[monochrom] Why Surprises Temporarily Blind Us

2010-03-16 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Reading this story requires you to willfully pay 
attention to the sentences and to tune out nearby 
conversations, the radio and other distractions. 
But if a fire alarm sounded, your attention would 
be involuntarily snatched away from the story to the blaring sound.

New research from Vanderbilt University reveals 
for the first time how our brains coordinate 
these two types of attention and why we may be 
temporarily blinded by surprises.

The research was published March 7, 2010, in Nature Neuroscience.

The simple example of having your reading 
interrupted by a fire alarm illustrates a 
fundamental aspect of attention: what ultimately 
reaches our awareness and guides our behavior 
depends on the interaction between goal-directed 
and stimulus-driven attention. For coherent 
behavior to emerge, you need these two forms of 
attention to be coordinated, René Marois, 
associate professor of psychology and co-author 
of the new study, said. We found a brain area, 
the inferior frontal junction, that may play a 
primary role in coordinating these two forms of 

Posted By johannes to 
at 3/16/2010 08:59:00 AM  

[monochrom] Lehman Brothers Scandal Rocks the Fed

2010-03-16 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
After a year-long investigation, court-appointed bank examiner Anton 
Valukas has produced a deadly 2,200 page report which details the 
activities that led to the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy. The report is 
a keg of dynamite. The question now is whether anyone in government 
has the nerve to light the fuse. Valukas provides powerful evidence 
that Lehman executives were involved in balance sheet manipulation 
by implementing an arcane accounting procedure called Repo 105 
which masked the bank's true financial condition from investors and regulators.

According to Valukas, Lehman was Unable to find a United States law 
firm that would provide it with an opinion letter permitting the true 
sale accounting treatment using Repo 105. So, Lehman executives went 
outside of the country in an effort to enlist the support of a London 
law firm that would approve the procedure.

It is impossible to overstate the significance of Valugas's findings. 
The report exposes the opaque but central role of the repo market 
which provides essential short-term loans for financial institutions. 
(Lehman used repos to conceal the full extent of its collapse, by 
dint of the amount of leverage it was using, meaning the pitiful 
asset anchor tethered to a vast zeppelin of debt) More importantly, 
it shows the cozy and, very probably criminal relationship between 
the country's main regulatory bodies and the Wall Street behemoths. 
The activities of the New York Fed (NYFRB), which at the time was 
headed by Timothy Geithner, is particularly suspect in this regard. 
The report should trigger an immediate Congressional investigation, 
probing the whole affair and most importantly the role of the Fed. 

Posted By johannes to 
at 3/16/2010 09:06:00 AM  

[monochrom] A weapons system that tracks mosquitoes? Huh?

2010-03-16 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Doesn't Nathan Myhrvold get enough attention? The 
guy is the former chief technology officer of 
Microsoft, a multimillionaire, a gourmet chef, a 
prize-winning photographer and keeper of multiple 
higher degrees from prestigious institutions. As 
the CEO and founder of Intellectual Ventures, a 
private outfit that invests in pure inventions, 
he frequently finds himself in the news.

And yet, at the annual techno-hip TED conference 
in February, Myhrvold decided to up the ante, 
tapping into the misery of millions of rural 
African women and their families to wrap his 
business in a cloak of moral urgency. Every 43 
seconds a child dies of malaria, he told the 
crowd. And current anti-malaria interventions, 
many of which target the rural African women and 
children who are malaria's main victims, don't 
work that well, he said. Insecticides can be 
environmentally dangerous and some people use 
anti-mosquito bednets to catch fish instead.

That's why Myhrvold came up with his latest 
invention: A mini-Star Wars weapons system that 
tracks mosquitoes in the air and shoots them down 
mid-flight–with lasers, of course. Like a Death 
Ray. All you need to make one is a Blu-ray player 
and a laser printer, plus a few months of 
processing time on a supercomputer, and voila!: 
you're on your way to eradicating malaria in Africa for good.

Oh. My.


Posted By johannes to 
at 3/16/2010 09:10:00 AM  

[monochrom] lord jim lodge auf facebook

2010-03-16 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette


[monochrom] div.

2010-03-16 Diskussionsfäden Rainer Fuegenstein
Das unwerte Hartz IV-Leben

Soziologieprofessor Gunnar Heinsohn will die Unterschicht finanziell
austrocknen, weil die zu viele gesellschaftlich wertlose Kinder in die Welt 

Geschlecht: unbestimmt

Der australische Bundesstaat New South Wales hat erstmals einen
Menschen offiziell als Neutrum anerkannt: Ende der Dualität von Mann und Frau? 

 Rainer Fuegenstein  r...@kaneda.iguw.tuwien.ac.at
Der Mensch ist die Krone der Schöpfung.
Der Österreicher ist die Schöpfung der Krone.