Re: [Aoetools-discuss] AoE Target implementaion for LIO?

2012-10-21 Thread Gernot Schmied
Hi Tracy,

very thoughtful posting, I've arrived at similar conclusions and I am in
a similar way from an early stage emotionally attached to a protocol of
fine craftsmanship that has potential per se. 

In the beginning I've advocated the AoE protocol to be converted into an
RFC, that would have helped in the first place and would have been an
incentive for kernel maintainers to include it earlier and spread the
word. Due but not only attributed to this fact AoE initiator support in
the kernel materialized quite late. IMHO storage stuff belongs into the
kernel, period.
Besides, what benefit does an initiator have without a target
implementation? The two user-space target implementations are dead for
years and lagging behind the AoE specifications due to obvious reasons -
conflict of interests. 

Right now we have a proprietary protocol and a single vendor that
supports it with no incentive to have any alternative target
implementations out there. Besides, the very important hypervisor
vendors are not interested in anything beyond iSCSI and FCoE, so why
should they bother to natively support AoE?

Hence I consider it mission impossible to convince clients to bet their
mission-critical storage future on an arguably fine nevertheless exotic
single-vendor product and protocol only based on the price argument. I
am happy that Coraid is doing fine as a niche player though and wish
them all the best for the future. 

If you look at a success story how this could have worked out have a
look at DRBD and Linbit.


m Freitag, den 19.10.2012, 11:47 -0700 schrieb Tracy Reed:
 My primary pain points in decreasing order of severity:
 1. For years I've been battling alignment issues in virtual machines with no
success. I can't take the performance hit or invest the time in twiddling
alignment anymore. TCP overhead is nothing compared to extra writes due to
disk alignment. iSCSI straight out of the box doesn't have this issue.
 2. Zero distribution (CentOS/RedHat) integration. Having to maintain my own
init scripts and making the system unload the aoe module before the bonding
module on shutdown, start/stop the vblades, and various other bits of
trickery has become a real hassle.
 3. Despite claims that AoE use is accelerating I've never run into another
person who uses it or even really knows what it is. I've never seen/heard
about it in any trade magazine aside from a Linux Journal article years 
Nobody stops in the AoE IRC channel except for disappointed Age of 
players. Traffic on this list is nearly dead. The blog you set up is quiet.
I've had an AoE google alert setup for years. There is nearly no chatter
about it. I have had an RSS search feed for AoE on ServerFault for quite
some time. It very rarely comes up. Currently, it hasn't been mentioned
since July:
And look at the comments. Ouch.
There is a lot of support and training material for iSCSI and it is part of
the RHCE exam. I have had to do all of my own in-house training for AoE and
it scares customers that it is such a niche technology with so few people 
earth knowing how to use it, despite its on-the-wire simplicity. It 
hurts my business for people to know I use AoE. At one point I thought I
could sell it as a competitive advantage. Not only is it an operational
hassle but it has turned into a competitive disadvantage.
 4. While I have always advocated AoE on the basis of its simplicity, the 
number of steps needed to get iSCSI working on RedHat/CentOS are far fewer
than AoE which in practice makes AoE not simple. I have now
scripted/cookbooked the steps to getting iSCSI up and running and my junior
admin can do it. Mounting an iSCSI volume is a minor task on the RHCE exam
taken by relatively newbie Linux admins. The issues involved in getting AoE
working reliably and especially the troubleshooting are beyond many
administrators. I have puppet scripts to distribute kernel modules (have to
distribute it and compile it per kernel if you aren't running the exact 
version everywhere, and deal with a recompile when you yum update the
kernel), manage overly complicated init scripts, tweak sysctls, manage
vblade configs, etc. Using the builtin distro iSCSI none of this is
 I could perhaps resolve all of this myself by getting involved in Fedora and
 contributing patches to make AoE work as smoothly as iSCSI in RHEL.  But so 
 I've been completely technically incapable of solving the alignment issue and
 as for the rest: Why should I invest so much time and effort duplicating the
 excellent work of the iSCSI people? 
 Anne Hathaway of Coraid actually contacted me last year about working for
 Coraid. I was very tempted but simply unable 

Re: [Aoetools-discuss] AoE Target implementaion for LIO?

2012-10-21 Thread Nicolas Jungers
On 2012-10-19 15:19, Ed Cashin wrote:
 AoE use is accelerating rapidly, and iSCSI persists because even
 though it's not the best fit for same-LAN data storage, folks can
 still get it to work if they are willing and able to deal with the
 complexity, sacrifice the performance, and don't need the kind of
 scaling that virtualization and cloud deployments require.

I don't think it's a realistic view. I think AoE missed its window of 
opportunity and is now dying. As Tracy said, it's ridiculously easy to 
setup an iSCSI system. It's a pain to get the AoE target up to date in 
any distro, and the initiator, while working, is far from being a well 
behaving component.

I was never able to push AoE anywhere beside my projects. Blame me if 
you want, but most of the time free iSCSI was the obvious, variously 
documented, community supported, distro included, choice.


 Although a lot of the expansion of AoE use lately has been by users
 of the Coraid HBA, there are still a lot of first-time AoE users
 using the Linux initiator and also the initiator.  Recently there have been a lot of
 patches from Coraid to the Linux Kernel Mailing List for bringing the driver up to date.  For example,

 We also fixed a regression in the Linux kernel's network layer that
 affected AoE performance:

 I don't have much time to participate on the aoetools-discuss mailing
 list right now, partly so that I can keep generating those patches,
 but I think pessimism is especially inappropriate today, when the use
 of AoE is accelerating along with the development of its associated
 technologies, including open source technologies.

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Re: [Aoetools-discuss] AoE Target implementaion for LIO?

2012-10-21 Thread Ed Cashin
On Oct 21, 2012, at 9:03 AM, Nicolas Jungers wrote:

 On 2012-10-19 15:19, Ed Cashin wrote:
 AoE use is accelerating rapidly, and iSCSI persists because even
 though it's not the best fit for same-LAN data storage, folks can
 still get it to work if they are willing and able to deal with the
 complexity, sacrifice the performance, and don't need the kind of
 scaling that virtualization and cloud deployments require.
 I don't think it's a realistic view. I think AoE missed its window of 
 opportunity and is now dying. As Tracy said, it's ridiculously easy to 
 setup an iSCSI system. It's a pain to get the AoE target up to date in 
 any distro, and the initiator, while working, is far from being a well 
 behaving component.

Tracy had a good point in that there needs to be more work done to help Linux 
distros to integrate AoE technology, so that Linux admins have a smooth 
experience using it.

AoE was probably too far ahead of its time in 2004 and is now coming into its 
time.  A lot of the adoption lately has been very large scale special-purpose 
or enterprise installations, and not all of that has been on Linux.  The need 
driving the CTOs of these highly competitive companies to adopt AoE-based 
technology is based on real-world trends that really can't be stopped, not 
based on emotion.  The folks on the aoetools-discuss list won't necessarily 
know about these AoE-based deployments.

But it's a good thing that Coraid is contributing actively to open source now, 
and it should help to ease its adoption on Linux-based architectures.  It's 
open source, though, so although Coraid can be expected to take the lead, there 
are alternatives to complaining.  ;)

  Ed Cashin

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Re: [Aoetools-discuss] AoE Target implementaion for LIO?

2012-10-19 Thread Ed Cashin
AoE use is accelerating rapidly, and iSCSI persists because even though it's 
not the best fit for same-LAN data storage, folks can still get it to work if 
they are willing and able to deal with the complexity, sacrifice the 
performance, and don't need the kind of scaling that virtualization and cloud 
deployments require.

Although a lot of the expansion of AoE use lately has been by users of the 
Coraid HBA, there are still a lot of first-time AoE users using the Linux initiator and also the 
initiator.  Recently there have been a lot of patches from Coraid to the Linux 
Kernel Mailing List for bringing the driver up to date.  
For example,

We also fixed a regression in the Linux kernel's network layer that affected 
AoE performance:

I don't have much time to participate on the aoetools-discuss mailing list 
right now, partly so that I can keep generating those patches, but I think 
pessimism is especially inappropriate today, when the use of AoE is 
accelerating along with the development of its associated technologies, 
including open source technologies.

  Ed Cashin

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Re: [Aoetools-discuss] AoE Target implementaion for LIO?

2012-10-19 Thread Torbjørn Thorsen
I'm happy to hear that there is now progress on getting the initiator
updated in upstream, hopefully this will help to correct the
assumption that AoE is dead or dying.

Not that I'm very knowledgeable about the storage sector, but it seems
to me that AoEs main problem as a technology is marketing.
I've spoken to other sysadmins that merely go Huh? when I tell them
we're running AoE, but many people seem to find the idea interesting
when I explain what it is.

For my part, I can say that I set up AoE on default Debian packages
some time ago, and everything has more or less Just Worked(TM) since
Not that my deployment is very fancy or has a high load on it, but
still, AoE brings home the bacon for our part.

On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 3:19 PM, Ed Cashin wrote:
 AoE use is accelerating rapidly, and iSCSI persists because even though it's 
 not the best fit for same-LAN data storage, folks can still get it to work if 
 they are willing and able to deal with the complexity, sacrifice the 
 performance, and don't need the kind of scaling that virtualization and cloud 
 deployments require.

 Although a lot of the expansion of AoE use lately has been by users of the 
 Coraid HBA, there are still a lot of first-time AoE users using the Linux initiator and also the 
 initiator.  Recently there have been a lot of patches from Coraid to the 
 Linux Kernel Mailing List for bringing the driver up 
 to date.  For example,

 We also fixed a regression in the Linux kernel's network layer that affected 
 AoE performance:

 I don't have much time to participate on the aoetools-discuss mailing list 
 right now, partly so that I can keep generating those patches, but I think 
 pessimism is especially inappropriate today, when the use of AoE is 
 accelerating along with the development of its associated technologies, 
 including open source technologies.

   Ed Cashin

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 Aoetools-discuss mailing list

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Torbjørn Thorsen
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Re: [Aoetools-discuss] AoE Target implementaion for LIO?

2012-10-19 Thread Alexandre

Happy to sse that Coraid is contributing to the initiator!
I have tryed for a while to convince customers of my former company to give
AoE a try. After presenting them the technology they had no doubt about AoE
superiority over iSCSI. However, they often chose iscsi as it appeared to
be the de-facto standard.
IMHO, this is, for a large part, due to the lack of activities in the
various opensource implementation. That said this lack of activity is
understandable as the specs didn't evolve, so I presume only few work has
to be done...
Targets like AoE are realy interresting project, but are now abandonned
(partly) because of this I guess.
In any case an activity on the client side is a good news!

Question... is it possible to use Coraid HBA with a Linux target? If so,
does it drop the need for the sofware initiator?

Kind regards.

2012/10/19 Torbjørn Thorsen

 I'm happy to hear that there is now progress on getting the initiator
 updated in upstream, hopefully this will help to correct the
 assumption that AoE is dead or dying.

 Not that I'm very knowledgeable about the storage sector, but it seems
 to me that AoEs main problem as a technology is marketing.
 I've spoken to other sysadmins that merely go Huh? when I tell them
 we're running AoE, but many people seem to find the idea interesting
 when I explain what it is.

 For my part, I can say that I set up AoE on default Debian packages
 some time ago, and everything has more or less Just Worked(TM) since
 Not that my deployment is very fancy or has a high load on it, but
 still, AoE brings home the bacon for our part.

 On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 3:19 PM, Ed Cashin wrote:
  AoE use is accelerating rapidly, and iSCSI persists because even though
 it's not the best fit for same-LAN data storage, folks can still get it to
 work if they are willing and able to deal with the complexity, sacrifice
 the performance, and don't need the kind of scaling that virtualization and
 cloud deployments require.
  Although a lot of the expansion of AoE use lately has been by users of
 the Coraid HBA, there are still a lot of first-time AoE users using the Linux initiator and also the
 initiator.  Recently there have been a lot of patches from Coraid to the
 Linux Kernel Mailing List for bringing the driver up
 to date.  For example,
  We also fixed a regression in the Linux kernel's network layer that
 affected AoE performance:
  I don't have much time to participate on the aoetools-discuss mailing
 list right now, partly so that I can keep generating those patches, but I
 think pessimism is especially inappropriate today, when the use of AoE is
 accelerating along with the development of its associated technologies,
 including open source technologies.
Ed Cashin
  Everyone hates slow websites. So do we.
  Make your web apps faster with AppDynamics
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  Aoetools-discuss mailing list

 Vennlig hilsen
 Torbjørn Thorsen
 Utvikler / driftstekniker

 Trollweb Solutions AS
 - Professional Magento Partner

 Telefon dagtid: +47 51215300
 Telefon kveld/helg: For kunder med Serviceavtale

 Besøksadresse: Luramyrveien 40, 4313 Sandnes
 Postadresse: Maurholen 57, 4316 Sandnes

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 Aoetools-discuss mailing list

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