Fun Survey

2003-03-29 Thread KendyBo
OK, I give in- here's my survey answers!
1 --- Do you live in
 a) city
 b) suburbs
 c) country
 d) on Planet Berner
(b) on (d) Bernerville, in Carmel, NY

2 --- Where does your dog spend the night?
They both sleep in our room with us- Sallie stretched across the middle of the room, 
Jackson at the foot of the bed on my side- protecting me, or on my Husband's side on a 
pillow (not a dog bed, an actual pillow :)

3 --- What is your dog's favorite toy?
They both LOVE their Booda hedgehog dollies- they each have a large size one they 
suckle on, they get repaired, washed and replaced regularly due to over-suckling (I 
have a few new ones in reserve!)and they have a baby Hedgie  in the family room for 
regular play.

4 --- Your dog's most remarkable feature is 
Jackson:his big brown eyes- very soulful and loving, and his monkeytalk he is rarely 
Sallie:  Her insanity

5 --- You bought a new car for your dog(s)
Yup!  I got a Subaru Outback.

6 --- Your dog participates in (feel free to list any
titles your dog
has won)
Backyard training, playdates, hikes and walks, goofiness, slipper stealing

7 --- The naughtiest thing that your dog has done
Jackson: ripped up sofa cushion, ate the moulding and doors inside the house, ruined 
my favorite shoes- Is now the world's most perfect dog!
Sallie: currently eating the outside of the house- one shingle at a time (I guess they 
think the outside should match the inside!), ruined daddie's slippers,steals food out 
of your hands, takes everything that's inside outside

Kendra, Jackson, and Sallie

Re: Fun Survey

2003-03-28 Thread Gina D

1 --- Do you live in a) city b) suburbs c) country d) on Planet Berner(b) Gilbert, Arizona2 --- Where does your dog spend the night?***In his crate, which we call his "room" (door left open of course), sometimes in my bedroom, mostly on sprawled out on the kitchen floor.3 --- What is your dog's favorite toy?Noah loves his squeaky stuffed cow that makes a hilarious "moo-ing" noise and this big rubber ball he plays soccer with.4 --- Your dog's most remarkable feature is his need to touch (berner hugs and bumps) everyoneand be near people all of the time. He is all heart wrapped in a furry coat. His sense of humor. One word to describe him: gregarious.5 --- You bought a new car for your dog(s)I'm looking into a newIsuzu Rodeo Sport by this summer. I've always had convertibles, and they just aren't big enough for my 90 lb.teenage boy.6 --- Your dog participates in (feel free to list anytitles your doghas won)(g) training classes 7 --- The naughtiest thing that your dog has doneis.he tore the stuffing out of the cushions of my leather sofa, steals socks, and used the following as chew toys: boyfriend's leather belt, seat belt buckles in my car, and his brand new Canine Cooler mat. Gina Dinero(and Noah too!)

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Fun Survey

2003-03-27 Thread Lucy Yogi
Have fun!

1 --- Do you live in
c) country
d) on Planet Berner
Hmmm... Family and boyfriend would say D, but we live in a house on the 
outskirts of a small village (not quite country enough, but getting there).

2 --- Where does your dog spend the night?
Cessi - beside the bed on the floor (comes up for cuddles first, then gets 
off and spends the night there)
Tucker - usually on the floor in the bathroom, sometimes at the front door

3 --- What is your dog's favorite toy?
Cessi - bones and stuffed babies
Tucker - bones and the cats - the ultimate squeaky toys!
4 --- Your dog's most remarkable feature is (fill in the blank)
(do I have to pick just one???)
Cessi - her intuitiveness blows me away; also the power behind her paws, 
tail and nose nudges, the way she throws herself down for belly rubs, and 
the way she crosses her pretty white paws like the little lady she is
Tucker - vocal ability(!); also this big rough dog gives the most 
incredibly gentle nose nibbles and ear nibbles; silky super soft ears, and 
the ability to sleep wrapped at a 90 degree angle around a corner

5 --- You bought a new car for your dog(s)
Didn't have to - had the SUV (now on #3).  Chose my house based on how it 
would suit living with berners (before I even had one)- does that count?

6 --- Your dog participates in (feel free to list any titles your dog
has won)
a) conformation - Cessi Ch, Tucker - we'll see
b) obedience trials - coming soon for Cessi
c) drafting trials - working on it
g) training classes - oh yes
h) digging to China - no, thank goodness
7 --- The naughtiest thing that your dog has done is.

Cessi is such a good girl...  the thing that comes to mind most readily was 
when she ate a half pound of butter one afternoon while I was away, and 
then, well, it came out the other end, rather explosively.  I've never seen 
poop halfway up the walls before or since.  grin

Tucker, hmmm, let's see - there was my favourite black sandals that he ate 
the cushioning out of, the time he ate 1/2 a wild bunny (this counts as one 
of Cessi's naughty things too as she killed the thing) and then 
regurgitated it on the carpet in the living room...

None of these are really *naughty* things - just dogs being dogs.  Oh, and 
there was the time Tucker walked up to Adam as he was getting dressed one 
morning and grabbed his, um, privates, between his teeth.  Luckily he 
didn't bite down!  Cessi also used to square her dad regularly with her 
front paw by sitting up like a bear and throwing one into his groin.

Cessi and Tucker

Fun Survey

2003-03-27 Thread Beth Willan
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Re: Fun Survey

2003-03-25 Thread Cecilia Ståhl
1 --- Do you live in

In the suburbs of a city on Planet Berner, with the country and forest right
outside our doorstep.

2 --- Where does your dog spend the night?

Under my bed, which is enclosed by walls on 2 sides. It was his idea, not
mine. When Griffin was around 7 months, he started having trouble getting in
and out from under there so I tried to convince him that sleeping beside the
bed would be so much better. He was miserable. He wanted his spot. The only
solution was to ask a carpenter to fashion new, oak legs for the bed that
could accommodate a 55 kg  4-legged furry limbo dancer.

3 --- What is your dog's favourite toy?

A stuffed squeaky mallard duck, though the giant stuffed slipper in the form
of a tiger's paw is still a favourite.

4 --- Your dog's most remarkable feature is (fill in the blank)

His smile.

5 --- You bought a new car for your dog(so)


6 --- Your dog participates in (feel free to list any titles your dog
has won)
i) Griffin is a champion pedagogue. He gives his Mom daily lessons on the
real meaning of life.

7 --- The naughtiest thing that your dog has done is.

Back in the times of B.B. (Before Berners) I enjoyed knitting in my spare
time. One particularly challenging project was a beautiful pair of
traditional Scandinavian mittens, knitted on 4 needles in several colours of
hand spun wool with a black background. Because of the intricate pattern, I
decided to take a pause when the first mitten was completed. I remember my
feeling of pride and triumph when, 4 years later, I had finally finished the
second mitten. Shortly after that, Griffin walked into my life and ate the
thumb off the second mitten. Since I no longer have any spare time, there
will be no third mitten.

Cecilia Ståhl  Griffin in Stockholm, Sweden

re: fun survey

2003-03-25 Thread Claudia Brydon
1 --- Do you live in
c) country

2 --- Where does your dog spend the night? outside our bedroom door (His

3 --- What is your dog's favorite toy?  Whatever Barney has

4 --- Your dog's most remarkable feature is being so Bernerly

5 --- You bought a new car for your dog(s)

6 --- Your dog participates in (feel free to list any titles your dog
has won)
a) conformation
b) obedience trials (not yet)
c) drafting trials (not yet)
d) agility
e) therapy work (not yet)
f) tracking (not yet)
g) training classes

7 --- The naughtiest thing that your dog has done is.chased the
neighbor's cat

Claudia Brydon in NW PA
Barney OA NAJ AD (Aussie)
Boomer (Bernese Mountain Dog)
Mo (Gordon Setter Granddog)

Fun Survey

2003-03-25 Thread beth oberle
1 --- Do you live in
a) city
b) suburbs
c) country
d) on Planet Berner

B) Suburbs--technically a small/medium city west of
2 --- Where does your dog spend the night?

Floor at the foot of the stairs to guard her biped
sisters who sleep upstairs.  Sometimes the living room
couch.  She is welcome in bed with me and does so when
it thunders.  
3 --- What is your dog's favorite toy?

Our two year old lab, Shadow!  

4 --- Your dog's most remarkable feature is (fill in
the blank)

Physically--her tail, it is a gay tail but she is
proud of it and flaunts it wherever she goes and gives
me the talk to the tail move often! She also poses
very regally with her paws crossed in her Princess
Pretty Paws pose.

Personality--she's all berner, need I say more?

5 --- You bought a new car for your dog(s)

Nope.  For the kids.  Went from one kid, one dog in a
Mazda 626 to two kids, two dogs in a Montana van.  We
take the back seats out and put up a dividing panel
and the dogs ride in the back.  It has rear a/c so
they are comfortable.

6 --- Your dog participates in (feel free to list any
titles your dog
has won)
a) conformation
b) obedience trials
c) drafting trials
d) agility
e) therapy work
f) tracking
g) training classes
h) digging to China

H and Championship Counter Surfing! 
7 --- The naughtiest thing that your dog has done

Stealing 4 juicy delmonico steaks off the dining room
table after my husband brought them in from the grill
and returned to the kitchen for other food.  She had
steak, we had eggs and sausage that night!  Also she
and Shadow conspired to drag a cushion from the extra
large chair and play tug-o-war with it in the back
yard one morning while I was out.  

Beth Oberle
Heidi the Berner
Shadow the Lab
St. Charles, IL

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Fw: Fun Survey

2003-03-25 Thread Karen Alexander
---Original Message---
From: Karen Alexander
Date: Monday, March 24, 2003 10:51:22 PM
To: Berner L
Subject: Fun Survey
Have fun!
1 --- Do you live in
d) on Planet Berner
2 --- Where does your dog spend the night?
Clover is my 7 year old baby has always slept in the bed with me.
Hazel who is almost a year and a half, sleeps in the bath tub.
Cindy is four months old and sleeps in the crate until older.
3 --- What is your dog's favorite toy?
Clover chews on a sterilized bone.
Hazel used to enjoy any toy I gave her.  When Cindy arrived, the puppy
became her most favorite toy.
Cindy has enjoyed all of Hazel's toys but her favorite is one I bought just
for her and its a wool sheep with a squeaker in it, her sleepy sheep.
4 --- Your dog's most remarkable feature is 
Clover - her patience with me over the years
Hazel - the way she wakes me up in the morning by jumping into the bed and
putting her face on mine
Cindy - her smiling eyes and friendliness
5 --- You bought a new car for your dog(s)
Yes - I had Clover with me in a Honda Civic when I was in an auto accident. 
She was unhurt but I ended up having three surgeries.  I traded it for a
Honda Odessey and have never regretted it.
6 --- Your dog participates in (feel free to list any titles your dog
has won)
a) conformation - Clover is a Champion.
e) therapy work - Clover went to my father's nursing home and she has been
trained to be my service dog.
g) training classes - Hazel has been to obedience and we are working toward
her CGC.
h) digging to China - Hazel had slanted eyes in another life she is passing
on her skills to Cindy.
7 --- The naughtiest thing that your dog has done is.
Clover - it was so bad I had to send her back to the breeder for a few
Hazel - she is a crazy girl, full of herself on a daily basis and most of
the time she does just the opposite of what I want her to do  
Cindy - so far she is still learning her boundaries and is a good puppy but
is unfortunately closely watching Hazel's every behavior
Karen Alexander
Florida USA

Re: Fun Survey

2003-03-24 Thread Radha Iyengar

1 --- Do you live in
a) city
b) suburbs
c) country
d) on Planet Berner
***(B) but soon approaching (D) as we look for a new
place to house my growing addiction to berners

2 --- Where does your dog spend the night?
***This is a bit like where does an elephant sit? 
Anywhere he wants--right?  Well Smokey sleeps on the
floor, on a couch, sometimes nestled between us on the
queen sized bed (we need to get a king--that will be
part of the move!)

3 --- What is your dog's favorite toy?
Smokey loves, I mean loves, this stuffed squeaky
lamb thing.  He doesn't chew it (which he does with
all other toys) just hugs it and holds it.  If he
doesn't have it when he sleeps he is restless and
won't settle down until he gets it!  There is also an
old, chewed up football (american) which we used to
play with Smokey and now has a large hole where the
front should be when Smokey tried to strip my
boyfriends of the ball one afternoon.  Smokey still
chases it, and will only play with it if he sees it

4 --- Your dog's most remarkable feature is 
his ability to give backtalk.  Yes, I am sure
there are others here who have a rambunction pup who
while he will obey commands has a mouthful when doing
it.  Also when not getting food, treats, or when not
being attended to.  Smokey has a large range of sounds
and I SWEAR he thinks he is speaking the same language
as me.  Sometimes he even waits for me to respond and
then interrupts with more!!!

5 --- You bought a new car for your dog(s)
In process...

6 --- Your dog participates in (feel free to list any
titles your dog
has won)
(g) training classes
actually we are just starting obedience training in
may.  That should be fun (any advise or suggestions
from folks is welcome)

***(i) My own category--table surfing.  Now I don't
know what your dogs are like but when I say this I
mean my boy will get up on tables counters, etc. to
eat things and when I say get up, I mean all 4 feet,
and 117lbs of berner boy on top of whatever he is
after.  I believe that he learned this from the cat,
but with his long legs he sure can jump high! 

7 --- The naughtiest thing that your dog has done
eaten my cellphone, and coffee table, and rug,
he went on a rampage but has been could recently (I
knock on wood to get some spliters from the chewed up
Still, he's a good boy (he smiles at me wondering what
dog I am writing about!)

Radha and Smokey
Princeton, NJ

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Return of The Fun Survey

2003-03-24 Thread Petnans
1 --- Do you live in
b) suburbs
(but the suburbs of New Jersey, which are as crowded as a small city!)

2 --- Where does your dog spend the night?
Tasha starts out on my son's bed, then moves to the rug in his room, then migrates to 
the landing between the first and second floors.
Morgan lays in the hallway between our bedrooms, then migrates downstairs.

3 --- What is your dog's favorite toy?

Tasha loves her hedgehog.  Morgan destroyed all of Tasha's toys within two weeks of 
joining our household.  He loves any squeaky toy that he can perform surgery on - a 
sqeakectomy.  I then sew the toy up again for him to repeat the procedure.

4 --- Your dog's most remarkable feature is (fill in the blank)
Tasha her beautiful head and her incredible drive to do anything for food.
Morgan his beautiful dark eyes and his need to be always vigilant about what is 
happening in 'his' neighborhood.

5 --- You bought a new car for your dog(s)
Yes, actually a leased Blazer for Tasha.  When Morgan came along, we got a Honda 
Odyssey for both of them.

6 --- Your dog participates in (feel free to list any titles your dog
has won)
e) therapy work - Tasha
g) training classes - Tasha and Morgan
   Morgan hopefully will start agility soon. 

7 --- The naughtiest thing that your dog has done is.

When Tasha was a puppy she stole some birthday cake off the table from underneath a 
cake dome!!

Morgan just has major attitude, but has never done anything really awful.  The worst 
thing he did was mistake one of my collectible bears for a dog toy, but I was in the 
room to correct him at the time!

Debby Lyon
Allendale, NJ

Re: Fun Survey

2003-03-24 Thread Kelly

1 --- Do you live in
a) city
b) suburbs
c) country
d) on Planet Berner
In the suburbs as well as on Planet Berner (can we have two answers to this

2 --- Where does your dog spend the night?
On our bed of course!!!

3 --- What is your dog's favorite toy?
Squeaky fabric jack toy and kong with peanut butter inside.

4 --- Your dog's most remarkable feature is
Her ability to know exactly when I open the freezer door, even when sound

5 --- You bought a new car for your dog(s)

6 --- Your dog participates in (feel free to list any
titles your dog
has won)
Passed all obedience classes and holds a CGC. Also counter surfs extremely

7 --- The naughtiest thing that your dog has done
Absolutely nothing!! Seriously she has never done anything naughty since we
have had her. She has always been the perfect child, never getting in the
trash, never digging up the yard, never removing my bushes and never
stealing dirty clothes.

Kelly Weir

Fun Survey

2003-03-24 Thread Martha Hoverson

1 --- Do you live in
a) city
b) suburbs
c) country
d) on Planet Berner
I say it's the city, but Don says it's not *in* the city, so it doesn't 
count.  So I guess it's b.
2 --- Where does your dog spend the night?
In the crate, except when someone forgets to close the door, and then on the 

3 --- What is your dog's favorite toy?

An odd ducky toy with an accordion-type middle, a ball at one end, and a 
quack-quack-quacking duck head at the other.

4 --- Your dog's most remarkable feature is (fill in the blank)
that everything and everyone is her friend.
5 --- You bought a new car for your dog(s)
No, but we already had a Volvo V70 station wagon.
6 --- Your dog participates in (feel free to list any titles your dog
has won)
a) conformation
b) obedience trials
c) drafting trials
d) agility
e) therapy work
f) tracking
g) training classes
h) digging to China
Molly is, sadly, an obedience school dropout.  (Maybe when she has recovered 
from elbow surgery we will try again.)  So the answer would be digging to 
China, as well as world class tree eating.
7 --- The naughtiest thing that your dog has done is.

Destroy numerous remote controls through vigourous chewing; spare parts are 
spat out upon the sofa.

Martha Hoverson and Molly
Portland, Maine

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Re: fun survey

2003-03-24 Thread Teri Andrews
1 --- Do you live in

c) country

2 --- Where does your dog spend the night?
 1/2 the night at the foot of the bed and 1/2 the night on the

3 --- What is your dog's favorite toy?
Our 3 cats - the chase goes on until they run through the kitty
door leading into the basement.

4 --- Your dog's most remarkable feature is (fill in the blank)
   His devotion to me and he beautiful big head

5 --- You bought a new car for your dog(s)
Yes - an SUV

6 --- Your dog participates in (feel free to list any titles your dog
has won)

f) tracking
g) training classes
h) digging to China

7 --- The naughtiest thing that your dog has done is
At 6 months he dug his way to China in the family room
through the new berber carpet.  He pulled up a loop and kept pulling it with
his teeth - major repair bill.  At 3 he ate 3 bags of chocolate covered
pretzels that he stole from my work bag. He ate the plastic, 18 pretzels and
the ties that held the bags closed.  5 days later, bags and ties were found
in the yard.

Re: Return of the fun survey

2003-03-24 Thread Andrea Stefanac
Hi all,

1 --- Do you live in
a) city
b) suburbs
c) country
d) on Planet Berner

** B- suburbs but landed on Planet Berner quite awhile

2 --- Where does your dog spend the night?

**Berner boy Chance has several places- on our bed, in
the hallway, or on the cool tile by the front door. 
Mutt Dakota sleeps on his bed near our bed.

3 --- What is your dog's favorite toy?

** Chance loves his big stuffed ball. Preferably with
a squeaker but still loves them even without it. 
Dakota is beyond the toy playing stage (9 yrs old),
but used to love stuffed toys in a bone shape with a

4 --- Your dog's most remarkable feature is (fill in
the blank)
**Chance's upbeat, happy-go-lucky attitude.  This boy
rarely has depressed days.

5 --- You bought a new car for your dog(s)
6 --- Your dog participates in (feel free to list any
titles your dog
has won)
a) conformation
b) obedience trials
c) drafting trials
d) agility
e) therapy work
f) tracking
g) training classes
h) digging to China

**B- has his CD; C- has his NDD; D-loves agility but
we do limited amounts due to his bad knees; G- working
on CDX work although we'll never compete at that level
b/c his knees don't let him get over the required jump

7 --- The naughtiest thing that your dog has done
** Chance's newest bad thing is to climb into the
front seats of the car and scavenge around for any/all
possible food- never mind if it is in wrappers, etc. 
He is earning his way back into the car crate all the
time or being left at home if the crate is being used
by the new Berner boy, Barkley. 

Andrea Stefanac
Richmond, VA

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Fun Survey

2003-03-24 Thread Karen Alexander
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