[monochrom] Yuri's Night 2010 - zum Nachlesen

2010-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Maria Pflug

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[monochrom] Boobquakes

2010-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Rainer Fuegenstein
Prediger erklärte Erdbeben
Der iranische Prediger Kasem Sedighi hatte vergangene
Woche erklärt, dass viele Frauen, die sich nicht gemäß
islamischem Recht kleiden, junge Menschen auf Abwege
führen und zum Anstieg sittenwidriger sexueller
Beziehungen führten. Das wiederum löse Erdbeben aus.


 Rainer Fuegenstein  r...@kaneda.iguw.tuwien.ac.at
Der Mensch ist die Krone der Schöpfung.
Der Österreicher ist die Schöpfung der Krone.

Re: [monochrom] Boobquakes or who was Jesus

2010-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Andras Vasaros
Meine erste Reaktion auf diese Meldung war: ich sauf kein Bier mehr,
sonst könnte man mich für die biblische Sintflut verantwortlich machen...

Aber Spass bei Seite, in der unmittelbarer Nachbarschaft findet man
etwas schöneres. Und das ganze nicht von einem Alzheimer-verdächtigtem
Prediger, sondern von einer Partei, die Seit den Wahlen 2010 in den
nächsten vier Jahren mit insgesamt 47 Mandaten (12,18 %) die
drittstärkste Partei
(http://www.valasztas.hu/en/parval2010/298/298_0_index.html) im
ungarischen Parlament ist...

Also, laut Jobbik:
Ad 1 - ist Jesus ist ein Ungar
Ad 2 - das schiefe Kreuz auf der Stephanskrone diene in Wahrheit als
Antenne zum Empfang göttlicher Botschaften

Siehe z.B.: http://www.falter.at/web/print/detail.php?id=1134

Unter diesem Blickwinkel scheint mir die FPÖ eine links-liberale Partei
zu sein. Einstein hat es zwar nie gesagt, aber alles ist relativ.


On 04/27/2010 12:32 PM, Rainer Fuegenstein wrote:
 Prediger erklärte Erdbeben
 Der iranische Prediger Kasem Sedighi hatte vergangene
 Woche erklärt, dass viele Frauen, die sich nicht gemäß
 islamischem Recht kleiden, junge Menschen auf Abwege
 führen und zum Anstieg sittenwidriger sexueller
 Beziehungen führten. Das wiederum löse Erdbeben aus.


  Rainer Fuegenstein  r...@kaneda.iguw.tuwien.ac.at
 Der Mensch ist die Krone der Schöpfung.
 Der Österreicher ist die Schöpfung der Krone.


[monochrom] monochrom @ ROFLcon II / Schedule

2010-04-27 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Two monochrom appearances at http://roflcon.org/ROFLcon II!

The Good, The Bad, and The Awkward
Friday, April 30: 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm in Room 26-100

With Mike Bender (Awkward Family Photos), Jonathan Standefer 
(Lamebook), Helen Killer (Regretsy), Douglas Chernack (Awkward Family 
Photos), Brad O'Farrell (Play 'em off Keyboard Cat).

Johannes Grenzfurthner (monochrom) [Moderator]

While we didn't bring Goatse (sorry/you're welcome about that), 
ROFLCon would be remiss to not spend a moment talking about the 
awkward on the web. Bringing together some of the folks that have 
done the most to commentate and celebrate that unique kind of fail on 
the web in the recent year, this panel examines the role that awkward 
things play on the web culture.


monochrom: let's network it out
Saturday, May 1: 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm in Room 56-180

monochrom is a worldwide operating collective dealing with 
technology, art, philosophy, and crap. Chances are high you've seen 
one of their projects on the net and didn't even know they created 
it. Among their projects, monochrom has released a leftist 
retro-gaming project, eaten sausages made from their own blood, 
invented Massive Multiplayer Thumb-Wrestling, buried people alive, 
and cracked the hierarchies of the art system with the Thomann 
Project. Johannes Grenzfurthner will give a brief introduction in the 
world of monochrom, context hacking and the powerless powers of 
guerrilla communication.


Posted By johannes to 
at 4/27/2010 05:39:00 PM  

[monochrom] monochrom's Climate Training Camp @ DORM / Sligo, Ireland

2010-04-27 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Gear up for the future: with our DIY climate booths!

Climate change tends to be seen as the result of failed politics. But 
the causes lay deeper: certain subjects of an economy act against 
each other's interests in international as well as in terms of the 
nation state. It's always the fault of the others who want to eat 
twice a day, as German chancellorette Angela Merkel rightfully stated.

'Climate machines' like portable heaters for example enabled humanity 
to adapt to any climate in the 19th century, creating 
'climate-independent artificial man' (Friedrich Nietzsche). But the 
climatic challenges of the 21st century want to be tackled with a new 
generation of climate machines: adjusting the climate to man's needs 
is no longer the aim, it has to be the other way around.

In a workshop and with lectures the art group monochrom wants to 
convey the knowledge required to build climate booths enabling you to 
train your personal adaptability to the extreme weather conditions of 
the future, today. Success in your job and with your choice of sexual 
partners is guaranteed! On top of that you have the opportunity to 
get a whiff of tomorrow's climate in our climate booths 'sand storm' 
and 'snow storm', and to gain precious experience. There's a lot to 
endure, let's get started.

Next training:
The Model, The Mall, Sligo, Ireland
Opening: May 1, 2010. Exhibition and tours between May 2 and July 4.


Posted By johannes to 
at 4/27/2010 05:50:00 PM  

[monochrom] The Floppy is Dead

2010-04-27 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Sony's decision to end 3.5-inch disk production is just another 
signal that local storage media and platforms cannot be trusted with 
your precious data.

The history of data storage and backup is littered with the corpses 
of dead formats. Seven years ago I wrote about the beginning of the 
end of 3.5-inch floppy disks. At the time, it was still a popular 
portable storage medium, and I was derided as a heretic. Now, Sony 
has finally decided to stop making 3.5-inch floppy disks, which 
pretty much marks the end of the format.

It's worth noting the demise of any popular format because it has a 
ripple effect on the technology world. In 2003, when Dell decided to 
stop putting 3.5-inch floppy drives in its computers, we were already 
seeing the proliferation and use of USB drives. Back then, they had 
capacities that, while many times greater than the best floppy disk, 
were still miles away from where they are now (these days, it's not 
unusual to carry around a 4-GB USB drive).


Posted By johannes to 
at 4/27/2010 06:07:00 PM  

Re: [monochrom] The Floppy is Dead

2010-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Michael Horak
die Prophezeiung des Endes ist evtl noch sehr verfrüht - Verbatim verkauft in 
Europa nach wie vor zwischen 1-2Mio Stk (besonders in den alten Soviet-Staaten, 
vermutlich ein weiterer Hauptabnehmer: Unterzögersdorf). Aber ja: lange wird 
das Medium nichts mehr am Leben erhalten.


Michael Horak

On 27 Apr 2010, at 18:13, das ende der nahrungskette wrote:

 Sony's decision to end 3.5-inch disk production is just another signal that 
 local storage media and platforms cannot be trusted with your precious data.
 The history of data storage and backup is littered with the corpses of dead 
 formats. Seven years ago I wrote about the beginning of the end of 3.5-inch 
 floppy disks. At the time, it was still a popular portable storage medium, 
 and I was derided as a heretic. Now, Sony has finally decided to stop making 
 3.5-inch floppy disks, which pretty much marks the end of the format.
 It's worth noting the demise of any popular format because it has a ripple 
 effect on the technology world. In 2003, when Dell decided to stop putting 
 3.5-inch floppy drives in its computers, we were already seeing the 
 proliferation and use of USB drives. Back then, they had capacities that, 
 while many times greater than the best floppy disk, were still miles away 
 from where they are now (these days, it's not unusual to carry around a 4-GB 
 USB drive).
 Posted By johannes to monochrom at 4/27/2010 06:07:00 PM