Emmanuel Courcelle wrote:
> Hello
> I have setup for a few days a new Base2 installation, running with 
> postgresQL.
> I know that the update process wan "not safe" with psql, due a bug in 
> hibernate. However, the updating process ran without problem from 2.0.2 
> to 2.0.3

This updgrade didn't require any changes to the database. We have as a 
policy that bugfixes (ie. changes to third digit) shouldn't require 
changes to the database.

> So, trying to update to 2.1, here is the output of ./update.sh:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] bin]$ sh ./updatedb.sh password
> [0%]    Building database.................
> [30%]   Database built successfully.

The above statement is actually not correct. The database wan't built 
successfully but Hibernate swallows all exceptions from the database and 
everything seems to be fine.

> [70%]   The adjustment of the existing items failed: could not execute 
> update query
> net.sf.basedb.core.BaseException: could not execute update query
>       at 
> net.sf.basedb.core.HibernateUtil.executeUpdate(HibernateUtil.java:1140)
>       at net.sf.basedb.core.Update.adjustExistingItems(Update.java:877)
>       at net.sf.basedb.install.InitDB.main(InitDB.java:66)


> Is this the symptom of the hibernate problem, or is there anything else 
> wrong ?

Yes, this is caused by the failure to update the database.

> Is there anything I can do to upgrade anyway (is it required running 
> this script to upgrade to 2.1 ?)

Yes, you must update the database before you can run 2.1.

I'll try to release a modified hibernate3.jar were the update problem 
has been fixed. I'll post a note to the mailing list when it's ready for 
download, or when I have more info.


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