Earth needs...TLC

2003-03-07 Thread Merla Barberie
Hi all,

I am so affected by what is happening in the wider world and in my
smaller world.  I wrote a note to the Security Council.  I guess we all
wrote those notes.  It's too bad that our country is in such a mess in
every way.  I get so angry, it's blowing my head even more.

I've had a couple of unsatisfactory talks with Brad, the Weed
Supervisor, this last week.  I'm feeling bad and scared.  On one hand, I
want to influence the county weed control to go to less chemicals and
have a more wholistic concept.  Everyone has her/his own paradigm and
we're all suffering from cognitive dissidence as far as listening to
another point of view.  Brad actually told me that I was unhappy and
maybe I should just work on my own land.  I think he wants to get rid of
me.  On the other hand, I'm really hurting, and would like to go to a
place where I could be happier.  I think, though, that will come as
these things are resolved.  I need some spiritual guidance to get past
the pain and into a state of happiness.

I need an Epiphany.

It would help if GWB, Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc. would suddenly start doing
everything right and I could relax and feel that the world is going

Love to all,


FW: [globalnews] Carrot shaman Bob Cannard grows the mostcelebrated designer vegetables in the Golden State

2003-03-07 Thread Jane Sherry
Title: FW: [globalnews] Carrot shaman Bob Cannard grows the most celebrated designer vegetables in the Golden State

Mr. Natural

Carrot shaman Bob Cannard grows the most celebrated designer vegetables in the Golden State

By Christina Waters

With its unruly hedgerows of peach trees and musical creek meandering down the mountain, Cannard Farms in Sonoma, California, is, by any standard a rustic Eden. It was an exuberant endorsement by Greg Steltenpohl, founder of Odwalla juices, that brought me here: Bob's carrots are amazinghe's a carrot shaman! Steltenpohl had put his money where his mouth was, retaining Bob Cannard to develop Odwalla's new 65-acre carrot patch, whence flowed the very roots of the company's ubiquitous carrot juice.

After putting two and two together and realizing that this was the same Bob Cannard who grew some of the most famous designer vegetables in Californiathose adorning the menu of Alice Waters' Chez Panisse and Wolfgang Puck's PostrioI had to see for myself.

House wide open, encircled by barns, out buildings, odd bits of weathered tools, a pickup truck and a small, bouncing puppyCannard appears on the rough-hewn front porch like a Wild West apparition. Dressed in mountain man standard issuesflannel shirt, blue jeans, muddied work boots and knit caphe ushers me in and puts on the kettle, leaving me to examine the display of beautifully colored rocks lined up in four neat rows on the kitchen counter.

Most people think that rocks are dead, he says, without turning from the sink. They're alive.

Chunks of amber honeycomb lay oozing in a wooden bowl and outside the window the fields exploded with early spring mustard. We sat downso help meat a log table. He is Jeff Bridges by way of Elmer Gantry. Tanned and weathered, Cannard's face is illuminated by sky-blue eyes, his long hair shot through with silver, his body lanky and lean. Shaman or not, he is one heavy dude and the air in his kitchen was soon thick with charisma.

Cannard likes to pontificate about the stupidity and greed of the conventional high-yield farming. He'd also like to wander off in the direction of planetary doom and the destruction of the earth's fecundity. The hippie in him is obliged to inform me that he keeps his phone in the barn. And that he wouldn't even have one if his kids hadn't insisted. So booming are his pronouncements, so maverick his colorful homilies, that I begin to think he's strictly from Central Casting. But later, when we walk the land, smell the soil, sample the results, I realize that he's the real thing.

Maybe somewhere in his mid-40s, Cannard has roamed, worked, loved and improved these 172 acres (30 of which he cultivates) for the past 20 years, during which he also taught classes in garden crop production at Santa Rosa Junior College.

In 1960, the Pennsylvania native arrived in the Santa Rosa area, where his family ran a nursery raising ornamental plants. That was growing as an industry, he grumps. But at least he was around plantsalways loved being around plants. I went to school at Fresno State and I thought I wanted to study horticulture. But what I was really interested in was plants. He beams paternally. The ease with which they grew in the wild, their fullness and softness.

Loving that essential plantness of plants, Cannard was disappointed to find that the educational system was only training you for a job in some industry. Of his formal training, he is willing to recall only that he had a lot of inquiry, and they suppressed inquiry. So after a brief stay, Cannard ditched academia and in 1972 started Sonoma Mission Gardens.

I'd been around plants all my life. It didn't make much sense for me to take those basic courses, he observes, careful to sound modest. I got kicked out because I was too much of a shit disturber, he growls happily. Besides, plants weren't getting what they wanted from those additives, all those systemic fungicides the petrochemical people used.

So Cannard has spent the past 20 years finding out what plants want and helping them get it.

Dowsing the Right Fantastic

Like the reincarnation of Rudolph Steiner, founder of the biodynamic farming movement currently enjoying recycled vogue, the shit-disturbing grower describes plant cultivation in terms more suited to psychology than chemistry. Dashing up from the table, Cannard bounds out the front door, grabs two handfuls of Italian parsley from different sections of a nearby plot and throws them down on the table when he reappears.

One, I'm invited to realize, is weaker, less vigorous in color and flavor. It was too easy to pull out, the roots weren't very deep, he instructs. The other, we both agree, has more integrity. It's bigger, bolder, hard to uproot. What that means to Cannard is that the more luxuriant parsley was well suited to its growing area. It was happy where it was--it had bonded with that spot.

A firm believer in finding out what makes plants happy, Cannard 

Re: FW: [globalnews] Carrot shaman Bob Cannard grows the most celebrated designer vegetables in the Golden State

2003-03-07 Thread Allan Balliett
Thanks so much for this, Jane. Bob is one of my personal heroes. A 
truly great man, one whom a grower cannot meet without becoming 
changed.  I know others on this list have had equally strong 
experiences in his presence.

Of course, I have about 3 hours of Bob Cannard audio I'd like to 
publish on the web, if there is any interest.


Re: FW: [globalnews] The Nazis The Bush family

2003-03-07 Thread Allan Balliett
Thanks again, Jane. We lost several members of BD Now! last week due 
to your persistent efforts to support the illusion of 'conspiracies.' 
(They unsubscribed)

Is it just me or is Bush and his cronies tearing a very large hole in 
the fabric of the Matrix? It seems to me that EVERYONE is seeing the 
sham of 'making the world safe for Democracy.'

Seeing a beautiful portraite of President Bush on the cover of 
today's Washington Post makes me feel that perhpas it is  I who is 
deluded, though. -Allan

Re: [globalnews] The Nazis The Bush family

2003-03-07 Thread Jane Sherry
Gee, Allan, I'll have to look over what it is that I forwarded last week, I
don't recall trying to support the illusion of conspiracies.

I think Bush  his cronies have a good stronghold on the media, contrary to
the popular notion that the media is a left wing conspiracy of it's own.
Clearly forces of light and darkness are amassing here on the planet and it
is imperative that we all wake up and try and think things through for
ourselves, and not just accept all this warmongering as the will of the
people. Millions of people around the world are tired of the US pushing
policy on everyone so that their precious corporate status quo can continue
to usurp the majority of the world's resources to continue on it's path of

Keep in mind, that to make a new beautiful cloth, you may first have to tear
a bit of fabric!


PS: I'm always curious to know WHO it is who unsubscribes because of my
forwarding or posting information. Of course, you have noticed I hope, that
it is during the lulls on bdnow, when I continue most of my posts.

 From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2003 09:20:38 -0500
 Subject: Re: FW: [globalnews] The Nazis  The Bush family
 Thanks again, Jane. We lost several members of BD Now! last week due
 to your persistent efforts to support the illusion of 'conspiracies.'
 (They unsubscribed)
 Is it just me or is Bush and his cronies tearing a very large hole in
 the fabric of the Matrix? It seems to me that EVERYONE is seeing the
 sham of 'making the world safe for Democracy.'
 Seeing a beautiful portraite of President Bush on the cover of
 today's Washington Post makes me feel that perhpas it is  I who is
 deluded, though. -Allan

Subscriber exodus

2003-03-07 Thread Doug Jay Stewart

From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks again, Jane. We lost several members of BD Now! last week due to 
your persistent efforts to support the illusion of 'conspiracies.' (They 

Seeing a beautiful portraite of President Bush on the cover of today's 
Washington Post makes me feel that perhaps it is I who is deluded, though. 
Some of us have seen this (political) delusion on your part for some time.  
And I do not say this with any animosity intended.  As an example, Noam 
Chomsky is a very clever and skilled writer which makes his pieces look and 
seem very good.  However, when one looks deeper at his facts, the 
deception becomes apparent.

Subscriber exodus:

What I feared and expressed in an email appeal to Jane (and Allan) several 
weeks ago to separate political posts from BD is gradually coming to pass.  
People who joined BDNow for info and inspiration on biodynamics are quitting 
in disgust.

Greg Willis is so right in his observation that it is the very proponents of 
BD who do the most to prevent its general acceptance.

Those of us who have a different view of world events find that on this list 
there is ONE CORRECT POLITICAL VIEW ONLY!  It is that espoused by Jane (and 
seemingly seconded by Allan)!  She is so attached to this view that she is 
blind to the fact that it is destroying BDNow!

I could post volumes to counter Jane's posts, but have chosen not to since 
my, apparently mistaken, assumption was that this list is for BD ag related 

Well, I am sorry to see BDNow die.  I will miss the periodic gems I find 
here.  Hopefully someone else will start a new BD email list.


The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*

Re: Subscriber exodus

2003-03-07 Thread Garuda
I wish to support this being a BD agriculture list and not a political
hotbed ( to which I have added from time to time)
- Original Message -
From: Doug  Jay Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 08, 2003 7:14 AM
Subject: Subscriber exodus

 From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Thanks again, Jane. We lost several members of BD Now! last week due to
 your persistent efforts to support the illusion of 'conspiracies.' (They

 Seeing a beautiful portraite of President Bush on the cover of today's
 Washington Post makes me feel that perhaps it is I who is deluded,

 Some of us have seen this (political) delusion on your part for some time.
 And I do not say this with any animosity intended.  As an example, Noam
 Chomsky is a very clever and skilled writer which makes his pieces look
 seem very good.  However, when one looks deeper at his facts, the
 deception becomes apparent.

 Subscriber exodus:

 What I feared and expressed in an email appeal to Jane (and Allan) several
 weeks ago to separate political posts from BD is gradually coming to pass.
 People who joined BDNow for info and inspiration on biodynamics are
 in disgust.

 Greg Willis is so right in his observation that it is the very proponents
 BD who do the most to prevent its general acceptance.

 Those of us who have a different view of world events find that on this
 there is ONE CORRECT POLITICAL VIEW ONLY!  It is that espoused by Jane
 seemingly seconded by Allan)!  She is so attached to this view that she is
 blind to the fact that it is destroying BDNow!

 I could post volumes to counter Jane's posts, but have chosen not to since
 my, apparently mistaken, assumption was that this list is for BD ag

 Well, I am sorry to see BDNow die.  I will miss the periodic gems I find
 here.  Hopefully someone else will start a new BD email list.


 The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*

Did someone say fruitloops?

2003-03-07 Thread Moen Creek

Power on!?!



2003-03-07 Thread sherwood
Indeed the deterioration of this this list recently has been sad. What
just a year or two ago was an active forum with good substantiative topics
has reverted to mostly global news, and chit chat. Not trying to be too
negative but there is so much potential (check the archives), that I feel
we're missing out on.

We hashed this out a few weeks back. Since then I've been contemplating a
idea raised then. When I see Merla post about the troubles world affairs
might be causing her it solidifies my thoughts. Some of us like, need, or
choose to live in our own little BD world. There is a lot if injustice in
this world, and being able to deal with all the negatives isn't for
everyone.  There are places (many) that on can go for news, alternative,
mainstream, political opinions. There aren't many places one can go to
find those experienced in BD, especially in a forum where the back and
forth of discussion often reveals so much.


2003-03-07 Thread sherwood
Hey Markess...thanks for that link a few months ago. I really use that
jetstream site often now... good stuff.

Still some diamonds in all the rough (or political chaff)...


2003-03-07 Thread Barry Carter
Dear Friends,

At 01:38 PM 3/7/2003, you wrote:
Indeed the deterioration of this this list recently has been sad. What
just a year or two ago was an active forum with good substantiative topics
has reverted to mostly global news, and chit chat. Not trying to be too
negative but there is so much potential (check the archives), that I feel
we're missing out on.
We hashed this out a few weeks back. Since then I've been contemplating a
idea raised then. When I see Merla post about the troubles world affairs
might be causing her it solidifies my thoughts. Some of us like, need, or
choose to live in our own little BD world. There is a lot if injustice in
this world, and being able to deal with all the negatives isn't for
everyone.  There are places (many) that on can go for news, alternative,
mainstream, political opinions. There aren't many places one can go to
find those experienced in BD, especially in a forum where the back and
forth of discussion often reveals so much.
I agree. I moderate several dozen forums, mostly on ORMUS. At one point I 
found that I had to set up an ORMUS and Spirit forum and an ORMUS Politics 
forum in order to keep these discussions from creating bad feelings on the 
WhiteGold list. This might be something that could be tried here too.

Also, since many of Jane Sherry's forwarded posts come from the Globalnews 
list I would recommend that anyone who wishes to get this information 
subscribe directly to that list. Here are the commands for the Globalnews list:

Post message: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Unsubscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


With kindest regards,

Barry Carter
2319 Balm
Baker City, Oregon 97814
Phone: 541-523-3357
Web Pages:
Forest -
What you think upon grows. Whatever you allow to occupy your mind you 
magnify in your life. Whether the subject of your thought be good or bad, 
the law works and the condition grows. Any subject that you keep out of 
your mind tends to diminish in your life, because what you do not use 
atrophies. The more you think of grievances, the more such trials you will 
continue to receive; the more you think of the good fortune you have had, 
the more good fortune will come to you.
--Emmet Fox

Re: Did someone say fruitloops?

2003-03-07 Thread Lloyd Charles

- Original Message -
From: Moen Creek [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 08, 2003 6:52 AM
Subject: Did someone say fruitloops?

 Power on!?!


 WOW WHAT A VORTEX!! a manmade upper level cyclone the size of the north
american continent - wonder what they do next ?
Lloyd Charles

On topic: physical and ehteric bodies of plants

2003-03-07 Thread The Korrows

Hi friends, getting back to biodynamics, I came across this wonderful 
passage in a lecture series by Rudolf Steiner called Manifestations of Karma 
(May 18, 1920, Hamburg). I found that it created some vivid imagry in my mind 
that helped me to understand plants better. After reading this, I understand 
much more clearly what is meant when we say that the biodynamic preparations are 
working in the 'etheric'. I think that the etheric is the 'land' of forces and 
processes. So through the application of the preparations, we are strenthening 
the etheric body of the plants, through supporting and strengthening the 
specific growth forces (ie through the compost preps specifically)that are 
active there. Since Steiner could 'see' the flow of etheric energy, I feel it 
must have been quite obvious to him that combining the suggested plant material  
and sheaths would help the plants thrive despite all of the detrimental 
materialistic agricultural happenings. Christy

...In the plant world, how ever, matters are quite different. It is 
certainly possible to speak of plants having illnesses. Indeed diseases of 
plants are of great interest and of supreme relevance when it comes to grasping 
the concept of illness.Leaving any playful conception aside, one cannot really 
speak of inner causes of illness in the case of plants, as one may very well do 
in the case of the animal or the human being. Disease of plants must always be 
traced back to outer causes, to this or that detrimental effect of the earth, 
insufficient light, effects of the wind and other forces of the elements and 
nature. Diseases of plants may furthermore be traced back to the influence of 
parasites that attack the plants and damage them. To speak of 'inner causes of 
illness' in relation to plants is basically totally unjustified.As I do 
not have half a year available to speak about this subject, it is impossible for 
me to furnish innumerable proofs of what I have just indicated. However, the 
more deeply we penetrate into plant pathology, the more clearly we will 
understand that the concept of 'inner cause of illness' is simply not applicable 
to plants and that their diseases are caused by outer phenomena and damaging 
outer influences.

A plant is a being which consists of a physical body and an etheric body, 
and this is how we first encounter it in the outer world. At the same time this 
being draws our attention to the fact, as it were, that such a being that 
consists of physical and etheric body is healthy in principle and will only fall 
ill in response to an outer injury. this fully accords with the findings of 
spiritual science. in the case of animal or human illness, definite changes in 
the inner or supersensible regions of the organism may be discovered by 
clairvoyant research, but this will never be found in plants; in a diseased 
plant, it is not the original etheric body which is changed, but certain 
disturbances and harmful influences have forced their way into the physical body 
and especially the etheric body from the outside. The results of spiritual 
research fully validate the general conclusion that the plant, consisting of 
physical body and etheric body, is in essence healthy. A further important 
aspect is the plant's capacity, on receiving outside injuries, to mobilize all 
kinds of defences to safeguard its growth and development, to heal itself. 
Notice for instance how, if you cut a plant, it tries to grow around the damaged 
part. to bypass whatever may be obstructing and damaging it. we can almost see 
the plant's inner defence system, its healing power become activated.

So there is something in the plant's etheric and physical body which is 
capabe of activating inner healing forces in response to outer injury. This is 
an extremely important fact to consider. A being such as a plant, consisting of 
etheric and physical body have sufficient inherant health to ensure the 
development and growth of the being concerned, but that there is even a super 
abundance of such forces which can be activated for healing when external damage 

Rudolf Steiner 
Manifestations of Karma (May 18, 1920, Hamburg). 

Re: Bob Cannard Wes Jackson Audio + RealSlideShow

2003-03-07 Thread Steve Diver
Here is the RealSlideShow sampler I put together.

It's a Beautiful Day

The music goes for 2.4 minutes, then the
images continue to 3.3 minutes or thereabouts.

RealSlideShow offers this ability to weave
sound and images together.

Well, sometimes life really is a beautiful day.

Steve Diver

Re: Bob Cannard Wes Jackson Audio + RealSlideShow

2003-03-07 Thread Lucia Ruedenberg Wright
On Fri, 7 Mar 2003, Steve Diver wrote:

 Here is the RealSlideShow sampler I put together.
 It's a Beautiful Day

I'm sorry I was not able to see your page! 
An error msg said:

Hey, this page has exceeded its bandwidth for this month!
Please check back at the beginning of the month when it will
be available again.



2003-03-07 Thread Lucia Ruedenberg Wright

hello - my name is Lucia Wright. I joined this list a few weeks ago and
have been watching and reading intermittently, to get the gist of things.

My husband and I have been looking to purchase land for a while now and
recently came across something that finally interests us. It's an
abandoned farmette in Galilee, PA, in Wayne County, Damascus Township.
It's right near the Delaware river that marks the border with New York
State. Does anyone on this list live near there or know the region? or
know of any biodynamic farming going on near there?
