Eduardo Santos wrote:
Hi Jeff,

Thank you for the answer. I was thiking that such a problem really
exists, and that's why I decided not to touch the source code on this.

It seems to me a bad thing to have a such low limit for file uploads. As
I don't know this implementation, do you think there's any other way we
can increase the file upload limit?

I think someone else was looking at uploading large files last year. The problem they were running into was that unless your link is fast the browser (particularly IE) times out waiting for a response, even though it hasn't finished uploading yet. I would not be surprised if you encounter similar problems.

You (and your users) may find it more pleasant to use a upload tool that automatically breaks the file into multiple parts for uploading, and the server re-combines them after the upload is complete. For example, Plupload appears to support this.

(I've not used plupload, it was just the first hit I got from a search).


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