I know it has nothing to do with sheep, but I thought some of you would be interested in a 10-minute video I watched today. Dr. Temple Grandin, who some of you know is widely considered to be the world's leading expert on humane animal handling--and who is austistic--guides a tour through a beef slaughter facility. The video was produced by the American Meat Industry in an effort to improve transparency of the workings in meat packing facilities--often the target of animal rights groups.

The 2012 beef-processing video is available at <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0011Lj3yqOVGnKVjo6pRc4c_KseJ3wQ5pnm7bAeKABAf1-UsqxuKmzJkHzjwtqDGS4FkWJwHK_FoVlOzGxd5L0HtJIFqGuB7pUar2Y_DIAZI9lemiJZRhyE6B-LCjN1Iu9q31AVabS7k_kbG0iMCe31fJAv5xeRVo2dP58FeOwvQb4REvXw1k7z3Q==>www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMqYYXswono&feature=player_embedded.

Next week, AMI will release another video tour, this time of pork slaughter.

Dr. Temple Grandin's website is at http://www.grandin.com. There is a wealth of information there, and I have read and can recommend several of her books, including "Animals Make Us Human" and "Animals in Translation." Her autism gives her a unique perspective on how animals think. I've found the information I've learned from her books useful in helping me design handling systems for my sheep and how to ensure their humane slaughter.


Carol Elkins
Critterhaven--Registered Barbados Blackbelly Hair Sheep
(no shear, no dock, no fuss)
Pueblo, Colorado

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