[ANNOUNCE] Apache MINA 2.0.17 released

2018-03-17 Thread Emmanuel Lecharny
The Apache MINA project is pleased to announce MINA 2.0.17 ! This
version is a bug fix release.

Apache MINA is a network application framework which helps users
develop high performance and high scalability network applications
easily by providing an abstract, event-driven, asynchronous API over
various transports such as TCP/IP and UDP/IP vis Java NIO.

The Apache MINA project website includes resources such as
introductory presentation slides, tutorials, and examples to help you
learn MINA as soon as possible.

Here is the list of fixed issues :

Bugs :

[DIRMINA-844] - Http Proxy Authentication failed to complete (see
description for exact point of failure)
[DIRMINA-1002] - Mina IoHandlerEvents missing inputClosed enum item.
[DIRMINA-1051] - The MD5withRSA cipher is not anymore supported by
Java 8, and our tests certificates have been generated with it.
[DIRMINA-1052] - Fix the mvn-site command
[DIRMINA-1056] - IllegalArgumentException when setting max and
minReadBufferSize > 65536 (default)
[DIRMINA-1057] - AbstractIoSession getScheduledWriteMessages always
[DIRMINA-1059] - NioProcessor's selector is synchronized but
accessed outside
[DIRMINA-1060] - Handle the spinning selectors in Socket/Datagram
Acceptor and Connector
[DIRMINA-1072] - SslFilter does not account for SSLEngine runtime
[DIRMINA-1073] - NioSocketSession#isSecured does not comply with
interface contract
[DIRMINA-1076] - Leaking NioProcessors/NioSocketConnectors hanging
in call to dispose
[DIRMINA-1077] - Threads hanging in dispose() on SSLHandshakeException

Improvement :

[DIRMINA-1061] - When AbstractPollingIoProcessor read nothing, free
the temporary buffer should be better

Task :

[DIRMINA-1058] - Add the missing Javadoc

We recommend all users to upgrade to this release. We consider this a
stable and production ready release. The Apache MINA PMC Thanks !

Emmanuel Lécharny

The Apache Software Foundation Operations Summary: November 2017 - January 2018

2018-03-17 Thread Sally Khudairi
[this announcement is available online at https://s.apache.org/UtBD ]

Third Quarter, Fiscal Year 2018 (November 2017 - January 2018)

"The unbroken success of Apache still has important lessons to teach us... The 
Apache community has succeeded not just in developing great code, it has 
managed to distil the essence of the development process and ethos in such a 
way that other cognate projects can adopt and adapt it." --Glyn Moody, 
"Learning from The Apache Way"

> President's Statement: This quarter included a number of holidays, which 
> generally means that it is relatively quiet time when each area in operations 
> get lower than normal number of requests and can work down their list of 
> things to do. We created four new projects and retired one. Expenses are 
> under control, and income is ahead of plan. We had no major security breach 
> event that we had to respond to like we did last quarter. That's a very good 
> thing: no news is a good news! In general, all systems are running smoothly 
> as we prepare for the next uptake in activity. 

> Conferences and Events: In the report period, the ASF did not conduct any 
> events, and thus we have nothing to report. During this period, we 
> investigated options for ApacheCon events in the 2018 calendar year. You can 
> find details about those events at http://apachecon.com/ and in our upcoming 
> Annual Report. At the close of this quarter, we were finalizing our plans for 
> participation in FOSDEM http://fosdem.org/ .

> Community Development: During this quarter our main focus was participation 
> in several existing open source related events. Our involvement was not only 
> represented by talks and presentations but also by having a booth so that we 
> could talk directly with conference attendees. In November, we participated 
> at the FOSS Backstage Micro Summit, a new conference that focusses on open 
> source communities, governance and legal aspects. These areas are very 
> relevant to the community development effort and several Apache speakers were 
> selected to be part of the program. Feedback was positive and we would like 
> to continue being involved in this event in the future.

Following our participation last year at the OpenExpo in Madrid, we have been 
invited to participate again at the conference in 2018. This time we have been 
allocated a keynote and other presentation slots that will help us promote 
Apache within Spain and the Spanish speaking community. During early December, 
we participated at the Open Source Summit in Paris. This included a keynote and 
also a half day Apache track featuring a range of technical presentations for 
various projects. We also provided some additional talks as part of the 
community track.

Community Development also ran the Apache booth which attracted a lot of 
visitors. As this was a predominantly French speaking event, the French version 
of the ASF brochure was very useful in explaining to people what the foundation 
does and how it works. Feedback received from attendees was extremely positive 
and many wanted become involved with various projects. A key focus during 
January were tasks around the ASF involvement in for Google Summer of 
Code(GSoC). The Community Development team is a main contact for co-ordinating 
and managing the ASF involvement as a mentoring organisation. Many ASF projects 
have already created a list of ideas that prospective students could work on.

Following on from our last update, we have facilitated the introduction of 
Apache business cards that anyone involved with Apache projects can use when 
they are promoting their Apache project at an event or representing their 
Apache project. Two formats have been agreed, one that is a formal ASF role 
card that is based card n the existing ASF business cards, and another less 
formal community business card any contributor to an Apache project can use. A 
wiki page has been setup with information and FAQs to help with the 

Our mailing list traffic remains stable this quarter with the the main focus 
being discussions related to the Apache events announced for 2018.

> Committers and Contributions: Over the past quarter, 1,715 contributors 
> committed 51,157 changes that amount to 17,995,945 lines of code across 
> Apache projects. The top 5 contributors during this timeframe were: Michał 
> Narajowski (673 commits); Daniel Sun (666 commits); Mark Thomas (592 
> commits); Andrea Cosentino (514 commits); Junkai Xue (513 commits).

[please refer to the chart at https://s.apache.org/UtBD ]

All individuals who are granted write access to the Apache repositories must 
submit an Individual Contributor License Agreement (ICLA). Corporations that 
have assigned employees to work on Apache projects as part of an employment 
agreement may sign a Corporate CLA (CCLA) for contributing intellectual 
property via the corporation. Individuals or corporations donating a body of 

[ANNOUNCEMENT] Apache Log4j2 2.11.0 released

2018-03-17 Thread Ralph Goers

The Apache Log4j 2 team is pleased to announce the Log4j 2.11.0 release!

Apache Log4j is a well known framework for logging application behavior. 
Log4j 2 is an upgrade to Log4j that provides significant improvements 
over its predecessor, Log4j 1.x, and provides many other modern features 
such as support for Markers, lambda expressions for lazy logging, 
property substitution using Lookups, multiple patterns on a 
PatternLayout and asynchronous Loggers. Another notable Log4j 2 feature 
is the ability to be "garbage-free" (avoid allocating temporary objects) 
while logging. In addition, Log4j 2 will not lose events while 

This release contains new features, bugfixes and minor enhancements.

As of Log4j 2.9.0, the Log4j API was modified to use 
java.util.ServiceLoader to locate Log4j implementations, although the 
former binding mechanism is still supported. The Log4j API jar is now a 
multi-release jar to provide implementations of Java 9 specific classes. 
Multi-release jars are not supported by the OSGi specification so OSGi 
modules will not be able to take advantage of these implementations but 
will not lose functionality as they will fall back to the 
implementations used in Java 7 and 8. More details on the new features 
and fixes are itemized below. Note that some tools are not compatible 
with multi-release jars and may fail trying to process class files in 
the META-INF/versions/9 folder. Those errors should be reported to the 
tool vendor.

Note that subsequent to the 2.9.0 release, for security reasons, 
SerializedLayout is deprecated and no longer used as default in the 
Socket and JMS appenders. SerializedLayout can still be used as before, 
but has to be specified explicitly. To retain old behaviour, you have to 
change configuration like:





We do, however, discourage the use of SerializedLayout and recommend 
JsonLayout as a replacement:



Note that the XML, JSON and YAML formats changed in the 2.11.0 release: 
they no longer have the "timeMillis" attribute and instead have an 
"Instant" element with "epochSecond" and "nanoOfSecond" attributes.

Note that subsequent to the 2.9.0 release, for security reasons, Log4j 
does not process DTD in XML files. If you used DTD for including 
snippets, you have to use XInclude or Composite Configuration instead.

The Log4j 2.11.0 API, as well as many core components, maintains binary 
compatibility with previous releases with the following exceptions to 
Log4j Core. Log4j 2.11.0 moves code from log4j-core to several new Maven 
modules. Dependencies to other jars that used to be optional in 
log4j-core are now required in the new modules. The code in these 
modules have been repackaged. These changes do not affect your 
configuration files.

The new modules are:

• Group ID: org.apache.logging.log4j
• Artifact ID: log4j-jdbc-dbc2
• Old package: org.apache.logging.log4j.core.appender.db.jdbc
• New package: org.apache.logging.log4j.jdbc.appender

• Group ID: org.apache.logging.log4j
• Artifact ID: log4j-jpa
• Old package 1: org.apache.logging.log4j.core.appender.db.jpa
• New package 1: org.apache.logging.log4j.jpa.appender
• Old package 2: 

• New package 2: org.apache.logging.log4j.jpa.converter

• Group ID: org.apache.logging.log4j
• Artifact ID: log4j-mongodb2
• Old package: org.apache.logging.log4j.mongodb
• New package: org.apache.logging.log4j.mongodb2

• Group ID: org.apache.logging.log4j
• Artifact ID: log4j-mongodb3
• Old package: org.apache.logging.log4j.mongodb
• New package: org.apache.logging.log4j.mongodb3

GA Release 2.11.0

Changes in this version include:

New Features
LOG4J2-2253: Add API to enable iterating over message parameters without 
creating temporary objects. Thanks to Carter Kozak.
LOG4J2-1883: Added support for precise (micro and nanosecond) timestamps 
when running on Java 9. A limited number of precise %d date formats are 
supported with PatternLayout. POTENTIAL BREAKING CHANGE: The XML, JSON 
and YAML formats have changed: they no longer have the "timeMillis" 
attribute and instead have an "Instant" element with "epochSecond" and 
"nanoOfSecond" attributes. Thanks to Anthony Maire.
LOG4J2-2190: Output JSON object for ObjectMessage in JsonLayout. Thanks 
to Franz Wong.
LOG4J2-2191: Made log4j-core a multi-release ("multi-version") jar, 
added log4j-core-java9 module.

LOG4J2-2143: Add missing converters to PatternLayout.
LOG4J2-2160: Add API 
LOG4J2-2179: The MongoDB Appender should use a keys and values for a 
Log4j MapMessage.
LOG4J2-2180: Add a MongoDbProvider builder for and deprecate 
LOG4J2-2181: The JDBC Appender should use keys and value