[monochrom] happy birthday, net!

2009-09-02 Diskussionsfäden Franz Ablinger
"At the time, it would have been hard to predict which of these events 40 years 
ago would prove to 
be most momentous:

- Humans step out of a spaceship and walk on the moon. 
- The Woodstock concert becomes a seminal cultural moment for the baby-boomer 
- A New York City police raid leads to the Stonewall riots and modern 
gay-rights movement. 
- A handful of engineers at UCLA send some data from one computer to another.

You may disagree, but in my opinion, it's the last of the list: four decades 
ago today, the 
Internet was born."


[monochrom] Global government. by M$.

2009-09-02 Diskussionsfäden Franz Ablinger
Especially in the german speaking parts of the world we are quite aware of any 
attempts to rule the 
world. So I am not amused when I read a statement by Microsoft Vice Horacio 
Gutierrez that a global 
patent system would be necessary - and is in reach. 
Please think of the historic reasons for patents: They were needed for 
publishers to bridge the gap 
between production and delivery, as logistics was quite slow in former times. 
So patents in our 
time should not last longer then 300 milliseconds - the minimum time to deliver 
a product to all 
parts of the world.
I am also really pissed that a message like this is posted on Sept 1, 2009 - as 
this date has some 
historic connections and is relevant to the whole world. Who do you think you 
are? A small pet shop 
owner on the west coast?



[monochrom] Wow... High-Speed Robot Hand

2009-09-02 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette


Posted By johannes to 
at 9/02/2009 07:57:00 PM  

[monochrom] heute mitternacht: grenzfurthner und gratzer live, der computer und die popmusik

2009-09-02 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
heute wird das monochrom'sche duo grenzfurthner 
und gratzer der alten frage nach computer und 
populärer musik nachgehen. basierend auf dem 
der für den 24c3 in berlin geschrieben wurde, 
werden wir heute (2. September 2009) um 
mitternacht eine radiosendung auf fm4 füllen.

[monochrom] Tarantino's Top 20 Movies Since 1992

2009-09-02 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette


Posted By johannes to 
at 9/02/2009 11:54:00 AM  

[monochrom] The rise of European Bobo politics

2009-09-02 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Cohn-Bendit's Europe Ecologie victory in France emboldens the Green 
right across Europe but does it also mean the death of traditional 
green principles?
The success of Europe Ecologie in France and moderate advances 
elsewhere in the June European elections have emboldened the green 
right but disaster in Ireland, where the party was wiped out - and to 
a lesser extent in the Czech Republic - shows what happens when they 
abandon their principles for a shot at the big league.

Since the France's Europe Ecologie triumph in the European elections, 
the European media have been talking of a Green wave across the 
continent, with leading member Daniel Cohn-Bendit's gurning visage 
nigh on inescapable.

But the effervescent Cohn-Bendit has every right to be in an 
especially jolly mood - the result was indeed truly spectacular. It 
saw them soaring from the 7.45 per cent of the French vote in the 
2004 EU elections and their embarrassing 1.57 per cent in the 2007 
presidential elections.

Cohn-Bendit christened the night 'the D-Day of ecological politics', 
leftwing daily Liberation called the result an 'earthquake' and 
saluted the victory of Cohn-Bendit's green dream team alliance - 
bringing together the former soixante-huitard with, among others, 
alter-globalisation's most famous farmer, Jose Bove. As well as 
crusading anti-corruption judge Eva Joly and the ex-chief of 
Greenpeace France, Yannick Jadot. Meanwhile, the Socialists abjectly 
conceded that the Greens had tapped into something profound among 
French voters that their own party had entirely missed.


Posted By johannes to 
at 9/02/2009 11:50:00 AM  

[monochrom] AI is the science of illusion

2009-09-02 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Interview with Robotics expert Noel Sharkey.
You describe AI as the science of illusion.

It is my contention that AI, and particularly robotics, exploits 
natural human zoomorphism. We want robots to appear like humans or 
animals, and this is assisted by cultural myths about AI and a 
willing suspension of disbelief. The old automata makers, going back 
as far as Hero of Alexandria, who made the first programmable robot 
in AD 60, saw their work as part of natural magic - the use of trick 
and illusion to make us believe their machines were alive. Modern 
robotics preserves this tradition with machines that can recognise 
emotion and manipulate silicone faces to show empathy. There are AI 
language programs that search databases to find conversationally 
appropriate sentences. If AI workers would accept the trickster role 
and be honest about it, we might progress a lot quicker.


Posted By johannes to 
at 9/02/2009 11:49:00 AM  

[monochrom] The Memory That Will Not Die: Exhuming the Spanish Civil War

2009-09-02 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Last September Spain's homegrown "super-judge" 
Baltasar Garzón—best-known for his dramatic 1998 
effort to arrest the late Chiilean dictator 
Augusto Pinochet in London— announced that he was 
investigating not only the whereabouts of the 
remains of the "disappeared" of the Spanish Civil 
War (1936-1939), but also the huge numbers of 
defeated Republicans executed by General 
Francisco Franco in the grim postwar years. His 
goal was to try to amass enough evidence to 
charge Franco's regime posthumously with crimes 
against humanity. Could it be that, after so 
long, "help" and "pardon" were finally coming to 
the descendants of those who died defending the Spanish Republic?

According to the great Hispanist Hugh Thomas, the 
three-year Civil War claimed the lives of 365,000 
Spaniards, a toll that includes both those loyal 
to the fascist rebel Franco and those who opposed 
him. Some historians put the figure higher. Both 
sides carried out brutal executions, the bodies 
of victims often ending up in unmarked mass graves.

When the Civil War ended in 1939, the victorious 
Franco regime executed an additional one hundred 
thousand-plus Republican prisoners, many of whose 
corpses were flung into yet more mass-burial 
pits. These unmarked mounds, visited stealthily 
by the families of the "defeated" during the 
dictatorship, are scattered the length and breadth of Spain.


Posted By johannes to 
at 9/02/2009 11:45:00 AM  

Re: [monochrom] die apokalypse...

2009-09-02 Diskussionsfäden Rainer Fuegenstein
echt arg ! wo ist da die FPÖ, wenn man sie mal wirklich braucht ? wo 
bleibt  die fekter ?!

einbrechende bäume ! einbrechende autos !

das waren sicher kriminelle, arbeitscheue ausländer ! ostblockbanden ! 
weg damit, sofort in schubhaft und ab nach hause !

ps: :-)