[Assam] Buddha Vihar in Gauhati

2003-10-13 Thread Mani Ratan
Dear Assam Net,

If you visit the www.sentnelassam.com and look at the first page of 13 
October, a very heartening picture will greet you.

The Buddhist Shanti Bahini of CHT (Chattagong Hill Tracts) with the backing 
of India was a very postive development.

Why are the Assamese Buddhists lagging behind in developing such a strategy 
? Do not they realise that the Bddhist is the THIRD largest Religion in the 
world and Assamese need to pick up the trails like the lost tribes of Jews 
have done and given direction to the future of their  land?

Wishing you all peace and wellbeing.


Mani Ratan

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[Assam] only Christian evangilists read Vedas??

2003-10-13 Thread umesh sharma

after yesterday's remark on Rig Veda --I decided to get a copy of the infamous Atharva Veda -- on which all anti dalit and casteist remarks are credited.
I rang up a gent to find the address of Geeta Press , Gorakhpur's main shop here --and travelled to the heart of Pinkcity --Johari Bazaar --and in that too the lane where the maximum gem trade takes place ---the Haldiyon Ka rasta --in the grand and ancient "Bullion building" was this shop ---but they did not have any Vedas!!
I learnt that the most authoritative publisher of Hindu books was not interested in publishing the Vedas .
I learnt that perhaps some body in obscure bareilly is publishing them --and they occupy thousands of pages and cost a lot.
They didn't have what I wanted -- a copy of Atharva Veda --where each line is given in Sanskrit --with its Hindi or English translation ---they didn't have iit --and neither did they no of any respectable source.
If this is the state of Vedas --it is no surprise that anyone can publish anything --including all sorts of anti-Dalit crap --and call it the Hindu law.

The people who can take the greatest advantage of it are the Christian Evangelists --and not surprisingly --their website springs up on an internet search of Veda books --check out their doleful, critical anallysis of Vedas --wherethey are called monotonous and what not!!

The monotony of the Rig-Veda is due not only to the nature of its mythological content, but also to the fact that hymns to the same deity are usually grouped together. Thus, approximately 500 hymns are addressed to two gods alone: Indra, the god of lightning and storms, and Agni, the god of fire



I've purchased a Hindi translation --much abridged --by a publisher better known for publishing cheap hindi thrillers -- and tht at the most well stocked Hindu bbook shop -- why don't these socalled keepers of Hindu faith do something about it --rather than carp about the Ram Temple --- as far as I can make out --Vedic Rishis were never interested in temple worship.


PS --I include some Hindu web links too --just for comparison -- though the Christian one is way ahead in depth of knowldge --howwever biased it may be.Want to chat instantly with your online friends? Get the FREE Yahoo!
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[Assam] [Fwd: hello]Anyone in Switzerland? Or anyone can help with learning Assamese online?

2003-10-13 Thread J Kalita
 Original Message 
Subject: hello
From: shilpanjali deshpande [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, October 13, 2003 9:31 am

hi there,
i am shilpanjali deshpande. am doing my phd in delhi and will be going
to  assam in march. right now i am in switzerland for 6 months. i want
to learn  assamese but unfortunately i have no book with me in
switzerland.. do u know  of any assamese family in switzerland that i
can contact.. or any way that i  can learn assamese online.. i am
desperately looking for an efficient way to  learn assamese as i want to
be able to communiucate with the local people in  assam. if u can help
me i would be grateful. thanks

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[Assam] THANKS

2003-10-13 Thread MR JANG DOO-HWAN
Dear Friend,
My name is JANG DOO-HWAN, The brother of Mr. CHUN
DOO-HWAN, the former President of South Korea who
seized power in a military coup in 1979 and who ruled
from 1979 to 1987. My brother was pushed out of office
and charged with treason, corruption and embezzlement
of over 21 billion won. He was wrongly sentenced to
death but fortunately AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL stepped in
and commuted the sentence to life. We thank God that
he has finally been released though still under house
arrest in the sense of the conditions of his freedom.
During my brother's regime as president of South
Korea, we realized some reasonable amount of money
from various deals that we successfully executed. I
have plans to invest this money for my children’s
future in real estate and industrial production.
Before my brother was overthrown, I secretly
siphoned the sum of $20,000,000.00 Million USD (Twenty
Million United States dollars) out of Seoul and
deposited the money with a Security Firm that
transports valuable goods and consignments through
diplomatic means.
I am contacting you because I want you to deal with
the Security Firm and claim the money on my behalf
since I have declared that the consignment belong to
my Foreign Business Partner. You shall also be
required to assist me in investments in your country.
I hope to trust you as a God fearing person who will
not sit on this money when you claim it, rather you
would assist me properly.
I intend to give you 20% of the total money if you can
assist me claim these from the security company.When I
receive your positive response I will let you know where
the Security Firm is and the Payment Pin Code to claim
the money which is very important. What I need is for you
to indicate your interest that you will assist me by
receiving the money on my behalf in Europe. For this, you
shall be considered to be the beneficiary of the money.
The project in brief, is that the funds with which we intend
to carry out our proposed investments in your country, is
presently in the custody of a Diplomatic Courier Service Company
in Europe.
I cannot do this myself because I am presently living
in a Western European Country and my Status here is
that of a Political Refugee and moreover I do not want
the Government of my Country to know about
the money because they will believe I got the money
from my brother while he was still in office as
President. Once you confirm the receipt of the money,
I would leave where I am presently located and come
over with my Children to your Country to start a new
life with my Family.
As soon as payment is effected, and the amount
mentioned above is successfully transferred into your
account, I intend to use my own share in acquiring
some estates in your country. For this purpose also,
you shall be my project manager for the properties I
hope to acquire in your country and you will be paid
based on a certain percentage agreed upon by both of
For now, let all our communication be by e-mail
because of the nature of this transaction but for more
details on this transaction you can contact my lawyer
(Bar Harry Fenadez) on this tel number 0031-630-674-930.
It is very important you contact him because he will be
the one to represent me in all legal matters to back this
pending transaction since i cannot move at the momemt.
Please send me your Telephone and Fax numbers as it
would be better for me to get to you now by any of
this means. This would be for our better peace of mind
before and after these funds are transferred into your
The reason why it took this long to get to you was
because of the Security Firm's agreement with me which
was that my brother must personally sign the Power of
Attorney that would transfer title to the prospective
beneficiary. It was a long wait but it has now paid
off. His excellency, Chun Doo-Hwan does not want to be
personally involved for security and personal reasons.
Your quick response will be highly appreciated. Thank
you in anticipation of your cooperation.
Yours faithfully,
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Fwd: [Assam] Fwd: FW: Bobby Jindal

2003-10-13 Thread Partha Gogoi
Sonny, Umesh Sharma and the others interested,
  here is an email that came flowing down towards me.Jane, I am not sure how you 
got my email
id(assuming you are in this list!) - maybe you googled your way into the posting on 

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Subject: [Assam] Fwd: FW: Bobby Jindal
 Date: Sat, 4 Oct 2003 11:25:01 -0500
 I hope my email does not intrude on your privacy or offend you.  
 Today is election day in my home state of Louisiana.  I am Louisiana, born and bred. 
  I am
 officially of Cajun/Catholic heritage.  I consider myself Acadian/Spanish as that is 
 the true
 origins of my ancesters.  
 I have supported Bobby Jindal since he first announced his candadicy for governor, 
 not because
 of his religion, of which I knew nothing until I read your postings.  I support him 
 because he
 is brilliant, young and ambitions.  
 I have the priviledge to be a public school educator in Louisiana for 28 years.  
 Politics in
 Louisiana is at best a mixed bag of tricks.  I see Bobby Jendal as a refreshing 
 change to that
 I know the feeling of being ostracized by the fundamentalist Christian community, 
 which is
 against Catholics.  Believe me, I have heard that the only way to salvation is 
 through Christ
 and have been reprimanded when I say that my God would never send victims of the 
 Holocast to
 hell simply because they were Jewish.  My daughter has converted to a 
 non-denominational church
 and has changed some of her views.  She is an adult and is free to do so.  But she 
 recognizes that Bobby Jindal is a refreshing change to the status quo.
 Please do not think that all Christians are fundamentalists; we are not.  I do not 
 support Bobby
 Jindal because he is an Indian/American, I support him because he is highly 
 energetic, and a refreshing change to the old-time politicians.  I hope my candidate 
 will be
 successful because Louisiana needs a fresh approach to its leadership and I think 
 Bobby Jindal
 offer us the best opportunity for a good future.
 Again, I hope I have not intruded on you or offended you.  I read your postings to 
 get a new
 perspective on Bobby Jindal.  My vote has been cast previously to reading you 
 postings.  My mind
 has not changed.  I hope I cast a little insight for you as to what Bobby Jindal 
 could mean to
 my home state.  
 By the way, my ancestors and I have not forgiven the French for selling the 
 Louisiana Territory
 to the Americans 200 years ago.  We are still waiting for an apology.  My Spanish 
 ancestors, who
 were officials in the Spanish government in Louisiana were transferred to other 
 territories.  Traditions die hard here also.
 American by birth, Louisianian by the grace of God.  There is one destination, but 
 many paths. 
 We are free to choose the path of our own.
 Jane S. Hebert

Partha Gogoi
Fairfax, VA

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[Assam] pointer to BRIC report :

2003-10-13 Thread deepjyoti kakati
pointer to the recent report on potential upsurge by BRIC economies in
next few decades

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