[balita-anda] Fwd: STOP PRESS: Most children overmedicate: Study (from The Jakarta Post)

2006-01-27 Terurut Topik mamakavin
artikel ok nih.
ada Bunda dr Wati lho...

Uci mamaKavin

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Pudji Yulianti Sukri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

dear sps,...
ini salah satu dari yang tadi dr wati bilang harus baca...

begitu baca...kalimat pembukanya terasa familiar sekali.. soalnya sering
liat dan denger kalo dr wati presentasi pas PESAT..)




Most children overmedicate: Study
Tb. Arie Rukmantara, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta

Primum non no cere -- above all, do no harm -- is the rule for all
physicians when they treat patients.

But the reality here is often different, with doctors prescribing patients
many medicines they do not need and which could have significant side
effects. Their patients, meanwhile, are none the wiser, especially if they
are children.

A recent study shows that about 70 percent of Indonesian parents gave their
toddlers more than four kinds of drugs at one time to treat their

More than 35 percent of them took from five to seven different kinds of
medicines, the study says.

A spokesman for the Foundation of Concerned Parents, Dr. Purnamawati S.
Pujiarto, who announced the findings Thursday, said 85 percent of children
in the study had taken antibiotics for every malady they suffered.

The respondents interviewed in the study admitted they did so at the advice
of doctors, she said.

This phenomenon is dangerous. First, not all diseases can be treated with
medicines -- like influenza for example. Second, such an amount of
drugs could harm our children's health, especially their livers,
Purnamawati said at the World Health Organization office in Jakarta.

Over-prescribing goes against a 1985 WHO recommendation that requires
doctors to prioritize therapeutic measures that have fewer side effects and
save patients money, she said.

However, Purnamawati, who is a specialist in liver problems, dismissed
arguments that the uncritical parents who bought medicines for their
children were mostly uneducated or poor.

A government study in 2004 revealed that most health consumers -- 68
percent -- paid the full prices of medicines at private health centers,
while only 32 percent spent money at state medical institutions, she said.

She offered tips to health consumers on how to avoid taking unnecessary

You and your doctor should develop a harmonious relationship and become
active dialog partner to avoid curative-oriented solutions.

Don't panic. Don't think to go to doctor every time you or your child is
sick. Recognize the symptoms of the disease first. Seeing a doctor and
taking medicine should be the last option.

If people are forced to see doctors, Purnamawati said, they should ask them
some basic questions -- what is wrong, what to do and when to worry.

And then you should also ask, 'Do I really need medicine?' she said.

In an effort to improve awareness of how to deal with disease, Purnamawati
and members of the foundation have held a series of public discussions.

We're not antidoctor or antimedicine, we just want to empower health
consumers to be smarter, Luluk Soraya, a foundation member, said.

The Health Ministry's director of child health, Rahmi Untoro, said her
office would add to people's knowledge about health, especially parents, by
revitalizing about 7,700 community health centers and 250,000 integrated
health service posts across the nation.

Our health officials and community members will work together to tell
others that doctors and medicines are not their guardian angels, she said.

Rahmi said that instead of putting their children's fate in the hands of
doctors and medicines, parents should focus more on keeping their
children's eating patterns healthy by providing nutritious food, and
immunizing them.

And loving them wholeheartedly as well. For that, no doctors in the world
can give you a prescription, she said.

This Website is designed for The Jakarta Post by CNRG ITB.
All contents copyright © of The Jakarta Post.

--- End forwarded message ---

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Re: [balita-anda] Fwd: STOP PRESS: Most children overmedicate: Study (from The Jakarta Post)

2006-01-27 Terurut Topik Luluk Lely Soraya I
Ya nih.
Hmmm kok hasil konferensi pers dan hasilnya beda ya.
Terutama fokusnya.
Padahal kemaren pas konf pers di WHO banyak bisa bicara ttg apa itu Sehat
dan kegiatannya juga bahwa konsumen medis punya power yg sama besarnya dg
penyedia jasa medis.

~berpikir keras  berusaha mengerti~

 artikel ok nih.
 ada Bunda dr Wati lho...

 Uci mamaKavin

 --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Pudji Yulianti Sukri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 dear sps,...
 ini salah satu dari yang tadi dr wati bilang harus baca...

 begitu baca...kalimat pembukanya terasa familiar sekali.. soalnya sering
 liat dan denger kalo dr wati presentasi pas PESAT..)




 Most children overmedicate: Study
 Tb. Arie Rukmantara, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta

 Primum non no cere -- above all, do no harm -- is the rule for all
 physicians when they treat patients.

 But the reality here is often different, with doctors prescribing patients
 many medicines they do not need and which could have significant side
 effects. Their patients, meanwhile, are none the wiser, especially if they
 are children.

 A recent study shows that about 70 percent of Indonesian parents gave
 toddlers more than four kinds of drugs at one time to treat their

 More than 35 percent of them took from five to seven different kinds of
 medicines, the study says.

 A spokesman for the Foundation of Concerned Parents, Dr. Purnamawati S.
 Pujiarto, who announced the findings Thursday, said 85 percent of children
 in the study had taken antibiotics for every malady they suffered.

 The respondents interviewed in the study admitted they did so at the
 of doctors, she said.

 This phenomenon is dangerous. First, not all diseases can be treated with
 medicines -- like influenza for example. Second, such an amount of
 drugs could harm our children's health, especially their livers,
 Purnamawati said at the World Health Organization office in Jakarta.

 Over-prescribing goes against a 1985 WHO recommendation that requires
 doctors to prioritize therapeutic measures that have fewer side effects
 save patients money, she said.

 However, Purnamawati, who is a specialist in liver problems, dismissed
 arguments that the uncritical parents who bought medicines for their
 children were mostly uneducated or poor.

 A government study in 2004 revealed that most health consumers -- 68
 percent -- paid the full prices of medicines at private health centers,
 while only 32 percent spent money at state medical institutions, she

 She offered tips to health consumers on how to avoid taking unnecessary

 You and your doctor should develop a harmonious relationship and become
 active dialog partner to avoid curative-oriented solutions.

 Don't panic. Don't think to go to doctor every time you or your child is
 sick. Recognize the symptoms of the disease first. Seeing a doctor and
 taking medicine should be the last option.

 If people are forced to see doctors, Purnamawati said, they should ask
 some basic questions -- what is wrong, what to do and when to worry.

 And then you should also ask, 'Do I really need medicine?' she said.

 In an effort to improve awareness of how to deal with disease, Purnamawati
 and members of the foundation have held a series of public discussions.

 We're not antidoctor or antimedicine, we just want to empower health
 consumers to be smarter, Luluk Soraya, a foundation member, said.

 The Health Ministry's director of child health, Rahmi Untoro, said her
 office would add to people's knowledge about health, especially parents,
 revitalizing about 7,700 community health centers and 250,000 integrated
 health service posts across the nation.

 Our health officials and community members will work together to tell
 others that doctors and medicines are not their guardian angels, she

 Rahmi said that instead of putting their children's fate in the hands of
 doctors and medicines, parents should focus more on keeping their
 children's eating patterns healthy by providing nutritious food, and
 immunizing them.

 And loving them wholeheartedly as well. For that, no doctors in the world
 can give you a prescription, she said.

 This Website is designed for The Jakarta Post by CNRG ITB.
 All contents copyright © of The Jakarta Post.

 --- End forwarded message ---

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Becoming a mother is a life-enhancing experience that leads to greater
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