[monochrom] Anarcho-Transhumanism and Hacking the Spaces

2009-05-19 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
features our pamphlet 
http://www.monochrom.at/hacking-the-spacesHacking the Spaces and 
posts a couple of suggestions:
This is just the start, of course. I'd also suggest that efforts be 
made to develop more radical hacktivist projects, particularly 
aligned towards ongoing social struggles. What if an Anonymous-style 
movement went after the Minutemen and nativist anti-immigration 
groups rather than the Church of Scientology? Hacklabs should also be 
connecting to these ongoing social movements and offering their 
technical expertise and support. Imagine if a worker-occupied factory 
was able to continue production under worker control thanks to the 
adoption of reprap machines or other open source 3D printers, 
facilitaed by hacktivists? What if DIY robot hackers assembled fleets 
of drones to aid in Copwatch programs, using sousveillance to keep 
abuses of authority in line? Even better, what if these hackerspace 
users took their politics back to the labs, factories, and offices in 
which they work, enabling a new movement of radicalized scientists 
and techies to counter the corporate uses and abuses of their 
research and intellectual labor? What are we waiting for?


Posted By johannes to 
at 5/19/2009 06:22:00 PM  

[monochrom] google employees

2009-05-19 Diskussionsfäden Rainer Fuegenstein

Der Suchmaschinen-Spezialist Google will einer drohenden Abwanderung
wichtiger Mitarbeiter zuvorkommen – mit Hilfe einer speziellen Software.
Das Unternehmen sammle derzeit Daten von Mitarbeitern wie Ausbildungsstand
und Gehaltsentwicklung, berichtet das Wall Street Journal heute. Mit
einem speziellen Algorithmus solle aus der Datenmenge ermittelt werden,
welche der 20.000 Mitarbeiter sich zum Beispiel unterfordert fühlen
könnten und deshalb möglicherweise offen für neue Herausforderungen
sind. Der Algoritmus helfe Google über Wechselwillige Bescheid zu wissen,
bevor die Betroffenen selbst wüssten, dass sie wechseln wollen, zitiert
die Zeitung Googles Personalchef Laszlo Bock.

wieso fällt mir da jetzt das department for pre-crime ein ?

nach web, earth, books und streets nun auch noch die eigenen
mitarbeiter ...

[monochrom] What We Think We Know Of Fairy Tales Is A Fairy Tale, Too

2009-05-19 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
In the scholarly debate about the origins of fairy tales, the latest 
clash [is] over a new claim that, far from being passed down through 
an oral tradition, fairy tales actually have their history in print. 
Stony Brook University professor Ruth B. Bottigheimer argues that 
folk invention and transmission of fairy tales has no basis in 
verifiable fact.


Posted By johannes to 
at 5/19/2009 06:34:00 PM  

[monochrom] You can now buy low calorie water.

2009-05-19 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Bio-synergy Skinny Water, is the first in the world to be fortified 
with l-carnitine and chromium. A low-calorie water, enhanced with a 
unique combination of ingredients to help support healthy weight loss.


Posted By johannes to 
at 5/19/2009 06:36:00 PM  

[monochrom] The Case of the Missing H-Bomb

2009-05-19 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
This essay is featured in Jeffrey St. Clair's forthcoming book, Loose 
Nukes published by Count Zero Press.
Things go missing. It's to be expected. Even at the Pentagon. Last 
October, the Pentagon's inspector general reported that the 
military's accountants had misplaced a destroyer, several tanks and 
armored personnel carriers, hundreds of machine guns, rounds of ammo, 
grenade launchers and some surface-to-air missiles. In all, nearly $8 
billion in weapons were AWOL.

Those anomalies are bad enough. But what's truly chilling is the fact 
that the Pentagon has lost track of the mother of all weapons, a 
hydrogen bomb. The thermonuclear weapon, designed to incinerate 
Moscow, has been sitting somewhere off the coast of Savannah, Georgia 
for the past 40 years. The Air Force has gone to greater lengths to 
conceal the mishap than to locate the bomb and secure it.


Posted By johannes to 
at 5/19/2009 07:00:00 PM  

[monochrom] ships: google earth API game

2009-05-19 Diskussionsfäden Franz Ablinger
You have google earth installed?
Try to click here: http://ships.planetinaction.com/
(don't forget to read the keyboard shortcuts)

It's ships, a great example what one can do with the
google earth API. The game uses google earth as a game
rendering engine.

