RE: BdMax Bird Scare's Philosophic Anachranism

2003-07-11 Thread Keith N. Legge
I am finding that any email received with an attacment is corrupted with a 
worm virus.  Any wisdom out there.  My vrus buster allows them in for some 
insane reason.


-Original Message-
From:   Gil Robertson [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   07 July, 2003 8:45 PM
To: Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion
Subject:Re: BdMax Bird Scare's Philosophic Anachranism

Are you offering these by mail order for us to broadcast on our own
land? If so How much? I am interested in rats, rabbits and roaches, if
they will work on those in my part of Oz.

Could I  have a full list and prices, please? Off line if you prefer.


Port Lincoln
South Australia

Garuda wrote:

 The BD remedies manifest in my Bird Scare product and proven to work
 by the NZ HortResearch institution can best be described as working by

 Helping the plant to become one with its own inner bird.

 First achieved circa  January 1990, this family of remedies also has
 been shown to work on Rabbits, Possums, Cockroachs, Rats, Mice, Ants
 and many plant pests.

 Biodynamics of the 21st century.

 Glen Atkinson

Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.495 / Virus Database: 294 - Release Date: 30-Jun-03
  File: ATT1.htmlFile: ATT2.txt 

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2003-07-11 Thread Keith N. Legge
Hi all,

Is anyone else suffering from my problem with the above when attachments 
are sent?  Apparently it was Hackers Week last week or the week before and 
they have run amok.  It appears as an attachment usually like a 
downloadedinternet file with a big E and entitled ATT... Some times the 
attachment is like the MS logo and has same name but with the extension 
.txt.  Sometimes both apear together.  I think the worm is called bugbear 
or someting like that.

If I were to send this with an attachment, it more than likely will pick it 
up even though my computer is clean.

Any thoughts


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Version: 6.0.495 / Virus Database: 294 - Release Date: 30-Jun-03

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Re: Viruses

2003-07-11 Thread Gil Robertson
Hi! Keith,
I can't help you.
Most viruses are aimed at Microsoft Explorer. Those of us who use 
Netscape rarely have any experience, so can not help.

I suggest you dump as much Microsoft software as possible and load 
Netscape and non Bill Gates Software and you may find you have little 


Keith N. Legge wrote:

Hi all,

Is anyone else suffering from my problem with the above when attachments 
are sent?  Apparently it was Hackers Week last week or the week before and 
they have run amok.  

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ADMIN: Viruses

2003-07-11 Thread Allan Balliett
Keith - I didn't see any attachments to Gil's email on this end. 
Everyone knows to not send attachments to BD Now! You are probably 
seeing that html artifact that some email tools pick up. I don't 
understand why it w.b. infected, though.

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Re: radionics, voodoo, holy cards, and 3rd class relics

2003-07-11 Thread Turtle Bend
Title: Re: radionics, voodoo, holy cards, and 3rd class relics

I'm sorry you have come to these beliefs.
It's always hard to see some one work hard at learning a discipline and then become disillusioned with it.

You wrote: none of Radionics is about actual, living substances and 
life forces as described by Rudolf Steiner

I wonder where you fell into this belief and what would happen to your Radionic work if you changed this belief.

You might consider working with the actual preps and substances as reagents in your broadcasts. I do and also utilize a number of crystals to the delight many beings, plants and gardens included.

By the by where does RS tell as to his in-depth rational for the creation of the thought forms and original intents for the indications of the preps.

In Love * Light

From: Resonant Info [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2003 22:51:37 +1000
To: Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: radionics, voodoo, holy cards, and 3rd class relics

Have a look at a few websites on Voodoo and saints relics and inform 
yourself further. The popular view of sticking pins in dolls to harm 
others is, well, it is just one point of view on voodoo. Likewise I 
wasn't talking about the Catholic Church, as you put it, but one 
particular belief of some Catholics. There are 3 kinds of relics. 
The first is a body part of a saint, the second is a piece of 
clothing worn by a saint and the third class is a piece of material 
that has touched a first class relic, or a holy site, like eg a 
footprint of a saint. In the past it could be that the chosen 
purpose of someone's life was to do a pilgrimage to a particular 
cathedral said to be built around or house a 1st or 2nd class relic. 
Now you can buy 3rd class relics over the net with your VISA card for 
$29.95 and you don't even have to prove you are of the Catholic faith 
to purchase. (I am sure if you shop around, you could get a similar 
or even better quality relic for a low low price. Greg W may be 
interested in this too.)
It's just a side point, but I am afraid you contradict yourself about 
the use of radionics - that is is only used for good, and still you 
worry about what the CIA may have used radionics instruments for.

You see,. It's about other 
energies. It is easy to get excited about these other forces and get 
confused. To me, this is why Steiner presented the preps in the way 
he did, to try to ensure people don't get too off the planet and 
become confounded. It keeps you solid, grounded and respectful of 
life use the real preps. It isn't just some spiritual hocus pocus 
thing, but real matter, organic matter derived from living things. 
If you do some serious thinking about this the distinction between 
these other forces and the biodynamic preps stands out like dog's 
balls (= Australian for quite evident for those less crassly 

And, using the preps is about growing food for people - for the 
children who will be the masters of earth in a few years. They are 
the people we must think of when we do biodynamics. It is them 
that we are serving. Sometimes this aim is lost in the excitement of 
the practise of BD.


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Re: Greg Willis - costs of preps

2003-07-11 Thread The Korrows

Greg wrote,

"How do I know this. Through insight and intuitionbrought about 
by 25 years of meditating every day. Meditation develops the 

Meditation is also suppose to develop humility, meditate on humility and 
your intuition will change, because the two are intimately intertwined. 
Intuition without humility is only partial and is designed to serve the 
Peace, Chris
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Re: Greg Willis - costs of preps

2003-07-11 Thread Hamilton Willis
Dear Chris,

Thank you for your advice. I will give it the
consideration it deserves.

If you find fault with my facts or assertions, it
would be more productive for you and me if you
disputed or agreed with them using reasoned arguments.
Then we can carry forth this discussion in a mature
and meaningful manner.  Otherwise, you're wasting my

Peace to you too,
Greg Willis
Napa, CA

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got a spoon, kids rocks

2003-07-11 Thread sherwood
Oh how wonderful to have Greg back striing up the pot, and getting some of
us stoked. Over time things have a habit of settling (thank you gravity).
With a little levity we might can get somewhere (other than here).

Graeme, the for the children words, are the most important and truest
posted for a while. I understand the 'heal the earth' purpose but there
are limits that physical applications of the preps can do (especially on a
global scale). Yes, I can apply to my 25 acres and the guy 2 miles away
can do his 40, but what about all the space in between. Use those preps to
make food worthy of the next generation and the possibilities are endless
(no limits).  They are the ones the Earth is relying on.

Markess, I took note of your utilization of crystal comment.  I was hoping
you might expound on your method. I've had this feeling for a while that
the use of crystals might help create a more 'harmonius balance' on my
place.  I'm not sure which ones, or where they should go...but this
feeling won't go away.  Do you broadcast with them, or place them on your
property?  Anyone else out there broadcasting or burying crystals? (or
thinking about it?)

Just opinion and question from one prone to lurk,


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Wines and Vines issue on Biodynamics

2003-07-11 Thread Hamilton Willis
The April '03 issue of Wines and Vines feaatured a
front page cover on biodynamics with an extensive
article within.  You can view the ad for the issue at:

They say back issues are available.

Greg Willis
Napa, CA

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Re: radionics, voodoo, holy cards, and 3rd class relics

2003-07-11 Thread Garuda
  Why not let him present his proof
 instead of finding some novel way of telling him he is a nutcase.  If Greg
 can prove his style of BD minimizes disease even as it greatly increases
 the quality, then I think maybe we should all shut up and listen. Rex

Here   Here, it is the way forward.
Even if the Association blind dudes can not see it or acknowledge it, the
world does. 'Their' loss, the worlds win, and we move forward.
Glen A
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