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Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2002 00:29:33 -0600
Subject: [biotech_activists] Monbiot:  THE COVERT BIOTECH WAR

Biotech Activists ([EMAIL PROTECTED])    Posted: 11/19/2002  By 

The Guardian (London)  Tuesday November 19, 2002

The  battle  to  put  a corporate GM padlock on our foodchain is being
fought on the net

The president of Zambia is wrong. Genetically modified food is not, as
as we know, "poison". While adequate safety tests have still to be
conducted, there is as yet no compelling evidence that it is any worse
human health than conventional food. Given the choice with which the
people of Zambia are now faced - starvation and eating GM - I would eat

The real problem with engineered crops, as this column has been pointing
out for several years, is that they permit the big biotech companies to
place a padlock on the food chain. By patenting the genes and all the
technologies associated with them, the corporations are manoeuvring
themselves into a position from which they can exercise complete control
over what we eat. This has devastating implications for food security in
poorer countries.

This is the reason why these crops have been resisted so keenly by
campaigners.  The biotech companies have been experimenting with new
of overcoming their resistance.

Zambia, Zimbabwe and Malawi, all of which are suffering from the current
famine, have been told by the US international development agency, USAID,
that there is no option but to make use of GM crops from the United
States. This is simply untrue. Between now and March, the region will
up to 2m tonnes of emergency food aid in the form of grain.  The UN's
and Agriculture Organisation says that there are 1.16m tonnes of
exportable maize in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and South Africa.  Europe,
Brazil, India and China have surpluses and stockpiles running into many
tens of millions of tonnes. Even in the US, more than 50% of the harvest
has been kept GM-free. All the starving people in southern Africa,
Ethiopia and the world's other hungry regions could be fed without the
of a single genetically modified grain.

But the US is unique among major donors in that it gives its aid in kind,
rather than in cash. The others pay the world food programme, which then
buys supplies as locally as possible. This is cheaper and better for
economies. USAID, by contrast, insists on sending, where possible, only
its own grain.  As its website boasts, "the principal beneficiary of
America's foreign assistance programs has always been the United States.
Close to 80% of the USAID contracts and grants go directly to American
firms. Foreign assistance programs have helped create major markets for
agricultural goods, created new markets for American industrial exports
and meant hundreds of thousands of jobs for Americans".

America's food aid programme provides a massive hidden subsidy to its
farmers. But, as a recent report by Greenpeace shows, they are not the
only beneficiaries. One of USAID's stated objectives is to "integrate GM
into local food systems". Earlier this year, it launched a $100m
for bringing biotechnology to developing countries. USAID's "training"
and "awareness raising"  programmes will, its website reveals, provide
companies such as "Syngenta, Pioneer Hi-Bred and Monsanto"  with
opportunities for "technology transfer" into the poor world.  Monsanto,
turn, provides financial support for USAID. The famine will permit USAID
to accelerate this strategy. It knows that some of the grain it exports
southern Africa will be planted by farmers for next year's harvest. Once
contamination is widespread, the governments of those nations will no
longer be able to sustain a ban on the technology.

All that stands in the way of these plans is the resistance of local
people and the protests of environment groups. For the past few years,
Monsanto has been working on that.

Six months ago, this column revealed that a fake citizen called Mary
Murphy had been bombarding internet listservers with messages denouncing
the scientists and environmentalists who were critical of GM crops.  The
computer from which some of these messages were sent belongs to a public
relations company called Bivings, which works for Monsanto.  The boss of
Bivings wrote to the Guardian, fiercely denying that his company had been
running covert campaigns. His head of online PR, however, admitted to the
BBC's Newsnight that one of the messages came from someone "working for
Bivings"  or "clients using our services". But Bivings denies any
knowledge of the use of its computer for such a campaign.

This admission prompted the researcher Jonathan Matthews, who first
uncovered the story, to take another look at some of the emails which had
attracted his attention. He had become particularly interested in a
of vituperative messages sent to the most prominent biotech listservers
the net, by someone called Andura Smetacek. Smetacek first began writing
in 2000. She or he repeatedly accused the critics of GM of terrorism.
one of her letters, asserting that Greenpeace was deliberately spreading
unfounded fears about GM foods in order to further its own financial
interests, was reprinted in the Glasgow Herald, Greenpeace successfully
sued the paper for libel.

Smetacek claimed, in different messages, first to live in London, then in
New York. Jonathan Matthews checked every available public record and
found that no person of that name appeared to exist in either city.  But
last month his techie friends discovered something interesting. Three of
these messages, including the first one Smetacek sent, arrived with the
internet protocol address This is the address assigned to
the server gatekeeper2.monsanto.com. It belongs to the Monsanto

In 1999, after the company nearly collapsed as a result of its disastrous
attempt to thrust GM food into the European market, Monsanto's
communications director, Philip Angell, explained to the Wall Street
Journal: "Maybe we weren't aggressive enough... When you fight a forest
fire, sometimes you have to light another fire." The company identified
the internet as the medium which had helped protest to "mushroom".

At the end of last year, Jay Byrne, formerly the company's director of
internet outreach, explained to a number of other firms the tactics he
used at Monsanto. He showed how, before he got to work, the top GM sites
listed by an internet search engine were all critical of the technology.
Following his intervention, the top sites were all supportive ones (four
of them established by Monsanto's PR firm Bivings).  He told them to
"think of the internet as a weapon on the table.  Either you pick it up
your competitor does, but somebody is going to get killed".

While he was working for Monsanto, Byrne told the internet newsletter Wow
that he "spends his time and effort participating"  in web discussions
about biotech. He singled out the site AgBioWorld, where he "ensures his
company gets proper play". AgBioWorld is the site on which Smetacek
launched her campaign.

The biotech companies know that they will never conquer new markets while
activists are able to expose the way their operations damage food
and consumer choice. While working with USAID to open new territory, they
also appear to have been fighting covert campaigns against their critics.
Their products may not be poisonous, but can we say the same of their


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