RE: [balita-anda] [maaf] Feces hijau

2005-11-15 Terurut Topik diah
Mau ikutan dong,
Anakku juga udah beberapa minggu ini fesesnya hijau, aku tadinya ngga
bingung karena aku pikir apa karena pengaruh makanan. Tapi karena baca
postingan ini jadi ikut bingung deh. 
Anakku sekarang dah 7,5 bulan udah aku kasih makan bubur instant 3 x
sehari. Terus susunya pro***, lanjutannya S26. minta infonya dong selain
diliat dari warna dan bau, ada lagi ngga indicator lainnya. Sebelum aku
bawa dia ke dokter biasanya moms and dad kan jagonya tuh. 


-Original Message-
From: Laksmi Juwita [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2005 9:05 AM
Subject: Re: [balita-anda] [maaf] Feces hijau

ooo gara2 susu ya... oke deh... thx infonya bu rianita...

On 11/14/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Dear mbak Laksmi,

 Anak saya, Rafa, sekarang usia nya 5 bulan, waktu baru lahir sampe
 2 bulanan juga faeces nya warna hijau dan berbau, terus saya ke
 beliau suruh ganti susu, akhir nya saya kasih susu soya, sebelumnya
 BMT dan ASI, coba tanya dokter nya deh...mudah2 an cocok dengan soya

 Subject: [balita-anda] [maaf] Feces hijau
 11/13/2005 03:52
 Please respond
 to balita-anda

 Dear moms  dads...
 Setelah 6 hari gak BAB, akhirnya Auliya BAB juga Sehari sampai 3
 Warnanya seperti biasa, kuning. Tapi pagi hari ini, BABnya warnanya
 Ini normal gak ya? Kalau nggak, apa sebabnya dan harus diapakan ya?
 Thx b4...

 Mamanya Auliya

 Laksmi Juwita

 Kirim bunga,
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 Stop berlangganan/unsubscribe dari milis ini, e-mail ke:
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Laksmi Juwita

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RE: [balita-anda] [maaf] Feces hijau

2005-11-15 Terurut Topik alfa yanuarni
saya punya artikel mengenai feces...smoga bermanfaat

-Original Message-
From: diah [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2005 3:05 PM
Subject: RE: [balita-anda] [maaf] Feces hijau

Mau ikutan dong,
Anakku juga udah beberapa minggu ini fesesnya hijau, aku tadinya ngga
bingung karena aku pikir apa karena pengaruh makanan. Tapi karena baca
postingan ini jadi ikut bingung deh. 
Anakku sekarang dah 7,5 bulan udah aku kasih makan bubur instant 3 x
sehari. Terus susunya pro***, lanjutannya S26. minta infonya dong selain
diliat dari warna dan bau, ada lagi ngga indicator lainnya. Sebelum aku
bawa dia ke dokter biasanya moms and dad kan jagonya tuh. 


-Original Message-
From: Laksmi Juwita [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2005 9:05 AM
Subject: Re: [balita-anda] [maaf] Feces hijau

ooo gara2 susu ya... oke deh... thx infonya bu rianita...

On 11/14/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Dear mbak Laksmi,

 Anak saya, Rafa, sekarang usia nya 5 bulan, waktu baru lahir sampe
 2 bulanan juga faeces nya warna hijau dan berbau, terus saya ke
 beliau suruh ganti susu, akhir nya saya kasih susu soya, sebelumnya
 BMT dan ASI, coba tanya dokter nya deh...mudah2 an cocok dengan soya

 Subject: [balita-anda] [maaf] Feces hijau
 11/13/2005 03:52
 Please respond
 to balita-anda

 Dear moms  dads...
 Setelah 6 hari gak BAB, akhirnya Auliya BAB juga Sehari sampai 3
 Warnanya seperti biasa, kuning. Tapi pagi hari ini, BABnya warnanya
 Ini normal gak ya? Kalau nggak, apa sebabnya dan harus diapakan ya?
 Thx b4...

 Mamanya Auliya

 Laksmi Juwita

 Kirim bunga,
 Info balita:
 Stop berlangganan/unsubscribe dari milis ini, e-mail ke:
 Peraturan milis, email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Laksmi Juwita

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RE: [balita-anda] [maaf] Feces hijau

2005-11-15 Terurut Topik Stevani Natalia
saya mao donk mba, artikelnya.soalnya anak saya pernah faces hijau, cuman
waktu itu,saya tanya mama saya, kata nya emang kadang2 anak kecil biasa
kayak gitu.tapi bole donk mba saya minta artikelnya.

mami sharen n dharen

 saya punya artikel mengenai feces...smoga bermanfaat

 -Original Message-
 From: diah [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2005 3:05 PM
 Subject: RE: [balita-anda] [maaf] Feces hijau

 Mau ikutan dong,
 Anakku juga udah beberapa minggu ini fesesnya hijau, aku tadinya ngga
 bingung karena aku pikir apa karena pengaruh makanan. Tapi karena baca
 postingan ini jadi ikut bingung deh.
 Anakku sekarang dah 7,5 bulan udah aku kasih makan bubur instant 3 x
 sehari. Terus susunya pro***, lanjutannya S26. minta infonya dong selain
 diliat dari warna dan bau, ada lagi ngga indicator lainnya. Sebelum aku
 bawa dia ke dokter biasanya moms and dad kan jagonya tuh.


 -Original Message-
 From: Laksmi Juwita [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2005 9:05 AM
 Subject: Re: [balita-anda] [maaf] Feces hijau

 ooo gara2 susu ya... oke deh... thx infonya bu rianita...

 On 11/14/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Dear mbak Laksmi,

 Anak saya, Rafa, sekarang usia nya 5 bulan, waktu baru lahir sampe
 2 bulanan juga faeces nya warna hijau dan berbau, terus saya ke
 beliau suruh ganti susu, akhir nya saya kasih susu soya, sebelumnya
 BMT dan ASI, coba tanya dokter nya deh...mudah2 an cocok dengan soya

 Subject: [balita-anda] [maaf] Feces hijau
 11/13/2005 03:52
 Please respond
 to balita-anda

 Dear moms  dads...
 Setelah 6 hari gak BAB, akhirnya Auliya BAB juga Sehari sampai 3
 Warnanya seperti biasa, kuning. Tapi pagi hari ini, BABnya warnanya
 Ini normal gak ya? Kalau nggak, apa sebabnya dan harus diapakan ya?
 Thx b4...

 Mamanya Auliya

 Laksmi Juwita

 === Kirim bunga,
 Info balita:
 Stop berlangganan/unsubscribe dari milis ini, e-mail ke:
 Peraturan milis, email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Laksmi Juwita

 ===Kirim bunga,
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Re: [balita-anda] [maaf] Feces hijau

2005-11-14 Terurut Topik Laksmi Juwita
ooo gara2 susu ya... oke deh... thx infonya bu rianita...

On 11/14/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Dear mbak Laksmi,

 Anak saya, Rafa, sekarang usia nya 5 bulan, waktu baru lahir sampe sekitar
 2 bulanan juga faeces nya warna hijau dan berbau, terus saya ke dokter,
 beliau suruh ganti susu, akhir nya saya kasih susu soya, sebelumnya minum
 BMT dan ASI, coba tanya dokter nya deh...mudah2 an cocok dengan soya

 Subject: [balita-anda] [maaf] Feces hijau
 11/13/2005 03:52
 Please respond
 to balita-anda

 Dear moms  dads...
 Setelah 6 hari gak BAB, akhirnya Auliya BAB juga Sehari sampai 3 kali.
 Warnanya seperti biasa, kuning. Tapi pagi hari ini, BABnya warnanya hijau.
 Ini normal gak ya? Kalau nggak, apa sebabnya dan harus diapakan ya?
 Thx b4...

 Mamanya Auliya

 Laksmi Juwita

 Kirim bunga,
 Info balita:
 Stop berlangganan/unsubscribe dari milis ini, e-mail ke:
 Peraturan milis, email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Laksmi Juwita

Re: [balita-anda] [maaf] Feces hijau

2005-11-14 Terurut Topik Luluk Lely Soraya I
 of great proportions.

Black stools often accompanied by constipation
This is the result of iron supplementation. Iron fortified infant foods and
infant vitamins can cause constipation. A healthy breastfed baby does not
need iron supplementation. The iron in breastmilk is much more bioavailable
than any other form.

Red streaked stools
This usually comes from bleeding in the lower intestine or rectum.  Most
often it is caused by rectal fissures which are tiny cuts around the
circumference of the anus.  This can be a reaction to dairy in mom's diet.
Elimination of all dairy is the first line of defense in this situation.  I
have seen countless babies who had blood in their poop which resolved when
mom stopped all dairy products and returned with even a small amount of milk
or cheese.  Other dietary changes may be needed for breastfeeding moms.
Formula fed babies lose blood from the lower intestine when they drink cow
milk formula and some have the same losses on soy formula.  Occasionally,
this micro-hemorrhaging can become visible as blood streaking on the
surface of the stool.  Persistent or increasing blood in the stool or blood
mixed with mucus (described as currant jelly stool in the texts) requires
an immediate call to your doctor.

Green, frothy stools
This can be a result of a hindmilk/foremilk imbalance. A true imbalance is
rare. It is often seen accompanying a forceful letdown. Lactation
consultants will help moms find a nursing pattern which works to combat this
problem.  If letdown it too forceful in the early weeks, the solution can be
to allow milk to leak into a cloth diaper during letdown, then latch baby
back on.  Feeding two to three times off the same side may also show
improvement. Caution should be used with same side feeding as it can
decrease supply.

Green, mucousy stool
This can be a result of a virus. Often the only sign we see of a virus is in
the green stool. This is evidence of malabsorption in the intestines. Watch
for how many days and with what consistency it is occurring. With a virus,
it will run its course over a few days and begin to improve.

Another cause of malabsorption in the intestines can be teething. The
profuse saliva of a teething baby can cause irritation in the intestines
interfering with proper absorption.  When babies teethe, we can see lots of
drooling.  Large quantities of saliva is swallowed which can irritate the
intestines causing runny, acidic stools. This can also cause a rash in the
diaper area.

There is something important to point out regarding frequency of stooling in
an exclusively breastfed baby.  Many parents are concerned when after the
early weeks where they may have been seeing a little bowel movement in
almost every diaper, they suddenly begin to see days go by without any.
This is perfectly normal.  There is a great range of frequency of bowel
movements with exclusively breastfed infants, ranging from a couple of times
a day to several days.  There are completely healthy nursing babies that
have a bowel movement once a week, once every ten days, or even a few that
go a bit longer. If your baby is healthy, developing well, nursing well and
the consistency of the bowel movement when it does make its appearance is
soft or loose, then do not be concerned.  It is not constipation if it
arrives in soft form.  Constipation would arrive in pellets and hard formed

In summary, stools in breastfeeding babies are predictably green, brown,
yellow or orange.  It is runny and has curds almost every time.  It changes
color with viruses, may have a small amount of blood (call your doc) and may
come once a day and even taper off to once a week or more after a few weeks
of age.  Formula feeding babies may show a little trickier set of changes
involving constipation and diarrhea.  This is just one small reason to
strongly recommend and support breastfeeding your baby.

- Original Message -
From: Laksmi Juwita [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2005 3:52 PM
Subject: [balita-anda] [maaf] Feces hijau

Dear moms  dads...
Setelah 6 hari gak BAB, akhirnya Auliya BAB juga Sehari sampai 3 kali.
Warnanya seperti biasa, kuning. Tapi pagi hari ini, BABnya warnanya hijau.
Ini normal gak ya? Kalau nggak, apa sebabnya dan harus diapakan ya?
Thx b4...

Mamanya Auliya

Laksmi Juwita

Kirim bunga,
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Stop berlangganan/unsubscribe dari milis ini, e-mail ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [balita-anda] [maaf] Feces hijau

2005-11-14 Terurut Topik Laksmi Juwita
 of blood or mucous
 This is constipation in a breastfed baby and is so very rare that I cannot
 recall ever seeing it in a baby who is receiving breastmilk as a sole
 of nutrition, as are most babies in the first six months. It could be
 related to a food allergy. Formula fed babies get constipated much more
 often and may even have harder bigger stools like older kids and adults.
 Getting these stools softer is a balancing act of great proportions.

 Black stools often accompanied by constipation
 This is the result of iron supplementation. Iron fortified infant foods
 infant vitamins can cause constipation. A healthy breastfed baby does not
 need iron supplementation. The iron in breastmilk is much more
 than any other form.

 Red streaked stools
 This usually comes from bleeding in the lower intestine or rectum. Most
 often it is caused by rectal fissures which are tiny cuts around the
 circumference of the anus. This can be a reaction to dairy in mom's diet.
 Elimination of all dairy is the first line of defense in this situation. I
 have seen countless babies who had blood in their poop which resolved when
 mom stopped all dairy products and returned with even a small amount of
 or cheese. Other dietary changes may be needed for breastfeeding moms.
 Formula fed babies lose blood from the lower intestine when they drink cow
 milk formula and some have the same losses on soy formula. Occasionally,
 this micro-hemorrhaging can become visible as blood streaking on the
 surface of the stool. Persistent or increasing blood in the stool or blood
 mixed with mucus (described as currant jelly stool in the texts)
 an immediate call to your doctor.

 Green, frothy stools
 This can be a result of a hindmilk/foremilk imbalance. A true imbalance is
 rare. It is often seen accompanying a forceful letdown. Lactation
 consultants will help moms find a nursing pattern which works to combat
 problem. If letdown it too forceful in the early weeks, the solution can
 to allow milk to leak into a cloth diaper during letdown, then latch baby
 back on. Feeding two to three times off the same side may also show
 improvement. Caution should be used with same side feeding as it can
 decrease supply.

 Green, mucousy stool
 This can be a result of a virus. Often the only sign we see of a virus is
 the green stool. This is evidence of malabsorption in the intestines.
 for how many days and with what consistency it is occurring. With a virus,
 it will run its course over a few days and begin to improve.

 Another cause of malabsorption in the intestines can be teething. The
 profuse saliva of a teething baby can cause irritation in the intestines
 interfering with proper absorption. When babies teethe, we can see lots of
 drooling. Large quantities of saliva is swallowed which can irritate the
 intestines causing runny, acidic stools. This can also cause a rash in the
 diaper area.

 There is something important to point out regarding frequency of stooling
 an exclusively breastfed baby. Many parents are concerned when after the
 early weeks where they may have been seeing a little bowel movement in
 almost every diaper, they suddenly begin to see days go by without any.
 This is perfectly normal. There is a great range of frequency of bowel
 movements with exclusively breastfed infants, ranging from a couple of
 a day to several days. There are completely healthy nursing babies that
 have a bowel movement once a week, once every ten days, or even a few that
 go a bit longer. If your baby is healthy, developing well, nursing well
 the consistency of the bowel movement when it does make its appearance is
 soft or loose, then do not be concerned. It is not constipation if it
 arrives in soft form. Constipation would arrive in pellets and hard formed

 In summary, stools in breastfeeding babies are predictably green, brown,
 yellow or orange. It is runny and has curds almost every time. It changes
 color with viruses, may have a small amount of blood (call your doc) and
 come once a day and even taper off to once a week or more after a few
 of age. Formula feeding babies may show a little trickier set of changes
 involving constipation and diarrhea. This is just one small reason to
 strongly recommend and support breastfeeding your baby.

 - Original Message -
 From: Laksmi Juwita [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2005 3:52 PM
 Subject: [balita-anda] [maaf] Feces hijau

 Dear moms  dads...
 Setelah 6 hari gak BAB, akhirnya Auliya BAB juga Sehari sampai 3 kali.
 Warnanya seperti biasa, kuning. Tapi pagi hari ini, BABnya warnanya hijau.
 Ini normal gak ya? Kalau nggak, apa sebabnya dan harus diapakan ya?
 Thx b4...

 Mamanya Auliya

 Laksmi Juwita

 Kirim bunga,
 Info balita:
 Stop berlangganan

[balita-anda] [maaf] Feces hijau

2005-11-13 Terurut Topik Laksmi Juwita
Dear moms  dads...
Setelah 6 hari gak BAB, akhirnya Auliya BAB juga Sehari sampai 3 kali.
Warnanya seperti biasa, kuning. Tapi pagi hari ini, BABnya warnanya hijau.
Ini normal gak ya? Kalau nggak, apa sebabnya dan harus diapakan ya?
Thx b4...

Mamanya Auliya

Laksmi Juwita

Re: [balita-anda] [maaf] Feces hijau

2005-11-13 Terurut Topik rianita . christanti
Dear mbak Laksmi,

Anak saya, Rafa, sekarang usia nya 5 bulan, waktu baru lahir sampe sekitar
2 bulanan juga faeces nya warna hijau dan berbau, terus saya ke dokter,
beliau suruh ganti susu, akhir nya saya kasih susu soya, sebelumnya minum
BMT dan ASI, coba tanya dokter nya deh...mudah2 an cocok dengan soya

   Subject: [balita-anda] [maaf] 
Feces hijau  
  11/13/2005 03:52  
  Please respond
  to balita-anda





Dear moms  dads...
Setelah 6 hari gak BAB, akhirnya Auliya BAB juga Sehari sampai 3 kali.
Warnanya seperti biasa, kuning. Tapi pagi hari ini, BABnya warnanya hijau.
Ini normal gak ya? Kalau nggak, apa sebabnya dan harus diapakan ya?
Thx b4...

Mamanya Auliya

Laksmi Juwita

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