[board-discuss] Candidacy for a BoD seat: Thorsten Behrens

2017-11-27 Thread Thorsten Behrens
Dear Community, Members of the TDF, and Membership Committee,

I currently serve as a director on the board of The Document
Foundation, and I would like to run again.

My full name is Thorsten Behrens, as of today I'm 43 years old, and a
father of three boys. Together with my wonderful wife & fellow
LibreOffice hacker Bubli, we live in Hamburg, Germany.

My work with the project and codebase started in 2001 as a developer
(with the former OpenOffice.org community), which we then jointly took
and founded TDF & LibreOffice with in 2010. Since then, I was serving
in various roles, including my current one in the board of
directors. Since 2008 (with a brief hiatus in 2014), I'm also a member
of the OASIS ODF technical committee. As a day job, I lead a great
team of LibreOffice developers at CIB software, helping numerous
customers to run LibreOffice reliably and securely.

Why am I running?

* TDF is now a mature organization - with a certain risk of plateauing
  in its initiative and impact. I'd like to help professionalize the
  core operations further: towards more impact, a broader fundraising
  base, and more intense partnering with other, similarly-motivated
  NGOs. What I want is to have TDF stay for the long run; which also
  includes adapting to changes in the software landscape like cloud
  and app stores.

* Product versus project - while the world outside looks at us and
  mostly sees the product 'LibreOffice' - the reason most of us are
  here is because of the project. Because we like to work on our
  specific areas, be that translation, marketing, QA, UX, development
  or all the other sub-projects TDF is running. We should get the word
  out that using software produced by a community provides unique
  values, and make sure we provide effortless entries into the
  community experience for every user out there.

* Diversity - while our user base is amazingly diverse, and so is our
  community around translation, marketing, and native language
  projects - our QA and development community is rather uniform, in a
  number of metrics (gender, ethnicity, geography). That's a bit sad,
  and I'd like to try if we cannot gain many more contributions by
  encouraging under-represented people in those areas.

* I want to keep TDF a friendly & welcoming place - by improving on
  e.g. the Code of Conduct, encouraging friendly debate, and bridging
  the occasional cultural gap or language barrier. After all, for most
  of us here while writing in English, this is only our 2nd or 3rd
  language. TDF also has a strong culture of operating by consensus,
  that I helped to shape, and would like to keep continue encouraging.

* Integrity - another topic I'm rather passionate about is preventing
  unfair advantages: the board has a conflict of interest policy that
  excludes directors from decision-making on items they might benefit
  from; TDF now also has an established process to award contracts via
  an open tendering, allowing everyone to apply.

I'd like to offer my continued help, going after the above. If you
have any questions, about my person or the ideas above, please do
reach out in public or in private!

Full name: Thorsten Behrens
Email: t...@libreoffice.org
Corporate affiliation: CIB software GmbH (German software & consulting
   company, member of the advisory board since

75 words candidacy statement:

I'm leading a team of LibreOffice developers at CIB, and am a
long-time TDF contributor to both code and organisation. Serving in
the current board as a director, I would like to offer my continued
help for the next two years. Things I promise to do: improve &
professionalize organisation; grow & diversify contribution; keep
things fun, fair & sustainable; and help with the largely-German
administrative grunt work.

Kind regards,

-- Thorsten

Description: Digital signature

[board-discuss] Candidacy for BoD

2017-11-27 Thread Daniel A. Rodriguez
Hello everyone,

First of all I must admit that it had not crossed my mind to present
my candidacy until I received a message from Olivier. I collaborate
voluntarily with TDF since January 2011 and I am a member since 2013.
I always try to contribute to the dissemination of ODF and LibreOffice
to the Hispanic people.
I consider it necessary keep working to enhance the synergy between
volunteers and members of Spanish-speaking countries. To add more of
the first and increase the number of seconds, united by the will to
empower the end user to be the owner of the information produced
A significant weakness has to do with the language barrier since the
number of people who speak English in this part of the continent is
relatively low. For this reason I dedicate myself to translate and
publish in the Hispanic blog, press releases, interviews and articles
that help raise awareness about the strategic importance of adopting
free tools and open standards.
I work in a technical secondary school the whole day. I live in
Misiones, Argentina (north east of the country) with the mother of my
two children.

Full name: Daniel Armando Rodriguez

Email address: drodrig...@libreoffice.org

Affiliation: None

Declaration of candidacy:
If I result chosen as a BoD member my goal is to get more hispanic
people involved into the project on a regular basis. I commit myself
to give my best effort for the benefit of the project and to work hard
to put a regional conference in the map.


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[board-discuss] Self nomination for BoD

2017-11-27 Thread Uwe Altmann
Hi everybody :)

My name is Uwe Altmann, I’m 60 years old male, married and living in Saarbücken 
direct by the french border. I’m self-employed with a strong tendency to 

I joined the (then) OpenOffice community around 2004. Mostly in marketing 
activities as
helping at CeBit fair as long as we had a booth there. Besides being engaged in 
community I did some QA and documentation on Macs. In the past few years I was 
concerned on giving (at least some) of the community a nudge to develop a 
vision of the
future of LibreOffice as a product as well as a community.

In “real live” - with an completed education as psychologist and statistician - 
I did
mostly data analysis, statistics and consulting , both public administration and
charitable organizations. So thus I‘m kind of experienced in German charity 
laws, managing
organizations as well as internal revenue code, especially concerning charitable
organizations. I’m not a coder anymore – my last programming experience lies 
back in the
early 90ies (at least there is some). But besides this my last payed job was 
engineer and managing a team of developers.

The spare time I won by reducing my business activities I want to use to do 
more for the
TDF. As Eike just stated I'd also like to see that more people from regions of 
the world
not represented in TDF yet will join us as members of the TDF - as well as 
members of our
bodies. So strengthen the community is one of my favorite goals. I may as well 
help in
compliance with the german charity regulations and in organizational matters.

Full name: Uwe altmann
Email address: uwe.altm...@altsys.de
Corporate affiliation: None

~75 words candidacy text:
I, Uwe Altmann, candidate for a seat on the Board of Directors of The Document 
I have been around with the project and TDF since the early beginning, mostly 
in german
community and QA for the Mac version. Actually I’m more in the marketing trying 
to start a
process  to discuss a vision of TDFs future.  Being more an administrative guy 
than a
coder I would like to foster the TDF as organization.
Uwe Altmann

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Re: [board-discuss] No Candidacy To The Next Board

2017-11-27 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Andreas,

On 26/11/17 23:56, Andreas Mantke wrote:
> I have been (deputy) member of the board for about six years now and
> from my personal view it's time to take a break or a change. I have been
> involved in other volunteer projects for a while now and got the offer
> to work further within them. I'll take this offer.

Thanks for your long and dedicated service ! I really hope you can find
time to continue to maintain the extensions pieces & your other
technical contributions to the project.

All the best,


michael.me...@collabora.com <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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[board-discuss] Board Candidate: Eric Ficheux

2017-11-27 Thread Eric Ficheux
Dear Members,

I would like to stand for the elections to the Board of Directors of The
Document Foundation.

*Who I am*

Eric Ficheux, 40, married, 4 children.
I live near Nantes, France.

TDF member since 2016 and certified migration professional.
I contribute in various areas of the projet both with my current job and
from personal initiatives.
I speak at various events about LibreOffice migrations and free software

After technical and IT engineering studies I started my career in 2000 as a
developer and evolved towards project management. I currently focus on
acquiring non technical skills around change management, UX, sales ...
I have work experience in the private and public sector, mostly in France
but also in international environments.
I currently work as an IT project manager for Nantes Métropole while
launching a freelance consulting activity around LibreOffice.

*Why being a candidate for the Board of Directors*

IT has changed rapidly in a few years with Cloud Computing and UX now
central and in demand in the IT market.
These two challenges add up to previously existing technical, marketing,
quality, community building, business ecosystem building, financial (and
many other) challenges for LibreOffice and the community.
While all this is very important and shouldn't be forgotten, my belief is
that the future of LibreOffice depends widely on our ability to make it
more appealing to our market and to the end users.
Cloud and UX are two things we must develop quickly and this also means we
need to get more feedback and get closer to our end users and market.

I also think that the Free Software economical model is far from being
understood and shared enough yet.
I believe that LibreOffice must remain free to download, use or operate but
there is also a need to bring more professional end-users to contribute
directly, indirectly or donate to the project.

My main motivation is to help the LibreOffice community overtake these

Full name: Eric Ficheux
Contact: eric.ficheux+tdfboardelect...@gmail.com

Affiliations (although I won't represent them officially at the board):
Nantes Métropole

Please note that I am standing from my personal initiative and won't be
representing Nantes Métropole at the Board if elected.
In complete transparency, my candidacy is being checked for compatibility
with my current work in the administration as required in such a situation
by French regulations.
I'll keep you informed about the outcome. There's a strong probability that
it will be OK, I wouldn't be candidate otherwise.

*Formal statement*

I'm standing for a seat at the TDF Board of Directors for the first time.
I believe in the LibreOffice project, in the community and in the power of
our Free Software model.
I will commit to do my best to help the project tackle the UX and Cloud
challenges, to help grow the user and contributor base and make our Free
software model better known, understood and supported.

Eric Ficheux

sans virus. www.avg.com
