Audrey Bihouee wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I just  upgrade from base1.2 to base2, and I have a few questions :
> - What are exactly Biosources ? Does it match with the sample origin in 
> base 1 ? But, I can't see any ontology (tree structure) as in base 1. 
> Have anybody details on it ?

It represents the source of biomaterial used to create samples. It's not 
the same as the sample origin in BASE 1. There is no corresponding 
construction in BASE 2. The migration tool puts the sample origin info 
in the description field.

> - Maybe it's a stupid quesion, but i can't find where can you post a 
> message in the message page ??

You can't post messages. Messages are sent by plugins to indicate 
success or failure of a job and by a few other background tasks.


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