Hi all :)

  Many people think that jumping from one field to another in 3D
development is not good , but well, many good ideas born from mixing
different things into a new one, and my recent perticle developments
provide me the tools to implement a mesh relaxation algorithm based on
the principles of particle spring forces :)

  This new mesh relaxation implemenetation for Blender will be incredible
handy not just for the unlimited clay tool but for every modeling
toolbox :)

  I have tried to use the smoothing tool of Editmode but is not very
suited for unlimited clay, Sculptis perform a smoothing relaxation
algorithm on brush strokes and that is the reason of their clean meshes,
so I have tried to accomplish the same.

 I will upload soon a video demo showing the relaxation in action, it
could  "clean" very messy start geometry, I mean, if you start with lots
of stretched polygons it will make them as even as possible.
 It is still not finished and I have to decide yet to make a patch to
implement it as an editmode tool too

                             ... but the fun continues :)

                                           Cheers  Farsthary

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