesystem).
VFS: Mounted root (nfs filesystem).
6Freeing init memory: 144K
Freeing init memory: 144K
4Warning: unable to open an initial console.
Warning: unable to open an initial console.
3init: cannot open '/initlogo.rle'
init: cannot open '/initlogo.rle'

3init: cannot find '/system/bin/playmp3', disabling 'bootsound'
init: cannot find '/system/bin/playmp3', disabling 'bootsound'
sh: can't access tty; job control turned off
# 6warning: `rild' uses 32-bit capabilities (legacy support in use)
warning: `rild' uses 32-bit capabilities (legacy support in use)

6request_suspend_state: wakeup (3-0) at 60751251220 (1970-01-01 
00:01:00.751251220 UTC)
request_suspend_state: wakeup (3-0) at 60751251220 (1970-01-01 
00:01:00.751251220 UTC)
6request_suspend_state: sleep (0-3) at 127989257812 (1970-01-01 
00:02:07.989257812 UTC)
request_suspend_state: sleep (0-3) at 127989257812 (1970-01-01 
00:02:07.989257812 UTC)
6PM: Syncing filesystems ... PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
Freezing user space processes ... Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 
0.00 seconds) (elapsed
0.00 seconds) done.
Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... 
(elapsed 0.00 seconds)
 (elapsed 0.00 seconds) done.done.
Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
3omapfb omapfb: timeout waiting for FRAME DONE
+.瓛 -挧墵F!?涨6拜%F江(?
?垾畱痵omapfb omapfb: timeout waiting for FRAME DONE
Powerdomain (core_pwrdm) didn't enter target state 1
Powerdomain (per_pwrdm) didn't enter target state 1
Could not enter target state in pm_suspend
eth0: link down
Restarting tasks ... Restarting tasks ... 6wakeup wake lock: 
6wakeup wake lock: PowerManagerService

在2009-04-21 15:36:15,Nimit Manglick nimitandr...@gmail.com 写道:

Alsa-lib and alsa-sound patch is ONLY needed if you want to have audio support.
and that comes later, firstly android has to boot up.


The kernel mentioned in the 

[android-porting] Re: Fw:porting android to omap3 evm

2009-04-22 Thread vishal bhoj
Cindy ,

There are few problem with TS driver with Embinux source . I wud suggest
first get ur keypad working with Android.

Touchscreen needs calibration patch which you can read it from other mailing
list . . .

2009/4/22 cindy_king_1024 cindy_king_1...@126.com

 Thanks ,the color is normal now.
 But the touch screen didn't work,I can't exit the menu .Any advise?

 在2009-04-22 12:46:29,vishal bhoj vishalb...@gmail.com 写道:

 I am pasting the content of the link

 On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 4:20 PM, Daniel Schaeffer
  Has anyone looked into why the LCD display on the OMAP3EVM is always tinted

  red? I created a couple of color test images that I cat'ed to /dev/fb and it
  looks like the blue color channel is completely ignored.  I was testing on
  v2.6.26-omap2 but is doesn't look like there have been any changes to the fb

  driver since then so I'm assuming the issue is also present in the head of
  the git tree.
  Daniel Schaeffer

 Try the patch below(Remember that you may have to manually edit because

 this patch is against current HEAD)

 diff --git a/drivers/video/omap/lcd_omap3evm.c
 index a564ca5..821bafe 100644
 --- a/drivers/video/omap/lcd_omap3evm.c
 +++ b/drivers/video/omap/lcd_omap3evm.c

 @@ -44,6 +44,8 @@
  #define ENABLE_VDAC_DEV_GRP0x20
  #define ENABLE_VPLL2_DEV_GRP   0xE0
 +#define TWL4030_VPLL2_DEV_GRP  0x33
 +#define TWL4030_VPLL2_DEDICATED0x36

  #define TWL_LED_LEDEN  0x00
  #define TWL_PWMA_PWMAON0x00
 @@ -86,12 +88,24 @@ static void omap3evm_panel_cleanup(struct lcd_panel 

  static int omap3evm_panel_enable(struct lcd_panel *panel)

 +   if (system_rev  OMAP3430_REV_ES1_0) {
 +   twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_PM_RECEIVER,
 +   twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_PM_RECEIVER,

 +   }
 omap_set_gpio_dataout(LCD_PANEL_ENABLE_GPIO, 0);
 return 0;

  static void omap3evm_panel_disable(struct lcd_panel *panel)

 +   if (system_rev  OMAP3430_REV_ES1_0) {
 +   twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_PM_RECEIVER, 0x0,
 +   twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_PM_RECEIVER, 0x0,

 +   TWL4030_VPLL2_DEV_GRP);
 +   }
 omap_set_gpio_dataout(LCD_PANEL_ENABLE_GPIO, 1);

 2009/4/21 cindy_king_1024 cindy_king_1...@126.com

 At the first time I boot up it the graphic was normal,but later the
 graphic just look as it was make of green and red,lose the blue color.

 在2009-04-21 17:29:35,Nimit Manglick nimitandr...@gmail.com 写道:


 Change the settings as :-

 menu -- settings -- sound  display -- screen timeout

 select never timeout option from there.


 2009/4/21 cindy_king_1024 cindy_king_1...@126.com

 Now it can boot up but the system is very unstable.
 and some time the graphic come with red
 And the terminal putout:

  VFS: Mounted root (nfs filesystem).
 VFS: Mounted root (nfs filesystem).
 6Freeing init memory: 144K
 Freeing init memory: 144K
 4Warning: unable to open an initial console.
 Warning: unable to open an initial console.
 3init: cannot open '/initlogo.rle'
 init: cannot open '/initlogo.rle'
 3init: cannot find '/system/bin/playmp3', disabling 'bootsound'
 init: cannot find '/system/bin/playmp3', disabling 'bootsound'
 sh: can't access tty; job control turned off
 # 6warning: `rild' uses 32-bit capabilities (legacy support in use)
 warning: `rild' uses 32-bit capabilities (legacy support in use)
 6request_suspend_state: wakeup (3-0) at 60751251220 (1970-01-01
 00:01:00.751251220 UTC)
 request_suspend_state: wakeup (3-0) at 60751251220 (1970-01-01
 00:01:00.751251220 UTC)
 6request_suspend_state: sleep (0-3) at 127989257812 (1970-01-01
 00:02:07.989257812 UTC)
 request_suspend_state: sleep (0-3) at 127989257812 (1970-01-01
 00:02:07.989257812 UTC)
 6PM: Syncing filesystems ... PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
 Freezing user space processes ... Freezing user space processes ...
 (elapsed 0.00 seconds) (elapsed
 0.00 seconds) done.
 Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... Freezing remaining freezable tasks
 ... (elapsed 0.00 seconds)
  (elapsed 0.00 seconds) done.done.
 Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
 Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
 3omapfb omapfb: timeout waiting for FRAME DONE
 +.瓛 -挧墵F!?涨6拜%F江(?
 ?垾畱痵omapfb omapfb: timeout waiting for FRAME DONE
 Powerdomain (core_pwrdm) didn't enter target state 1
 Powerdomain (per_pwrdm) didn't enter target state 1
 Could not enter target state in pm_suspend
 eth0: link down
 Restarting tasks ... Restarting tasks ... 6wakeup 

[android-porting] SurfaceFlinger and SurfaceView

2009-04-22 Thread Edward Pang

Hello Everyone,

I search previous post from a few Android groups, but cannot get an

Can anyone tell me the relation between SurfaceFlinger and SurfaceView
Where is SurfaceView content stored?
What is 8MB heap memory in SurfaceFlinger used for?
From SurfaceFlinger source code, it looks like using GL library for
the screen composition, is it true?

Thanks for any input about my question.


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website: http://groups.google.com/group/android-porting

[android-porting] libhgl.so question

2009-04-22 Thread Edward Pang

Hello Everybody,

According to previous post related to OpenGL ES with hardware
accelerator, libhgl.so should be implemented to replace libagl.so.
However, this is highly NOT recommended at this moment.  The reason is
the penalty of buffer copy between GPU and Host memory.

I cannot understand clearly the penalty described above.  Where is
the buffer copy from?  If the LCD is connected to GPU, the GLES
rendering output can be shown in LCD directly.
Can this mechanism cut the memory copy loading?
What is the complexity of this implementation?
Is Linux FrameBuffer the only driver needed to be modified?

Thank for any information about my question, and let me know if I
misunderstand any concept.


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website: http://groups.google.com/group/android-porting

[android-porting] 3D UI

2009-04-22 Thread Edward Pang

Hi Everyone,

Some information shows that Android can provide 3D UI, eg. the window
can be flipped like a 3D box.
Is this feature implemented in SurfaceFlinger?  Where is the
implementation about the 3D UI?

Thank again for any information can help me clear my mind.


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[android-porting] Re: wpa_supplicant wifi problems no scan results

2009-04-22 Thread Luca Belluccini

Any new?

On 22 Apr, 09:45, Gani Bhagavathula gani.bhagavath...@gmail.com

 I found my problem.  I was not renaming the new kernel as kernel when
 I copied the bzImage file to vendor/asus/eee_701 - so my new kernel
 was not being loaded...

 I have to try this when I get home tonight...


 On Apr 22, 6:15 am, Gani Bhagavathula gani.bhagavath...@gmail.com


  I tried this, and am getting stuck at a more basic place.  I dont
  think I am even loading the kernel that I am compiling.  Here is what
  I do - I did a menuconfig on the kernel, and compiled it.  I also did
  something like 'make SUBDIRS=drivers/net/wireless/ath5k modules'.

  Then I copied the bzImage into the vendor/asus/eee_701 directory as
  suggested.  Also the ath5k.ko module into vendor/asus/eee_701/modules
  directory.  The module ends up in the image allright.  I have added
  the relavant lines in the init.rc to load the ath5k module also.

  However, in the dmesg, I see something like ath5k disagrees with the
  version of struct_symbol.  Looks like the stock kernel that came from
  the repo (2.6.25) is being loaded, rather than the one I compiled
  2.6.27.  That kind of makes sense, since the driver didnt work when I
  tried to make it part of the driver rather than a module either.

  I must be missing a step after copying the bzImage into place and
  before I compile the installer_img OR the make-live script is making a
  difference.  One of these.  Can you help?


  On Apr 21, 9:41 pm, Luca Belluccini lucabellucc...@gmail.com wrote:

   It is not working for me. I did the same changes on wifi.c as you
   pasted here.
   In Android GUI, I can press Enable wifi and I get:
   -module insmodded
   -GUI locked for some seconds
   -Android in airplane mode
   I'm running on a real eeepc701.
   It seems the hot code causing error is:
   wifi_load_driver in wifi.c

   By the way I think we need wpa_supplicant (or it will be launched by
   The property wlan.driver.status must be set. But I don't know which
   value must be set.

   On 21 Apr, 19:40, Gani Bhagavathula gani.bhagavath...@gmail.com


If I dont use WPA (and have no wpa_supplicant) is it OK just to change
the wifi.c like this, and compile the module and make sure it is in
the init.rc?  Will it connect to a WEP protected network at that

static const char IFACE_DIR[]           = /data/system/
static const char DRIVER_MODULE_NAME[]  = ath5k;
static const char DRIVER_MODULE_TAG[]   = ath5k ;
static const char DRIVER_MODULE_PATH[]  = /system/lib/modules/
static const char FIRMWARE_LOADER[]     = wlan_loader;
static const char DRIVER_PROP_NAME[]    = wlan.driver.status;


On Apr 21, 3:54 pm, Luca Belluccini lucabellucc...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm with the same module. I set it NOT built-in.
 You are planning to make wifi interact with Android GUI?
 I modified wifi.c specifying the right path to module to be insmodded.
 By the way I'm having the same SIOCSIWAUTH error, starting manually
 the wpa_supplicant.
 I think it's the main problem.

 On 21 Apr, 12:59, Androidphan niels.kee...@tass.nl wrote:

  I have an Atheros 5007EG wireless network card at my hardware
  platform. I compiled the kernel(2.6.27) with ath5k built in.

  Then I compiled wpa_supplicant with CONFIG_WIRELESS_EXTENSIONS=y

  Then in my init.rc :
      mkdir /data/misc/wifi 0770 wifi wifi
      mkdir /data/misc/wifi/sockets 0770 wifi wifi
      mkdir /data/system/wpa_supplicant 0770 wifi wifi
      mkdir /data/misc/dhcp 0770 dhcp dhcp
      chown dhcp dhcp /data/misc/dhcp

      ifup wlan0

  service wpa_supplicant /system/bin/logwrapper /system/bin/
  wpa_supplicant -Dwext -iwlan0 
  -c/system/etc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf -
      group wifi

  My wpa_supplicant.conf at /system/etc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf :

  ctrl_interface=DIR=/data/system/wpa_supplicant GROUP=system

  Then when I try to scan with: wpa_cli -p/data/system/wpa_supplicant 
  iwlan0 and then scan  scan_results, I'm getting no scan results, 
  I know there are definitly scan results. Because when I scanned with
  Windows, I do get to see scan results.

  What is wrong with my configuration?

  My logcat output from wpa_supplicant:

  I//system/bin/wpa_supplicant( 2127): Initializing interface 'wlan0'
  conf '/system/etc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf' driver 'wext'
  ctrl_interface 'N/A' bridge 'N/A'
  I//system/bin/wpa_supplicant( 2127): Configuration file 
  wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf' - '/system/etc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf'
  I//system/bin/wpa_supplicant( 2127): Reading configuration file '/

[android-porting] Re: X86 ALSA Sound Issue

2009-04-22 Thread dmoti

I did it with this local_manifest.xml:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
project name=platform/vendor/asus/eee_701 path=vendor/asus/
project name=platform/external/alsa-lib path=external/alsa-lib/
project name=platform/external/alsa-utils path=external/alsa-

it took me a while to figure it out so I'm puting it here for future
generations :-)

it synced OK but when I build it I got this:

make: *** No rule to make target `out/target/product/eee_701/obj/lib/
libaudio.so', needed by `out/target/product/eee_701/obj/EXECUTABLES/
alsa_amixer_intermediates/LINKED/alsa_amixer'.  Stop.

any ideas?

On Apr 22, 10:28 am, Androidphan niels.kee...@tass.nl wrote:
 I just downloaded thealsa-lib andalsa-utils with repo, you need to
 download it with a local_manifest file.
 Then turn on BOARD_USES_ALSA_AUDIO := true and
 BUILD_WITH_ALSA_UTILS := true at asus/eee_701/BoardConfig.mk.

 Then it builds Android with thealsalibrary and thealsautils. Then
 you need a proper asound.conf to get your sound working.

 On Apr 21, 4:52 pm, dmoti moti.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi people,
  I followed this discussion and I'm trying to do what you did and
  I just need the configure line you used for bothalsa-lib andalsa-


  On Apr 17, 9:28 pm, Luca Belluccini lucabellucc...@gmail.com wrote:

   Ok i see them ... Sorry :D

   On 17 Apr, 18:57, Androidphan niels.kee...@tass.nl wrote:

It probably is possible to addalsa-utils to your local_manifest and
put BUILD_WITH_ALSA_UTILS := true inside your BoardConfig.mk and then
run alsa_ctl.

On Apr 17, 5:27 pm, Luca Belluccini lucabellucc...@gmail.com wrote:

 Thanks! I'm preparing a ubuntu live for getting allalsacontrols.

 On 17 Apr, 16:44, Androidphan niels.kee...@tass.nl wrote:

  My asound.conf can be found here:http://pastebin.com/f41e6b204

  I also added the following to init.rc :
  setpropalsa.mixer.playback.master Front
  setpropalsa.mixer.capture.master Capture
  setpropalsa.mixer.playback.earpiece Master
  setpropalsa.mixer.capture.earpiece Capture
  setpropalsa.mixer.playback.headset Master
  setpropalsa.mixer.playback.speaker Master

  I don't know how to play video files yet, haven't tried actually.
  But I ran Mediascanner from Dev tools, then it found my mp3 inside
  'Music' and that played well.

  On 17 apr, 14:56, Luca Belluccini lucabellucc...@gmail.com wrote:


   Could you post your asound.conf, just to see it and understand
   correctly its structure?
   Mediaplayer is working?

   On 17 Apr, 14:26, Androidphan niels.kee...@tass.nl wrote:

I finally got my sound working. I tested it outside Android with
aplay.Alsa-utils can be downloaden now from the Android 
repository. I
used alsactl store in Ubuntu to get an asound.state. With the 
from that file I created my own asound.conf. It looks a lot 
like the
one in myalsathread.

On 17 apr, 13:57, Luca Belluccini lucabellucc...@gmail.com 

 Can you post your asound.conf ? I am using this one.
 I don't know it it works... I am working on a eeepc 701.
 Btw... You just modified the USES_ALSA_AUDIO... in mk file 
 and added
 the lines in init.rc (and moved asound.conf in the right 
 place), isn't
 Tonight I'll try to copy a song in sd partition.


 # AndroidALSAconfiguration file for OMAP2430SDP using the MXC 
 ## Mixer Devices
 ctl.AndroidPlayback {
         type hw
         card 0}

 ctl.AndroidRecord {
         type hw
         card 0}

 ## Playback Devices
 pcm.AndroidPlayback_Speaker {
         type hooks
         slave.pcm {
                 type hw
                 card 0
                 device 0        # Must be of type digital 
         hooks.0 {
                 type ctl_elems
                 hook_args [
                         # Enable audio output from the DSP
                                 name Master codec configure 
                                 lock false
                                 preserve true
                                 optional false
                                 value true
                                 name Master codec Sample 
                                 lock false

[android-porting] Re: Starting Porting

2009-04-22 Thread Jamai_Porting

Hi to everyone

In my first message I didn't explain well, so maybe it's better to
clarify a little :)

I would like to port Android on two different devices with not ARM
architecture both, one with an OS not linux; the second with linux os.

Do you think it should be possible for the first one?
for the second?

Any suggestion on how to start?

Thanks a lot
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[android-porting] Re: Starting Porting

2009-04-22 Thread Avtar Singh

 I would like to port Android on two different devices with not ARM
 architecture both, one with an OS not linux; the second with linux os.

 Do you think it should be possible for the first one?
 for the second?

Android is supported only on ARM and x86 as yet as per my understanding. And
x86 support is not yet complete I think. By not ARM, which processor are
you implying?

Secondly, Android's kernel is a Linux kernel with some specific patches. If
you are using Android, you are using Linux.

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[android-porting] Re: Should external/* depend on bionic-specifics ?

2009-04-22 Thread Fredrik Markström

Ok, true. So the current patch is ok then ?


On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 7:42 AM, Ben Leslie be...@benno.id.au wrote:

 That doesn't really help (I think?). For packages that _can_ depend on
 Android, they can simply get the definitions from the cpu_features.h
 header file in bionic.

 For packages that _can't_ depend on Android, adding stuff to the build
 system won't help, since they will all have their own build systems as
 well and the decision is to not add incompatibilities.


 2009/4/22 Fredrik Markström fredrik.markst...@gmail.com:

 I agree this would be nice, unfortunately gcc doesn't define
 __ARM_ARCH (afaik). Should we add this to the build-system ?
 (linux-arm.mk) or keep it the way it is now ?


 On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 3:27 PM, Sean McNeil seanmcne...@gmail.com wrote:

 I think it is also a good idea not to eliminate an architecture, but to
 include the ones that are supported. For instance, it would probably be
 better to say

 #if defined(__arm__)  !defined(__thumb__)  (__ARM_ARCH__ = 5)

 if this code is supported on architectures 5 and above.

 David Turner wrote:
 Try to keep the code not depend on Bionic, but you can also
 conditionally support it by testing for HAVE_ANDROID_OS
 which is defined in all target Android build projects (except the
 simulator ones), i.e.:




 that's how most of the framework code does its Bionic / no-Bionic
 (i.e. some of the libraries must be built with Bionic and use special
 facilities here, while at the same time must be built for the host
 using other ones).

 2009/4/7 Fredrik Markström fredrik.markst...@gmail.com

     What is the general opinion about the code in external (for example
     skia, libjpg), can it depend on bionic-specifics like cpu-features.h
     or should we try to keep the external stuff independent ?

     The specific question this time is if I'd better off using #if
     !defined(__ARM_ARCH_4T__) or #if
     defined(__ARM_HAVE_HALFWORD_MULTIPLY)  in external/skia/.../SkMath.h






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[android-porting] Bluetooth HID and DUN work

2009-04-22 Thread cappe...@gmail.com

Hi All !!

Until now , I finished to port several Bluetooth profiles including
HID and DUN.
All profiles works well on real hardware.

Here are the environment in detail.


   Android 1.1 and 1.5(cupcake)
   (Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR)

   Armadillo 500-FX (Freescale i.Mx31)

   TI OMAP 35x EVM

 +Bluetooth device



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[android-porting] Re: How to Apply Patches?

2009-04-22 Thread kewarken

If you want to apply them all at once, since the patches follow a
pattern, you can do something like this from your cupcake source dir
with the patches in the directory above it:

for patch in `pwd`/../*patch ; do
project=`awk '/^project /{print $2}' $patch`
(cd $project  patch -p1  $patch)



On Apr 21, 2:10 pm, Gani Bhagavathula gani.bhagavath...@gmail.com

 Thanks so much for this.  Believe me, I did read the man page, but
 could not make sense of it... If I look at it now after you guys have
 explained it, it seems so obvious...

 Thanks again.


 On Apr 21, 6:51 pm, Yi Sun beyo...@gmail.com wrote:

  -p1 is good for all the patches.
  try read man patch and you will get it.

  On Tue, 2009-04-21 at 10:42 -0700, Gani Bhagavathula wrote:
   So, if a file had three patches, then I would move to the base
   directory of the files mentioned in the .patch file, and then go

   patch -p1  patchfile.name
   patch -p2  patchfile.name
   patch -p3  patchfile.name

   like that?


   On Apr 21, 6:12 pm, Yi Sun beyo...@gmail.com wrote:
cd frameworks/base
patch -p1  where you patch is

On Tue, 2009-04-21 at 10:07 -0700, Gani Bhagavathula wrote:
 Hi all:

 I have seen some patches at the site
 - How do I apply those patches?

 I have tried patch -p0  cursor.patch for example, and get the
 following query

 can't find file to patch at input line 6
 Perhaps you should have used the -p or --strip option?
 The text leading up to this was:
 |project frameworks/base/
 |diff --git a/core/java/android/view/RawInputEvent.java b/core/java/
 |index 30da83e..4d9a11a 100644
 |--- a/core/java/android/view/RawInputEvent.java
 |+++ b/core/java/android/view/RawInputEvent.java

 am I supposed to change the lines in the patch file (replace a/ with
 my actual path?)

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[android-porting] Re: How to Apply Patches?

2009-04-22 Thread igame

After some attempts, I found that it's a problem around path. I used
the following way to apply these patches:
run patch -p1  xyz.patch, the return message contains the path info,
it's the working path of patch. e.g.
$patch -p1  alarm.patch
can't find file to patch at input line 6
Perhaps you used the wrong -p or --strip option?
The text leading up to this was:
| project kernel/--- enter this directory
to apply patch
| diff -- git a/drivers/rtc/alarm.c b/drivers/rtc/alarm.c

$cd your android source dir
$find ./  -name alarm.c
../kernel/drivers/rtc/alarm.c -- patch should apply on it!

$cd your android source dir/kernel
$patch -p1  your android source dir/patches/alarm.patch


Enter your android source dir/frameworks/base to apply it.

same as cursor.patch

Enter your android source dir/external/e2fsprogs/ to apply it.

Good luck.

On Apr 22, 2:10 am, Gani Bhagavathula gani.bhagavath...@gmail.com

 Thanks so much for this.  Believe me, I did read the man page, but
 could not make sense of it... If I look at it now after you guys have
 explained it, it seems so obvious...

 Thanks again.


 On Apr 21, 6:51 pm, Yi Sun beyo...@gmail.com wrote:

  -p1 is good for all the patches.
  try read man patch and you will get it.

  On Tue, 2009-04-21 at 10:42 -0700, Gani Bhagavathula wrote:
   So, if a file had three patches, then I would move to the base
   directory of the files mentioned in the .patch file, and then go

   patch -p1  patchfile.name
   patch -p2  patchfile.name
   patch -p3  patchfile.name

   like that?


   On Apr 21, 6:12 pm, Yi Sun beyo...@gmail.com wrote:
cd frameworks/base
patch -p1  where you patch is

On Tue, 2009-04-21 at 10:07 -0700, Gani Bhagavathula wrote:
 Hi all:

 I have seen some patches at the site
 - How do I apply those patches?

 I have tried patch -p0  cursor.patch for example, and get the
 following query

 can't find file to patch at input line 6
 Perhaps you should have used the -p or --strip option?
 The text leading up to this was:
 |project frameworks/base/
 |diff --git a/core/java/android/view/RawInputEvent.java b/core/java/
 |index 30da83e..4d9a11a 100644
 |--- a/core/java/android/view/RawInputEvent.java
 |+++ b/core/java/android/view/RawInputEvent.java

 am I supposed to change the lines in the patch file (replace a/ with
 my actual path?)

unsubscribe: android-porting+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
website: http://groups.google.com/group/android-porting

[android-porting] Re: wpa_supplicant wifi problems no scan results

2009-04-22 Thread Gani Bhagavathula

Still at work Luca, Can't try this unless I get home.  Will update


On Apr 22, 12:48 pm, Luca Belluccini lucabellucc...@gmail.com wrote:
 Any new?

 On 22 Apr, 09:45, Gani Bhagavathula gani.bhagavath...@gmail.com


  I found my problem.  I was not renaming the new kernel as kernel when
  I copied the bzImage file to vendor/asus/eee_701 - so my new kernel
  was not being loaded...

  I have to try this when I get home tonight...


  On Apr 22, 6:15 am, Gani Bhagavathula gani.bhagavath...@gmail.com


   I tried this, and am getting stuck at a more basic place.  I dont
   think I am even loading the kernel that I am compiling.  Here is what
   I do - I did a menuconfig on the kernel, and compiled it.  I also did
   something like 'make SUBDIRS=drivers/net/wireless/ath5k modules'.

   Then I copied the bzImage into the vendor/asus/eee_701 directory as
   suggested.  Also the ath5k.ko module into vendor/asus/eee_701/modules
   directory.  The module ends up in the image allright.  I have added
   the relavant lines in the init.rc to load the ath5k module also.

   However, in the dmesg, I see something like ath5k disagrees with the
   version of struct_symbol.  Looks like the stock kernel that came from
   the repo (2.6.25) is being loaded, rather than the one I compiled
   2.6.27.  That kind of makes sense, since the driver didnt work when I
   tried to make it part of the driver rather than a module either.

   I must be missing a step after copying the bzImage into place and
   before I compile the installer_img OR the make-live script is making a
   difference.  One of these.  Can you help?


   On Apr 21, 9:41 pm, Luca Belluccini lucabellucc...@gmail.com wrote:

It is not working for me. I did the same changes on wifi.c as you
pasted here.
In Android GUI, I can press Enable wifi and I get:
-module insmodded
-GUI locked for some seconds
-Android in airplane mode
I'm running on a real eeepc701.
It seems the hot code causing error is:
wifi_load_driver in wifi.c

By the way I think we need wpa_supplicant (or it will be launched by
The property wlan.driver.status must be set. But I don't know which
value must be set.

On 21 Apr, 19:40, Gani Bhagavathula gani.bhagavath...@gmail.com


 If I dont use WPA (and have no wpa_supplicant) is it OK just to change
 the wifi.c like this, and compile the module and make sure it is in
 the init.rc?  Will it connect to a WEP protected network at that

 static const char IFACE_DIR[]           = /data/system/
 static const char DRIVER_MODULE_NAME[]  = ath5k;
 static const char DRIVER_MODULE_TAG[]   = ath5k ;
 static const char DRIVER_MODULE_PATH[]  = /system/lib/modules/
 static const char FIRMWARE_LOADER[]     = wlan_loader;
 static const char DRIVER_PROP_NAME[]    = wlan.driver.status;


 On Apr 21, 3:54 pm, Luca Belluccini lucabellucc...@gmail.com wrote:

  I'm with the same module. I set it NOT built-in.
  You are planning to make wifi interact with Android GUI?
  I modified wifi.c specifying the right path to module to be 
  By the way I'm having the same SIOCSIWAUTH error, starting manually
  the wpa_supplicant.
  I think it's the main problem.

  On 21 Apr, 12:59, Androidphan niels.kee...@tass.nl wrote:

   I have an Atheros 5007EG wireless network card at my hardware
   platform. I compiled the kernel(2.6.27) with ath5k built in.

   Then I compiled wpa_supplicant with CONFIG_WIRELESS_EXTENSIONS=y

   Then in my init.rc :
       mkdir /data/misc/wifi 0770 wifi wifi
       mkdir /data/misc/wifi/sockets 0770 wifi wifi
       mkdir /data/system/wpa_supplicant 0770 wifi wifi
       mkdir /data/misc/dhcp 0770 dhcp dhcp
       chown dhcp dhcp /data/misc/dhcp

       ifup wlan0

   service wpa_supplicant /system/bin/logwrapper /system/bin/
   wpa_supplicant -Dwext -iwlan0 
   -c/system/etc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf -
       group wifi

   My wpa_supplicant.conf at /system/etc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf :

   ctrl_interface=DIR=/data/system/wpa_supplicant GROUP=system

   Then when I try to scan with: wpa_cli 
   -p/data/system/wpa_supplicant -
   iwlan0 and then scan  scan_results, I'm getting no scan results, 
   I know there are definitly scan results. Because when I scanned 
   Windows, I do get to see scan results.

   What is wrong with my configuration?

   My logcat output from wpa_supplicant:

   I//system/bin/wpa_supplicant( 2127): Initializing interface 
   conf '/system/etc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf' driver 'wext'

[android-porting] Re: Profiling -memory usage

2009-04-22 Thread fadden

On Apr 21, 9:35 am, Sahil Arora sahilz...@gmail.com wrote:
 Please find attached the hprof file that i am using at my end.. I await your

I can use the original with our Android-modified hat, and I can use
the converted form with Sun's jhat.  I don't have jprofiler, so I
can't try that.  You may want to contact jprofiler support and ask
them to take a look.  In the mean time you may be table to get what
you need from jhat, which comes with the Sun JDK.

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website: http://groups.google.com/group/android-porting

[android-porting] Re: X86 ALSA Sound Issue

2009-04-22 Thread Androidphan

You should clean your project and build all over again.

On Apr 22, 1:58 pm, dmoti moti.dan...@gmail.com wrote:
 I did it with this local_manifest.xml:

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
 project name=platform/vendor/asus/eee_701 path=vendor/asus/
 project name=platform/external/alsa-lib path=external/alsa-lib/
 project name=platform/external/alsa-utils path=external/alsa-

 it took me a while to figure it out so I'm puting it here for future
 generations :-)

 it synced OK but when I build it I got this:

 make: *** No rule to make target `out/target/product/eee_701/obj/lib/
 libaudio.so', needed by `out/target/product/eee_701/obj/EXECUTABLES/
 alsa_amixer_intermediates/LINKED/alsa_amixer'.  Stop.

 any ideas?

 On Apr 22, 10:28 am, Androidphan niels.kee...@tass.nl wrote:

  I just downloaded thealsa-lib andalsa-utils with repo, you need to
  download it with a local_manifest file.
  Then turn on BOARD_USES_ALSA_AUDIO := true and
  BUILD_WITH_ALSA_UTILS := true at asus/eee_701/BoardConfig.mk.

  Then it builds Android with thealsalibrary and thealsautils. Then
  you need a proper asound.conf to get your sound working.

  On Apr 21, 4:52 pm, dmoti moti.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

   Hi people,
   I followed this discussion and I'm trying to do what you did and
   I just need the configure line you used for bothalsa-lib andalsa-


   On Apr 17, 9:28 pm, Luca Belluccini lucabellucc...@gmail.com wrote:

Ok i see them ... Sorry :D

On 17 Apr, 18:57, Androidphan niels.kee...@tass.nl wrote:

 It probably is possible to addalsa-utils to your local_manifest and
 put BUILD_WITH_ALSA_UTILS := true inside your BoardConfig.mk and then
 run alsa_ctl.

 On Apr 17, 5:27 pm, Luca Belluccini lucabellucc...@gmail.com wrote:

  Thanks! I'm preparing a ubuntu live for getting allalsacontrols.

  On 17 Apr, 16:44, Androidphan niels.kee...@tass.nl wrote:

   My asound.conf can be found here:http://pastebin.com/f41e6b204

   I also added the following to init.rc :
   setpropalsa.mixer.playback.master Front
   setpropalsa.mixer.capture.master Capture
   setpropalsa.mixer.playback.earpiece Master
   setpropalsa.mixer.capture.earpiece Capture
   setpropalsa.mixer.playback.headset Master
   setpropalsa.mixer.playback.speaker Master

   I don't know how to play video files yet, haven't tried actually.
   But I ran Mediascanner from Dev tools, then it found my mp3 inside
   'Music' and that played well.

   On 17 apr, 14:56, Luca Belluccini lucabellucc...@gmail.com 


Could you post your asound.conf, just to see it and understand
correctly its structure?
Mediaplayer is working?

On 17 Apr, 14:26, Androidphan niels.kee...@tass.nl wrote:

 I finally got my sound working. I tested it outside Android 
 aplay.Alsa-utils can be downloaden now from the Android 
 repository. I
 used alsactl store in Ubuntu to get an asound.state. With the 
 from that file I created my own asound.conf. It looks a lot 
 like the
 one in myalsathread.

 On 17 apr, 13:57, Luca Belluccini lucabellucc...@gmail.com 

  Can you post your asound.conf ? I am using this one.
  I don't know it it works... I am working on a eeepc 701.
  Btw... You just modified the USES_ALSA_AUDIO... in mk file 
  and added
  the lines in init.rc (and moved asound.conf in the right 
  place), isn't
  Tonight I'll try to copy a song in sd partition.


  # AndroidALSAconfiguration file for OMAP2430SDP using the 
  MXC audio.
  ## Mixer Devices
  ctl.AndroidPlayback {
          type hw
          card 0}

  ctl.AndroidRecord {
          type hw
          card 0}

  ## Playback Devices
  pcm.AndroidPlayback_Speaker {
          type hooks
          slave.pcm {
                  type hw
                  card 0
                  device 0        # Must be of type digital 
          hooks.0 {
                  type ctl_elems
                  hook_args [
                          # Enable audio output from the DSP
                                  name Master codec 
  configure Switch
                                  lock false
                                  preserve true
                                  optional false
                                  value true

[android-porting] Re: Measuring memory usage on a device

2009-04-22 Thread fadden

On Apr 21, 2:21 am, Magnus perssonmag...@gmail.com wrote:
 I would still like to get an explanation as to why the Java APIs show
 a lot more memory available than the UNIX commands available in the
 adb shell.

 memInfo = new ActivityManager.MemoryInfo();
         s = String.valueOf(memInfo.availMem);

 Is the Dalvik machine allocating memory at start that is not available
 to the Linux kernel but shown form the Java APIs?

ActivityManager.MemoryInfo is not related to Dalvik.  Note this is
different from Debug.MemoryInfo (which is also largely unrelated to
the VM).

ActivityManager.MemoryInfo uses ActivityManager.getMemoryInfo (see
frameworks/base/core/java/android/app/ActivityManager.java).  The call
into the system service ends up in
ActivityManagerService.getMemoryInfo (frameworks/base/services/java/

public void getMemoryInfo(ActivityManager.MemoryInfo outInfo) {
outInfo.availMem = Process.getFreeMemory();
outInfo.threshold = HOME_APP_MEM;
outInfo.lowMemory = outInfo.availMem 

Process.getFreeMemory is implemented in frameworks/base/core/jni/
android_util_Process.cpp.  It opens /proc/meminfo and adds up MemFree
and Cached.

FWIW, I don't believe I've looked at any of this code before.  All I
did was grep for strings in your original message, look at the
sources, and iterate.  There's no need to remain puzzled when
recursive grep is available. :-)  (If you . build/envsetup.sh in the
source tree, you will have a handy sgrep shell command.  The first
one takes a while to run if you do it over the entire source tree, but
after that it's all in the disk cache and you can grep the entire
thing quickly -- 1.75 seconds on my system.)

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[android-porting] Re: How to Apply Patches?

2009-04-22 Thread Yi Sun

Nice script, I will add this to the Wiki in you don't mind.
On Wed, 2009-04-22 at 07:04 -0700, kewarken wrote:
 If you want to apply them all at once, since the patches follow a
 pattern, you can do something like this from your cupcake source dir
 with the patches in the directory above it:
 for patch in `pwd`/../*patch ; do
 project=`awk '/^project /{print $2}' $patch`
 (cd $project  patch -p1  $patch)
 On Apr 21, 2:10 pm, Gani Bhagavathula gani.bhagavath...@gmail.com
  Thanks so much for this.  Believe me, I did read the man page, but
  could not make sense of it... If I look at it now after you guys have
  explained it, it seems so obvious...
  Thanks again.
  On Apr 21, 6:51 pm, Yi Sun beyo...@gmail.com wrote:
   -p1 is good for all the patches.
   try read man patch and you will get it.
   On Tue, 2009-04-21 at 10:42 -0700, Gani Bhagavathula wrote:
So, if a file had three patches, then I would move to the base
directory of the files mentioned in the .patch file, and then go
patch -p1  patchfile.name
patch -p2  patchfile.name
patch -p3  patchfile.name
like that?
On Apr 21, 6:12 pm, Yi Sun beyo...@gmail.com wrote:
 cd frameworks/base
 patch -p1  where you patch is
 On Tue, 2009-04-21 at 10:07 -0700, Gani Bhagavathula wrote:
  Hi all:
  I have seen some patches at the site
  - How do I apply those patches?
  I have tried patch -p0  cursor.patch for example, and get the
  following query
  can't find file to patch at input line 6
  Perhaps you should have used the -p or --strip option?
  The text leading up to this was:
  |project frameworks/base/
  |diff --git a/core/java/android/view/RawInputEvent.java b/core/java/
  |index 30da83e..4d9a11a 100644
  |--- a/core/java/android/view/RawInputEvent.java
  |+++ b/core/java/android/view/RawInputEvent.java
  am I supposed to change the lines in the patch file (replace a/ with
  my actual path?)

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[android-porting] Re: make-live script not working

2009-04-22 Thread kewarken

I've been using a variant of the make-live script that doesn't depend
on building intaller_img.  Just a regular make will do.

# Run this script from the out/target/product/eee_701 directory
parts=1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

echo -n Change Thumbdrive location [$DD] 
read y
if [ $y !=  ] ; then
if [ ! -r $DD ] ; then
  echo Error seeing desired thumbdrive at $DD

for p in $parts ; do
umount ${DD}${p}

echo -n Using Thumbdrive location $DD.  Are you sure you want/need to
repartition the device? [y/N] 
read y

if [ $y = y ] ; then
  echo Partitioning disk

# Defaults for 8GB part

echo -n Okay...  How big is the thumbdrive in GB?  1/2/4/[8] 
read y

case $y in
if [ -n $y ] ; then
  echo Illegal size specified: $y (expected 1/2/4/8)

sfdisk -uM $DD  _EOF

echo Repartition complete.  Remove and reinsert thumbdrive and
restart process


for i in boot.img system.img userdata.img ; do
  if [ ! -r $IMAGE_PATH/$i ] ; then
echo Error seeing the images on installer
exit 1

for part in 1 2 5 6 7 8 ; do
  if [ ! -r ${DD}${part} ] ; then
echo Error seeing the partitions on the thumbdrive that should be
exit 1

echo -n Are you sure you are ready to wipe out the contents of the
partitions? [y/N] 
read y

case $y in
echo aborting
exit 1

echo -n How many disks are built into the system you will run on 0,
read y

case $y in
echo Uh-oh, I do not understand the number of disks

echo formatting filesystems and copying content

mkfs.vfat ${DD}1 -n FAT
mkfs.ext2 ${DD}2
tune2fs -C 1 -L root -j ${DD}2

echo Copying/making Root and Boot
mount -o ro -o loop $IMAGE_PATH/boot.img $JUNKsrc
mount ${DD}2 $JUNKtgt
grub-install --root-directory=$JUNKtgt --recheck $DD
cd $JUNKtgt
zcat $JUNKsrc/ramdisk | cpio -i
cp init.rc init.rc.orig
sed -e s/mount rootfs/#mount rootfs/ -e s/dev\/block\/sda/dev\/block
\/$disk/ init.rc.orig init.rc
cp $JUNKsrc/kernel boot
cmdline=`cat $JUNKsrc/cmdline`
cat boot/grub/menu.lst _EOF
default 0
timeout 0
#timeout 3
title Android
root (hd0,1)
kernel /boot/kernel root=/dev/${disk}2 rootdelay=6 rw init=/init

cd /tmp
umount $JUNKsrc
umount $JUNKtgt

mkfs.ext2 ${DD}5
tune2fs -C 1 -L cache -j ${DD}5

echo Copying System
dd if=$IMAGE_PATH/system.img of=${DD}6 bs=1024k
e2fsck -C 0 -fy ${DD}6
resize2fs -F ${DD}6
tune2fs -C 1 -L system -j ${DD}6

#mkfs.ext2 ${DD}7 -L junk

echo Copying UserData
dd if=$IMAGE_PATH/userdata.img of=${DD}8 bs=1024k
e2fsck -C 0 -fy ${DD}8
resize2fs -F ${DD}8
tune2fs -C 1 -L data -j ${DD}8

On Apr 16, 10:39 pm, gowtham gowda gowth...@gmail.com wrote:
 i updated the code on Wednesday. I tried once more and all it does is
 boot into a grub console.

 On Apr 16, 4:40 pm, Yi Sun beyo...@gmail.com wrote:

  How new is your source code? I have one try checked out last monday or
  tuesday. It works fine

  On Wed, 2009-04-15 at 19:52 -0700, gowtham gowda wrote:
   Looks like Chris's make-live script is not working after updating the
   android source to the latest code. The bootable usb created by using
   the script boots into a GRUB console. Any ideas on how to make a live
   bootable usb?

   I will try to edit the Chris's script and see if i make any progress.

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[android-porting] Re: Bluetooth HID and DUN work

2009-04-22 Thread Nick Pelly
2009/4/22 cappe...@gmail.com cappe...@gmail.com

 Hi All !!

 Until now , I finished to port several Bluetooth profiles including
 HID and DUN.

Well you get these for free with Bluez :)  Did you make any useful code
changes? If so it would be nice to share them with us or with the Bluez

 All profiles works well on real hardware.

 Here are the environment in detail.


   Android 1.1 and 1.5(cupcake)
   (Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR)

   Armadillo 500-FX (Freescale i.Mx31)

   TI OMAP 35x EVM

  +Bluetooth device




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[android-porting] E/dalvikvm-heap Can't create VM heap of size (262144,14151696) (errno=13)

2009-04-22 Thread Elvis Dowson

  I'm porting the android-2.6.29 kernel to linux-omap3-2.6.29.
I've successfully patched all the required drivers. However, when I
run ./init , nothing happens after the ANDROID_ message on the LCD

If I run logcat, one of the errors is

E/dalvikvm-heap (2589): Can't create VM heap of size (262144,14151696)

What could be causing this error? How can I resolve this?

Best regards,


unsubscribe: android-porting+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
website: http://groups.google.com/group/android-porting

[android-porting] W/ProcessState: Opening '/dev/binder' failed: Permission denied

2009-04-22 Thread Elvis Dowson

 When I boot android on my TI OMAP 3503 platform, using linux-
omap3-2.6.29 with all android-2.6.29 patches applied, I get the
following error message when I run logcat:

W/ProcessState (2583) : Opening '/dev/binder' failed: Permission

How can I fix this?

Best regards,

unsubscribe: android-porting+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
website: http://groups.google.com/group/android-porting

[android-porting] Re: make-live script not working

2009-04-22 Thread gowtham gowda

i figured out what the issue was. I had grub2 on live usb and that was
the reason the live usb failed. Once i went back to Grub, the live usb
started working.


On Apr 22, 1:46 pm, kewarken kewar...@gmail.com wrote:
 I've been using a variant of the make-live script that doesn't depend
 on building intaller_img.  Just a regular make will do.

 # Run this script from the out/target/product/eee_701 directory
 parts=1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

 echo -n Change Thumbdrive location [$DD] 
 read y
 if [ $y !=  ] ; then
 if [ ! -r $DD ] ; then
   echo Error seeing desired thumbdrive at $DD

 for p in $parts ; do
         umount ${DD}${p}

 echo -n Using Thumbdrive location $DD.  Are you sure you want/need to
 repartition the device? [y/N] 
 read y

 if [ $y = y ] ; then
   echo Partitioning disk

 # Defaults for 8GB part

 echo -n Okay...  How big is the thumbdrive in GB?  1/2/4/[8] 
 read y

 case $y in
     if [ -n $y ] ; then
       echo Illegal size specified: $y (expected 1/2/4/8)

 sfdisk -uM $DD  _EOF

 echo Repartition complete.  Remove and reinsert thumbdrive and
 restart process


 for i in boot.img system.img userdata.img ; do
   if [ ! -r $IMAGE_PATH/$i ] ; then
     echo Error seeing the images on installer
     exit 1

 for part in 1 2 5 6 7 8 ; do
   if [ ! -r ${DD}${part} ] ; then
     echo Error seeing the partitions on the thumbdrive that should be
     exit 1

 echo -n Are you sure you are ready to wipe out the contents of the
 partitions? [y/N] 
 read y

 case $y in
     echo aborting
     exit 1

 echo -n How many disks are built into the system you will run on 0,
 read y

 case $y in
     echo Uh-oh, I do not understand the number of disks

 echo formatting filesystems and copying content

 mkfs.vfat ${DD}1 -n FAT
 mkfs.ext2 ${DD}2
 tune2fs -C 1 -L root -j ${DD}2

 echo Copying/making Root and Boot
 mount -o ro -o loop $IMAGE_PATH/boot.img $JUNKsrc
 mount ${DD}2 $JUNKtgt
 grub-install --root-directory=$JUNKtgt --recheck $DD
 cd $JUNKtgt
 zcat $JUNKsrc/ramdisk | cpio -i
 cp init.rc init.rc.orig
 sed -e s/mount rootfs/#mount rootfs/ -e s/dev\/block\/sda/dev\/block
 \/$disk/ init.rc.orig init.rc
 cp $JUNKsrc/kernel boot
 cmdline=`cat $JUNKsrc/cmdline`
 cat boot/grub/menu.lst _EOF
 default 0
 timeout 0
 #timeout 3
 title Android
 root (hd0,1)
 kernel /boot/kernel root=/dev/${disk}2 rootdelay=6 rw init=/init

 cd /tmp
 umount $JUNKsrc
 umount $JUNKtgt

 mkfs.ext2 ${DD}5
 tune2fs -C 1 -L cache -j ${DD}5

 echo Copying System
 dd if=$IMAGE_PATH/system.img of=${DD}6 bs=1024k
 e2fsck -C 0 -fy ${DD}6
 resize2fs -F ${DD}6
 tune2fs -C 1 -L system -j ${DD}6

 #mkfs.ext2 ${DD}7 -L junk

 echo Copying UserData
 dd if=$IMAGE_PATH/userdata.img of=${DD}8 bs=1024k
 e2fsck -C 0 -fy ${DD}8
 resize2fs -F ${DD}8
 tune2fs -C 1 -L data -j ${DD}8

 On Apr 16, 10:39 pm, gowtham gowda gowth...@gmail.com wrote:

  i updated the code on Wednesday. I tried once more and all it does is
  boot into a grub console.

  On Apr 16, 4:40 pm, Yi Sun beyo...@gmail.com wrote:

   How new is your source code? I have one try checked out last monday or
   tuesday. It works fine

   On Wed, 2009-04-15 at 19:52 -0700, gowtham gowda wrote:
Looks like Chris's make-live script is not working after updating the
android source to the latest code. The bootable usb created by using
the script boots into a GRUB console. Any ideas on how to make a live
bootable usb?

I will try to edit the Chris's script and see if i make any progress.

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website: http://groups.google.com/group/android-porting

[android-porting] Re: IMX31 3stack board. Error msg: Warning: unable to open an initial console

2009-04-22 Thread shyjumon

Warning: unable to open an initial console.

   init: cannot open 'initlogo.rle' .
The above to is not a problem, since initlogo.rle is nothing but the android
logo coming in startup.

  sh: can't access tty; job control turned off
The above issue You have to check your RFS. Can i know which method you have
used to build the userland of android. If you are using the RFS extracted
from emulator, you may face this problem. If you have another RFS without
android then i will advice you to merge both android RFS and the native
linux RFS. I also got the problem long back when i was doing the m3 porting.
Also you can try this following:

strace -ff -F -t -s 1000 -o /path/to/stracelog

May be the following link will gives you a better idea. me and ruckuss
discussed this issue in the group long back in April.


Shyjumon N.

On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 1:10 PM, sathish-siso sathish...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm facing the same problem.
 Can you help me in solving this issue?
 What steps you followed to sole this issue?


 On Mar 17, 4:24 pm, Justin wenxinle...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hi all,
  Solved please ignore the previous post. Sorry.
  On Mar 17, 10:33 am, Justin wenxinle...@gmail.com wrote:
   Hi all,
   Thanks for the reply.
   I'm able to enter the Android OS now.
   But I can't bring up the Android shell, tried with android.console in
   all sort of way:
   It isn't working, and I checked sh is sitting in system/bin.
   There is some suspicious error message on the boot up:
   Warning: unable to open an initial console.
   init: cannot open 'initlogo.rle'
   sh: can't access tty; job control turned off
   Do I need to do any pre-configuration to activate the Android shell?
   Best Regards,
   On Mar 16, 7:52 am, Rajesh N rajesh.andr...@gmail.com wrote:
Hi  Justin,
 What command did u give to  create CRAMFS image?
 mkcramfs  system/   filename.cramfs
did u follow this?
On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 9:15 PM, Justin wenxinle...@gmail.com
 Hail to all experts,
 I'm having the error message (bottom). Unlike others mine stopped
 line Warning: unable to open an initial console..
 ...mydroid/out/target/product/generic/root compiled into kernel
 kernel parameters using noinitrd android.console=ttymxc1,115200
 and I have the file system setup as:
 RedBoot fis list
 ... Read from 0x07ee-0x07eff000 at 0x0008: ..
 Name  FLASH addr  Mem addrLength  Entry point
 RedBoot   0x  0x  0x0004  0x
 FIS directory 0x0008  0x0008  0x0001F000  0x
 RedBoot config0x0009F000  0x0009F000  0x1000  0x
 kernel0x0010  0x0010  0x001E  0x0010
 cramfs_system 0x0060  0x0060  0x01FE  0x0060
 jffs2_data0x02E0  0x02E0  0x0002  0x02E0
 And the mx3_3stack.c
  .name = nand.bootloader,
  .offset = 0,
  .size = 1024 * 1024},
  .name = nand.kernel,
  .size = 5 * 1024 * 1024},
  .name = nand.cramfs_system,
  .size = 40 * 1024 * 1024},
  .name = nand.jffs2_data,
  .size = 56 * 1024 * 1024},
  .name = nand.configure,
  .size = 8 * 1024 * 1024},
  .name = nand.userfs,
  .size = MTDPART_SIZ_FULL},
 init.rc as
 # mount mtd partitions
# Mount /system rw first to give the filesystem a chance to save
mount cramfs /dev/block/mtdblock2 /system
mount cramfs /dev/block/mtdblock2 /system ro remount
# We chown/chmod /data again so because mount is run as root +
mount jffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /data nosuid nodev
chown system system /data
chmod 0771 /data
# Same reason as /data above
mount yaffs2 m...@cache /cache nosuid nodev
chown system cache /cache
chmod 0770 /cache
# This may have been created by the recovery system with odd
chown system system /cache/recovery
chmod 0770 /cache/recovery
 Am I having a faulty Android kernel? Please comment, thanks.
 Error msg
 entry=0x80008000, target=0x80008000
 Using base address 0x0010 and length 0x001d2114
 booting the k
 Linux version 

[android-porting] Re: W/ProcessState: Opening '/dev/binder' failed: Permission denied

2009-04-22 Thread Michael Trimarchi

Elvis Dowson wrote:
  When I boot android on my TI OMAP 3503 platform, using linux-
 omap3-2.6.29 with all android-2.6.29 patches applied, I get the
 following error message when I run logcat:

 W/ProcessState (2583) : Opening '/dev/binder' failed: Permission

 How can I fix this?
Check the binder driver and apply this change. Maybe the sysmcore 
require an incompatible

#if !defined(__i386__)  !defined(__arm__)
 Best regards,

Regards Michael

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[android-porting] Re: E/dalvikvm-heap Can't create VM heap of size (262144,14151696) (errno=13)

2009-04-22 Thread fadden

On Apr 22, 11:19 am, Michael Trimarchi trimar...@gandalf.sssup.it
  E/dalvikvm-heap (2589): Can't create VM heap of size (262144,14151696)

 It's a problem of the prot mask of the driver ashm maybe. Can you insert
 some debug
 code in system/core/libcutils/mspace.c of android in the
 contiguous_mspace_morecore function?

That sounds about right.  13 is EACCES, and this log message usually
comes up as a result of ashmem driver issues.

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[android-porting] Re: WVGA soft keyboard

2009-04-22 Thread Dianne Hackborn
Cupcake only supports HVGA screens.

On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 11:13 PM, bing li libing1...@gmail.com wrote:

 We ported Android to a device that runs on an ARM processor of
 I.MX51 and a wvga(800x480) resolution lcd . It can run , but We found
 softkey board often show error message , then not to be used.
 so I debuged source code and found paramater h of setBits() function
 that was called by surfacefliger is wrong  .

 could you find this issue and if you will solved this issue , thanks!



Dianne Hackborn
Android framework engineer

Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
answer them.

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[android-porting] does anybody knows about porting efforts to i.MX37 and i.MX25?

2009-04-22 Thread Yos

I consider using those processors for my application and I wonder if
there is any already available support for android.
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[android-porting] BT service/event loop after suspend/resume

2009-04-22 Thread pavan savoy

I have a problem, where in the BT chip is reset during the suspend/resume
procedure, because of the gpio contexts being saved/restored. Now I am
wondering, how can I restart BT during suspend on its own.

The hci0 interface is not brought down, in this case, even if it would have,
then BT eventloop/device service is not capable of noticing it.
I can set the gpio down, there-by check_bluetooth_power would say, BT off in
isEnabledNative, however no one seems to be checking for that during resume.

So please suggest a way in which I can safely restore BT functionality after


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[android-porting] Porting Android on Beagleboard: No Graphic

2009-04-22 Thread Miller Fu

Hi, Experts,

I am porting the Android to Beagle board, I did follow the steps as
porting guide on

But there is no graphic on the screen, and no shell too.

Anybody could help me check the problems, thanks in advance

my bootargs is

 setenv bootargs 'console=ttyS2,115200n8 console=tty0 root=/dev/
mmcblk0p2 noinitrd rw rootdelay=2 video=omapfb:mode:640x...@60 init=/

Debug Message

6kjournald starting.  Commit interval 5 seconds
kjournald starting.  Commit interval 5 seconds
6EXT3 FS on mmcblk0p2, EXT3 FS on mmcblk0p2, internal journal
internal journal
6EXT3-fs: recovery complete.
EXT3-fs: recovery complete.
6EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode.
EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode.
VFS: Mounted root (ext3 filesystem).
VFS: Mounted root (ext3 filesystem).
6Freeing init memory: 140K
Freeing init memory: 140K
3init: cannot open '/initlogo.rle'
init: cannot open '/initlogo.rle'
3init: cannot find '/system/bin/playmp3', disabling 'bootsound'
init: cannot find '/system/bin/playmp3', disabling 'bootsound'
6warning: `rild' uses 32-bit capabilities (legacy support in use)
warning: `rild' uses 32-bit capabilities (legacy support in use)

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[android-porting] Re: Beagle Android Build released

2009-04-22 Thread androkun

Dear Rupesh:

Great work

I can run android on beagleboard rev.c, but my kernel can not boot,
so I use old one.

Please upload your .config file.

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[android-porting] Re: Published Bluetooth supported features

2009-04-22 Thread tainy

Thank you Nick.

Then I have two questions here:
1:What can I do if I want to transfer files between two android
device? As I learn by now, OBEX protocol support is not necessary for
file transferring and I can use RFCOMM or GEOP or even L2CAP ? In what
way? there is no API about these.

2:If I need to use java API to do such thing, will it be provided
thanks a lot and hope I make myself understood


On 4月23日, 上午1时37分, Nick Pelly npe...@google.com wrote:
 Qualification refers to the certification process with the Bluetooth SIG,
 not Java API's


 2009/4/22 tainy tainy.zh...@gmail.com

  Hello Nick:

  I have read the link you post. What do you mean by Qualifications?
  If I understand correctly, the item of Qualifications is those
  implemented in the android release but maynot supplied by java API,
  Is it possible to use those(such as RFCOMM or OBEX) for just testing
  and how?

  thanks alot!


  On 4月15日, 上午12时52分, Nick Pelly npe...@google.com wrote:
   (For those involved in Bluetooth)

   The question often comes up of exactly what Bluetooth features are
   by Android. I just published this document to help.


   Hope this helps!
   Nick- 隐藏被引用文字 -

 - 显示引用的文字 -
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[android-porting] Re: Porting Android on Beagleboard: No Graphic

2009-04-22 Thread Miller Fu

Btw, the board is RC2. and it boots from MMC.

On Apr 22, 6:49 pm, Miller Fu millerfu7...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi, Experts,

 I am porting the Android to Beagle board, I did follow the steps as
 porting guide 

 But there is no graphic on the screen, and no shell too.

 Anybody could help me check the problems, thanks in advance

 my bootargs is

  setenv bootargs 'console=ttyS2,115200n8 console=tty0 root=/dev/
 mmcblk0p2 noinitrd rw rootdelay=2 video=omapfb:mode:640x...@60 init=/

 Debug Message
 6kjournald starting.  Commit interval 5 seconds
 kjournald starting.  Commit interval 5 seconds
 6EXT3 FS on mmcblk0p2, EXT3 FS on mmcblk0p2, internal journal
 internal journal
 6EXT3-fs: recovery complete.
 EXT3-fs: recovery complete.
 6EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode.
 EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode.
 VFS: Mounted root (ext3 filesystem).
 VFS: Mounted root (ext3 filesystem).
 6Freeing init memory: 140K
 Freeing init memory: 140K
 3init: cannot open '/initlogo.rle'
 init: cannot open '/initlogo.rle'
 3init: cannot find '/system/bin/playmp3', disabling 'bootsound'
 init: cannot find '/system/bin/playmp3', disabling 'bootsound'
 6warning: `rild' uses 32-bit capabilities (legacy support in use)
 warning: `rild' uses 32-bit capabilities (legacy support in use)
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[android-porting] Re: Porting Android on Beagleboard: No Graphic

2009-04-22 Thread Miller Fu

Also, I don't know where the code goes to, I don't find any clues to
discover the problems.

Hope somebody can give me some info. thanks.

On Apr 22, 8:39 pm, Miller Fu millerfu7...@gmail.com wrote:
 Btw, the board is RC2. and it boots from MMC.

 On Apr 22, 6:49 pm, Miller Fu millerfu7...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi, Experts,

  I am porting the Android to Beagle board, I did follow the steps as
  porting guide 

  But there is no graphic on the screen, and no shell too.

  Anybody could help me check the problems, thanks in advance

  my bootargs is

   setenv bootargs 'console=ttyS2,115200n8 console=tty0 root=/dev/
  mmcblk0p2 noinitrd rw rootdelay=2 video=omapfb:mode:640x...@60 init=/

  Debug Message
  6kjournald starting.  Commit interval 5 seconds
  kjournald starting.  Commit interval 5 seconds
  6EXT3 FS on mmcblk0p2, EXT3 FS on mmcblk0p2, internal journal
  internal journal
  6EXT3-fs: recovery complete.
  EXT3-fs: recovery complete.
  6EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode.
  EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode.
  VFS: Mounted root (ext3 filesystem).
  VFS: Mounted root (ext3 filesystem).
  6Freeing init memory: 140K
  Freeing init memory: 140K
  3init: cannot open '/initlogo.rle'
  init: cannot open '/initlogo.rle'
  3init: cannot find '/system/bin/playmp3', disabling 'bootsound'
  init: cannot find '/system/bin/playmp3', disabling 'bootsound'
  6warning: `rild' uses 32-bit capabilities (legacy support in use)
  warning: `rild' uses 32-bit capabilities (legacy support in use)- Hide 
  quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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[android-porting] Re: Bluetooth not working on G1 device (cupcake version)

2009-04-22 Thread Nimit Manglick
Hi Pavan,

Ya its an ldp1 (as shown in first image attached ) , its bought from logicpd

But can you please have a look on the following link :-


From this link download the product brief document attached and let me know.

It clearly says that it has an inbuilt BT module.

I also have one ldp1.

Can you please verify the same.

Thanks  Regards

On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 8:30 PM, pavan savoy pavan.sa...@gmail.com wrote:

 If it's an ldp1 which is bought from logicPD and looks something like,
 the attached image which says ldp1 then no, it doesn;t have built in bt.

 however zoom2 has one.
 see attached image.


 On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 1:49 AM, Nimit Manglick nimitandr...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi Pavan,

 I dnt think that Zoom1 / LDp doesn't have an inbuilt Bluetooth module.

 Its product brief and schematics  document clearly mention that zoom1
 has an inbuilt

 + Built-in Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR

 So can you please confirm this ?

 Thanks  Regards

 On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 8:20 PM, pavan savoy pavan.sa...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi deepak,

 Please have a look in


 for the relevant driver, as far as I know, zoom1 or ldp1 as its called,
 doesn't have an on-board bt device, and the gpio line to enable BT chip
 would solely depend on how the BT chip is connected to ldp1.
 [are you using exp board+exp connector+carrier brd combo ?]


 On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 12:23 AM, deepak singal deesin...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi NicK,

 When I am trying to turn on Bluetooth on ZOOM1(3430) board, using below
 init.rc changes :


 mkdir /data/misc/hcid 0770 bluetooth bluetooth
 chown bluetooth bluetooth /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0/typeecho
 chown bluetooth bluetooth /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0/state
 chmod 0660/sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0/state

 chmod 0660 /dev/ttyS1
 chown bluetooth bluetooth /dev/ttyS1

 service dbus /system/bin/dbus-daemon --system --nofork
 socket dbus stream 660 bluetooth bluetooth
 user bluetooth
 group bluetooth net_bt_admin

 #STOPSHIP: disable the verbose logging
 service hcid /system/bin/logwrapper /system/bin/hcid -d -s -n -f
 /etc/bluez/hcid.confsocket bluetooth stream 660 bluetooth bluetooth
 socket dbus_bluetooth stream 660 bluetooth bluetooth
 # init.rc does not yet support applying capabilities, so run as root
 # let hcid drop uid to bluetooth with the right linux capabilities
 group bluetooth net_bt_admin misc

 service hciattach /system/bin/hciattach -n -s 115200 /dev/ttyS1 texas
 115200 flow
 user bluetooth
 group bluetooth net_bt_admin misc

 service hfag /system/bin/sdptool add --channel=10 HFAG
 user bluetooth
 group bluetooth net_bt_admin

 service hsag /system/bin/sdptool add --channel=11 HSAG
 user bluetooth
 group bluetooth net_bt_admin

 Android now uses the rfkill interface to turn on/off bluetooth. It looks
 for a type of bluetooth in each of the rfkill interfaces
 (/sys/class/rfkill/rfkill*/type). We need to have kernel support for
 this to work as devices should be powering on/off with it.

 I would like to know how does the /sys/class/rfkill/* entry present.

 I'm already apply below configuration in zoom1 kernel


 After booting the zoom1 kernel nothing present in /sys/class/rfkill/
 bttest also looking for  /sys/class/rfkill/* entry. If nothing present
 its give -1.

 Please help me if I need to do something else enable or disable in
 kernel (patch).

 *Any other way to enable* / disable *bluetooth* device?

 Thanks in advance,


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[android-porting] Re: Implementation of HSDPA / HSUPA

2009-04-22 Thread Nimit Manglick
Hello everyone

Does anyone can please clarify my doubts.

Thanks  Regards

On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 6:21 PM, Nimit Manglick nimitandr...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi All,

 I need to give GPRS / EDGE support for my platform. So can someone please
 tell me the complete flow to do so..

 I have few questions :-

 1. Does android supports HSDPA / HSUPA ??

 2. How does the GPRS implementation differs for 2.5G (Generation) GPRS via
 GSM, 3G networks like EDGE, UMTS and it's additions HSDPA/HSUPA.  Which
 pieces of android will be effected (android framework, ril ) for these ??

 3. Whats the exact role of pppd ?

 4. How pppd is releated with AT comamnds ?

 5. Let us say if soemhow my device recieves an IP as well , then how that
 IP will be used to integrate browser ?

 6. How an IP obtained via secondary PDP context will be integrated to the
 MMS application ?

 Please help me in this regard...

 Thanks  Regards

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[android-porting] Re: [android-porting]Does android emulator supportalsa(not oss)?

2009-04-22 Thread lgliu.android
Hello everyone

I have the same question, Does anyone can clarify it?

Thanks  Regards



发件人: magiciansai 
发送时间: 2009-04-22  15:55:20 
收件人: android-porting 
主题: [android-porting] [android-porting]Does android emulator supportalsa(not 
Does android emulator support alsa(not oss)? 
If support, how to port it?

thanks a lot!



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