From such a perspective life
> forces are infinitely complex forces that involve the resurrection or
> redemption of matter - not just at the mineral level either as I
> think Glen A proposes.

no I am not proposing BD preps and the energeries they mediate work at 'just
the mineral level'. Not sure where you would have gotten this impression
from my writings.

The use of 'Life Forces' as a term is to me vague and confusing.
For some (including me) this will mean purely etheric forces, for others it
means all spiritual forces active in life , which from a RS point of view
are physical, etheric, astral and spiritual forces.
To me the BD preps mediate all of these forces. My chapter on the The
Preparations, outlines clearly which prep I consider to mediate which
physical, etheric, astral or spiritual activity.
My research is very much concerned with what we can do with these subtle
forces, even though my practise is concerned with working with substance as
well as force, as one must.

Bio-Dynamics = Life Forces = All the forces active in nature as described
Glen A

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