Re: [Bitcoin-development] Stealth Addresses

2014-01-08 Thread Jeremy Spilman
Thanks Peter for the paper!

I'm just going to restate your 'simple explanation' to make sure I got  

The payee publishes a public key of theirs, which will be a long-standing  
identifier, public key = 'Q', corresponding private key = 'd'.

To pay them, payee generate a keypair, private key = 'e' public key of  
'P'. Publish 'P' in the transaction.

The payer can calculate S = eQ, where S is a shared secret between  
payer/payee. The payee calculates the same S as S = dP. So the payee sees  
'P' in a transaction, and multiplies by their private key, to get S.

Now that we have the shared secret, either side can calculate an offset to  
Q which becomes the pay-to-address. When you say BIP32-style derivation,  
Q' = H(S) + Q, does this mean Q + SHA256(33-byte S)?

A payee has to check each transaction (or every transaction of a fixed  
prefix) with 'P', calculate Q' = Q + H(dP) and see if that transaction  
pays to Q'. If the address matches, then the payee can spend it with  
private key of d + H(dP).

One downside is that you have to hold your private key in memory  
unencrypted in order to identify new payments coming in. So  
stealth-addresses may not be suitable for receiving eCommerce payments,  
since you can't implement a corresponding watch-only wallet, e.g. there's  
no way to direct-deposit into cold storage.

Hope I got that right...

On Mon, 06 Jan 2014 04:03:38 -0800, Peter Todd wrote:

 Using Elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) we can generate a shared
 secret that the payee can use to recover their funds. Let the payee have
 keypair Q=dG. The payor generates nonce keypair P=eG and uses ECDH to
 arrive at shared secret c=H(eQ)=H(dP). This secret could be used to
 derive a ECC secret key, and from that a scriptPubKey, however that
 would allow both payor and payee the ability to spend the funds. So
 instead we use BIP32-style derivation to create Q'=(Q+c)G and associated

 As for the nonce keypair, that is included in the transaction in an
 additional zero-valued output:

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[Bitcoin-development] Getting trusted metrics from the block chain in an untrusted environment ?

2014-01-08 Thread Clément Elbaz
Hello all,

I'm designing a program that needs some metrics computed from the Bitcoin
block chain (some address balances, or the occurrence or not of a specific
transaction). The kind of infos you get from,
provided you trust this website (my program do not).

My program should run on lightweight/embedded hardware. The execution
environment provides access to the Bitcoin network but not enough resources
to set up a trusted node along with my program. Also, my program trusts the
global Bitcoin network but no individual node.

I would need a way to ask an untrusted Bitcoin node to compute some 'metric
request' on my behalf and having the result of that metric request
validated by the network.

Is there any available or work-in-progress projects that would come close
to this need ? Or should I do it myself ? :-)

Thank you all,

Clément Elbaz
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Getting trusted metrics from the block chain in an untrusted environment ?

2014-01-08 Thread Clément Elbaz
Some more thoughts :

If no such project exist yet, I thought it could work with an alternate,
small and fixed-length 'metric request block chain' of some sort.

It would temporarily stores structures defined as [metric request | current
block number when request was made | hash of the response] instead of
financial transactions.

These structures are verifiable so it could work the same way as a regular
financial blochchain.

It should not be part of the main Bitcoin protocol but could be a plugin
interacting with the data managed by the fullnode bitcoin software.

Also, metrics requests can be expensive to compute and validate, so it
would make sense to pay a fee everytime you ask one.

Does any of this makes any sense to you ?


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