Re: Scale insects what are they telling me

2002-02-01 Thread Daniel Bridler

On31/1/02 11:11 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hi folks  Can any one tell what scale insects on Nephrolepis fern  [
 Boston fern] are indicating.

Hi Tony,
We have used Neem Oil with some success on Citrus with a scale infestation.
But full control(for one season only) was achieved by some busy hands wiping
off all the parts affected with a soapy solution! Not an option for you, I
guess. The idea with soap or oil is to deprive the scales of air.
I would be very interested too, to know what imbalance scales thrive on.
The citrus in question are in containers: irregular watering, bound roots?
Ants seem to live in symbiosis with scales, and ants dont like humid soils:
even watering might help. Just a guess.


Re: FWD: Richard K. Smith: Do you still believe in the tooth fairy?

2002-02-01 Thread Robert Farr


Thank you for forwarding that note from Richard K. Smith.  He is spot

I just finished reading Howard Zinn's book, A People's History of the
United States.  For all thinking people, it is a MUST READ.

Zinn documents the things Smith talked about.  It certainly added fuel
to my fire.  One of the most stark revelations (to me) is that the
constitution has nothing to do with protecting *my* liberties (esp. as a
black man).  It was written by the wealthy white elite to protect the
interests of the wealthy white elite.  And, of course, its tenets are
still regularly violated by a court system grown more and more
conservative and protectionist over the years.

The question I'm left with, after reading Zinn's book Smith's words just
now, is:  what can WE - those who can see through the illusion - do
about all of this?  Doing our work is one part of the answer.  Telling
people about what we are doing (and converting some of them) is another
part.  There's more - much more.  But what is it???

How do we break through the ignorance - the willful ignorance (Smith's
references to the Matrix are perfect) - of most people and start
spreading the truth?  And how do we get most folks to accept that truth,
and to act on it?

More than that, how can we use this truth to change our institutions -
especially as the guardians of those institutions don't want them to

Let's discuss that - who's first?

Robert Farr
(540) 668-7160
Check out
for Hot Sauces, Salsas, Mustards  More!

Re: Richard K. Smith: Do you still believe in the tooth fairy?

2002-02-01 Thread Aurora Farm


I believe that must be Richard K. MOORE...

Aurora Farm is the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm 
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods 
of spiritual agriculture.

Re: Richard K. Smith: Do you still believe in the tooth fairy?

2002-02-01 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: Richard K. Smith: Do you still believe in the tooth fairy?

Our beloved Jane wrote: 
Dear Friends on Bdnow,

I feel I must dissent here from Richard's analysis regarding faith. He is
confusing faith for belief. It is belief's that must be revised in order for
there to be any kind of change. Faith is not Believing what you know isn 't
true as Richard says. Ignorance is believing what you know isn't true,
because it's either easier, more convenient, or less painful to hold to old
belief patterns.

Jane your amazing! You can hold hands with Bridget  type too!

Beliefs need to be accompanied with at least three Questions.
a) Why do I believe this?
b) Does this belief serve me well?
c) What would happen if I did not believe this?

Blessed Imbolc to One  All!

Farm note: Oimbolc refers to Yew's milk. Our first yew lamb (Cosamal, daughter of Posy) of the new year is 1 week old today! She a spring/sprang/sprung springing wonder! and loves the new snow.

In Love  Light

Democracy (was Richard K. ... )

2002-02-01 Thread Anthony Nelson-Smith

Richard K. criticises democracy and, of course, 
he's right - but which other realistic system ispreferable ? Winston 
Churchill commented (roughly) that democracyseems the worst possible way 
to run a country, until you look at the alternatives. The 'democracy' of 
the Greeks and, later, the Founding Fathers was certainly restricted to an elite 
but, hopefully, we've come on a bit since then. I've briefly visited (for 
example) Iraq and Saudi Arabia and I'd certainly sooner live inthe 
constitutional monarchy of GB, or even under the non-democratic presidency of 
George W !
Tony N-S.

Re: FWD: Richard K. Smith: Do you still believe in the tooth fairy?

2002-02-01 Thread Merla

RKM's essay is too nihilistic for me, though it is well taken.  Even
when I am feeling depressed by woman's inhumanity to woman, I breathe in
through my 7th chakra and feel the energy and love pouring into my
body.  Is this just a myth?  I'm not a seer and I can't see auras.  I'm
just acting on the faith in the Quaker belief that there is that of God
in everyone and am thankful that I was taught how to meditate by a Jain
teacher.  I couldn't do what I do without that belief.  No matter how
far the conservatives (not parties, it's both parties) push the world,
we still have our personal space inside.  I often feel like the Native
Americans who at the last did a Ghost dance, but I will still try to do
my best to live my beliefs and I will still listen.

Allan Balliett wrote:

 Watching my father-in-law dying from pancreatic cancer, realizing
 that his chemotherapy is doing nothing to prolong his life, but it is
 making his last days a swirl of disorientation and nausea (at a cost
 of $55,000), has heightened my awareness of how 'complete' the system
 we live within has developed. The same people who profit from selling
 de-vitalized food are the same people who profit from the
 degenerative disease industry. How to imagine it is an accident that
 conventional food is sprayed with toxins and grown on depleted soils.
 How to imagine that we have become a nation living daily on the very
 edge of clinical starvation.  How many lifetime savings are
 re-absorbed by the medical industry as our elders succomb? It's
 astonishing how a population will willingly allow itself to be
 exploited decade after decade. Nothing to blame but 'fate.'  The
 Cancer Industry is one of the more obvious reasons that biodynamic
 food will never be served in school cafeterias. Below, Richard K.
 Smith (check out his website) chides us for our refusal to wake up.

 Dear friends,

 When I was about six or seven, I got into trouble with the
 neighbors because I told their kids there wasn't any Santa
 Claus.  Nobody had told me, I simply figured out that there
 were too many chimneys, and too little time, for Santa to
 visit everyone... not to mention that no sleigh could hold
 that many presents.

 I mention this because Santa serves as a paradigm for
 believing in the absurd.  Why do people believe things that
 make no sense, just because everyone else seems to believe?
 In some sense, all my writing is simply a continuation of
 what I was doing at six or seven... pointing out to people
 that much of what they accept as true is not only false, but
 absurd.  The matrix is a shallow sham.

 My next youthful encounter with beliefs happened at about
 15, when I started thinking about Christianity.  I didn't
 conclude that Christianity was a lie, not then, but I did
 conclude that there was no way I could tell whether or not
 it had any validity.  My reasoning went like this... suppose
 I had been born in India, to a Hindu family.  I would have
 grown up believing in those myths, and those values, and not
 have known I wouldn't be 'saved' when the 'Judgement Day'
 came.  How would I have known that I was learning
 falsehoods, that my 'soul' was in danger?  That then led to
 the question: how did I know ~I~ wasn't learning falsehoods
 in Christianity?  I then realized there wasn't any way to
 know... kids simply believe what they're told, that's the
 long and the short of it.  And kids are told what their
 parents were told when they were kids.

 Now consider what people call 'conspiracy theories'.
 Liberals have a knee-jerk way of dismissing certain ideas,
 or evidence... That sounds like a conspiracy theory.  With
 that, they consider the matter settled, the ideas or
 evidence obviously refuted.  I've tried on more than one
 occasion to delve into this kind of non-reasoning.  One
 fellow articulated it rather well: If such and such were
 true, then it would eventually come out, we'd hear about
 it.  I think what he meant was that we'd hear about it in
 the mainstream media.  The same kind of non-reasoning which
 a kid might use: I don't care what the evidence is, if
 there were no Santa my mommy would tell me.

 I call such thinking 'non-reasoning', not because there
 isn't a logic to it, but because at the core we're talking
 about faith rather than reason.  A child was once asked by
 his pastor, What is faith?.  His answer: Believing what
 you know isn't true.  The pastor chuckled at the innocence,
 but the kid had hit the nail on the head.  Just like the kid
 who pointed out that the Emperor had no clothes.

 Liberals have a faith that the system is fundamentally
 legitimate.  There may be corrupt officials, and
 irresponsible corporations, and misleading media, but these
 are anomalies.  With a bit more reform, intelligent voting,
 public education, etc., such rough edges can be rounded off
 and everything will be OK.  They have a hard time getting
 their head around the idea that the whole system was
 designed in the first 

Re: FWD: Richard K. Smith: Do you still believe in the tooth fairy?

2002-02-01 Thread Aurora Farm

Thanks Robert for your great questions. What to do when we think we have
done everything we can through our work and words, etc.
I feel that we need to embody and be the change we would like to see around
us. And perseverance would appear to be at the top of the Do's and Feel's.
So keeping on , keeping on with the good, true and beautiful not because we
are right and someone else is wrong but more like Out Beyond Ideas of Right
Doing and Wrong Doing there's a Field, I'll meet you There. Rumi. And once
we do all Show Up on the playing field then let's turn to the person beside
us with a sense of discovery and heartfulness so we can then begin to Pay
Attention to what has heart and meaning for one another. Having been in the
first two directions of the four fold way we can then move to the East which
is the place where we tell the Truth with no blame and no judgement and then
we move on to the west(home of the ancestor spirits) where we remain open to
outcome not attached to outcome. One can't proceed on to the next part of
the wheel until they have truly arrived at each of those places . Indigenous
peoples of the Planet say life will be very easy if we but follow the
fourfold way.
Perhaps the good news is that no one really is running the show except
Mother Earth, Father Sky and All Life Everywhere and how we play into that
rhythm in a non separating way , holding our own power, and being a channel
for the Divine will ultimately be what will make the difference. And having
enough Love for ourselves so there is plenty left over to send to George Jr.
and Osama and all the so called evil ones. The people are not evil, the acts
are evil and they come out of fear so it is up to us , who see at least
partially thru the illusion, to send Love and Be Love.
At a time when the angels are so close and available let's write a good
story for the good of all.

If you were looking for a list of Dont's or Things Not to Do at this time I
know of a great list.
The first on that list is Don't Watch.
Blessings, Barbara

Aurora Farm is the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.

-Original Message-
From: Robert Farr [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Friday, February 01, 2002 6:46 AM
Subject: Re: FWD: Richard K. Smith: Do you still believe in the tooth fairy?


Thank you for forwarding that note from Richard K. Smith.  He is spot

I just finished reading Howard Zinn's book, A People's History of the
United States.  For all thinking people, it is a MUST READ.

Zinn documents the things Smith talked about.  It certainly added fuel
to my fire.  One of the most stark revelations (to me) is that the
constitution has nothing to do with protecting *my* liberties (esp. as a
black man).  It was written by the wealthy white elite to protect the
interests of the wealthy white elite.  And, of course, its tenets are
still regularly violated by a court system grown more and more
conservative and protectionist over the years.

The question I'm left with, after reading Zinn's book Smith's words just
now, is:  what can WE - those who can see through the illusion - do
about all of this?  Doing our work is one part of the answer.  Telling
people about what we are doing (and converting some of them) is another
part.  There's more - much more.  But what is it???

How do we break through the ignorance - the willful ignorance (Smith's
references to the Matrix are perfect) - of most people and start
spreading the truth?  And how do we get most folks to accept that truth,
and to act on it?

More than that, how can we use this truth to change our institutions -
especially as the guardians of those institutions don't want them to

Let's discuss that - who's first?

Robert Farr
(540) 668-7160
Check out
for Hot Sauces, Salsas, Mustards  More!

Re: Clinton not Bush

2002-02-01 Thread Allan Balliett

Dear Robert,

   Certain people were out to get Clinton any way they could.  This 
does not seem to be the case with YOUR present President, who, 
besides, should NOT have been the one that was elected to office in 
the first place.
Cheers, Michael from Canada.

Michael, I'm not really  certain what you are saying in the above 
paragraph, but, I think it is important to note that George Bush 
started bombing in the Moslem world on his own volition, but Bill 
Clinton waited to start his bombing of the Moslem world until his 
impeachment was all but certain. Once the bombs fell on Iraq in an 
operation that appeared simultaneously to be completely pointless and 
totally sadistic, the impeachment simply lifted from Bill Clinton's 
shoulders.  What bigger disbursement from the public coffers to the 
private sector that  calls the shots can occur than a few sessions of 
carpet bombing?


Re: Our President

2002-02-01 Thread Thomas Schley

Just had our local phone lines come back up so missed most of this 
conversation.   My only comment is that the idea of a Special 
Prosecutor was brought up on CSPN a last Monday.  Of course it was 
Ralph Nader and his group Public Citizen (I think that's the group's 
name) and an invited economist or two that voiced this opinion over 
TV.  Perhaps no one in the Senate or House wanted to be aligned with 
Nader, but it is a rather glaring difference from the 1990s.

Tom Schley

  I'm not saying we SHOULD have a Special Prosecutor. I'm saying I'm
  surprised the idea hasn't even come up.

Robert Farr
(540) 668-7160
Check out
for Hot Sauces, Salsas, Mustards  More!

Re: CEC Balancing

2002-02-01 Thread barrylia

 surely knows this as he earned a doctorate in agriculture at 
Pulman University in eastern Washington state. That's a very good ag 
 college, I might add.
Correction for accuracy: that's Washington State University in Pullman, 

I believe Walter's degree advisor was John Reganold, lead author in the 
paper in the weekly magazine Science a few years back comparing 
biodynamic and conventional fields in New 
Lia \ [EMAIL PROTECTED] \ Seattle WA 

Re: FWD: Richard K. Smith: Do you still believe in the toothfairy?

2002-02-01 Thread Gil Robertson

We have a half way solution in Oz, one may take garden flowers or Bush
flowers, and still give to the prescribed charity. I tend to take spectacular
Banksias or other flowers grown on the farm and people come up after and ask what
they are and where they can get them. I usually carry seeds in my pocket and
little sheets of instructions on how to grow them, so people will grow their own
tribute flowers instead of buying them from a chemical based industry.


Allan Balliett wrote:

 How to imagine that we have become a nation living daily on the very
 edge of clinical starvation.  How many lifetime savings are
 re-absorbed by the medical industry as our elders succomb? It's
 astonishing how a population will willingly allow itself to be
 exploited decade after decade. Nothing to blame but 'fate.'  The
 Cancer Industry is one of the more obvious reasons that biodynamic
 food will never be served in school cafeterias.

 Allow me to update this story and expand upon the perpetuation of the Matrix.

 My father-in-law passed to the higher form early last Sunday morning.
 At the funeral on Thursday I learned that the family had requested
 that in lieu of flowers contributions be made to the American Cancer

 Several people either failed to read the family's request or proceded
 to act in the dictates of their own hearts and sent sprays of
 preciously beautiful flowers.
