[monochrom] Special Edition

2008-11-13 Diskussionsfäden Oliver Cosmus

Heute schon lesbar: Die New York Times vom 04.07.2009


Re: [monochrom] Obama and the Left

2008-11-13 Diskussionsfäden Stefan Lutschinger

Hier noch ein gutes Dossier:

[monochrom] Obama and the Left

2008-11-13 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Obama's election victory last week was generally greeted with warmth 
and a healthy degree of scepticism by those on, or leaning towards, 
the left. Of course, almost everybody felt a degree of Schadenfreude 
at the defeat of the McCain-Palin ticket. The extent of the 'Change' 
that can reasonably be expected from an Obama presidency, however, 
remains open for debate.


Posted By johannes to 
at 11/13/2008 02:13:00 PM  

[monochrom] Googorama / Update

2008-11-13 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

I just got a nice email by Roberto Winter/Googorama.
Hi there Johannes,

You probably don't remember, but a very long time ago you posted this 
on monochrom:

that, eventually, led to this:
and finally ended up being insightfully developed by an art critic 
and curator from Brazil (Tadeu Chiarelli).

He gave a speech a while ago that centered on googorama, but 
discussed other aspects of contemporary arts' production related to 
digital, net.art, photography and so on. I have just translated his 
speech to english and I feel almost obliged to have it get back to 
you, since you sort of started the whole process, you can find a PDF 
of the translation here:

(I've also posted it back to Rhizome: 
http://rhizome.org/discuss/view/26641http://rhizome.org/discuss/view/26641 )

I feel this is especially relevant to you since monochrom is cited 
directly, and also because Chiarelli implies how important these 
means of communication are for understanding the unfolding of 
contemporary arts' (hi)story and production.

Well, hope you have the time to read and enjoy it.


Posted By johannes to 
at 11/13/2008 02:06:00 PM  

[monochrom] Longitude forged: An eighteenth-century hoax

2008-11-13 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

How an eighteenth-century hoax has taken in Dava Sobel and other historians.
Most people know something of the events in 1714 
when the British government instituted a prize 
for the discovery of a successful way to find 
longitude at sea. The aim was to reduce the heavy 
toll of shipwrecks caused by the crude 
navigational method of dead reckoning. Dava Sobel 
gave new life to this episode in her bestselling 
book, Longitude: The true story of a lone genius 
who solved the greatest scientific problem of his 
time (1995), which inspired the widely viewed 
television programme Lost at Sea (aired in 1998). 
After these came a feature film directed by 
Charles Sturridge in 1999, starring Michael 
Gambon and Jeremy Irons. All these versions place 
at their centre the heroic figure of John 
Harrison and his struggles to perfect a clock 
which would finally carry off the prize of 
£20,000. Meanwhile, an early rival who figures in 
the tale has gone down in history as another 
projector from Yorkshire, named Jeremy Thacker. 
Unfortunately Thacker never existed and his proposal now emerges as a hoax.


Posted By johannes to 
at 11/13/2008 02:16:00 PM  

[monochrom] Cassini Finds Mysterious New Aurora On Saturn

2008-11-13 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Saturn has its own unique brand of aurora that lights up the polar 
cap, unlike any other planetary aurora known in our solar system. 
This odd aurora revealed itself to one of the infrared instruments on 
NASA's Cassini spacecraft.


Posted By johannes to 
at 11/13/2008 02:09:00 PM  

[monochrom] US-Labelpräsident fordert Bailout für die Musikindustr ie

2008-11-13 Diskussionsfäden Rainer Fuegenstein
Mit 25 Milliarden Dollar soll eine 9 Milliarden Dollar schwere Branche
gerettet werden


es ist grotesk ...

[monochrom] wien modern elektrophiliale III - final night

2008-11-13 Diskussionsfäden Christian Schaedel
Duo 505 live - Bernhard Fleischmann, Herbert Weixlbaum 

Villaog live- Michi Duscher (guit), Marc Muncke (programming, synths  
el.drums), B. Fleischmann (drums), Teppei Ozawa (voc) 

DJ Florian Obkircher - TNT Jackson (http://www.tntjackson.net/)

DJ Violetta Parisini

DJ chez del

Visuals: Alphaville DVD-choice (Dark Star - John Carpenter)

Eintritt frei.

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gumpendorferstraße 10 - 12, 1060 wien, rauchfrei since 2007
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tel +43.1.5810489 uid: ATU 58087206

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täglich im foyer des gartenbaukinos, nicht rauchfrei since 1961
während der viennale: alphaphil filmkiosk deluxe
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neu: geschnatter auf www.twitter.com/philinfo