The BibDesk development team is pleased to announce that a new version of 
BibDesk, version 1.8.16, is now available.

We thank the users who have contributed to BibDesk development by sharing their 
experiences with BibDesk, and testing nightly builds. 

This release can be obtained by selecting "check for updates" in the "BibDesk" 
menu, visiting the Sourceforge downloads page at 

or by visiting the BibDesk home page at <>

or by following the link below, which will begin immediate download: 

For those interested follow the full release notes for this version.

Release notes for BibDesk version 1.8.17

New Features
  *  New preference option to autogenerate cite keys for existing cite keys

Bugs Fixed
  *  Don't always call Will Generate Cite Key script hook when importing
  *  Do call Did Generate Cite Key script hook also when we don't change the key
  *  Always auto generate cite key when importing when pref is set, also when a 
cite key was set
  *  Make sure font preferences controls use the font panel
  *  Increase contrast for count bubbles with reduced transparency
  *  Support reduced motion accessibility option

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