Re: Alex Podolinsky's THE BIG COUNTRY

2002-04-18 Thread Allan Balliett

My copy of the program is rather battered and was only a patchy 
download off the
TV. I am sure some one would have a good copy and the equipment to 
convert it to
your system.

Thanks for this very informative post, Gil. (Anyone else have 
comments on this video?)

Later in the day after posting my request it came to my attention 
that JPI sells this video. Contact Hugh Courtney if you are 

I intend to screen THE BIG COUNTRY at the Blue Ridge Center CSA at 
7pm on April 25 (one week from today) If you are coming, bring a 
cover dish, or at least bring a plate and a fork. RSVP is 
appreciated: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or 540 668 6165

This video will be part of Gardening for the Future, a 6-week 
series of films and discussions the will include programs on Alan 
Chadwick, John Jeavons, Fukuoka, Mollison and a screening of LIFE IN 
THE SOIL. I hope you can plan to attend. All programs at 7pm on 
Thursday evenings in the big tent at Blue Ridge Center CSA, 
Neersville, VA.

Fw: Prominent Israeli MP calls it 'barbarism'

2002-04-18 Thread jsherry

Prominent Israeli MP accuses Sharon of 'barbarism'

[In the most dramatic and forceful statement by a Jewish government official
to date, a British MP sharply denounced the Sharon government and expressed
a surprisingly nuanced understanding of the dynamics of the Israel-Palestine
conflict. Gerald Kaufman, a long-time Labour Party MP and self-described
friend of Israel loudly proclaimed that the Star of David represents all
Jews and not Sharon's repulsive government. He roundly rips Sharon, whom
he had the insight to label a war criminal, as well as offering a voice of
reason on the subject of suicide bombings. While unequivocally denouncing
such attacks, he asks the reasonable questions of what would happen if we
were occupied for 35 years, and raises the key questions of how Zionist
fighters behaved in the 1940s with such acts as the bombing of the King
David Hotel and the massacre at Deir Yassin. He also points out that another
difference is that Israel is a state and that it needs to be held to the
standards of an independent state. He says, The difference between the Deir
Yassin massacre and what happened in Jenin is that Deir Yassin was the work
of terrorist groups denounced by mainstream Jewish groups. The horrors in
Jenin were carried out by the official Israeli army. One may hope that such
a powerful statement, from a prominent Jewish official in a major Western
state may inspire other Jews the world over to finally speak out against
what is happening in our names. - MP],11538,685658,00.html

MP accuses Sharon of 'barbarism'

All sides condemn West Bank incursions

Nicholas Watt, political correspondent
Wednesday April 17, 2002
The Guardian

The veteran Labour MP and prominent Jewish parliamentarian, Gerald Kaufman,
yesterday launched a ferocious attack on the Israeli prime minister, Ariel
Sharon, denouncing him as a war criminal who was staining the Star of
Speaking in a Commons debate on the Middle East crisis, in which MPs from
across the house condemned Israel's incursions into the West Bank, Mr
Kaufman likened Mr Sharon's tactics to the actions of Zionist terrorists in
Palestine in the 1940s.
In an emotional speech, in which he described himself as a lifelong friend
of Israel, the former shadow foreign secretary said: Sharon has ordered his
troops to use methods of barbarism against the Palestinians ... It is time
to remind Sharon that the Star of David belongs to all Jews and not to his
repulsive government. His actions are staining the Star of David with blood.
The Jewish people, whose gifts to civilised discourse include Einstein and
Epstein, are now symbolised throughout the world by the blustering bully
Ariel Sharon, a war criminal implicated in the murder of Palestinians in the
Sabra-Shatila camp and now involved in killing Palestinians once again.
To nods of approval from MPs, Mr Kaufman condemned Palestinian suicide
bombers. But he added that it was important to ask why Palestinians resort
to such tactics. We need to ask how we would feel if we had been occupied
for 35 years by a foreign power which denied us the most elementary human
rights and decent living conditions.
Mr Kaufman then likened the suicide bombers to the Zionist Irgun and Stern
gangs, which launched a series of terrorist attacks in Palestine in the
run-up to the creation of the state of Israel in 1948.
We need to ask what the Jews did in comparable circumstances, he said. In
1946 the Irgun controlled by Menacham Begin blew up the King David hotel in
Jerusalem, slaughtering 91 innocent people. In 1948 the Palestinians
denounced what they described as a massacre in the village of Deir Yassin
... The difference between the Deir Yassin massacre and what happened in
Jenin is that Deir Yassin was the work of terrorist groups denounced by
mainstream Jewish groups. The horrors in Jenin were carried out by the
official Israeli army.
A Blair loyalist, Mr Kaufman warned that Mr Sharon's conduct had made it
impossible for Britain and the United States to take action against Iraq.
To do so would unite the whole Muslim world against the US, the coalition
against terrorism would disintegrate, western economies could suffer a shock
comparable to the oil shock of 1973.
Mr Kaufman's attack on the Israeli government were echoed across the
chamber. The former Tory cabinet minister, John Gummer, said that a
fundamental distinction should be drawn between the actions of the Israelis
and that of the Arabs.
Israel is a state, with the trappings of a state which claims the
legitimacy of a state and the more that it rightly claims that legitimacy,
the more it has to be judged by the standards of a state and the standards
of democracy, he said.
Amid such a serious Middle East crisis it was irresponsible of Washington to
take such a tough stance against Iraq, Mr Gummer warned. He criticised the
kind of approach that says that we judge what is in our self-interest and

Re: Alex Podolinsky's THE BIG COUNTRY

2002-04-18 Thread Rural Center for Responsible Living

 This video will be part of Gardening for the Future, a 6-week 
 series of films and discussions the will include programs on Alan 
 Chadwick, John Jeavons, Fukuoka, Mollison and a screening of LIFE IN 
 THE SOIL. I hope you can plan to attend. All programs at 7pm on 
 Thursday evenings in the big tent at Blue Ridge Center CSA, 
 Neersville, VA.

Allan, this sounds like a great idea. Christy

Re: Delicious Citrus

2002-04-18 Thread Rural Center for Responsible Living

the face of the farmer is a large part of what spiritual food
  distribution should be about, in my humble opinion. -Allan

Dear Christy,

The farm is Ladybug Oak Grove located in central Florida in the midst of the
citrus belt.  The farmer is John Krohn.  He was inspired by and is a
neighbor of Hunter Lilly, another citrus farmer who supplied us a few years
ago, who worked with Hugh Lovel.  He uses compost and preps in the grove.

In my conversations with the farmer, he has explained how he and Hunter are
lone pioneers (my word) down there among chemicals galore used in citrus
growing.  He told of the greatly visible decrease in wildlife in Florida in
general over the years and of how the industry is being taken by foreign
interests.  He appreciates our support SO much even for the few cases we

Hope it helps,
Spiritual Food for the New Millenium

Re: Delicious Citrus

2002-04-18 Thread Allan Balliett

In my conversations with the farmer, he has explained how he and Hunter are
lone pioneers (my word) down there among chemicals galore used in citrus
growing.  He told of the greatly visible decrease in wildlife in Florida in
general over the years and of how the industry is being taken by foreign
interests.  He appreciates our support SO much even for the few cases we

In addition to this I've heard that the 'foreign interests' are just 
patsies who have been suckered into buying the holdings of the US 
citrus interests who have moved out of Florida (due to unpredictable 
weather (freezes and winds)) to take advantage of the NAFTA benefits 
that Mexico offers them.

Re: OFF: kid's science project

2002-04-18 Thread Gil Robertson

I was not going to send it to mailing list.

I respect my list too much.


Dave Robison wrote:

 Wait! Don't bother. Yahoo has deactivated this account as an anti-spam
 measure. I guess this is some sort of a science lesson.

 Dave Robison


2002-04-18 Thread Rural Center for Responsible Living

Received this today. Its free! Christy
- Original Message -
From: Laurel Hopwood [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 12:08 PM

 HEARTBREAK IN THE HEARTLAND: The True Cost of Genetically Engineered Crops

 In this 26 minute video, farmers on the frontlines share their thoughts on
 how GEOs (genetically engineered organisms) are threatening agriculture,
 consumer choice, and the environment.

 - non-GEO crops and ecosystems are being invaded by uncontrollable,
 pervasive GEO pollen drift
 - herbicide resistant plants (superweeds) are increasingly difficult to
 - farmers' rights to save and replant seed are under attack
 - legal decisions on patented seeds will determine the future of
 agriculture and the food supply
 - Monsanto's aggressive tactics are bringing grief to farmers across the
 - political and regulatory decisions are determined by for-profit
 - consumers are being denied the right to know and choose
 - the natural genetic evolution of life on this planet is being
 irreversibly altered for profit

 The Sierra Club Genetic Engineering Committee (GEC) is distributing (free
 of charge) this re-edited version of 'Genetically Engineered Seeds of
 Controversy: Biotech Bullies Threaten Farmer and Consumer Rights' which
 videotaped last October at the University of Texas at Austin.

 We ask that you show this video at Sierra Club meetings and share the
 with TV stations, local community groups, farmers, regulatory agencies,
 lawmakers, etc.

 If you would like a copy, please e-mail your name and address to
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] You may also contact me for information about
 obtaining additional copies.

 Laurel Hopwood, Chair
 Sierra Club Genetic Engineering Committee


RE: Thun trials, re-examined | Evidence for Lunar-Sidereal Rhythms in Crop Yield: A Review

2002-04-18 Thread Steve Diver

Barrow -

Nyet on scanning a journal article; likewise, re-typing.

Like many journal articles, available in print only.  ILL is your
best bet.   Perhaps, write to the publisher for options.

- Diver


Once again your fountain of information is highly appreciated.

Acknowledging copyright laws, is there a legal way of posting this paper
BDNOW! for those who do not access to the Journal by more conventional


Stephen Barrow