Re: Cryptic error trying to upgrade

2005-03-07 Thread Joshua Chamas
Craig Eberly wrote:
Excuse me if I sound ignorant here.   Should I be getting this sdbm 
error if I'm only using mysql?  I started thinking about it, and it just 
didn't make sense to me.   Also, I rebuilt mod_perl, using the static 
option, but receive the same errors when accessing my web app.  I copied 
in the example scripts from site/eg in the original package.  When run 
through Apache1, most examples work fine, from Apache2, some work fine, 
some do not, such as the file_upload.asp.

Again, here is  my db connection process in the asp page from my custom 
app and the error I'm getting from apache:

use DBI;
$db = DBI-connect(, username, 

[Thu Mar 03 10:26:01 2005] [error] [client x.x.x.x] sdbm store returned 
-1, errno 25, key 0d4c04148d9cee3194f6dd7ccbcb135f
at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6/ line 161.\n at 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6/ line 161\n\tMLDBM::STO
RE('MLDBM=HASH(0x8700ae4)', '0d4c04148d9cee3194f6dd7ccbcb135f', 
'HASH(0x8700b80)') called at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6/ML
DBM/ line 
If you do not need $Session or $Application, then you can configure:
  PerlSetVar NoState 1
and the SDBM functionality will not be loaded for you to have problems with.
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Re: Cryptic error trying to upgrade

2005-03-01 Thread Francesco Pasqualini
Are you shure that the httpd processes was stopped during the upgrade ?
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