The Apache News Round-up: week ending 8 April 2016

2016-04-08 Thread Sally Khudairi
>> this announcement is available online at

Apparently with the April Fool's excitement last 
week's News Round-up never made it online to! So here's what 
happened over the past two weeks: 

ASF Board –management and oversight of the business and affairs of the 
corporation in accordance with the Foundation's Bylaws. 
- Next Board Meeting: 20 April 2016. Board calendar and minutes available at 

ASF Infrastructure –our distributed team on four continents keeps the ASF's 
infrastructure running around the clock. 
- 7M+ weekly checks yield sunshine-y performance at 99.36% uptime 

ApacheCon™ –the official conference series of The Apache Software Foundation. 
- ENDS 10 APRIL: Early Registration for Apache:Big Data and ApacheCon/YVR. Join 

Apache Camel™ –a powerful Open Source integration framework based on known 
Enterprise Integration Patterns. 
- Apache Camel 2.15.6 and 2.17.0 released 

Apache Commons™ Compress –library for working with zip, ar, jar, bz2, cpio, 
tar, gz, dump, pack200, lzma, 7z, arj and xz files. 
- Apache Commons Compress 1.11 released 

Apache Commons™ Configuration –a generic configuration interface which enables 
an application to read configuration data from a variety of sources. 
- Commons Configuration 2.0 released

Apache Fortress™ –a standards based Access Management System for LDAPv3 
compliant systems. 
- Apache Fortress 1.0-RC42 released 

Apache Jackrabbit™ – a fully compliant implementation of the Content Repository 
for Java Technology API, version 2.0 (JCR 2.0) as specified in the Java 
Specification Request 283 (JSR 283). 
- Apache Jackrabbit 2.10.2, Jackrabbit Oak 1.2.13, and Jackrabbit Oak 1.5.0 

Apache Lens™ –a Unified Analytics interface. 
- Apache Lens 2.5.0-beta released 

Apache Lucy™ –search engine library provides full-text search for a variety of 
programming languages. 
- Apache Lucy 0.5.0 released 

Apache Lucy™ Clownfish –symbiotic object system pairs with host dynamic 
language environments and facilitates the development of high performance host 
language extensions. 
- Apache Clownfish 0.5.0 released 

Apache MyFaces™ Core –a JavaServer Faces 2.0 implementation as specified by 
- MyFaces Core v2.1.18 and v2.0.24 released 

Apache Mynewt (incubating) –a community-driven module OS for constrained, 
embedded applications. 
- Apache Mynewt 0.8.0-b2-incubating released

Apache NiFi™ –an easy to use, powerful, and reliable system to process and 
distribute data. 
- Apache NiFi 0.6.0 released 

Apache OFBiz™ –an Open Source product for the automation of enterprise 
processes that includes framework components and business applications. 
- Apache OFBiz 12.04.06 and 13.07.03 released 

Apache Olingo™ –a Java library that enables developers to implement OData 
service providers (server) and consumers (clients) for OData V2 and V4. 
- Apache Olingo 4.2.0 released 

Apache OpenMeetings™ –provides video conferencing, instant messaging, white 
board, collaborative document editing and other groupware tools using API 
functions of the Red5 Streaming Server for Remoting and Streaming. 
- Apache OpenMeetings 3.1.0 and 3.1.1. released 

Apache Syncope™ –an Open Source system for managing digital identities in 
enterprise environments, implemented in Java EE technology. 
- Apache Syncope 2.0.0-M2 released 

Apache Tajo™ –Big Data warehouse that provides distributed and scalable SQL 
analytical processing on Apache Hadoop. 
- Apache Tajo 0.11.2 released 

Apache Tomcat™ –a Web server that is an Open Source software implementation of 
the Java Servlet, JavaServer Pages, Java Expression Language and Java WebSocket 
- Apache Tomcat 8.0.33 and 8.5.0 BETA available 

Apache UIMA™ uimaFIT –a library that facilitates the building of Apache UIMA 
components, the programmatic use of Apache UIMA analysis pipelines, and their 
- Apache uimaFIT 2.2.0 released 
Official Releases 

Apache Wave 

[ANNOUNCE] Apache Lucene 6.0.0 released

2016-04-08 Thread Nicholas Knize
8 April 2016, Apache Lucene™ 6.0.0 available
The Lucene PMC is pleased to announce the release of Apache Lucene 6.0.0.

Apache Lucene is a high-performance, full-featured text search engine
library written entirely in Java. It is a technology suitable for nearly
any application that requires full-text search, especially cross-platform.

This release contains numerous bug fixes, optimizations, and
improvements, some of which are highlighted below. The release
is available for immediate download at:

Please read CHANGES.txt for a full list of new features and changes:

Lucene 6.0.0 Release Highlights:

  * Java 8 is the minimum Java version required.

  * Dimensional points, replacing legacy numeric fields, provides fast and
space-efficient support for both single- and multi-dimension range and
shape filtering.  This includes numeric (int, float, long, double),
InetAddress, BigInteger and binary range filtering, as well as geo-spatial
shape search over indexed 2D LatLonPoints.  See for details.  Dependent
classes and modules (e.g., MemoryIndex, Spatial Strategies, Join module)
have been refactored to use new point types.

  * Lucene classification module now works on Lucene Documents using a
KNearestNeighborClassifier or SimpleNaiveBayesClassifier.

  * The spatial module no longer depends on third-party libraries. Previous
spatial classes have been moved to a new spatial-extras module.

  * Spatial4j has been updated to a new 0.6 version hosted by locationtech.

  * TermsQuery performance boost by a more aggressive default query caching

  * IndexSearcher's default Similarity is now changed to BM25Similarity.

  * Easier method of defining custom CharTokenizer instances.

Further details of changes are available in the change log available at:

Please report any feedback to the mailing lists

Note: The Apache Software Foundation uses an extensive mirroring network
for distributing releases.  It is possible that the mirror you are using
may not have replicated the release yet.  If that is the case, please
try another mirror.  This also applies to Maven access.

Nick Knize

[ANNOUNCE] Apache Solr 6.0.0 released

2016-04-08 Thread Nicholas Knize
8 April 2016, Apache Solr 6.0.0 available

Solr is the popular, blazing fast, open source NoSQL search platform
from the Apache Lucene project. Its major features include powerful
full-text search, hit highlighting, faceted search, dynamic
clustering, database integration, rich document (e.g., Word, PDF)
handling, and geospatial search.  Solr is highly scalable, providing
fault tolerant distributed search and indexing, and powers the search
and navigation features of many of the world's largest internet sites.

Solr 6.0.0 is available for immediate download at:

Please read CHANGES.txt for a full list of new features and changes:

Solr 6.0 Release Highlights:

  * Improved defaults for "Similarity" used in Solr, in order to provide
better default experience for new users.

  * Improved "Similarity" defaults for users upgrading:
DefaultSimilarityFactory has been removed, implicit default Similarity has
been changed to SchemaSimilarityFactory, and SchemaSimilarityFactory has
been modified to use BM25Similarity as the default for field types that do
not explicitly declare a Similarity.

  * Deprecated GET methods for schema are now accessible through the bulk
API. The output has less details and is not backward compatible.

  * Users should set useDocValuesAsStored="false" to preserve sort order on
multi-valued fields that have both stored="true" and docValues="true".

  * Formatted date-times are more consistent with ISO-8601. BC dates are
now better supported since they are now formatted with a leading '-'. AD
years after  have a leading '+'. Parse exceptions have been improved.

  * Deprecated SolrServer and subclasses have been removed, use SolrClient

  * The deprecated  configuration in solrconfig.xml has been
removed. Users must remove it from solrconfig.xml.

  * SolrClient.shutdown() has been removed, use SolrClient.close() instead.

  * The deprecated zkCredientialsProvider element in solrcloud section of
solr.xml is now removed. Use the correct spelling (zkCredentialsProvider)

  * Added support for executing Parallel SQL queries across SolrCloud
collections. Includes StreamExpression support and a new JDBC Driver for
the SQL Interface.

  * New features and capabilities added to the streaming API.

  * Added support for SELECT DISTINCT queries to the SQL interface.

  * New GraphQuery to enable graph traversal as a query operator.

  * New support for Cross Data Center Replication consisting of
active/passive replication for separate SolrClouds hosted in separate data

  * Filter support added to Real-time get.

  * Column alias support added to the Parallel SQL Interface.

  * New command added to switch between non/secure mode in zookeeper.

  * Now possible to use IP fragments in replica placement rules.

Further details of changes are available in the change log available at:

Please report any feedback to the mailing lists (

Note: The Apache Software Foundation uses an extensive mirroring network
for distributing releases. It is possible that the mirror you are using may
not have replicated the release yet. If that is the case, please try
another mirror. This also applies to Maven access.

Nick Knize