I created this record sheet myself based on one that I saw somewhere else, 
but I can't remember where now. There are a lot of sheep record programs, 
some very inexpensive. You can find links to some of them on my Links page. 
I keep a database in Microsoft Access, but that program is not for the 
faint-of-heart. I would never use it again, but I can't change now because 
I have so much information in the database.

For those of you who haven't visited my Web site recently, you might want 
to have a look. I gave the poor old site a total face lift a couple months 
ago, added a lot of new content, and made the site a lot easier to 
navigate. Pay attention to navigation panels on both the right and left 
sides of the screen. This site has the most comprehensive gathering of 
information on blackbelly sheep in existence. Feedback is always welcome, 
especially if your feedback can help make the site better. Please send your 
feedback to me privately so as not to clutter the list.




On 3/15/2006 9:25:48 AM, blackbelly@lists.blackbellysheep.info wrote:
 > I keep records set up like I keep on my horses.  However I like some of
 > the things on you flock record.  Did you make it or did you purchase it.
 > If so where.  I like the genealogy and pic info.
Carol Elkins
Critterhaven--Registered Barbados Blackbelly Hair Sheep
(no shear, no dock, no fuss)
Pueblo, Colorado
T-shirts, mugs, caps, and more at the
Barbados Blackbelly Online Store http://www.cafepress.com/blackbellysheep

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