Re: [board-discuss] Re: [libreoffice-marketing] The Edition Matter

2020-10-23 Thread Marc Paré
gt;> Simon
>> On Fri, Oct 23, 2020 at 3:16 PM Nigel Verity 
>> wrote:
>>> Doesn't this imply there are some unofficial and, thereby,
>>> untrustworthy
>>> editions in circulation?
>>> Nige
>>>> On 23 Oct 2020, at 06:44, Simon Phipps  wrote:
>>>> Taking on board all the concerns about not giving the impression of a
>>>> weaker version, and if "no label" is really not an option, how about
>>>> calling TDF's package "official edition"?

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Re: [board-discuss] MCC questions ..

2020-09-04 Thread Marc Paré
Le 20-09-04 à 10 h 44, Italo Vignoli a écrit :
> There is a third solution: convince more contributors to apply for
> membership, as many of them do not even know that it is possible to
> become TDF members by contributing to LibreOffice.
> For instance, we have over 4K people registered on weblate, or 20 times
> as many TDF members. Of course, many of them would not qualify as their
> contribution is marginal, but many would.
> I think that a solution to this issue is to reach out to native language
> communities, especially outside Europe, where the relationship with the
> core group is less strong.
IMO, this should be the first solution that we should explore. I
completely agree with Italo that we should reach out to those whom we
see regularly on any of the project's volunteer teams and see if we
could not assist them in becoming members and, in so doing, build more
of a loyal family of members. Most people think a member has to put out
hours of work per week to become a member or maintain one's membership.
We should do more reaching out internally and promote internally.


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[board-discuss] Re: OSCAL Tirana

2016-03-25 Thread Marc Paré



Le 2016-03-25 14:53, Italo Vignoli a écrit :

On 25/03/2016 17:09, Marc Paré wrote:

Could you give us details of the conference and link? We will put it up
on our events calendar.

OSCAL (Open Source Conference Albania) is the first annual conference in
Albania organized to promote software freedom, open source software,
free culture and open knowledge. The Conference will take place at 14th
and 15th May 2016 in Tirana.

I will attend the entire conference, and there will be a LibreOffice
booth staffed by myself with the help of local volunteers.

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Re: [board-discuss] Re: Grant Request: Madrid Hackfest, December 2015

2015-11-11 Thread Marc Paré

Le 2015-11-08 18:27, Bjoern Michaelsen a écrit :

On Sat, Nov 07, 2015 at 08:30:55PM -0500, Marc Paré wrote:

Could you point me to details of the hackfest? I would like to add it to our
events calendar.

Ill pop up a wiki page once the funding is approved.





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[board-discuss] Re: Grant Request: Madrid Hackfest, December 2015

2015-11-07 Thread Marc Paré

Hi Bjoern

Le 2015-11-04 20:47, Bjoern Michaelsen a écrit :


please find attached the grant request for a Hackfest in December in Madrid
shared with GNOME as discussed during the ESC calls. Thank you for your



Could you point me to details of the hackfest? I would like to add it to 
our events calendar.



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[board-discuss] Re: Marketing Budget Approval for FUEL GILT 2015

2015-10-26 Thread Marc Paré

Le 2015-10-25 11:40, Italo Vignoli a écrit :

FUEL GILT is one of the largest conferences focused on localization
issues, and is organized by a number of TDF community members in India
(those who have attended the conference in Aarhus). They have invited
Sophie and myself to attend the conference, and the idea is the I attend
2015 and Sophie attends 2016, to foster the connection with the Indian
NLP and promote LibreOffice and ODF in the Indian market.

The conference happens in Chennai (Madras) on November 20-22, and I will
present a paper on LibreOffice localization (edited with Sophie's
precious help) and one on the ODF document standard (and associated
issues, such as free fonts for interoperability).

Travel expenses will be lower than 1,000 Euro (flight is around 600
Euro, hotel is less than 75 Euro per night, and other expenses are low
in comparison with Europe).

For more information on FUEL:

I ask Charles to approve the expense from the marketing budget.

I have added the FUEL event to our Google Events Calendar and added 
Italo as the LibreOffice contact person.

Let me know if the events need any modifications if any.


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[board-discuss] Re: Publication of ledgers

2015-09-06 Thread Marc Paré

Hi Thorsten,

Le 04/09/15 06:50 PM, Thorsten Behrens a écrit :

This is just to mention that monthly ledgers up to and including July
are now available from the above page - thanks a lot, Sophie and

I'll probably not announce every monthly update here (unless people
explicitely find this useful); instead interested parties are
encouraged to add the wiki page to their watch list for timely update

Let me instead take the opportunity to thank all sponsors for your
generous, continued support of TDF's mission. As you can see from the
financials, TDF enjoys a wonderfully stable stream of donation income.

All the best,

-- Thorsten

Many thanks to all who are involved with making this possible ... a 
gutsy move on the part of the TDF and very nice to see that the .ods 
file format is being put to very visible practical use.

It is both nice to see the TDF keep to its intent of being as 
transparent as possible AND being mindful of showing how the ODF and 
LibreOffice platform can be used in real-world applications by using it 



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[board-discuss] Re: March 2013 profits losses

2013-04-26 Thread Marc Paré

Hi Thorsten,

First off, thanks for doing this. It is much appreciated and the reports 
are quite well done.

A few questions if you would not mind:

Profit and Loss Report

In the Revenues section

Are we getting any monthly interest income coming from our contingency 
plan money that was set aside? If so, should this not also be reflected 
in the monthly revenues or is any profit reported on the annual report? 
Are we getting any interest profit at all?

In the Expenses section

Some explanations if you could re:

Office supplies ... why are there no office supplies costs? Have we not 
made use of paper/pencils/pens/staples ...?

Telephone costs ... how are these incurred? Do we have a telephone 
account with a company or are these cost submissions from members?

Tax consultation fees ... Is this a one time cost or is this a monthly 
costs that will appear each month?

Payroll provider ... Is this to manage the one salaried employee? Or is 
the payroll provider also providing other services to the TDF?

Bank surcharchages ... are there no monthly bank charges? If not, is 
this due to the amount kept in our accounts?

Insurance costs ... are there no monthly insurance costs (for example on 
our infrastructure/servers, hardware etc. or are these paid in one sum 
at the start of the insurance terms?

In the Budget Summary 2013-03-31

Is there a location on our pages where we can see a complete breakdown 
of the budget items on the report? If we are publishing these as budget 
items, then we should also be publishing a page location with a complete 
breakdown of all of the stated costs for the membership to see. If we do 
have such pages, I would suggest that the location be reported on the 
Budget summary for the purposes of clarity and oversight.



Le 21/04/13 07:46 PM, Thorsten Behrens a écrit :

Dear members, TDF supporters,

please find attached our March 2013 profits  losses report, and,
separately, the budget summary as of 2013-03-31 for the Berlin
entity. The budget summary represents the *remaining* funds from our
2013 budget, see here for the detailed spreadsheet:

(note that the discuss list strips attachments - please refer to the
board-discuss archives for those, if you are not subscribed there)

Many thanks for your ongoing support, with kind regards,

Marc Paré Supports OpenDocument Formats (ODF) Supports

[board-discuss] Re: March 2013 profits losses

2013-04-26 Thread Marc Paré

Hi Thorsten,

Thanks for the answers.

Le 26/04/13 07:03 AM, Thorsten Behrens a écrit :

Is there a location on our pages where we can see a complete
breakdown of the budget items on the report? If we are publishing
these as budget items, then we should also be publishing a page
location with a complete breakdown of all of the stated costs for
the membership to see. If we do have such pages, I would suggest
that the location be reported on the Budget summary for the purposes
of clarity and oversight.

Not sure I get your request right - you are asking for itemized,
transaction-by-transaction reports for the budgets?

Or a decision wiki page or somesuch, where budget decisions are


-- Thorsten

Yes to both, we should have a wiki with the submitted budgetary requests 
with decisions for the amounts. This is for clarity and transparency.

This would enable new team members to view budget requests from other 
teams and perhaps foster more participation. Some teams need to see 
working examples of acceptable and awarded budgets.

We need to mentor indirectly our different sections so that we get 
better effective submissions. I imagine the BoD would have these items 
handy as the sums were awarded and there should still be a degree of 
oversight on the spending.



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[board-discuss] Re: [ANN] LibreOffice 2013 conference poll final result

2013-02-10 Thread Marc Paré

Le 2013-02-09 16:56, Thorsten Behrens a écrit :

Dear community,

the poll results for the LibreOffice 2013 conference, after the board
did not receive any objections, are now final:

You can review the full ballot here:

The detailed result is:

  Milano, Italy:59
  Montreal, Canada: 32
  Abstain:  3

  Non-voters:   50
  Eligible voters:  144

The board wants to express its gratitude to both applicants' teams for
their excellent proposals. We congratulate Milano for having won this
year's LibreOffice Conference Poll, look forward to Montreal possibly
running again for 2014, and hope to meet many of you in Milano at the
conference venue somewhat later this year!

With kind regards,

-- Thorsten Behrens, on behalf of the board

The Document Foundation, Zimmerstr. 69, 10117 Berlin, Germany
Rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

\o/ Congratulations Team Italy. All of the very best of success at the 
conference as well as a lot of LibreOffice member participation! Great 

Congrats to Team Canada for your submission as well (OK, I had minor 
involvement in it too!). Good solid submission with explanations, just 
not enough votes ... maybe next time we could offer people some 
incentives ... a cup of maple syrup and tickets to an NHL hockey game!

As this on the discuss list, here are my observations: Maybe next time 
another geographic zone could be picked? It is a remarkable experience 
for everyone when you have to organize an overseas trip every year. The 
expense can be daunting and having a conference in the same zone each 
year leaves others at a clear disadvantage for face to face meetings as 
well as for international team building.

Let's already start thinking about new submissions for next year's 
conference 2014! We started a little late for this one.

In the meantime ... let us know if we should get anything done to prep 
the 2012 LibOCon.



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[board-discuss] Re: 2013 budget draft - TDF Budget as of 2013-01-14

2013-01-16 Thread Marc Paré


Le 2013-01-16 03:08, klaus-jürgen weghorn ol a écrit :

I like the idea of making a contest, but I dislike to limit it on QA.
What about l10n, documentation, marketing, design and others? Let's do
and budget a volunteer contest or even one (or more) prize(s) will be
drawn by all contributors. Maybe we can find sponsors for some more prizes.

FYI, there was a note sent to all of these groups for budgetary 
requests. You can find these notes on all of their lists. Most of them 
submitted no requests. The groups were pinged a total of 3 times. The 
most recent requests may be found on our wiki.[1]

You can find the posts on each of the lists by searching on the term 




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[board-discuss] Re: 2013 budget draft - TDF Budget as of 2013-01-14

2013-01-16 Thread Marc Paré

Le 2013-01-15 08:06, Bjoern Michaelsen a écrit :

On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 01:48:31PM +0100, Florian Effenberger wrote:

QA netbooks (Björn)

I'm Cc'ing those three. We have been working internally on the
budget first, to have some starting point, and those three requests
came in. These requests have not been decided on yet (on purpose, so
the board has no advantage over the public lists), we want to
discuss this here in public, so Olivier, Björn and Charles should
elaborate on the plans. ;-)

The QA netbooks have already been discussed on QA Call. The idea is to have a
budget for a set of netbooks that we can give publically as prizes to our most
active QA contributors in QA marathons and triage contests.

The idea is that this will:
- motivate our current volunteers
- growth our triager community
- allow triagers who have been using one platform only to have a dedicated
   system for dual-boot Windows and Linux without any interruption of their
   daily work
- same for versions

As netbooks for testing and triaging are available now for 200-300EUR this IMHO
something well worth it. There are still some tricky details to work out
and discuss like:
- how to get them to the volunteers without too much extra cost
   (shipping/handing them over at HackFests)
- how to set the rules on 'winning' one of these without making it too complex
   or to easy to game the system

Proposals on how to fix this for the next bug triage contest/QA marathon are
most appreciated of course!



Thanks Bjoern,

Re: Shipping, A suggestion could be to -- we should be able to buy and 
deliver using our TDF members' help. For example, if awarding to anyone 
in my geographic location (Waterloo-Toronto Canada), I could make either 
a trip out to deliver and award OR make arrangements for purchase and 
deliver locally. The member in this instance could represent the TDF for 
the award.

Great idea for the QA and enticement to join.



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[board-discuss] Re: 2013 budget draft - TDF Budget as of 2013-01-14

2013-01-15 Thread Marc Paré

Hi Florian,

A question about the funding requests. Could we have information as to 
what was requested?

pt-BR project (Olivier)
QA netbooks (Björn)
Marketing (Charles) -- I think this one is for the FB ads?



Le 2013-01-14 10:59, Florian Effenberger a écrit :


between Christmas and New Year, I have been working on the budget for
2013. The good news is that since our fundraising campaign in October,
we have received approximately 60.000 € (!) in donations, which is just
amazing, and the average donation rate per month shifted from 2.500 € to
about 10.000-15.000 €. Congratulations to everyone involved, you all can
be very proud of that!

A few comments to this very first draft of the budget, that we would
like to refine together with you.

- All counters are reset to zero, which is why at a first glance, the
available money looks less than last year. In the December budget, only
one monthly rate for our infrastructure was left, while for 2013, full
12 months are planned in.

- The item of domain names was previously left uncounted, but I
calculated our annual fees yesterday, and added that value.

- This budget only plans in the TDF Berlin account money, not the
donations SPI collected for the LibreOffice project. The most recent SPI
treasurer's report I could find is linked in the header of the budget.

- Travel fundings usually occur via SPI, not via the TDF Berlin account,
which is why we did not plan them in as fixed item in this budget.

- The safety reserve is based on my gut feeling. It might make sense to
top that up to 20.000 € to be prepared for unexpected spendings, but for
the moment, I'd like to leave it at 15.000 €.

- This budget does not yet foresee any reserves for 2014, which we
should collect already early on, since nobody knows how the donation
flow will continue.

- The budget can always only factor in the amount we definitely do have.
For planning of long-term projects, it might make sense to have a
prospective budget soon, to know what - given the donation flow stays
as it currently is - we have available in e.g. June. However, keep in
mind that budgets can never ever be on prospective amounts, but must fit
to what we definitely have available for spending.

- The values outside the yellow frame are planned in and/or booked
already, and the budget requests we have received so far are in the
yellow, framed box. The latter are the items we need to plan and discuss

To give a better overview, I have uploaded the current budget draft to
our wiki at

Any feedback welcome, and thanks a lot to everyone for their contributions!


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[board-discuss] Re: BoD minutes from 2012-12-12

2013-01-12 Thread Marc Paré

Le 2013-01-11 08:37, Florian Effenberger a écrit :

7. Forums: the board discusses about the forums, if they are a
duplication of efforts with reference to Ask, or if TDF should launch
the forums. The problem is that there are only a few moderators,
although the situation is still in progress.

Regarding this particular item. Here is the information missing in your 
discussion of this topic:

The search for moderators is ongoing, however all forums, except for 2, 
already have assigned moderators ready for the unveiling of the 
LibreOffice Forums[1]. If these two are not filled by opening day, the 
coordinators will assume a moderator function until moderators are found.

The search for additional moderators will continue after the opening of 
the forums and as sections get busier or when necessity for additional 
forums moderators require. At this point, the moderating function is 
only that of an administrative function and not that of providing 
answers to posts. The role of the moderator is defined on our wiki 
page[2]. The coordinators at the start will play a large role in 
moderating the forums, we are 5. However we expect more people to join 
as moderators once the forums is open. Even if were were to not gain any 
more moderators, at this point all topics will be covered.

As the forums are filled with additional moderators, the coordinators, 
who may be acting as moderators, will cede their place to these new 

Are the forums a duplication of Ask? IMO, they are not. When Ask was 
started, the opinion at that time was not to start the forums to try to 
get the community to get used to the new system.

However, one of the on-going complaints of users is the lack of a 
traditional forums for the project, this, still after having Ask at work 
for some time. Whereas Ask may be great at building a bank of answers, 
Forums has the same ability, however, we (the members of the 
TDF/LibreOffice) have the opportunity to instill a feeling of a greater 
LibreOffice community through personal contact with our forums users and 
working this into a continued plan of LibreOffice community growth.

As well, right from the start, we (the coordinators) have viewed the 
Forums as a catalyst to bringing in our committed users into the 
contributor fold. The forums is a great place for the initial 
contact/invite of users to our contributor lists. As we are all aware, 
we are in dire need of more contributors.

Strategically speaking, Ask does not provide our project any kind of 
opportunity for community growth, nor does it provide any opportunity 
for contributor growth. Most internet users are familiar to working on 
Forums and I expect we will hear a concerted sigh of relief from users 
at the unveiling of the LibreOffice Forums.

You may see our sandbox version of the Forums on our sandbox site[3], 
as well, you may read more details of the coordinator progress of the 
Forums building on our wiki page[4].

Feel free to ping me should you need more information.







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[board-discuss] Re: TDF @ End of 2012

2012-12-24 Thread Marc Paré

Le 2012-12-23 11:23, Italo Vignoli a écrit :

This is a very long message, although I have tried to summarize in a
single text what we - members, developers, volunteers, native language
communities, advocates and supporters - have achieved during 2012. I am
sure I forgot some achievements, because they have been too many.

TDF has started 2012 with a hackers community of 379 individuals, mostly
volunteers, which has continued to grow steadily - month after month -
and has now reached the amazing figure of 567 developers (320 active
during the last 12 months, which means that LibreOffice is the third
largest open source desktop software project after Chrome and Firefox)...


Thanks for the wonderful post Italo!

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[board-discuss] Re: BoD minutes from 2012-10-16

2012-11-17 Thread Marc Paré

Le 2012-11-15 07:15, Thorsten Behrens a écrit :

Request: authorize Thorsten Behrens to hire Florian Effenberger as a
part-time employee of TDF for non-board related tasks (e.g.
infrastructure work), for up to a year, and at a cost not exceeding
EUR 37k per annum.

Result of vote: 6 approvals, 1 neutral, 0 disapprovals

Decision: the request has been approved.

I am just curious about this. In Canada, I believe a member of any 
non-profit BoD is not allowed to be hired nor be paid any work related 

Is this different in German law? It seems to be that way.



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[board-discuss] Re: BoD minutes from 2012-10-16

2012-11-17 Thread Marc Paré

Hi Italo,

Thanks for the response.



Le 2012-11-17 07:36, Italo Vignoli a écrit :

You cannot be paid for BoD duties, but you can be paid for other duties,
if the organization can hire someone.

We need someone for almost full time infrastructure administration,
which is not a BoD duty.

This has been thoroughly checked by lawyers, and is compliant with
German laws.

Most free software foundation have a paid professional to handle duties
such as infrastructure and administration, and we have now reached the
stage where we need this kind of support.

Best, Italo

Italo Vignoli
Mobile +39.348.5653829

Marc Paré Supports OpenDocument Formats (ODF) Supports

[board-discuss] Re: August 2012 profits losses

2012-10-31 Thread Marc Paré
 to download for all people[2]. Solid 
piece of Linux accounting software and the devs are very accommodating 
-- they will literally create a binary package for your Linux distro if 
it isn't available on their site. Don't be fooled by their cheesy 
looking site, their devs are serious about accounting and listen closely 
to their user feedback comments.

I took a look at Concardis ... no EN version on their site. Does it 
offer service in EN? I am not in the loop, is it being used with 
TDF/LibreOffice transactions?

Finally, is the accounting package being used by the TDF a German
based package and the file output posted on our mailing lists are a
translation of these files? Would it be possible for us to know the
name of the accounting package?

See above. Also, again IIRC you yourself were instrumental in
getting this translation going. The original accounts unfortunately
have to be German (using the so-called SKR49 account setup), which
is natively avaible in gnucash, but I hope we can get the
translation script improved enough that this is comprehensible.


-- Thorsten

Thanks again for doing all of this.





Marc Paré Supports OpenDocument Formats (ODF) Supports

[board-discuss] Re: Topic of board-discuss list

2012-10-01 Thread Marc Paré

Hi Thorsten,

Le 2012-10-01 05:11, Thorsten Behrens a écrit :

Marc Paré wrote:

Thanks. I am subscribed to that list, but was not aware that the
membership was allowed to join in. I thought that that particular
list was for board discussion only by board members only.

Hi Marc,

terribly sorry if we ever gave that impression. Admittedly, the
entry on was worded
like that (Public discussions of the Board of Directors), but I'm
rather certain it should read List for focused interaction of the
public with the Board of Directors instead. Page changed
accordingly, board-discuss in Cc: in case there's disagreement. ;)

All of that notwithstanding, point taken to spread the word a bit
wider next time such things are on the agenda.


-- Thorsten

Thanks for clearing that up.



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[board-discuss] Re: TDF Budget for 2012 as of 2012-09-01

2012-09-04 Thread Marc Paré

Thanks Florian for doing this.


Le 2012-09-01 08:07, Florian Effenberger a écrit :

TDF Budget for 2012 as of 2012-09-01

This is a non-binding draft.
Empty fields declare either no spending, or amount already booked.
For SPI donations, including Advisory Board fees, see


Bank account 40.819,57 €
PayPal 983,75 €
Flattr 4,84 €

INCOMING TOTAL 41.808,16 €

Outgoing recurring fees, extrapolated to the rest of the year

Servers and bandwith -2.692,00 €
Mail forwarding service -714,00 €
SIP line -203,20 €
Domain names -678,22 €
Tax advisory (est.) -1.500,00 €
Authoritiy fees -150,00 €
Authority fees reserve -621,47 €

OUTGOING TOTAL -6.558,89 €

TOTAL BALANCE 35.249,27 €
SAFETY RESERVE -15.000,00 €
BUDGET 20.249,27 €

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[board-discuss] Re: Election of the TDF Membership Committee - List of Candidates

2012-09-04 Thread Marc Paré

Hi Florian,

Le 2012-09-03 02:44, Florian Effenberger a écrit :

Dear Community,

as previously announced, [1] all members of The Document Foundation are
called to vote on a new Membership Committee.

Members of The Document Foundation as of 2012-07-01 [2] are eligible to
vote in the elections. The nomination period is now over, and we have
received the following candidacies, in order of receipt:

- David Emmerich Jourdain
- Sophie Gautier
- Fridrich Štrba
- Simon Phipps
- Leif Lodahl
- Jean Weber
- Eike Rathke
- Cor Nouws
- Florian Reisinger

If you nominated yourself for elections, or have been nominated by
someone else, and are not mentioned in the above list, please get in
touch with us as soon as possible at

 From all candidates, we also need full name, e-mail, corporate
affiliation (if any), and a description of your reasons for wanting to
serve as a committee member. If you didn't send in any of these so far,
please do so as soon as possible to

We'll soon reach out to all of you with further details. As previously
announced, [1] the actual election period will start at 2012-09-09 00:00
UTC and end at 2012-09-16 23:59 UTC.

We are looking forward to the elections, and would like to thank you for
your work, engagement and dedication for The Document Foundation!

On behalf of the Board of Directors
Florian Effenberger



Thanks for taking care of this. I have added the voting event to the 
LibreOffice calendar.



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