david vilanova wrote:
> Thanks Nicklas for you quick answer regarding the conversion from string 
> to int.
> I have decided  to import the data using the string to int conversion. 
> However I'm trying to export the plate wells back again to a file using 
> the default exporter and get a bug. I'm not sure that in this case the 
> number are back translated into letters. 

This is not a bug. As I wrote before, BASE uses a numeric coordinate 
system. It can't know that the importer converted the coordinates from 
some other coordinate system.

 > Obviously i could afterwards
> run a perl script on the exported file to get the appropriate 
> conversion. Would it be easier of it was given the possibility to keep 
> letters in the core base or at least give the choice???

No, this is not an option. What you can do if you don't want to use the 
perl script is to create an export plugin to do the conversion for you. 
See http://base.thep.lu.se/chrome/site/doc/development/index.html#plugins
for more information.


> Please also find the screenshot of the bug while exporting wells from 
> the plates.
> Thanks again and congratulation for the software. We are going to use it 
> in a production server even though we will need to cope with some bugs.
> david
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