> When checking the source files of the Nightly Builds on the Avogadro 
> homepage i saw that for Mac-systems the files are quite up to date while 
> Windows and Linux are far off. Why is that?

The nightly Mac builds aren't really all that much newer than Avogadro v1.1.0. 
But basically, there are Mac nightly builds because I set up a build-bot on my 
desktop. No one has stepped forward to do the same for Linux or Windows.

> I don't know if you were adding some new cool features since then but if 
> possible i would really like to install the newest version for my Ubuntu 
> Linux System. Would it be possible to supply a .deb file maybe?

There is a debichem group:

I think Daniel Liedert was working on an Avogadro v1.1 .deb, but it's best to 

Hope that helps,
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