Re: [BangPypers] Python training material

2015-01-23 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 11:39 PM, Suyash Bhatt

 Hi Friends,

 I am looking for any Basic training material for Python which can be
 shared across (with due credit).
 Please let me know if anyone can help me with that.

There's a list the Pune Python community compiled =
It's not comprehensive, but there's a few good books in there.

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Python certifications in India

2014-12-29 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Wed, Dec 24, 2014 at 12:02 AM, Noufal Ibrahim KV

 On Wed, Dec 24 2014, Saager Mhatre wrote:


  We... I wouldn't put quite as much stock in the CCNA given the
  people we interviewed at TW for a sysad position.

 CCNA's are the lowest rung as far as I know. They're fairly easy to get
 too. CCIEs are very hard to get and the ones I know who have the
 certification are top players in their game.



- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] How to dynamically load modules in Django/Python

2014-12-23 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 11:19 PM, Navin Kabra wrote:

 Saager Mhatre writes:

  I suppose the __import__ function should be
  good start.

 Also check out the imp module.

 from imp import load_source
 load_source('myname', '')


I believe the documentation indicates that the imp module is deprecated in
3.4 in favour of importlib, which is what the __import__ function wraps

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] How to dynamically load modules in Django/Python

2014-12-23 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 12:18 AM, mithun chackravarthy wrote:

 Thanks Saager, got it. = One is glad to be of service.

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Python certifications in India

2014-12-23 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 2:36 AM, Bibhas Ch Debnath wrote:

 Is there anyone or any company here that actually values a certificate for
 Python? In my experience, certification courses mean nothing, at least for
 Python developers. None of the people I know or have worked with, cares
 about a certificate.
 I'd love to meet someone who thinks otherwise.

That's putting the cart before the horse, wouldn't you say? There isn't
really a question of anyone valuing them because they don't quite exist. :)

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Python certifications in India

2014-12-23 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 2:54 AM, Noufal Ibrahim KV

 On Mon, Dec 22 2014, Bibhas Ch Debnath wrote:

  Is there anyone or any company here that actually values a certificate
  for Python? In my experience, certification courses mean nothing, at
  least for Python developers. None of the people I know or have worked
  with, cares about a certificate.
  I'd love to pmeet someone who thinks otherwise.


 Some companies sell products that require a lot of expertise for the end
 user (e.g. Cisco). Configuring their equipment/software can be a full
 time task in itself. If the company themselves do this for their end
 clients, they'll get a services component bolted onto their product and
 that will affect their long term plans.

 However, if they can create some kind of qualification in the market and
 provide material for that, people unassociated with the company will try
 to get it and will become employable. In that sense, certifications do
 have value. Given two people of roughly equal experience, if I were
 hiring someone to watch over a network of Cisco gear, I'd pick the one
 who has a Cisco certification.

We... I wouldn't put quite as much stock in the CCNA given the
people we interviewed at TW for a sysad position.

 Language certifications don't really fall into this but I suppose when
 the ecosystem is large enough (e.g. Java), you can cut off a piece and
 certify people in that department.

I have my own views about language/framework certifications,
but IMHO, Sun did the best job of the lot. Their tests really tested your
understanding of the nuances of the language/framework.

 It will have marketing value for a
 class of clients. Python doesn't (yet) come under this category so I
 don't think there are any certifications in India. I don't know many
 people who use Python that would consider a certificate as something
 valuable. The only certificate course for Python that I know of is the
 O'Reilly one. [1].


Third party certifications bear only as much weight as the... well, third
party! Granted O'Reilly has a lot of clout in the publishing and tech event
space, but I'm not too enthusiastic about them certifying peoples' python
skills; more to the point, who's building the curriculum/tests? The
certificates would have to be handed out by the PSF or any of the other
bodies core to the python development effort for them to carry enough
weight. Just saying.

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] combine multiple modules in one

2014-12-23 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 1:05 PM, Nitin Kumar wrote:


 say I am installing a module abc and it got multiple dependent modules
 say xyz pqr.
 pip easy install will take care of downloading and installing these.

 but i need to install abc on a device which doesnt have net connection.

how do you currently install 'abc' onto the device?

 So do i need to copy tar.gz for each abc, pqr, xyz and install all
 individually or is there a way i can create one installer say final.tar.gz
 out of abc, xyz, pqr (on off box) and copy final.tar.gz to device and
 install using it.

 If I am thinking in totally worng direction, do let me know what all option
 i have.
 is there any already existing sdk for the same??

 Nitin K
 BangPypers mailing list

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] How to dynamically load modules in Django/Python

2014-12-17 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 1:52 AM, mithun chackravarthy

 How can I achieve this.Thanks for your time.

I suppose the __import__ function should be a
good start.

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Python Gotcha Fibonacci

2014-10-06 Thread Saager Mhatre
Spend some time to logically think about what is semantically different in
the two implementations, focus on the types of the values and operations
invoked thereon.

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Python is still greek to india's top IT firms

2014-09-24 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 6:54 AM, Senthil Kumaran


Given that world is moving to multiple language shops and almost all
 companies will use more than one language in their offerings

Some would beg to differ

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Python is still greek to india's top IT firms

2014-09-24 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 6:54 AM, Senthil Kumaran


 From my experience at Akamai Bangalore, when we had to hire Java developers
 for my team, we had 100s of resumes competing for single spot, but we
 looked for quality python developers, there were very less  10 (and all
 of them known folks) who could easily land up in the role.

Not to sound overly disparaging, but that argument reeks of survivorship
bias, or at least confirmation bias.What about all the shops looking for
python devs but not finding any good ones; you know, like the ones that
aren't connected to the community? Contrast that with the number of
'conventional language' programmers and recruiters who aren't connected to
the community but still manage to get jobs.

Personally, I think us tech-savvy types tend to get too caught up in these
debates and read too much into it. IMHO, language choice tends to me more
flavour of the day than we'd like to admit; and there's nothing wrong with
that. While we're so worried about how technology works, the other side is
too busy figuring out what they want to do with it to care about our
concerns. That said, I'm not saying they get it right all the time either;
just that we need to tone down the, my language kicks your language's ass,
'cause... well, check out all the cool people we can hire rhetoric.

Just sayin'
- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Return values

2014-09-24 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Sat, Sep 20, 2014 at 6:53 AM, Noufal Ibrahim KV

 On Sat, Sep 20 2014, Anand Chitipothu wrote:


  Oh, that feels like PHP. That style seems to be popular in that side of
  It might be a good idea to add consolidate method on the return value.
  Something like:
  class StatsList(list):
  def consolidate(self):
  print get_stats(..)
  print get_stats(..).consolidate()


 That's a nice solution. It's similar to what Senthil suggested but I
 like the API better.

Alternatively, would it be possible to model Stats/StatsList as a composite
hierarchy (potentially with Courtesy Implementations

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] python in news

2014-09-03 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 2:37 AM, Nitin Kumar wrote:

Anyone have a link to that IEEE report mentioned in the article that puts
Python as the 2nd most popular web-dev language? Curious about who else is
on the list and why.

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] The Python I would like to see - Armin Ronacher

2014-08-19 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 11:23 AM, Noufal Ibrahim

 On 2014-08-19 11:11, Sriram Narayanan wrote:

  Hi Noufal, could you elaborate on this? I have enjoyed the freedom
 of non-static typing that Python and Ruby offer, but also sometimes miss
 the static type checking that C# and Java offer.

 Yes. I like the freedom and they're great for prototyping.

 When things get large with a lot of moving parts, you need to write
 elaborate tests at every layer to validate the whole thing and even then,
 things slip through.

That's just a question of testing strategy. If you're writing 'elaborate'
tests at every layer, you're probably validating too much or exercising too
much of the system at each layer of testing. The cartesian product of tests
required to validate every implementation at a level of abstraction is
inevitable if you want confidence in all those implementations; but these
need to be limited to each pair of collaborator as far as possible so that
so single test becomes too elaborate. But that's a different discussion

However, I always got the sense that dynamic languages made this both
easier and hard at the same time. Easier in that you didn't have to declare
explicit interfaces between layers; harder in that all barking ducks are
only identified at runtime!

 I've also felt that the freedom encourages a kind of loose thinking that I
 have to guard against.

I'm glad somebody finally said this; and doubly so that it was Noufal! ;)

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] The Python I would like to see - Armin Ronacher

2014-08-19 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 12:45 PM, Noufal Ibrahim

 On 2014-08-19 12:31, Saager Mhatre wrote:

 That's just a question of testing strategy. If you're writing 'elaborate'
 tests at every layer, you're probably validating too much or exercising
 much of the system at each layer of testing. The cartesian product of
 required to validate every implementation at a level of abstraction is
 inevitable if you want confidence in all those implementations; but these
 need to be limited to each pair of collaborator as far as possible so
 so single test becomes too elaborate. But that's a different discussion

 However, I always got the sense that dynamic languages made this both
 easier and hard at the same time. Easier in that you didn't have to
 explicit interfaces between layers; harder in that all barking ducks are
 only identified at runtime!

 I suppose so. My epiphany was that tests, at the end of the day, are
code. They need to be maintained, refactored, cleaned up, optimised,
cajoled and worshipped just like one does with the actual application. The
less code I write, the better.

 So, yes, it's a tradeoff. Once upon a time, a more naive version of
myself loved the freedom that I got from this kind of thing. The cynical
version of myself that's typing this email is not so sure anymore. He, at
some level, feels that the extra headache of specifying interfaces is a
better investment than using a dynamic language and writing tests to
validate all the possible inputs.

Hear, hear! All he younglings pay heed, the master hath spoken.

Again, glad this was said without beating about the bush; and glad *you*
said it! ;)

 I'm glad somebody finally said this; and doubly so that it was Noufal! ;)

 I'm surprised that you've never heard this from me before. It's something
that I decided on a LONG time ago.

I realized this myself a long time ago, around the time I joined TW and
started putting Ruby in production. However, all the dynlang love in the
air at the time seemed to be blinding people to it. Since then I've sensed
this sentiment among those that have grown wiser with age and experience.
But you're the first one I've heard call it out without mincing words.

- d
On 2014-08-19 12:31, Saager Mhatre wrote:

 That's just a question of testing strategy. If you're writing 'elaborate'
 tests at every layer, you're probably validating too much or exercising too
 much of the system at each layer of testing. The cartesian product of tests
 required to validate every implementation at a level of abstraction is
 inevitable if you want confidence in all those implementations; but these
 need to be limited to each pair of collaborator as far as possible so that
 so single test becomes too elaborate. But that's a different discussion

 However, I always got the sense that dynamic languages made this both
 easier and hard at the same time. Easier in that you didn't have to declare
 explicit interfaces between layers; harder in that all barking ducks are
 only identified at runtime!

I suppose so. My epiphany was that tests, at the end of the day, are code.
They need to be maintained, refactored, cleaned up, optimised, cajoled and
worshipped just like one does with the actual application. The less code I
write, the better.

So, yes, it's a tradeoff. Once upon a time, a more naive version of myself
loved the freedom that I got from this kind of thing. The cynical version
of myself that's typing this email is not so sure anymore. He, at some
level, feels that the extra headache of specifying interfaces is a better
investment than using a dynamic language and writing tests to validate all
the possible inputs.

 I'm glad somebody finally said this; and doubly so that it was Noufal! ;)

I'm surprised that you've never heard this from me before. It's something
that I decided on a LONG time ago.

BangPypers mailing list
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Mailing list etiquette

2014-08-08 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 12:03 AM, Noufal Ibrahim KV

 On Mon, Aug 04 2014, Jeffrey Jose wrote:

  ​.. and since I use browser, I appreciate an email that's nicely
  formatted. Yes, that includes contextual information with embedded

 Fair enough. However, large attachments being duplicated on a *mailing
 list* is unnecessary. That's the consderation. Things are different for
 your personal communication.


Didn't we already have this discussion on this list? Besides, doesn't
mailman let us set a limit on the attachment size? One configuration to
rule them all!

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Mailing list etiquette

2014-08-04 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 9:06 PM, Anand Chitipothu

  Not only that, it is a pain to download something and open it in some
  application just to know what is inside. It is a lot better to send a
  instead of sending attachments.
  ​Anand, how do you consume your emails? I get my emails on my phones as
  well, in gmail, which has a preview feature in both desktop and on

 Even when it is a python file?

Attached source code files generally open up as text files.

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] how to override sys.stdin

2014-08-04 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 2:38 PM, Nitin Kumar wrote:

 Hi All,

 is there a way i can override raw_input or input function.

This sooo smells of the XY Problem What are
you really trying to do here?

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Packaging in Python

2014-01-11 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Jan 10, 2014 4:26 AM, Venu Murthy wrote:

 Hello friend!

 This was the first time, we are actually writing some serious code and it
 found it quite not like Python when packing for the code to be deployed on
 a windows machine.

 We were using the setuptools build and install to do this... and it wasn't
 easy and finally had to install PIP on our windows machine install the
 dependencies... please let me know if there is a better way of packaging
 and deployment for python!

You're half way there.

distribute + pip + virtualenv is the way to go.

Use pypiserver to host your private packages if you don't want to push them
to PyPI; or Gemfury if you want a hosted solution.

However, if you're developing on python3, you might have to look at the new
distutils 'cause it covers (at least tries to cover) the feature set from
all those.

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Object Oriented Programming in python

2013-10-22 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Oct 22, 2013 10:54 AM, Sirtaj Singh Kang wrote:

 I agree with you partially - MOP in python can get ugly, but there's
plenty of power there. I'll try to explain, though this stuff is
notoriously hard to articulate (may be just for me).

Oh, trust me, it's not just you! We should start a club, I'm sure we'll
find plenty of members. :)

 So the main role of metaprogramming was to expose the language's object
system as an object model to the programmer, so that it could be queried
and manipulated at runtime. Does python do this? Yes, but not quite in the
way that Kiczales outlined.

Like I said, the reflective metaprogramming nuts and bolts are all there;
it's just that Python expects you to pick up a spanner and put all of them
together every time. No thank you.

BTW, thanks for the Kiczales reference. Added to my reading list.

 Instead we get some rough-and-ready tools with which you can simulate the
effects that a proper MOP system (such as in CLOS) might have, and when
having to make a choice between flexibility vs performance and code
clarity, python's designers have almost invariably chosen the latter.

I guess we're going to have to agree to disagree on that last point. I
don't find the MOP implementation in Ruby or Groovy less per for many or
leading to obscure code. On the contrary, I find Python's 'rough-and-ready
tools' make for more confusing metaprogramming code. YMMV

 To begin with, there is a level of metacircularity in the new-style type

  isinstance(object, object)
  isinstance(type, type)
  isinstance(object, type)
  isinstance(type, object)

I think the metacircularity is almost in avoidable if reflective
metaprogramming is a goal. I don't mind it much now that I understand it.

 This is what the metaclass system uses. With old-style classes, you had a
lot of flexibility to change the class of objects at runtime. Nowadays
there are a lot more restrictions, mostly due to performance, but you can
still do some silly stuff:

  MyType = type('MyType', (type,), {})
  MyCircularType = MyType('MyCircularType', (MyType,), {})
  MyCircularType.__class__ = MyCircularType
  isinstance(MyCircularType, MyCircularType)

Ah yes, old-style classes! But I'd be hard pressed to call that MOP as
there are no real metaobjects at play. It's just classes and instances
where instances could have their class swapped out from under them (yikes!)

That's a fun example, though. :)

 And then of course there's things like get/setattribute - combined with
the abc module in the standard library, the type trickery above and
python's basic metaclass system, you could effectively create your own
metacircular MOP protocol on top of python.*

Yeah, Python's fundamental unit being the function causes me some cognitive
dissonance when a lot of the OO utilities (like get/setattr) work
outside-in while others (like the dunder methods) work inside-out. As for
the abc module, the documentation was involved enough to turn me off that
part of the toolkit. But that's another discussion altogether.

Also, you could create/simulate MOP using the tools Python provides you,
but I'd much rather the platform give me a consistent implementation than
have to deal with N people each implementing their own special variant of
what they think MOP should be.

 Another major issue is that python's syntax makes it just not a great
language for embedded DSLs and MOP, even to the extent that other dynamic
languages (Ruby!) are. That's not going to change though, and I'm
personally okay with it for the most part. If I wanted to program CLOS, I'd
program CLOS.

Agreed on the bit about syntax; never delved into CLOS, so I'll stay away
from that bit.

Like I said, I believe Python has a sweet spot and I'm OK using it for
that. It's just that some of these features don't figure in that spot IMHO.

 * In fact, I spent quite a while doing so a few years ago - implementing
the OMG MOF on python - and it worked pretty well, but it proved difficult
to get it to the point where I could even properly explain it to people.

You did... what!?! :O
I'm not sure whether that deserves respect or sympathy! :D

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Object Oriented Programming in python

2013-10-21 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Oct 21, 2013 11:34 AM, Noufal Ibrahim wrote:


 It's the final frontier beyond which space lies (sorry).

Dude, Space __is__ the final frontier! (Heh, see what I did there? :)

Anyway, thanks for the other refs.

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Object Oriented Programming in python

2013-10-21 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Oct 21, 2013 11:39 AM, Dhananjay Nene wrote:

 On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 10:55 AM, Saager Mhatre

  Which generally lead to poor (or at least poorer) abstractions; but I

 Leaky ??  :)

For the most part, yes.

  I think OOPs concepts across a number of languages are quite different.
  You will find python having superior constructs eg. metaclasses etc.
if you were comparing Python OOP to C++/Java.
  Superior constructs implemented inferiorly. Meteclasses are much^3 more
powerful in Groovy, Ruby and SmallTalk (where some would claim Python
borrowed them from; but that's just not true.)

 I wonder if you meant syntactically/stylistically. Would be keen to
learn, if there are examples where ruby / groovy (I don't know much about
smalltalk) allow things that python does not.

Semantically! MetaClasses are a much more powerful construct in those
languages. They form the core of the MetaObjectProtocol which governs the
dynamic dispatch of messages/methods. Modifications to MetaClasses
percolate to Classes and objects they are associated with and such
modifications as well as MetaClass associations can be dynamic as well as
temporary; leading to some seriously powerful use cases.

That's pretty much what always foiled my attempts at understanding Python
MetaClasses, I was looking for power where there was none to find. The best
comparison I could find was to Groovy's Compile time AST transforms, but
even those are even more powerful as they drop down a level of abstraction
and hand you the AST for the an rated element.

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Object Oriented Programming in python

2013-10-21 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Oct 21, 2013 12:09 PM, Dhananjay Nene wrote:

 On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 11:53 AM, Saager Mhatre
  On Oct 21, 2013 11:39 AM, Dhananjay Nene
  On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 10:55 AM, Saager Mhatre
   Which generally lead to poor (or at least poorer) abstractions; but I
  Leaky ??  :)
  For the most part, yes.
   I think OOPs concepts across a number of languages are quite
   You will find python having superior constructs eg. metaclasses etc.
  if you were comparing Python OOP to C++/Java.
   Superior constructs implemented inferiorly. Meteclasses are much^3
  powerful in Groovy, Ruby and SmallTalk (where some would claim Python
  borrowed them from; but that's just not true.)
  I wonder if you meant syntactically/stylistically. Would be keen to
  learn, if there are examples where ruby / groovy (I don't know much
  smalltalk) allow things that python does not.
  Semantically! MetaClasses are a much more powerful construct in those

 I'm specifically looking for evidence to support that. And I suspect
 it might be out there to be found , just that I haven't so far. One of
 my early attempts was documented here

Don't look for metaprogramming, you'll end up with a lot of ancillary
stuff. Look for metaclasses or metaobject protocol.

  They form the core of the MetaObjectProtocol which governs the
  dynamic dispatch of messages/methods. Modifications to MetaClasses
  percolate to Classes and objects they are associated with and such
  modifications as well as MetaClass associations can be dynamic as well
  temporary; leading to some seriously powerful use cases.

 The temporary is intriguing. I don't quite yet understand what it
 means .. does it mean you could say temporarily add a method and then
 take it out later (or some other similar capability) ?

Yup! Look for Categories. The Groovy guides have a bunch of examples.
(Nothing to do with category theory AFAIK)

  That's pretty much what always foiled my attempts at understanding
  MetaClasses, I was looking for power where there was none to find. The
  comparison I could find was to Groovy's Compile time AST transforms, but
  even those are even more powerful as they drop down a level of
  and hand you the AST for the an rated element.

 AST transforms are sort of feasible but rarely done, and not sure if I
 would like to be a part of such an exercise. They kick in via the
 import hook, thus you build the AST on your own, thankfully python
 does provide AST helpers. Googling for python macros will show some
 such valiant attempts - or

While I haven't implemented any yet, Groovy's AST transforms make
implementation as well as application fairly easy.

But, that wasn't my point. What I meant was that Python's meta classes only
kick in at module/lass load time whereas Metaclasses in the other languages
play a greater role at runtime.

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Object Oriented Programming in python

2013-10-21 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Oct 21, 2013 3:21 PM, Dhananjay Nene wrote:

 On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 3:02 PM, Saager Mhatre
  On Oct 21, 2013 12:09 PM, Dhananjay Nene
  On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 11:53 AM, Saager Mhatre
   On Oct 21, 2013 11:39 AM, Dhananjay Nene
   On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 10:55 AM, Saager Mhatre
Which generally lead to poor (or at least poorer) abstractions;
but I
   Leaky ??  :)
   For the most part, yes.
I think OOPs concepts across a number of languages are quite
You will find python having superior constructs eg. metaclasses
   if you were comparing Python OOP to C++/Java.
Superior constructs implemented inferiorly. Meteclasses are much^3
   powerful in Groovy, Ruby and SmallTalk (where some would claim Python
   borrowed them from; but that's just not true.)
   I wonder if you meant syntactically/stylistically. Would be keen to
   learn, if there are examples where ruby / groovy (I don't know much
   smalltalk) allow things that python does not.
   Semantically! MetaClasses are a much more powerful construct in those
  I'm specifically looking for evidence to support that. And I suspect
  it might be out there to be found , just that I haven't so far. One of
  my early attempts was documented here
  Don't look for metaprogramming, you'll end up with a lot of ancillary
  stuff. Look for metaclasses or metaobject protocol.

 Is there an example or two which demonstrates ruby can do things via
 metaprogramming / metaclasses / metaobject protocol that python cannot
 ? Something more than syntactic or stylistic differences.

 It wouldn't be normally fair for me to ask for that and I should go
 hunt it down myself, but given the earlier assertions made in this
 thread, i believe it is reasonable in this case.

Sorry, on GPRS, so hunting for videos will kill my phone  tablet. Add
'Yehuda Katz' or 'wykatz' in your queries; methinks he's done a bunch of
talks about this. There was also one from the RuPy conference, but I don't
remember if it dealt with metaprogramming per se. But you should be able to
find some videos. That said, it might be hard to find comparisons as the
Ruby folk usually just outright ignore Python, the Groovy folk are too busy
embettering Groovy and the SmallTalk folk are in a cave somewhere that I
know not of!

Also, just to clarify, metaprogramming is distinct from metaclasses and
presence of one in a platform is not essential to the presence of the
other. Metaprogramming is more to do with code that writes, unwrites or
modifies more code; while metaclasses are about some seriously dynamic

Incidentally, that is another place Python's implementation departs from
metaclasses in other languages. Where Python provides metaclasses as a hook
to rewrite class internals/implementation before it becomes available to
other code, other platforms attach metaclasses to classes (or objects, in
some cases) at runtime to control/alter the way messages to/methods of the
class (or object) are dispatched. Python conflates metaprogramming into
metaclasses where it is not a necessity, in that Python metaclasses can do
little more of value than add/remove/modify attributes of the class; in
other words, metaprogram elements of class definition.

Man, I should start a list of misnamed concepts in Python! Hey, there's my
talk for the next PyCon- Python, the misnamed bits! :D

That said, I've been meaning to do a decent talk on metaprogramming and
wanted to do a first round at PythonPune. Maybe if thinrhino bugs me about
it enough, I might just... :)

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Object Oriented Programming in python

2013-10-21 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 7:11 PM, Dhananjay Nene dhananjay.n...@gmail.comwrote:

 Since you suggested that Superior constructs
 implemented inferiorly. and did not respond to the line which
 wondered if that was based on syntactic or stylistic differences,

I believe I responded to that statement by saying that the difference I
note is neither syntactic, nor stylistic; it is semantic in that
metaclasses behave very differently in other platforms by interacting with
objects at run-time as opposed to just at compile-time. That simple
difference makes them significantly more powerful to me.

 I presumed that comment was based on one or two examples of scenarios
 that you had run into where you found python metaprogramming /
 metaclasses constraining in some particular way. Anyways it seems
 there aren't any such examples I can elicit from a continuing

Again, if we re-read the conversation so far (and I just did), I have been
avoiding a discussion on metaprogramming as that has little to do with
metaclasses in all the other platforms I mentioned. AFAICT, only Python
conflates these two[*], YMMV. Any examples of metaprogramming in
Ruby/Groovy I provide will provide no value in demonstrating the
capabilities of metaclasses therein.

As for metaclasses, I find Python's implementation constraining
specifically for the point I mentioned above in this very note. For a
whirlwind tour of what Groovy's MetaClass has to offer try the Dynamic
Groovy section of the Groovy
User Guide I could give you more
contrived examples, but that would only lead to a pissing match where you
show me how X can be achieved in Python with P + Q - R. But, to really get
a hang of these features I'll give you the same advice that several
pythonistas (including yourself) gave me when I started with it and found
things out of place- give Ruby/Groovy a shot, take them out for a spin
(preferably a long drive) and then you'll discover the benefits.

My grievance with Python's metaprogramming capabilities is another matter
altogether and warrants a different thread. But, just because you mentioned
it, I''ll put it down in one line- I don't find Python's metaprogramming
inadequate, it's all there; it's just that the capability is (both
syntactically and semantically) cumbersome at best and clumsy at worst.

  Also, just to clarify, metaprogramming is distinct from metaclasses and
  presence of one in a platform is not essential to the presence of the
  other. Metaprogramming is more to do with code that writes, unwrites or
  modifies more code; while metaclasses are about some seriously dynamic
  Incidentally, that is another place Python's implementation departs from
  metaclasses in other languages. Where Python provides metaclasses as a
  to rewrite class internals/implementation before it becomes available to
  other code, other platforms attach metaclasses to classes (or objects, in
  some cases) at runtime to control/alter the way messages to/methods of
  class (or object) are dispatched. Python conflates metaprogramming into
  metaclasses where it is not a necessity, in that Python metaclasses can
  little more of value than add/remove/modify attributes of the class; in
  other words, metaprogram elements of class definition.

 Sure python does do a lot of things differently. But the question I am
 interested in an answer to is does it empower the user to do /
 constrain the user from doing certain things as compared to similar
 languages, distribution of functionality within meta* terms

To reiterate, yes, I believe Python's metaclasses (differently implemented
as they are) are constraining specifically for the point I mentioned above
in this very note. Python's metaclasses do not allow for the modification
of the behaviour of a class/object at runtime. The way I see it, the best
they do is extract boilerplate code from class definitions. I can get that
with class decorators and avoid all the confusion about how Python does
metaclasses differently as well as how metaclasses wire into the type
system. To me, Python's metaclasses provide too little value for the
cognitive load they add, YMMV.

- d

* They really should've stuck to Class Decorators and avoided the
confusion, or did those come after metaclasses?
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Object Oriented Programming in python

2013-10-21 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 11:33 AM, Dhananjay Nene

 On Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 2:33 PM, Dhruv Baldawa
  Also take a look at videos by Raymond Hettinger

 I have some serious reservations on how OO is packaged here. Wanted to
 post a detailed and articulate opinion, but it is going to take a
 while since I am not getting the time to do so, but will get there
 eventually. In the meanwhile I do want to offer an as yet
 unsubstantiated opinion that some of these are not necessarily the
 best references on the topic.

Dammit, had meant to reply to this one earlier, but got completely
side-tracked by our metaclasses discusison.

I got a similar vibe when I sat through Raymond's talks at PyCon India
2011. A TWer friend and I were watching the talks together and our WTF
counters turned quite a bit and usually at the same time.

Like Dhananjay said, any response is going to have to be pretty detailed
and I'm too tired and sleep now. :|

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Object Oriented Programming in python

2013-10-21 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 1:46 AM, Pranav Raj wrote:

 Hi fellow python lovers,

 I wanted to do OOPS programming in python, but i just found out that there
 are no private variables in python. Does anyone know why python classes
 have no private variables and why python's OOPS concept are a lot different
 from other programming languages?

Pranav, dude, really sorry man, but I don't know if we answered your
question! We seem to have gone off on a somewhat different direction on
this thread.

Feel free to jump in and refocus if you deem necessary.

Apologies again. :P
- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Object Oriented Programming in python

2013-10-20 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Oct 15, 2013 4:10 AM, Dhananjay Nene wrote:

 On Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 1:46 AM, Pranav Raj
  Hi fellow python lovers,
  I wanted to do OOPS programming in python, but i just found out that
there are no private variables in python. Does anyone know why python
classes have no private variables and why python's OOPS concept are a lot
different from other programming languages?

Meh! Weak arguments, strongly made.

 I am not sure what the history or reasoning was. But encapsulation is not
considered particularly desirable or useful.

Which generally lead to poor (or at least poorer) abstractions; but I

 I think OOPs concepts across a number of languages are quite different.
You will find python having superior constructs eg. metaclasses etc. if you
were comparing Python OOP to C++/Java.

Superior constructs implemented inferiorly. Meteclasses are much^3 more
powerful in Groovy, Ruby and SmallTalk (where some would claim Python
borrowed them from; but that's just not true.) Trust me, I spent almost a
week trying to wrap my head around this before I figured out that Python
Metaclasses are just Class Decorators done differently (read- requiring you
to understand more of the internals without providing too much more

 Just start using the features and over a period of time you will gain a
 reasonable understanding of the subtleties.
  thank you, Pranav Raj

I'd suggest you keep an open mind and go with what the language/platform
provides you. Python is one of those 'get stuff done' kind of languages and
has a sweet spot, but OO isn't quite all in that spot. There is some
overlap, but it can be hard to find.
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Object Oriented Programming in python

2013-10-20 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Oct 18, 2013 10:54 AM, s|s wrote:

 Hi Pranav,

 I would pose a counter question regarding object oriented programming.
How did you learn OOP concepts? I am assuming like most of us, probably
through a C++ or Java course. These courses ingrain a certain expectation
of what OOP should look like. Which to me seems to be a dis-service to
underpinnings of Object Oriented Paradigm itself.

I think it's a little unfair to club C++ and Java in the same bucket just
because one borrows some syntactic elements from the other in order to
maintain a smooth migration path.

 Python implements OOP differently from imperative languages of C family
like C++ and Java.

Umm... I don't know if anyone's told you yet, but Python is also
essentially an imperative programming language.

 The reason, I think is C++ and Java are very much driven towards machine
code efficiency whereas Python is very much about developers productive.

You couldn't be far from the truth. While, syntactically, Python is touted
to be more reader-friendly, that was also one of the design goals of Java.
Just because a bunch of people write bad Java code doesn't mean that the
language leans toward low-level optimizations; I've seen enough atrocious
Python code in my 2.5 years working with it that has obliterated any notion
of readability/productivity. And anyone suggesting LOC comparisons better
be prepared for some righteous Monty Pythonic Trout Slapping!

Also, comparing a dynamically typed language to two statically typed
languages is hardly fair. A comparison to other dynamically typed,
imperative languages like Groovy, Ruby or SmallTalk would be more useful;
all of which, BTW, provide primitives for the kind of encapsulation the OP
is looking for.

 To this end Python developers must have thought of data hiding as not an
important language goal.

That makes no sense. Implementing the notion of  encapsulation doesn't
particularly get in the way of developer productivity. If anything, it
enhances productivity by providing compiler/interpreter hints that
communicate when developers are engaging in undesirable resource access.

 Mind you Python does allow data hiding through slots but it is not as
straight forward as C++ or Java.

Sigh! Implementing a reasonably important feature in an obscure manner
(that too, not completely, since even slots are accessible from outside an
object) is not in keeping with friendliness. I say this feature is
reasonably important since it is repeatedly brought up every few months
with little to no satisfactory responses most of which is 'we are all
adults here', which I am hard pressed to accept as a generalization on
account of all the atrocious code mentioned above.

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Object Oriented Programming in python

2013-10-20 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Oct 21, 2013 1:18 AM, s|s wrote:

 Lets look at integer as an example in Python (int)

 class int(object)
int(x[, base]) - integer

 which is unlike java where int is a basic non-class type. An explicit
upgrade to **Integer** class is required to use OOP features. This is done
with sole purpose of machine efficiency.

Seriously, we're arguing primitive types here?!? I mean, I'll admit they're
a blemish, but (as Dhananjay mentioned) they're hardly there to improve
bytecode generation. They were put in to appease the (memory) bean counters
so that they could control the heap sizes of objects, at least in their
heads. That said, the Tiger release introduced autoboxing, which dealt with
this. The JVMs runtime performance magic lies elsewhere entirely. I'm
banging this mail out on a tablet over GPRS, otherwise I would've hunted
down a few references for you.

Honestly, I urge you to look at other OO languages like SmallTalk (where it
sort of all began), Ruby  Groovy, or even JavaScript for that matter. Just
like we don't want to be narrow about what comprises OO, we should also not
restrict our examples/experience of OO implementations to C++  Java (aside
from Python*).

- d

* The OO implementation in which I find somewhat questionable, but I
digress... :)
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Object Oriented Programming in python

2013-10-20 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Oct 21, 2013 11:14 AM, Noufal Ibrahim wrote:

 Saager Mhatre writes:


  since even slots are accessible from outside an object

 __slots__ are not meant for data hiding. They're meant as a final trick
to save memory when you have a large number of objects of the class you're
interested in.

 If you define a __slots__ variable, you lose the class dictionary (since
that consumes some amount of memory) but you get smaller objects. The gory
details are here


Ah, that explains so much. I've always been confused about slots and the
documentation almost always added to it. Does this mean that once you drop
to slots, you also lose the descriptor- based dispatch magic? That would
make this a pretty desperate hack for some last resort memory conservation!

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Noob trying to get into python

2013-10-07 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Mon, Oct 7, 2013 at 3:18 PM, Avneesh Chadha avneesh.cha...@gmail.comwrote:

 I have been working in java for the last 6 months, but really want to get
 into python .Could anyone point me to any open source project which could
 help me get relevant experience for a python based development.

Anything from that list should be a good start.

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] the pyCharm from Jetbrains has been opensourced i.e. its free now!

2013-10-05 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 11:01 AM, Mandar Vaze / मंदार वझे wrote:

Dude, that was mean! :S
A lmgtfy link behind a bitly link!?! :)

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] the pyCharm from Jetbrains has been opensourced i.e. its free now!

2013-10-04 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Oct 3, 2013 9:40 AM, Dhananjay Nene wrote:

 On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 8:19 AM, Mandar Vaze / मंदार वझे wrote:
  Downloaded it, bit not used it, yet. (still using vim)
  But I have heard so much praise about pycharm from everyone in every
  (python related) forum that I can't wait to use it

 Any links to the discussions?

That's the most comprehensive one I've read.

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] need help w.r.t itertools

2013-09-16 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Sep 16, 2013 12:50 PM, Dhananjay Nene wrote:

 On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 12:27 PM, Suyash Bhatt
  thanks for the response..
  what if i have another list
  *e = [*'*my1name1is1','**my2name2is1','xyz','abc']*
  *and in the list d, I want only the elements which are present in e..*
 Python 2.7.3 (default, Apr 10 2013, 05:13:16)
 [GCC 4.7.2] on linux2
 Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
  import itertools
  a = ['my1','my2']
  b = ['name1', 'name2']
  c = ['my1', 'my2']
  e = ['my1name1my1','my1name2my1','foobar']
  d = [y for y in (''.join(x) for x in itertools.product(a, b, c)) if y
in e]
 ['my1name1my1', 'my1name2my1']

Again, since you started with itertools, I'm assuming you don't want to
have the entire lost evaluated before hand. In which case you're looking
for the itertools.ifilter [ ]
function. Alternatively, you could just change that last statement to be a
generator expression instead of a lost comprehension[1].

I suggest you sit down with the itertools docs [ ] open in one window, a
python console in another; and experiment with the tool set provided to see
how best you can express your problem. The module is one of the better
documented ones and is reasonably intuitive. Feel free to get back to the
list with any specific technical issues you encounter, but, IMHO, us
regurgitating the relevant docs here is not the best use of either of our

That said, this thread is starting to smell of the XY Problem [ ]. Suyash, it will probably be very helpful to all
if you could give us a general idea of what it is that you are trying to
achieve with all these tid-bits of information. Maybe could someone could
point you to a simple or more appropriate solution.

- d

[1] unless I'm missing something and list comprehension are inherently lazy.
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Do you pin your requirements.txt ?

2013-09-16 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Sep 16, 2013 8:46 AM, Dhananjay Nene wrote:
 let me state that while I pin requirements.txt

To be just a little pedantic here- you pin version of dependencies, not the
entire requirements.txt. Just saying... 'cause, even though I may have
myself used the phrase in previous responses on this thread, I personally
prefer to specify dependencies in and avoid creating a separate
requirements.txt file. Either approach could very well be put down as a
stylistic difference, but the specific compatibility of these approaches
with different build tools (distutils, setuptools/easy_install,
distribute/pip) makes it significant, IMHO.

Noufal, maybe this could be something to consider exploring in your course.

That said, I can't believe what a wonderful conversation this has turned
into. For the benefit of members outside the overlap, I'm cross posting to
the other python lists with a link to the entire conversation =

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Debugging functions/tools/ways

2013-09-15 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Sep 14, 2013 11:00 AM, Balachandran Sivakumar
 When you find some time, please do post a few Python
 dtrace one-liners here. It would be useful to the rest of us. Thanks

Oh... man... I want to +1 this... so... many... times!!!

Ram, you should totally share your experiences with this.

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Regd feedback (was: Online Python workshop)

2013-09-15 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Sun, Sep 15, 2013 at 9:25 PM, Saager Mhatre saager.mha...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Sep 15, 2013 6:12 PM, Noufal Ibrahim wrote:
  Annapoornima Koppad writes:
   HI Noufal,
   Thanks for the tutorial. I read through the tutorial. The topic was
   definitely different than most of the tutorials that are online. So I
   to write the code myself before I give other comments.
  Thanks. I'd appreciate the feedback.

 Dude, what's the best way to send you feedback on this? Do we just mail
 you or is there a repo we can comment/pull from?

Apologies, I intended to send this just to Noufal; accidentally sent to

 - d

BangPypers mailing list

[BangPypers] Regd feedback (was: Online Python workshop)

2013-09-15 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Sep 15, 2013 6:12 PM, Noufal Ibrahim wrote:

 Annapoornima Koppad writes:

  HI Noufal,
  Thanks for the tutorial. I read through the tutorial. The topic was
  definitely different than most of the tutorials that are online. So I
  to write the code myself before I give other comments.

 Thanks. I'd appreciate the feedback.

Dude, what's the best way to send you feedback on this? Do we just mail you
or is there a repo we can comment/pull from?

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Mail formatting for this list

2013-09-15 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Sun, Sep 15, 2013 at 9:14 AM, Mandar Vaze / मंदार वझे wrote:

  I dont understand. What's your viewport width? Can that only support
  chars? Are you on mobile/tablet?

 It is not uncommon for people to read/respond to emails on mobile/tablet.
 So for emails, 80-character width isn't bad choice.

My Google Nexus 7 wrapped your mail thusly =
'Nuff said.

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Do you pin your requirements.txt ?

2013-09-15 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Sep 16, 2013 12:38 AM, Kiran Jonnalagadda wrote:

 We deploy multiple times a day and I don't find that the gap between a
 Travis test and production deployment is so long that an upstream release
 within those few seconds broke compatibility.


Dude, can I quote you on that? 'Cause that's probably *the* most awesome
pitch for agile, lean, fail early-fail often, short feedback loops,
automation, CI  CD all rolled into one that I've heard in quite a while!

Like, totally WOW!

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Do you pin your requirements.txt ?

2013-09-13 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Sep 13, 2013 9:19 AM, Dhananjay Nene wrote:
 Given adequate test coverage to verify negative side effects of any
transitive dependency version upgrades, pinning could be skipped imo.


+1 for automated tests to cover relevant API contracts of dependencies.
That's a great approach to decide when to pin.

Thanks for pointing that out Dhananjay.

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Favorite tips/techniques

2013-09-13 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Sep 9, 2013 8:51 PM, CsquaredinOmaha wrote:

 For a while I had thought it would be interesting to hear
tips/techniques you
 find yourself often using  - or perhaps found useful at one point (and
thus would be valuable to newbies).

 It could be simple snippet, or some description of  logic, technique or
 From simple to sophisticated is less the issue - more that you  found it
handy and used it alot.

 Whatever use area:  ETL data files, servers, SQL maintenance,
webcrawlers, anything.

== Writing tests as top-level functions as opposed to methods of a
unittest.TestCase subclass ==

Aside from the obvious advantage of eliminating ceremony, this has the
effect of forcing me to make sure that each test is entirely and atomically
independent of other tests. That way, I only ever have to read one function
to understand the nature of a given test failure.

Also, not having the ability to easily slap on setup/teardown
functions/methods forces me to make tests self-contained. Add in the
heuristic that tests with long/complicated arrange and/or act sections are
indicative of potential design flaws and you have the requisite TDD

It also helps tremendously that both nosetest and pytest support this idiom.

- d
BangPypers mailing list

[BangPypers] Python packages and modules (was: Favorite tips/techniques)

2013-09-13 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 1:10 PM, Saju M wrote:


 As per python module-import semantics, sub-modules don't end up as names
 in the
 package-module[*] unless explicitly added.

 I didn't get it, what you mean by package-module[*] ?.

Ah, there it is... the sound of your head exploding! :P

Buckle up, this is going to be a fast, but rough ride!


* A module is a dict-like object that binds names to values.
* A package is a namespace that can contain (only) other modules (which
could, in turn, be package-modules themselves).
* A package-module[1] would be a module that also serves as a package.

I guess it'd be easier to explain with with an example.

* Lets stick to json.tool. In this case, json is a module and tool is a
sub-module of the json module.
* They are both modules in that each can contain bindings to names =
json.dump and tool.main.
* But, json is also a package in that it contains the tool module =
* The sub-module relationship is mostly evident from the fact that the tool
module is referenced by prefixing 'json.' to it = import json.tool;
* Or providing 'json' as the package to look for the module = from json
import tool

* Any .py file can be loaded as a module.
* Any directory with an file can be treated as a package.
* The file itself serves as the package-module, i.e., the
module with same name as the package
* Any .py files inside the directory (except, of course) can be
loaded as sub-modules of the above package.
* Any sub-directories inside the directory (containing, of
course) can be loaded as sub-packages of the above package.
* Turtles all the way...

* The confusion basically stems from the fact that Python chose to conflate
physical storage and namespacing with just enough overlap to be
* They are conflated in that package/module naming and their lookup
(finding the code for a module) is tied to the physical storage hierarchy.
* They are inconsistent that module loading is transitive only upwards in
the hierarchy, i.e., when you load a module, all packages above it in the
hierarchy are automatically loaded.[2]
* However, sub-modules are not loaded even though the physical hierarchy
evidences it.
* The conflation extends further as we look as modules as namespaces,
because sub-modules do not end up as names in package-modules until they
are loaded; see below
Python 2.7.4 (default, Apr 19 2013, 18:28:01)
[GCC 4.7.3] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
* json*
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
NameError: name 'json' is not defined
* import json*
* json*
module 'json' from '/usr/lib/python2.7/json/'
* json.tool*
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'tool'
* from json import tool*
* json*
module 'json' from '/usr/lib/python2.7/json/'
* tool*
module 'json.tool' from '/usr/lib/python2.7/json/'
* json.tool*
module 'json.tool' from '/usr/lib/python2.7/json/'
* *

On a closing note, it goes without saying that these packages are not to be
confused with packages as published on package indexes such as[3]

(steps behind transparent blast shield to calmly enjoy the sight of more
exploding heads)
- d

[1] I don't believe it would be entirely in the best interest of either of
our healths to use this term outside of this thread!
[2] IIRC, this was not true for python 2.5 (I think); I recall hitting
some really weird import errors when running newer code on a really old
interpreter when it suddenly couldn't reference the packages that a loaded
module belonged to until they were explicitly loaded.
[3] To those in the know, I would be tremendously obliged if you could tell
me what brand of blow they were using when they came up with this
byzantine, labyrinthine nomenclature and related implementation. I bet it
was, as they say, like, totally radical dude!
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Debugging functions/tools/ways

2013-09-13 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 2:46 PM, Anand Chitipothu anandol...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 2:36 PM, Dhruv Baldawa

  This is what I use for debugging:
  from IPython.core.debugger import Tracer; Tracer()()
  works mostly like pdb, with some nice features like tab completions

 The best debugging tool I've used so far is the print statement. What about

Unit tests... anyone? :)

- d
BangPypers mailing list

[BangPypers] Mail formatting for this list

2013-09-13 Thread Saager Mhatre
Is there a specific reason we've set this list to wrap all mail messages at
80 characters?
Just that it seems a little unnecessary to me, give all the hi-resolution
wide-screen displays in general use.

Just saying.
- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Favorite tips/techniques

2013-09-13 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Sep 9, 2013 8:51 PM, CsquaredinOmaha wrote:

 For a while I had thought it would be interesting to hear
tips/techniques you
 find yourself often using  - or perhaps found useful at one point (and
thus would be valuable to newbies).

 It could be simple snippet, or some description of  logic, technique or
 From simple to sophisticated is less the issue - more that you  found it
handy and used it alot.

 Whatever use area:  ETL data files, servers, SQL maintenance,
webcrawlers, anything.

The 'returning' function =

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] need help w.r.t itertools

2013-09-13 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 5:01 PM, Dhruv Baldawa dhruvbald...@gmail.comwrote:

 d = [''.join(x) for x in itertools.product(a, b, c)]

Actually, using itertools.imap would ensure that the elements aren't
computed till necessary. So...

d = itertools.imap(''.join, itertools.product(a, b, c))

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Python packages and modules (was: Favorite tips/techniques)

2013-09-13 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 6:50 PM, Dhananjay Nene dhananjay.n...@gmail.comwrote:

 Nice. I reached out for the Favourite button but realised
 emails/mailing lists don't have it.

(takes a bow)

I do think it can be a little easier to understand by doing
 s/package-module/namespace/g. Having done that I realised a few things
 needed to be reworded, and then noticed a few minor corrections were

I specifically chose not to generalize both of them into a single
abstraction of 'namespace' because of the inconsistency in behaviour.
Treating them as two different abstractions helps me keep the inconsistency
as well as conflation clear in my head.
In my experience, the last time I tried to resolve that into a single
notion, it kept tripping me up at the 'loading' cases, esp when trying to
include how older versions worked.


 Here's the result (Have attempted to only make minor structural
 corrections without adjusting any of the opinions or rationale
 expressed herein)

Your result is not bad, but I still prefer my original approach. No
offence. :)

Oh, and I'm still waiting on an answer for [3]. ;)

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Python packages and modules (was: Favorite tips/techniques)

2013-09-13 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Sep 13, 2013 9:10 PM, venkatakrishnan g wrote:

 Oh, dexterous just blew my head!

Music to my ears. :D

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Python Wats

2013-09-12 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 10:14 AM, Shabda Raaj wrote:

 This is a popular talk on quircks of ruby/js

 What are the quircks/unexpected behavior you find in Python? (Aka Python

Wait a second... wasn't there a talk about just this captioned Python, the
weird bits at last years PyCon India? Oh right, I
delivered it! :P

Here's my repo from
which I demo'd the 'wat' code. Also linked were my
notes include more weird bits that
I couldn't fit into the talk for lack of
time  contrived examples.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Favorite tips/techniques

2013-09-12 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 10:39 AM, Shabda Raaj wrote:

 Wow, thats better than the bare bunch impl. Gonna use it now.

plug type=shamelessIt's just s much nicer when the map/dict in your
platform just
does that for you :)/plug

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Do you pin your requirements.txt ?

2013-09-12 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 6:30 PM, Abdul Muneer wrote:

 I also pin requirements. But when I do 'pip freeze', I remove the packages
 that are installed as a dependency to main libraries which were explicitly

I tend to avoid using 'pip freeze' as part of my dev flow for just this
YMMV, but it just adds busywork; easier to hand maintain a list of pinned
top-level packages.
As for (optimistically or pessimistically) pinned dependencies, I usually
pin them on a case-by-case basis.

Packages from pypi may specify dependency as = and it will fetch the
 latest. But if you had pinned those too, it can cause conflicts especially
 if you upgrade the main component. Had run into issues because of this
 while working on a pylons project.

Except I recall hitting this when we were moving to py3k and one of the
'newer' packages of a dependency of something we were depending on added
code that was beyond 2to3's capability. :P

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Favorite tips/techniques

2013-09-12 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 4:54 PM, Noufal Ibrahim

 Saju M writes:

  * Why dir(json) not showing tool ??

 Because of the __all__ variable in the module.

Well, not quite, right? I posit it's basically because as per python
module-import semantics, sub-modules don't end up as names in the
package-module[*] unless explicitly added, right?

I sincerely hope your head didn't just explode! :P

- d
[*] for lack of a better word!
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Help Required with understanding Python Import

2013-09-12 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 3:39 PM, konark modi wrote:

 Hi Jagan,

 This should be of your interest :


This makes for an interesting read too =

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] How to run a block of code just before the interpreter is being exited like END{} in perl ??

2013-09-08 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 1:27 AM, Anand B Pillai

 Hash: SHA1

 On Monday 02 September 2013 08:09 PM, venkatakrishnan g wrote:
  import atexit
  def callback(): print about to exit!
  atexit.register( callback )

 Better use it as decorator.

 import atexit

 def last_man_standing():
 print Hasta la vista, Baby.p

With a verb name like *register* I'd much prefer to call the function as
opposed to using it as a decorator. The more idiomatic decorators have noun
names, viz- property, classmethod, staticmethod, unittest.expectedFailure,
(or the one you used below) contextmanager, etc. I'll admit
'unittest.skipTest' is an anomaly, but I've always felt that the unittest
module was a somewhat unpythonic 1-1 port of JUnit, so we'll let that one
slide. :)

The other reason in favour of the invocation syntax over the decorator
syntax would be that the 'atexit.register' function is variadic and it
would not be possible to send in the arguments to be passed in at exit if
'atexit.register' were used as a decorator. Of course, we could nest the
decorated function in another function to provide a lexical closure that
would then allow us to specify those arguments, but explicitly declaring
the parameters to the cleanup function and explicitly passing them to
register just seems much more idiomatic to me.

 - --

 - --Anand


 Software Architect/Consultant

 Please note my updated email address
 Kindly update your address books.

 Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -

 BangPypers mailing list

I realize I'm a little late to the thread, but just thought I'd put in my

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] How to run a block of code just before the interpreter is being exited like END{} in perl ??

2013-09-08 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 8:47 AM, Anand B Pillai

 Hash: SHA1

 On Tuesday 03 September 2013 06:27 AM, Anand Chitipothu wrote:
  This is another version of this by mucking around directly with
  sys.exitfunc using a with context.
  from contextlib import contextmanager
  @contextmanager def end_of_days(): def wrapper(): print
  'Goodbye.' yield wrapper
  with end_of_days() as sys.exitfunc: print 3+4
  How is this different from:
  import sys def goodbye(): print Goodbye
  sys.exitfunc = goodbye
  I don't think we are really doing anything with the context in your
  example except initializing sys.exitfunc.

I'm with Anand C on this one, the context manager serves no real purpose
here; the initialization of sys.exitfunc is entirely incidental and has
little bearing on the fact that it is being initialized from the value
returned by the context manager. This seems to me even more un-idiomatic
than using atexit.register as a decorator. YMMV, but this is more like
shoehorning in a 'cute' language feature just for the heck of it.

Well, nothing really except maybe,

 def end_of_days():
 def wrapper():
 print 'Goodbye.'
 yield wrapper
 print after_context()

 with end_of_days() as sys.exitfunc:
 print 3+4

This just conflates context/resource management with registering cleanup
functions, which seems entirely unnecessary.

Just provides a context manager as well to do things
 before entering context and after exiting (just before
 sys.exit in this case), in a modular way.

That would only hold if there's nothing following the with block in my
thread of execution. In any other case the cleanup function will be
executed much later and encapsulating it inside the context manager only
elides the intent of the code and makes it harder to read. Even if this
were just a single-file standalone script, I would much rather explicitly
serialize the code. I honestly fail to see the modularity in this idiom.

  Anand ___ BangPypers
  mailing list

 - --

 - --Anand


 Software Architect/Consultant

 Please note my updated email address
 Kindly update your address books.

 Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -

 BangPypers mailing list

Also, aside from the point about python idioms, most of this discussion is
rendered moot by the fact that
been flagged as deprecated in favour of atexit.register since 2.4 and
suggesting it to a newbie just feels inappropriate.
- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] folder initialization issues

2013-09-08 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 9:43 AM, Noufal Ibrahim

 Anand Chitipothu writes:


  Lets say you a python file
  You can import it just using import x.
  If you have y/, you would import it using import y.x or from y
  import x. Here x is a submodule of y and y is also a module. But where
  the file for module y now? Since y is a folder, Python expects
  y/ for module y. That is a convention that Python uses.
  So to use a folder as a module you need add to it. Got it?


 Also, directories as modules are often called packages.

Not to be confused with python packages as packaged and distributed from a
package index like

- d
BangPypers mailing list

[BangPypers] XPOST: Pyladies Bangalore

2013-08-23 Thread Saager Mhatre
XPOSTING to PythonPune.

-- Forwarded message --
From: Annapoornima Koppad
Date: Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 4:04 PM
Subject: [BangPypers] Pyladies Bangalore

Dear All,

I recently started the Pyladies Bangalore chapter. I wanted to know how
many lady python programmers are on Bangalore python users group. I will be
really interested in the numbers in terms of,

1. How many lady python programmers are on Bangalore python users group?
2. How many are active in attending the Bangalore meetups?
3. How much is the participation of these women for any of Bangalore Python
outreach activities.
4. Of the active members, how many have been active in producing good
quality talks, workshops, etc.

I did a little bit of research before deciding to email the group here.
There are 570 members on the Bangalore Python user groups. Of which 20 are
ladies. Of the 20 number, 3 are recruiters. This number is really
disconcerting to me. Am I missing out some people here? This is leading me
to ask these questions.

1. How many women really attend workshops/meetups?
2. Are there any efforts to understand the problems associated with the
poor attendance of women?
3. Aren't there any women who want to learn Python but are too afraid to
ask questions. What is being done to address these problems?

That said, I am attaching the links to Pyladies Bangalore.

While I want to keep this community pro-woman, I am not restricting it to
women alone. I would really appreciate if there are men willing to come
forward to help, and build this community. Apart from a few concerns (which
I am sure everyone would understand), this community is open to men as
well. Even if you are not a programmer, have never coded a single line,
this community still welcomes you to be a part of it and will try to help
you learn.  If you are an ace programmer, I would be really glad host a
couple of talks wherein you could inspire other people to take up coding.
Perhaps you could talk about your office work, thesis work, etc.

Here are the links to Pyladies Bangalore chapter.

Please feel free to circulate this email to friends in your circle. Any
kind of participation is welcome.

Thanks and regards,

Annapoornima Koppad
BangPypers mailing list
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] [Ticket #27] A Comparison of Mocking Frameworks

2013-05-11 Thread Saager Mhatre
That list is pretty dated. If I were starting a new project I'd just reach
for doublex It's got, by far, the
nicest API of test doubles I've encountered.

- d

On Thu, May 9, 2013 at 1:52 PM, Prashant R. Naik wrote:

 On May 09, 2013 @ 01:50 pm, bangpypers-bounces+prashant= wrote:

 Hi everyone:

 A colleague pointed me to this comparison of mocking frameworks:

 -- Sriram
 Twitter: @sriramnrn
 BangPypers mailing list

 This is an automated response. Your issue has been noted. We'll be in
 touch soon.

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BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] A Comparison of Mocking Frameworks

2013-05-11 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Thu, May 9, 2013 at 8:36 AM, Sriram Narayanan sriram...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi everyone:

 A colleague pointed me to this comparison of mocking frameworks:

That list is pretty dated. If I were starting a new project I'd just reach
for doublex It's got, by far, the
nicest API of test doubles I've encountered.

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] [OT] Microsoft Office 365 for Education made mandatory for approved institutions by AICTE

2013-04-19 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 8:54 PM, Kaushik Kalyanaraman wrote:

 10 replies to Godwin

Damn, nice catch! ;)

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Python/Perl Scripting resource

2012-05-25 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 6:42 PM, Noufal Ibrahim

 Senthil Kumaran writes:



Could someone just point the OP to the Posting guidelines for this list,
especially the ones around job postings?

Harpal, at the least, job postings are required to have their subjects
prefixed with '[JOB]' so that those like me can ignore them faster. :)

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Handling bit sized fields in network headers

2012-05-04 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Fri, May 4, 2012 at 3:40 PM, Balachandran Sivakumar


  What is the best way to handle bit sized fileds in network
 headers, if the data is binary ? The struct module doesn't support
 sizes in bits, and I have scenarios where there are fields of 2 bits,
 3 bits and 5 bits in size. Thanks

While I never got around to using it much, I remember from PyCon last year
that Scapy [] had a pretty extensive
library for network packet manipulation.

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Handling bit sized fields in network headers

2012-05-04 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Fri, May 4, 2012 at 5:09 PM, Saager Mhatre saager.mha...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Fri, May 4, 2012 at 3:40 PM, Balachandran Sivakumar wrote:


  What is the best way to handle bit sized fileds in network
 headers, if the data is binary ? The struct module doesn't support
 sizes in bits, and I have scenarios where there are fields of 2 bits,
 3 bits and 5 bits in size. Thanks

 While I never got around to using it much, I remember from PyCon last year
 that Scapy [] had a pretty extensive
 library for network packet manipulation.

Just realized that the PyPi links lead nowhere, so here's the link to some
better resources that I could google up =

 - d

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] JOB - Senior Web Developer - Talented Team!

2012-03-16 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 11:44 AM, Noufal Ibrahim

 Anand Balachandran Pillai writes:

  On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 11:30 AM, Kenneth Gonsalves
  On Fri, 2012-03-16 at 10:39 +0530, Anand Balachandran Pillai wrote:
   Ah well, that was supposed to go to the sender. My bad. Ignore it.
  welcome to the club
  Bad karma. I should set the return address for the group to the sender
  perhaps :)


 Please don't.

 A mail client should have some way of specifying reply to sender or
 reply to reply-to address.

+3 (I'd +1 the three replies individually, but I'm just lazy)

- d

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] JOB - Senior Web Developer - Talented Team!

2012-03-16 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 10:39 AM, Anand Balachandran Pillai wrote:

 Ah well, that was supposed to go to the sender. My bad. Ignore it.

Was about to call a troll alert on that just then :)

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Truth Tests (bool)

2012-01-11 Thread Saager Mhatre

I hacked together this little script to cover (hopefully) all the cases for
my reference.

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] python framework for android

2012-01-10 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 7:43 AM, Anand Chitipothu anandol...@gmail.comwrote:

 2012/1/4 Navin Kabra

  On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 11:37 AM, Kenneth Gonsalves
   can anyone recommend a python framework for android?
  Negative vote for SL4A (previously known as ASE - Android Scripting
  Environment). I have played with it, and I think it is largely a toy -
  it is good for personal use - quick scripts for automating things you
  like to do, but not useful for anything serious.
  Also, I haven't found anything else that allows Python programming for
  Android and could be used in developing serious apps. Might be forced
  to use Java or JavaScript :-(

 If it has Java, why not use write the apps in Python using Jython?

IIRC, that's what SL4A does.

- d

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Background ping - check for server availability

2011-12-30 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 1:02 AM, Nikunj Badjatya


 I think the commands.getstatusoutput() is only for unix systems.
 When I run on windows I get this error:

  ret = commands.getstatusoutput('ping')
 (1, '{' is not recognized as an internal or external command,\noperable
 program or batch file.)

on windows, try `commads.getstatusoutput('cmd ping')`

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Auto Login to Website and Capturing more details

2011-12-22 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 10:27 PM, Noufal Ibrahim wrote:


The Python stdlib can handle this using urllib2 and cookielib. I've managed
 something like this here 
 you can use as a starting point.

 After this, you have a session. Now you should be able to GET the URL you
 want directly and parse it for the information you need.

Wouldn't something like mechanize all this?

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] ElementTree object instance evaluates to False?

2011-12-06 Thread Saager Mhatre
Refer to see if it helps any.

- d

On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 11:15 AM, Noufal Ibrahim wrote:

 Vikas BN writes:


  Anyone else encountered this or even have any insights regarding
  this behaviour? I'm using Python2.7.2 on Linux
  if that matters.

 ElementTree's `Element` objects behave this way. The booleanness is
 not conformant to the rest of Python.

 I don't know if or when it's been fixed but here's how to do it.

 The method you need to work with is `__nonzero__`[1] if you want `bool`
 to work with your classes.

 With Python 2.7.2, The `Element` class defined in
 /usr/lib/python2.7/xml/etree/ has

def __nonzero__(self):
The behavior of this method will change in future versions.  
Use specific 'len(elem)' or 'elem is not None' test instead.,
FutureWarning, stacklevel=2
return len(self._children) != 0 # emulate old behaviour, for now

 So, it will evaluate to False only if the number of children is

 Annoying but when I stumbled on this, it did make me aware of how
 consistent Python libraries generally are so that this stuck out.




 I am a deeply superficial person. -Andy Warhol
 BangPypers mailing list

BangPypers mailing list

[BangPypers] Mailing list etiquette

2011-11-15 Thread Saager Mhatre

Considering there's been a spate of similar incidents, I figured it might
just be valuable to collect all these references into a thread of their own.

- d

PS- If I had a nickel for every time I've wanted to point people to this
article, I'd be a rich man who wouldn't have to even lurk on mailing lists
like this one. ;)

On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 11:27 AM, Kenneth Gonsalves law...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Tue, 2011-11-15 at 22:32 +0530, Gora Mohanty wrote:
  * A smart person on the Solr mailing list put together this Wiki
page on how best to use mailing lists. Somewhat Solr-specific,
but definitely worth a read:

 this is the django equivalent:
 Kenneth Gonsalves

 BangPypers mailing list

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] collections

2011-11-09 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 5:05 PM, Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:


 python collections are cool and I am dying to use them in production.
 But so far I am yet to find a use case for using them - any experiences?

I'm assuming you mean the Python collections package that provides
'High-performance container datatypes'.

We use defaultdict to good effect at work, but as far as I can tell, that's
the only one we use from that package; other than Callable that I used in a
bunch of test utilities, but that usage wasn't really valuable.

Sorry if I wan't much help.

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] collections

2011-11-09 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 5:30 PM, Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:

 On Wed, 2011-11-09 at 17:23 +0530, Saager Mhatre wrote:


  other than Callable that I used in a bunch of test utilities, but that
 usage wasn't really valuable.

 but it must be useful for *something* ;-)

Not really, initially I thought I might actually have to extend Callable
for the callable function to consider objects of my class... callable. :)
But, it turns out you pretty much just need a __call__ attribute in the
object for callable to return true. So it's mostly vestigial in the code.

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] [chennaipy 1126] [XPost][Slightly OT] Could you share your experiences about Python Freelance programming, from a programmer's perspective

2011-11-02 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 9:26 PM, kracekumar ramaraju wrote:

 I'd go so far as to suggest that they join a mid-to-large sized company and
  spend the first couple of years maintaining somebody else's crap code.
  one hell of a learning experience.
Don't join Big companies, you're learning is not in your hand, large
  companies work on diverse areas, so chance of getting into the area which
  interests you is less.

 I personally feel joining small or little mid size companies can help you
 learn much better.

 In larger size companies it is process oriented and easy to pass the buck.

True... to some extent. Like just about anything else, you have to choose
My four years at Kanbay (now CapGemini) taught me a lot of lessons in
organization, management as well as presentation.

Of course, like Sidu said earlier, none of these skills can substitute good
engineering chops.
And that, IMHO, is a decision that must come from within.

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] [chennaipy 1126] [XPost][Slightly OT] Could you share your experiences about Python Freelance programming, from a programmer's perspective

2011-11-02 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 10:31 PM, kracekumar ramaraju wrote:

  True... to some extent. Like just about anything else, you have to choose
  My four years at Kanbay (now CapGemini) taught me a lot of lessons in
  organization, management as well as presentation.

 Well my question is how much did you learn about programming, api
 design, Unit testing, algo design

Don't get me wrong, I'm not discounting engineering skills; we're all on
the same side there. What I was hinting at above is that if you get lucky
and get good managers at a mid-to-large co, you have the opportunity to
learn how organization in the large works, and that's an important skill

That said, I should clarify, when I say, 'spend the first couple of years
maintaining somebody else's crap code', I say that from personal
experience. Maintaining something you didn't build teaches you a lot about
the importance of building good readable, maintainable, malleable code. I
know I write good code because I don't want people who end up maintaining
it (myself included) to go through the agony I had to back then. That's
probably one the biggest takeaways I have from back there; and that was
what I was primarily pointing to.

It usually turns out to be a bit of a trial by fire and you have to fight
the urge to just get sh!t done. Not to mention the people around you who
churn out bad code on a regular basis. But if you can battle through it,
you'll have a better appreciation for these practices. I realize this is a
little backwards, but then again I know it worked for me. YMMV.

As for core engineering skills, programming, API design, algorithms, etc- I
learned most of that on my own and guess I would have no matter where I
was. But that's just me. We got a computer at home very early on, a trusty
386 way back in the early 90's and started off right then and never looked
back. Arguably, Kanbay didn't really ^help^ on that front, but I did end up
with a few good colleagues to bounce ideas off. But in my experience, this
usually is something that has to come from within. Once you've established
that the person has an innate need to better themselves there's a whole
slew of resources out there at your disposal. Of course, having totally
awesome programmers around you doesn't hurt (loosely translated from- helps
a whole whopping bunch!) :)

I'll concede the bit on testing here. I don't think I would ever have
appreciated testing if it wasn't for my time at ThoughtWorks.

 , agility

Interestingly enough, I got my first lessons in agility from a client
director at one of the projects at Kanbay. Although, we didn't call it
agile or lean back then and he was quite the visionary, so I guess I got
lucky again. :)

how to distinguish good programmer from bad programmer.

There was a fairly simple heuristic some of us went with, a good programmer
is simply someone *you* would like to learn from. I liked that so much,
that I haven't really bothered to ponder that question much beyond that.

Sorry If i am rude :)

I promise to take offence ^only^ if you meant to be rude. ;)

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] [chennaipy 1126] [XPost][Slightly OT] Could you share your experiences about Python Freelance programming, from a programmer's perspective

2011-11-02 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 10:56 PM, kracekumar ramaraju wrote:

 I am advanced python novice.

There's an interesting tautology I can use, and...

People who learn python are passionate about programming, others learn
 java and c# to get a job.

... there's a line that was uncalled for

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] [chennaipy 1126] [XPost][Slightly OT] Could you share your experiences about Python Freelance programming, from a programmer's perspective

2011-11-02 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 11:15 PM, kracekumar ramaraju wrote:

 In most support project you don't change code until there is a requirement
 from client, else you end up supporting the tickets etc...

They're not all support (as in keep the lights on) projects, there's
maintenance (as in make the lights brighter) and enhancements (as in put in
more/new lights) gigs out there too.

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] [chennaipy 1126] [XPost][Slightly OT] Could you share your experiences about Python Freelance programming, from a programmer's perspective

2011-11-02 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 10:47 PM, Rajeev J Sebastian wrote:

 As you suggested, the most important change we can make is to test
 directly with code.

+1 to Sidu's suggestion about having candidates write code before they come
in; have used that to much success.

 Do you do your tests in Python, or whatever language the fresher knows? So
 far, we have not received a single resume mentioning Python.

Let the candidate submit code in a language/platform of their choosing. You
want to give them the opportunity to put _their best foot_ forward. That
said, you should also list out languages/platforms that you prefer; these
would be the ones you've worked in and can evaluate the best in. They don't
necessarily have to be the primary tool you use at work every day, just a
common medium to trade insights into code.

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] [chennaipy 1126] [XPost][Slightly OT] Could you share your experiences about Python Freelance programming, from a programmer's perspective

2011-11-02 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 11:33 PM, Saager Mhatre saager.mha...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 10:47 PM, Rajeev J Sebastian wrote:

 As you suggested, the most important change we can make is to test
 directly with code.

 +1 to Sidu's suggestion about having candidates write code before they
 come in; have used that to much success.

Almost forgot about this- while we're talking about code submissions I'd
like to plug
It's like a market place for organizations to put up code assignments and
candidates/students to solve them and submit answers back.

Our own Navin Kabra is deeply involved with this initiative.

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Generate Dynamic lists

2011-10-20 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 12:40 AM, Gora Mohanty wrote:

 On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 12:38 AM, Gora Mohanty wrote:
  On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 12:10 AM, Asif Jamadar
  list1 = []
  for i in criteria_list[:2]:
 for j in range(4):
 l.append( ( i, j + 1 ) )

 Oops, that last line should be list1.append(...) instead of l.append(...)

While I'd usually suggest a list comprehension like...

[(criteria, level) for level in range(1, 4) for criteria in

... I'd say a zip'd do the trick as well...

zip(criteria[:2], range(1, 4))

just my 2c

- d
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] About pypy and bangpypers

2011-09-26 Thread Saager Mhatre
On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 10:57 PM, Sriram Narayanan sriram...@gmail.comwrote:

 I can talk about my experiences with porting it.

 -- Sriram

Porting it to... Belenix?

- d
BangPypers mailing list