Neanderthal growth rate

2004-04-29 Thread David Hobby
There have been discussions here about Neanderthals 
(not you, Mike Lee!)  So you might be interested in the following
abstract of an article in today's issue of Nature.  (If your library
access is like mine, you might get to read the article in a month.)

It is an interesting idea:  Neanderthals, though intelligent, were
adapted for a low-tech, cold weather evolutionary niche.  So maybe
they were a different species--the debate goes on.


 Life-history traits correlate closely with dental growth, 
 so differences in dental growth within Homo can enable us to determine
 how somatic development has evolved and to identify developmental 
 shifts that warrant species-level distinctions. Dental growth
 can be determined from the speed of enamel formation (or extension 
 rate). We analysed the enamel extension rate in Homo
 antecessor (8 teeth analysed), Homo heidelbergensis (106), Homo 
 neanderthalensis ('Neanderthals'; 146) and Upper
 Palaeolithic-Mesolithic Homo sapiens (100). Here we report that 
 Upper Palaeolithic-Mesolithic H. sapiens shared an identical
 dental development pattern with modern humans, but that H. 
 antecessor and H. heidelbergensis had shorter periods of dental
 growth. Surprisingly, Neanderthals were characterized by having 
 the shortest period of dental growth. Because dental growth is
 an excellent indicator of somatic development, our results suggest 
 that Neanderthals developed faster even than their immediate
 ancestor, H. heidelbergensis. Dental growth became longer and 
 brain size increased from the Plio-Pleistocene in hominid
 evolution. Neanderthals, despite having a large brain, were 
 characterized by a short period of development. This autapomorphy
 in growth is an evolutionary reversal, and points strongly to a 
 specific distinction between H. sapiens and H. neanderthalensis.

ADMIN: Wonky server

2004-04-29 Thread Nick Arnett
We're running on a somewhat crippled server because a few of its 
essential binaries are seg faulting, suggesting that we're building up 
to another disk failure, perhaps.  It's been up and down today as I've 
been trying to fix the broken parts.

If anybody here has any insight or suggestions on how to deal with a 
system in which grep, chmod and ln are all seg faulting, I'd love to 
hear them.  I never realized how essential grep is to Linux.  And 
without chmod, I can copy grep from elsewhere, but then can't make it 

Sadly, there's no reinstall everything that I can come up with, and 
individual re-installs seem to be failing.  This system is running RH 9, 
a/k/a Fedora.

BTW, it's running now because I can boot from a system CD, then chroot 
to our normal system and start everything manually.  Ugh.


Nick Arnett
Director, Business Intelligence Services
LiveWorld Inc.
Phone/fax: (408) 551-0427


ReptiliKlan Florida Land Grab

2004-04-29 Thread The Fool

Land seized for private use possible

Legislation would help developers

 Published by on April 26, 2004

Florida’s constitution allows governments to take your land for a public
purpose, such as a road or school, as long as you receive a fair price. 

But legislation — which could be approved this week — would allow a city
or county to take an individual’s land, with fair compensation, and sell
it to a private developer for a shopping center or office building. 

Opponents of the proposed law say it’s little more than a
government-sponsored land grab for developers. 

“This bill is a shocking grant of wholesale power to counties to condemn
very large amounts of property just to assemble it for private
development,” said Dana Berliner, senior attorney at the Washington,
D.C.-based Institute for Justice, a public interest law firm. 

Frank Schnidman, a professor of community and economic development at
Florida Atlantic University and an expert in land planning, agreed. 

“They basically want to loosen up the definition of public purpose so
land can be taken for development,” he said. 

Proponents say it’s necessary so that communities such as Cape Coral and
Lehigh Acres, which have thousands of small residential lots and not
enough commercial land, can ensure they have enough property for future

“For some of these communities it’s absolutely essential,” said Sen. Mike
Bennett, R-Bradenton, the Senate bill sponsor. 

The bill proposes to broaden the “public use” restriction in
condemnation, or eminent domain, laws to include any reason a county or
city may have, such as increasing tax revenue or promoting economic

If evil could be branded, its emblem would be the Wal-Mart logo.
-Inthesetimes article


What's Causing High Gasoline Prices?

2004-04-29 Thread The Fool

What's Causing High Gasoline Prices?

The US Senate Republican Policy Committee has spent some time and effort
investigating the cause of rising gasoline prices. Yesterday they
published a policy report explaining their findings. The conclusion:
rising gasoline prices are largely due to Federal regulations, such as
those established by the Clean Air Act. Among their recommendations of
things that will help bring down the price of gasoline:

o The EPA should have the authority to temporarily suspend clean-fuel

o Congress should eliminate the Clean Air Act's oxygenate requirement
for reformulated gasoline

o Congress and the Administration should reform other regulations (known
as the New Source Review requirement) under the Clean Air Act that have
resulted in the halt of construction of new refinery capacity.

Huh, who would have imagined that gas prices were so high in recent
months simply because of those pernicious environmental regulations? 

Actually, let me propose an alternate hypothesis: gas prices have been
rising because crude oil prices have been rising. It sounds crazy, I
know. Why do I propose such a theory? In part it's because of graphs like
this one, showing crude oil and wholesale gasoline prices since January
2, 1990:

Source: data from the Energy Information Administration, US Dept. of

I think that I can detect a relationship between gasoline prices and the
price of crude oil that would pretty much explain why gas prices are
currently so high. But apparently the Senate Republican Policy Committee
doesn't see it that way, and would rather use high gas prices as an
excuse to change the Clean Air Act. I guess the only bit about it that
surprises me is that they didn't also find a way to suggest that another
tax cut would be the cure for high gas prices.

I Pledge Impertinence to the Flag-Waving of the Unindicted
Co-Conspirators of America
and to the Republicans for which I can't stand
one Abomination, Underhanded Fraud
with Liberty and Justice Forget it.

 -Life in Hell (Matt Groening)


Re: Battlestar Galactica

2004-04-29 Thread Matt Grimaldi
  Robert Seeberger wrote:
   SciFi bats at a bit less than .100 IMO. I know a lot of people *like*
   SG1, but it seems fairly pedestrian to me, and people like it mainly
   because there is nothing substantially better offered.

Julia Thompson wrote:
  Interesting.  SG1 started out as a Showtime series.  It may have gone
  downhill a bit since SciFi picked up the production.

Nick Lidster wrote:
 Julia I beleive the timing of the switch over was during season 5.. Showtime
 droped it about half way through the season and SiFi picked it up. IN true
 SiFi channel style they have tried to reinvent the seris and make it more
 appealling to the general population, IMO there has been only 2 margionaly
 rewatchable episodes since then in season 6..(I know that season 7 is done
 in the states but up in the great white north  we only just finished season
 6)... that being said I can still sit down a watch almost all of teh older
 shows with no problem or question to story line... IMO SiFi has destroyed
 what was once a show with so much... potential and given far less... SG:
 atalantis i think will die a horrible death..

I'd agree, the quality has suffered recently, mostly from the
misconception that more powerful enemies automatically makes
for better stories. *sigh*.

 Oh anyone remember a show called Space Above and Beyond.. had some great
 potential but it got axed...

Space: Above and Beyond had a great first season, then it seemed like
they started to run out of ideas by the end of the 2nd season.

I would like to see an outer limits style series of short stories
all set in the same universe, but not necessarily featuring any of
the same characters.  Kind of a Thieves World on TV.

-- Matt

NY Times article on people with Asperger's

2004-04-29 Thread David Hobby
I know Asperger's and other parts of the autistic spectrum
have come up here before, so thought some might be interested
in the following.  

(I have unfortunately lost the login that someone created for 
those list members who did not want to register with the 
NY Times.  Could someone remind me, and this time I'll save 
it in appropriately titled email?  Thanks!)

Answer, but No Cure, for a Social Disorder That Isolates Many

April 29, 2004

Thousands of adults who have never fit in socially are only
now stumbling across a neurological explanation for their

Re: What's Causing High Gasoline Prices?

2004-04-29 Thread Dave Land
The Fool wrote:

 What's Causing High Gasoline Prices?
 I guess the only bit about it that surprises me is
 that they didn't also find a way to suggest that
 another tax cut would be the cure for high gas prices.
All this was interesting, but I think everybody knows that the real 
reason gas prices are high is because *that* is where Saddam has been 
hiding his WMDs. Did anybody think to look there? Huh?

Point proven.



Re: Battlestar Galactica

2004-04-29 Thread Matt Grimaldi
Damon Agretto wrote:
  I only watch Cartoon Network religiously.
  I thought that IYO religion is evil . . .
 Any network that airs Ed, Ed and Eddy MUST be evil...

They are TOTALLY redeemed by running Aqua Teen Hunger Force,
Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law and Sealab 2021.

-- Matt

let's not forget Futurama and Family Guy...

RE: Mike Lee quotes

2004-04-29 Thread Mike Lee
David Hobby makes the debatable point:

 I've often wondered about this idea of winning a debate.  
 Some people seem to actually judge the winner on the basis of 
 snappy lines like the following, regardless of the facts:
 I KNEW Jack Kennedy, and you're no Jack Kennedy.
 If it quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck, ... then it 
 is a duck.  (Sorry about the mess I made of the last one!)

Maybe we can have a Special Debating Olympics and then you can be a winner


Re: NY Times article on people with Asperger's

2004-04-29 Thread Dave Land
David Hobby wrote:

(I have unfortunately lost the login that someone created for 
those list members who did not want to register with the 
NY Times.  Could someone remind me, and this time I'll save 
it in appropriately titled email?  Thanks!)
Here's the page on that lists all of the registrations that 
folks (here and elsewhere) have created to bypass the ridiculous forced 
registration for the Gray Lady:




RE: March for Women's Lives

2004-04-29 Thread Mike Lee
Jim, lobbying less than competently for father of the year:

 Gosh, Mike, how many kids have you raised?  'Cause we all 
 know how darn easy that one is.  I frankly can't imagine 
 doing the job my wife does.  I far prefer having my real job.

I'm so tired of the fawning faux incompetence expressed by so many men when
it comes to domestic responsibilities. If you can't imagine raising kids
competently, then you shouldn't have had them. Saying things like the above
is the sure sign of the sexist jackass who has no real intention of
accepting full responsibility for his sperm donees. Now that you do have
kids, quit pretending that it's so hard to handle the job, buckle down and
learn how to do it right.

None of this takes away from my earlier point that most stay-at-home moms
are marginally competent at best. Part of the reason they suck so bad at
their jobs is that they aren't held to real standards of performance and
outcome. And how could we expect them to be held accountable by their
husbands? We all know what happens to accountability when a woman is
sleeping with the boss

So, I may not be able to hold my wife accountable, and you may not be able
to hold your wife accountable, but we can at least do a little Throw Momma
From the Train service for each other by helping to kill the
self-congratulatory female meme that full time moms work harder than anyone
else and are doing a great job. Your average receptionist deals with more
stress, interruptions and infantile behavior than the average mother of
three, and she does it a lot better too. And she's probably easier to talk
into bed.

Mike Lee
Islamic Moderate


Non-Polluting Nukes

2004-04-29 Thread Andrew Paul
Noted on Charlie Stross's weblog, from

In order to comply with EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) regulations, 
and at a cost of about $5.2 million per ICBM, the rocket motors on 500 Minuteman III 
missiles will be replaced with new ones. These rockets will emit less toxic chemicals 
when used. ... Thus, if the Minuteman III ICBMs have to be used in some future nuclear 
war, their rocket motors will not pollute the atmosphere. EPA regulations do not apply 
in foreign countries, so no changes are being made to reduce the harmful environmental 
effects of the nuclear warheads.

Thank you EPA, I will sleep better tonight.





Re: Mike Lee quotes

2004-04-29 Thread JDG
At 07:52 AM 4/28/2004 -0400 David Hobby wrote:
As I recall, John Doe and Mike Lee appeared at about the same
time.  In my mind, this has turned into Mike Lee appeared as
a response to John Doe.  (Look at the similarity of the names,
for instance.)

For what's it worth, I have Mike Lee arriving about one month before John
Doe.   Both seemed to have arrived rather quietly before eventually turning
on the heat.   And like you, I did note that Mike Lee appeared to be the
perfect foil for John Doe.Almost like somebody wanted to see if a
right-winger on the List could get banned as easily as a left-winger.



Re: Mike Lee quotes

2004-04-29 Thread Julia Thompson
Nick Arnett wrote:
  What I see is
  attempts to demonize Mike because, well ... He's winning...
 If he wins, then perhaps he'll realize that he's on a list with a
 bunch of losers, so he'll leave.

Heh.  On another list I'm on, people will go on about the victories of
their ideas, and end with, We are Winning!  So when someone there
starts complaining, the response is, We are Whining!


rather be Winning that Whining, so I'll think about all the things that
went right today and not the things that went poorly

Re: Ultimate Chutzpah

2004-04-29 Thread Robert Seeberger

- Original Message - 
From: Gary Denton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Killer Bs Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2004 2:17 AM
Subject: Re: Ultimate Chutzpah

Gary Denton
#1 on google for liberal news

Take Note!

There's a new kid on the block.

Welcome to our humble war zone Gary!
(That's an inside joke from outside viewers)G

I beleive the Texas contingent just grew by one.G

Welcome Wagon Red Carpet Debutante Ball Maru


Re: ADMIN: Re: Notification

2004-04-29 Thread Sonja van Baardwijk-Holten
Ronn!Blankenship wrote:

At 03:05 PM 4/28/04, Prutje wrote:


Spam filters let something through again?

-- Ronn!  :) 
That was my e-mail adress that showed up, twice now, but I'm not sure 
what glitched it. I most certainly didn't send it. The adressing is not 
mine, my name got replaced by the e-mail ident. Odd. Very odd. If this 
keeps up I'll have to unsubscribe. I don't like being targeted. And I 
feel very targeted when looking at the header. But that is just my 
paranoia kicking in.

GCU: I'm miffed about it

Re: Mike Lee quotes

2004-04-29 Thread David Hobby
JDG wrote:
 At 07:52 AM 4/28/2004 -0400 David Hobby wrote:
 As I recall, John Doe and Mike Lee appeared at about the same
 time.  In my mind, this has turned into Mike Lee appeared as
 a response to John Doe.  (Look at the similarity of the names,
 for instance.)
 For what's it worth, I have Mike Lee arriving about one month before John
 Doe.   Both seemed to have arrived rather quietly before eventually turning
 on the heat.   And like you, I did note that Mike Lee appeared to be the
 perfect foil for John Doe.Almost like somebody wanted to see if a
 right-winger on the List could get banned as easily as a left-winger.

Unfortunately, John Doe seems to have been unmasked.  Could we 
tell Mike Lee that the Troll Experiment is over?


Mike Lee hasn't started spamming people offlist.  Or should I not
have mentioned that?  : )

Re: NY Times

2004-04-29 Thread David Hobby
Dave Land wrote:
 Here's the page on that lists all of the registrations that
 folks (here and elsewhere) have created to bypass the ridiculous forced
 registration for the Gray Lady:

Cute, but the Brin List one was easier to remember!


Re: Mike Lee quotes

2004-04-29 Thread David Hobby
Mike Lee wrote:
 David Hobby makes the debatable point:
 Maybe we can have a Special Debating Olympics and then you can be a winner

That would be Debating Special Olympics?  Pretty lame (sic), can't
you do better?


Re: Battlestar Galactica

2004-04-29 Thread Damon Agretto
 let's not forget Futurama and Family Guy...

And lets not forget Space Ghost!

Unfortunately the anime they're showing now is either
stuff I already have, or is just not very interesting.
Besides, how much Dragonball or SD Gundam can one



Damon Agretto
Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum.
Now Building: 

Do you Yahoo!?
Win a $20,000 Career Makeover at Yahoo! HotJobs 

Re: NY Times

2004-04-29 Thread dland
David Hobby wrote:

Here's the page on that lists all of the registrations that
folks (here and elsewhere) have created to bypass the ridiculous forced
registration for the Gray Lady:
 Cute, but the Brin List one was easier to remember!

Evidently not :-)


Re: ADMIN: Re: Notification

2004-04-29 Thread Jean-Marc Chaton
* Sonja van Baardwijk-Holten [Thu, 29/04/2004 at 14:32 +0200]
 Ronn!Blankenship wrote:
 At 03:05 PM 4/28/04, Prutje wrote:
 Spam filters let something through again?
 -- Ronn!  :) 
 That was my e-mail adress that showed up, twice now, but I'm not sure 
 what glitched it. I most certainly didn't send it.

Don't worry it only means that someone with both your address and brin-l
address in his address book is contaminated by one of the dozen viruses
in the wild this week.


Re: Battlestar Galactica

2004-04-29 Thread Thomas Beck
Space: Above and Beyond had a great first season, then it seemed like
they started to run out of ideas by the end of the 2nd season. only _had_ one season...   


Tom Beck

my LiveJournal:

New York (Football) Giants:

_The Universal Baseball Association, Inc., J. Henry Waugh, Prop._ Fan  

I always knew I'd see the first man on the Moon. I never thought I'd  
see the last. - Dr. Jerry Pournelle


RE: Mike Lee quotes

2004-04-29 Thread Mike Lee
The list's general fascination with my shock and awe approach to rancid
liberal hypocrisy, stupidity and self-loathing continues to build momentum:
  For what's it worth, I have Mike Lee arriving about one 
 month before John
  Doe.   Both seemed to have arrived rather quietly before 
 eventually turning
  on the heat.   And like you, I did note that Mike Lee 
 appeared to be the
  perfect foil for John Doe.Almost like somebody wanted 
 to see if a
  right-winger on the List could get banned as easily as a 

And, yes, since you were wondering, it was me on the grassy knoll.

Mike Lee
Islamic Moderate

So do you know who really killed JFK Maru?
No, I'm just glad someone did Maru.


Re: ReptiliKlan Florida Land Grab

2004-04-29 Thread Thomas Beck
Floridas constitution allows governments to take your land for a  
purpose, such as a road or school, as long as you receive a fair price.

But legislation  which could be approved this week  would allow a  
or county to take an individuals land, with fair compensation, and  
it to a private developer for a shopping center or office building.

This is very similar to how George W. Bush, when he was an owner of the  
Texas Rangers, got the Ballpark at Arlington built. The Texas  
legislature passed a bill permitting them to condemn privately owned  
land for the stadium. And some of Bush's partners (including the  
current owner) went around the Dallas area condemning parcels of land  
that had nothing whatsoever to do with the stadium project but which  
they wanted for their own private development projects. They had to pay  
the actual owners, but were able to force them to sell whether or not  
they wanted to.


Tom Beck

my LiveJournal:

New York (Football) Giants:

_The Universal Baseball Association, Inc., J. Henry Waugh, Prop._ Fan  

I always knew I'd see the first man on the Moon. I never thought I'd  
see the last. - Dr. Jerry Pournelle


Re: ReptiliKlan Florida Land Grab

2004-04-29 Thread Kevin Tarr
At 09:10 PM 4/28/2004, you wrote:

Land seized for private use possible

Legislation would help developers

Ahh, another place where the fool's and my views intersect. Would she 
support going the other way; land should only be seized for eminent domain 
in very narrow cases, like a road, but not for schools, public parks, or 
athletic fields?

Kevin T. - VRWLC
Time for a bike ride...or a nap 

Re: ReptiliKlan Florida Land Grab

2004-04-29 Thread Kevin Tarr

This is very similar to how George W. Bush, when he was an owner of the
Texas Rangers, got the Ballpark at Arlington built. The Texas
legislature passed a bill permitting them to condemn privately owned
land for the stadium. And some of Bush's partners (including the
current owner) went around the Dallas area condemning parcels of land
that had nothing whatsoever to do with the stadium project but which
they wanted for their own private development projects. They had to pay
the actual owners, but were able to force them to sell whether or not
they wanted to.
Tom Beck

Again, leaving out important information. This is becoming a habit. Can we 
call it democratic truth avoidance?

Kevin T. - VRWLC
I will admit to Texas being less strict about those dividing lines at the time 

Re: NY Times article on people with Asperger's

2004-04-29 Thread Gary Denton
I haven't minded the NYT registration and at least I have a  method to
get permanent links to stories with them.

This is not to say that the Pravda on the Hudson has good reporters. 
It is the opposite of the WSJ, the Gray Lady has many poor reporters
but some excellent editorial staff.  The WSJ has many excellent
reporters but the editorial department consists of animals you try to
keep locked up in the attic and toss in some red meat once a day.

On Thu, 29 Apr 2004 11:10:42 -0700, Dave Land [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 David Hobby wrote:
  (I have unfortunately lost the login that someone created for
  those list members who did not want to register with the
  NY Times.  Could someone remind me, and this time I'll save
  it in appropriately titled email?  Thanks!)
 Here's the page on that lists all of the registrations that
 folks (here and elsewhere) have created to bypass the ridiculous forced
 registration for the Gray Lady:


Re: Ultimate Chutzpah

2004-04-29 Thread Gary Denton
I wanted to check the list out.

Funny, I don't see many postings related to Brin.

Was also a chance to check out googlemail.

On Thu, 29 Apr 2004 06:46:17 -0500, Robert Seeberger
 - Original Message -
 From: Gary Denton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Killer Bs Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2004 2:17 AM
 Subject: Re: Ultimate Chutzpah
 Gary Denton
 #1 on google for liberal news
 Take Note!
 There's a new kid on the block.
 Welcome to our humble war zone Gary!
 (That's an inside joke from outside viewers)G
 I beleive the Texas contingent just grew by one.G
 Welcome Wagon Red Carpet Debutante Ball Maru


Re: March for Women's Lives

2004-04-29 Thread Gary Denton
As a new member can I ask if he is always like this?  Is this supposed
to be satire?

On Thu, 29 Apr 2004 11:09:27 -0700, Mike Lee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jim, lobbying less than competently for father of the year:
  Gosh, Mike, how many kids have you raised?  'Cause we all
  know how darn easy that one is.  I frankly can't imagine
  doing the job my wife does.  I far prefer having my real job.
 I'm so tired of the fawning faux incompetence expressed by so many men when
 it comes to domestic responsibilities. If you can't imagine raising kids
 competently, then you shouldn't have had them. Saying things like the above
 is the sure sign of the sexist jackass who has no real intention of
 accepting full responsibility for his sperm donees. Now that you do have
 kids, quit pretending that it's so hard to handle the job, buckle down and
 learn how to do it right.
 None of this takes away from my earlier point that most stay-at-home moms
 are marginally competent at best. Part of the reason they suck so bad at
 their jobs is that they aren't held to real standards of performance and
 outcome. And how could we expect them to be held accountable by their
 husbands? We all know what happens to accountability when a woman is
 sleeping with the boss
 So, I may not be able to hold my wife accountable, and you may not be able
 to hold your wife accountable, but we can at least do a little Throw Momma
 From the Train service for each other by helping to kill the
 self-congratulatory female meme that full time moms work harder than anyone
 else and are doing a great job. Your average receptionist deals with more
 stress, interruptions and infantile behavior than the average mother of
 three, and she does it a lot better too. And she's probably easier to talk
 into bed.
 Mike Lee
 Islamic Moderate

Re: ADMIN: Wonky server

2004-04-29 Thread Nick Arnett
Jean-Marc Chaton wrote:

Maybe you could mount a live system cdrom (a system fully installed on a
cdrom, not an installation cdrom, knoppix comes to mind in the debian
wolrd but there must be other live system in redhat world. Then change
PATH and other libpaths in /etc/profile. clone your partitions (rsync)
on a good disk. check all your installed packages (debsums in the debian
world, I don't know the equivalent on fedora), reinstall those found
Some good ideas there... but one rotten bit of this problem is that 
verifying the binaries with rpm requires grep!  Maybe I can work around 

Nick Arnett
Director, Business Intelligence Services
LiveWorld Inc.
Phone/fax: (408) 551-0427


Re: March for Women's Lives

2004-04-29 Thread Robert Seeberger

- Original Message - 
From: Gary Denton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Killer Bs Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2004 2:57 PM
Subject: Re: March for Women's Lives

 As a new member can I ask if he is always like this?

Every single post.

Is this supposed
 to be satire?

More like trollery.

Unmodified Baseline Maru


Re: March for Women's Lives

2004-04-29 Thread Dan Minette

- Original Message - 
From: Robert Seeberger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Killer Bs Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2004 6:57 PM
Subject: Re: March for Women's Lives

 - Original Message - 
 From: Gary Denton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Killer Bs Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2004 2:57 PM
 Subject: Re: March for Women's Lives
  As a new member can I ask if he is always like this?
 Every single post.
 Is this supposed
  to be satire?
 More like trollery.

Its also worth noting Mike Lee is a sock puppet.

Dan M. 


Re: Collected thoughs on Iraq

2004-04-29 Thread The Fool
From: Gary Denton [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello. Welcome.

Don't: Snip Attributions.

Don't: Snip Context.

Don't: Top-Post.

I Pledge Impertinence to the Flag-Waving of the Unindicted
Co-Conspirators of America
and to the Republicans for which I can't stand
one Abomination, Underhanded Fraud
with Liberty and Justice Forget it.

 -Life in Hell (Matt Groening)


Re: Mike Lee quotes

2004-04-29 Thread Julia Thompson
Mike Lee wrote:

 And, yes, since you were wondering, it was me on the grassy knoll.

Damn.  And here I had $5 on you helping Oswald with his ammo.


Re: Ultimate Chutzpah

2004-04-29 Thread Dave Land
Gary Denton wrote:

I wanted to check the list out.
Funny, I don't see many postings related to Brin.
And you won't, either. In fact, from what I've observed in my months 
here, mentions of his work are few and far between. You will 
occasionally spot the good doctor himself spreading his memes.

Also far down on the frequency list is discussion of science fiction, 
except for a mysterious (to me) fascination with Battlestar Galactica.
(Note to fans: I do not want or need an education in the manifold 
blessings that the show has brought to the world, thank you.)

Mostly, you'll find heavily-armed encampments on either side (of any 
given issue), a few shell-shocked moderates running back and forth in 
the middle hoarsely shouting can't we all just get along (then 
scampering away just as a shell lands nearby), along with a few others 
who lob in a few rounds from time to time just to stir things up.

Was also a chance to check out googlemail.
Ooh ... someone with access to the *limited beta* ... How do you like it?



[Larryniven-L] The army is working on impact armor

2004-04-29 Thread Steve Sloan II
This is a pretty cool article that got posted to LarryNiven-L
earlier today. Looks like a potentially very useful new technology.
Steve Sloan . Huntsville, Alabama = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Brin-L list pages ..
Science Fiction-themed online store .
Chmeee's 3D Objects
3D and Drawing Galleries ..
Software  Science Fiction, Science, and Computer Links
Science fiction scans .

Re: Battlestar Galactica

2004-04-29 Thread The Fool
From: Damon Agretto [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 let's not forget Futurama and Family Guy...

And lets not forget Space Ghost!

Unfortunately the anime they're showing now is either
stuff I already have, or is just not very interesting.
Besides, how much Dragonball or SD Gundam can one

Adult Swim does not air Dragonball or SD Gundam.  How Malicious of you.

Re: ReptiliKlan Florida Land Grab

2004-04-29 Thread The Fool
From: Kevin Tarr [EMAIL PROTECTED]

At 09:10 PM 4/28/2004, you wrote:

Land seized for private use possible

Legislation would help developers

Ahh, another place where the fool's and my views intersect. Would she 
support going the other way; land should only be seized for eminent
in very narrow cases, like a road, but not for schools, public parks, or 
athletic fields?

Roads  Schools.

Re: ReptiliKlan Florida Land Grab

2004-04-29 Thread Tom Beck
Again, leaving out important information.
Such as? You make an accusation and then leave it hanging. So who's  
really leaving out important information?

 This is becoming a habit. Can we call it democratic truth avoidance?
Can we call it a quick-and-dirty post to a freaking mailing list, not a  
comprehensive report to a Congressional committee or a true bill of  
indictment presented to a grand jury?


Tom Beck

my LiveJournal:

_The Universal Baseball Association, J. Henry Waugh, Prop._ fan club:

New York (Football) Giants:

I always knew I'd see the first man on the Moon. I never thought I'd  
see the last. - Dr. Jerry Pournelle


Re: ADMIN: Wonky server

2004-04-29 Thread The Fool
 From Nick Arnett 
 If anybody here has any insight or suggestions on how to deal with a 
 system in which grep, chmod and ln are all seg faulting, I'd love to 
 hear them. 

You can do an exhaustive memory check:

You can install a different OS that doesn't fail the way Linux Distros
are known to (Frex Win 2000).  The Only time anything crashes on my
Win2000 Setup is when the computer / Room Temperature get too hot.


Re: March for Women's Lives

2004-04-29 Thread The Fool
From: Gary Denton [EMAIL PROTECTED]

As a new member can I ask if he is always like this?  Is this supposed
to be satire?


Re: March for Women's Lives

2004-04-29 Thread Robert Seeberger

- Original Message - 
From: Dan Minette [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Killer Bs Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2004 7:18 PM
Subject: Re: March for Women's Lives

 - Original Message - 
 From: Robert Seeberger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Killer Bs Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2004 6:57 PM
 Subject: Re: March for Women's Lives

  - Original Message - 
  From: Gary Denton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Killer Bs Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2004 2:57 PM
  Subject: Re: March for Women's Lives
   As a new member can I ask if he is always like this?
  Every single post.
  Is this supposed
   to be satire?
  More like trollery.

 Its also worth noting Mike Lee is a sock puppet.

It's good to see the terminology isn't lost on everyone.

Like Bush Maru


Re: March for Women's Lives

2004-04-29 Thread Ronn!Blankenship
At 04:18 PM 4/29/04, Julia Thompson wrote:
Mike Lee wrote:

 So, I may not be able to hold my wife accountable, and you may not be able
 to hold your wife accountable, but we can at least do a little Throw Momma
 From the Train service for each other by helping to kill the
 self-congratulatory female meme that full time moms work harder than anyone
 else and are doing a great job. Your average receptionist deals with more
 stress, interruptions and infantile behavior than the average mother of
 three, and she does it a lot better too.
I think the worst part of it is, there's no break.

You leave the receptionist job at the end of the day, and even if you're
having to deal with crap outside of the job, at least it's *different*

And the receptionist's job seldom involves dealing with *actual* crap . . . 
not to mention other less than attractive or sanitary bodily effluvia on an 
almost continuous basis for at least the first couple of years . . .

--Ronn!  :)

Bathroom humor is an American-Standard.


Re: March for Women's Lives

2004-04-29 Thread Dave Land
Jim Sharkey took Mike Lee's bait, concluding with:

 Don't let your rampant personality defects make you a hater, Mike.

I don't think there's any danger of that in our beloved Sock Puppet's 
case -- his posts bespeak a hatred that goes right to the core. I'm 
guessing that when he was a kid with a magnifier, the ants in the 
backyard ran for cover.


Amateur Psychoanalysis Maru


Re: ADMIN: Wonky server

2004-04-29 Thread Nick Arnett
The Fool wrote:


From Nick Arnett 
If anybody here has any insight or suggestions on how to deal with a 
system in which grep, chmod and ln are all seg faulting, I'd love to 
hear them. 

You can do an exhaustive memory check:
You can install a different OS that doesn't fail the way Linux Distros
are known to (Frex Win 2000).  The Only time anything crashes on my
Win2000 Setup is when the computer / Room Temperature get too hot.
I do most of my development and day-to-day work on W3K and XP... they've 
been very stable.  Our production systems are Solaris and OS X. 
Difficult choices... but I like knowing Linux and the more I know, the 
more I want to use it.

The wonky machine is running Fedora, which is probably dangerously new.


Nick Arnett
Director, Business Intelligence Services
LiveWorld Inc.
Phone/fax: (408) 551-0427


Re: Battlestar Galactica

2004-04-29 Thread Bryon Daly
From: Thomas Beck [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Space: Above and Beyond had a great first season, then it seemed like
they started to run out of ideas by the end of the 2nd season. only _had_ one season...   
I think Space: Above and Beyond was the show that all the SF buffs I knew 
were calling:
Space: 90210.

Test your ‘Travel Quotient’ and get the chance to win your dream trip!


Re: ADMIN: Wonky server

2004-04-29 Thread Dave Land
The Fool wrote:

You can do an exhaustive memory check:
You can install a different OS that doesn't fail the way Linux Distros
are known to (Frex Win 2000).  The Only time anything crashes on my
Win2000 Setup is when the computer / Room Temperature get too hot.
I work with Nick, so his server woes are my server woes...

Thanks for the info on memtest86.

As for the platform advice, we run a pretty hetero environment: Linux, 
Win2K, WinXP, Mac OS X.

And it is hot in here -- we're working on ways to vent more of the heat 

Thanks again,



Re: March for Women's Lives

2004-04-29 Thread Robert Seeberger

- Original Message - 
From: Jim Sharkey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2004 7:34 PM
Subject: RE: March for Women's Lives

 Mike Lee wrote:

 So, I may not be able to hold my wife accountable, and you may not
 be able to hold your wife accountable, but we can at least do a
 little Throw Momma From the Train service for each other by
 helping to kill the self-congratulatory female meme that full time
 moms work harder than anyone else and are doing a great job.

 Not harder than anyone else, and I know plenty of moms that frankly
*aren't* up to the job.  But I know for my wife it's not all bon-bons
and soap operas regardless of your prior assertion.

Yo Jim!
It's funny. The last guy I saw play the bon-bon card was a guy who
was in court ordered counseling for beating the crap out of his wife.
Speaking for myself, I see a connection.

 And she's probably easier to talk into bed.

 Don't let your rampant personality defects make you a hater, Mike.

As opposed to an obvious misogynist?

With Jim Maru


Re: ADMIN: Wonky server

2004-04-29 Thread The Fool
From: Nick Arnett [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Fool wrote:

From Nick Arnett 
If anybody here has any insight or suggestions on how to deal with a 
system in which grep, chmod and ln are all seg faulting, I'd love to 
hear them. 
 You can do an exhaustive memory check:
 You can install a different OS that doesn't fail the way Linux Distros
 are known to (Frex Win 2000).  The Only time anything crashes on my
 Win2000 Setup is when the computer / Room Temperature get too hot.

I do most of my development and day-to-day work on W3K and XP... they've 
been very stable.  Our production systems are Solaris and OS X. 
Difficult choices... but I like knowing Linux and the more I know, the 
more I want to use it.

The wonky machine is running Fedora, which is probably dangerously new.

Thats great.  Use it on your personal machines.  But a Server?  I am


Re: ADMIN: Wonky server

2004-04-29 Thread Steve Sloan II
Nick Arnett wrote:

 I do most of my development and day-to-day work on W3K and
 XP... they've been very stable.
I should hope so, since they had an extra thousand years to
work on that first one! ;-)
Steve Sloan . Huntsville, Alabama = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Brin-L list pages ..
Science Fiction-themed online store .
Chmeee's 3D Objects
3D and Drawing Galleries ..
Software  Science Fiction, Science, and Computer Links
Science fiction scans .

Re: Neanderthal growth rate

2004-04-29 Thread Steve Sloan II
David Hobby wrote:

 It is an interesting idea:  Neanderthals, though intelligent,
 were adapted for a low-tech, cold weather evolutionary niche.
 So maybe they were a different species--the debate goes on.
  Because dental growth is an excellent indicator of somatic
  development, our results suggest that Neanderthals developed
  faster even than their immediate ancestor, H. heidelbergensis.
  Dental growth became longer and brain size increased from the
  Plio-Pleistocene in hominid evolution. Neanderthals, despite
  having a large brain, were characterized by a short period of
  development. This autapomorphy in growth is an evolutionary
  reversal, and points strongly to a specific distinction
  between H. sapiens and H. neanderthalensis.
So Neanderthals really did live fast and die young. I guess
since their creative, neotonous childhoods were so short, they
wouldn't have had a chance to develop the kind of mental
flexibility modern humans have. I've also seen speculation that
they couldn't develop much culture, because they didn't have
enough old people for oral tradition to start. If they grew up
quickly, they may have also aged quickly, which would support
that theory.
Steve Sloan . Huntsville, Alabama = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Brin-L list pages ..
Science Fiction-themed online store .
Chmeee's 3D Objects
3D and Drawing Galleries ..
Software  Science Fiction, Science, and Computer Links
Science fiction scans .

Re: ReptiliKlan Florida Land Grab

2004-04-29 Thread William T Goodall
On 30 Apr 2004, at 1:33 am, Tom Beck wrote:

Again, leaving out important information.
Such as? You make an accusation and then leave it hanging. So who's 
really leaving out important information?

 This is becoming a habit. Can we call it democratic truth avoidance?
Can we call it a quick-and-dirty post to a freaking mailing list, not 
a comprehensive report to a Congressional committee or a true bill of 
indictment presented to a grand jury?
If one side of a debate tries to be fair and balanced and the the other 
side does not then the middle ground ends up 3/4 over to the side that 
doesn't. That's why people take extreme positions. So the 'compromise' 
is nearer to what they really wanted in the first place :)

-Don't haggle me Maru

William T Goodall
Web  :
Blog :
One of the main causes of the fall of the Roman Empire was that,
lacking zero, they had no way to indicate successful termination of
their C programs.  -- Robert Firth

Re: ADMIN: Wonky server

2004-04-29 Thread William T Goodall
On 30 Apr 2004, at 2:10 am, Steve Sloan II wrote:

Nick Arnett wrote:

 I do most of my development and day-to-day work on W3K and
 XP... they've been very stable.
I should hope so, since they had an extra thousand years to
work on that first one! ;-)

And it's still only 'very' stable!

William T Goodall
Web  :
Blog :
Our products just aren't engineered for security. - Brian Valentine, 
senior vice president in charge of Microsoft's Windows development 


Re: Battlestar Galactica

2004-04-29 Thread Damon Agretto
 I think Space: Above and Beyond was the show that all the SF buffs I knew
 were calling:
 Space: 90210.

Plus the occasional logic gaps, like using officers trained as fighter
pilots for grunts!



Top House Dem Says She'll Take Communion

2004-04-29 Thread Robert Seeberger

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., like John Kerry (news -
web sites) a Catholic who supports abortion rights, said Thursday she
will continue to ask for Holy Communion in spite of Vatican (news -
web sites) opposition to pro-choice Catholics doing so.

I fully intend to receive Communion, one way or another. That's very
important to me, Pelosi told reporters during her weekly press

A top Vatican cardinal said last week that priests must deny Communion
to Catholic politicians who support abortion rights. The cardinal
stopped short of saying whether it was right for Kerry to receive
Communion, and the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee quickly
affirmed his support for abortion rights and took Communion the next

The head of a task force of U.S. bishops said Tuesday that Catholic
politicians who advocate policies contrary to church teaching on
abortion and other issues may risk sanctions that fall short of denial
of Communion.

I have not gotten to the stage where I'm comfortable in denying the
Eucharist, said Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, archbishop of

Pelosi, a San Francisco Democrat who was raised in a devout Italian
Catholic home, told reporters, I believe that my position on choice
is one that is consistent with my Catholic upbringing, which said that
every person has a free will and has the responsibility to live their
lives in a way that they would have to account for in the end.

I'm certainly concerned when the church comes together and says it's
going to sanction people in public office for speaking their
conscience and what they believe, she said.


Axis Of You Know What Maru



Re: March for Women's Lives

2004-04-29 Thread Julia Thompson
Ronn!Blankenship wrote:
 At 04:18 PM 4/29/04, Julia Thompson wrote:
 Mike Lee wrote:
   So, I may not be able to hold my wife accountable, and you may not be able
   to hold your wife accountable, but we can at least do a little Throw Momma
   From the Train service for each other by helping to kill the
   self-congratulatory female meme that full time moms work harder than anyone
   else and are doing a great job. Your average receptionist deals with more
   stress, interruptions and infantile behavior than the average mother of
   three, and she does it a lot better too.
 I think the worst part of it is, there's no break.
 You leave the receptionist job at the end of the day, and even if you're
 having to deal with crap outside of the job, at least it's *different*
 And the receptionist's job seldom involves dealing with *actual* crap . . .
 not to mention other less than attractive or sanitary bodily effluvia on an
 almost continuous basis for at least the first couple of years . . .

Oh, yeah, and most receptionists are not required by their job
description to clean the carpet on a regular basis.  (I am *so* glad I
put my foot down on not having carpeting in certain rooms  Just
wishing I had on a couple of others, as well, but hey, we can replace
the carpet in a few years, right?)


Re: March for Women's Lives

2004-04-29 Thread Julia Thompson
Dave Land wrote:
 Jim Sharkey took Mike Lee's bait, concluding with:
   Don't let your rampant personality defects make you a hater, Mike.
 I don't think there's any danger of that in our beloved Sock Puppet's
 case -- his posts bespeak a hatred that goes right to the core. I'm
 guessing that when he was a kid with a magnifier, the ants in the
 backyard ran for cover.

Given what the ants around here do if you get too close to their home
(usually on your own darn lawn, at that), I think that burning with a
magnifying glass isn't harsh enough.

But I'd much rather give my kid a magnifying glass than let him spread
the ant poison on the any of the 150 antmounds we have on the property.

(And no, I'm not really exaggerating.  It's 2 acres' worth of yard.)


and how do you know he's not just playing with your head, anyway?

14 Traits of the GOP

2004-04-29 Thread The Fool

Fascism Anyone? Laurence W. Britt 

The following article is from Free Inquiry magazine, Volume 23, Number 2.


Free Inquiry readers may pause to read the “Affirmations of Humanism: A
Statement of Principles” on the inside cover of the magazine. To a
secular humanist, these principles seem so logical, so right, so crucial.
Yet, there is one archetypal political philosophy that is anathema to
almost all of these principles. It is fascism. And fascism’s principles
are wafting in the air today, surreptitiously masquerading as something
else, challenging everything we stand for. The cliché that people and
nations learn from history is not only overused, but also overestimated;
often we fail to learn from history, or draw the wrong conclusions.
Sadly, historical amnesia is the norm.

We are two-and-a-half generations removed from the horrors of Nazi
Germany, although constant reminders jog the consciousness. German and
Italian fascism form the historical models that define this twisted
political worldview. Although they no longer exist, this worldview and
the characteristics of these models have been imitated by protofascist1
regimes at various times in the twentieth century. Both the original
German and Italian models and the later protofascist regimes show
remarkably similar characteristics. Although many scholars question any
direct connection among these regimes, few can dispute their visual

Beyond the visual, even a cursory study of these fascist and protofascist
regimes reveals the absolutely striking convergence of their modus
operandi. This, of course, is not a revelation to the informed political
observer, but it is sometimes useful in the interests of perspective to
restate obvious facts and in so doing shed needed light on current

For the purpose of this perspective, I will consider the following
regimes: Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, Franco’s Spain, Salazar’s Portugal,
Papadopoulos’s Greece, Pinochet’s Chile, and Suharto’s Indonesia. To be
sure, they constitute a mixed bag of national identities, cultures,
developmental levels, and history. But they all followed the fascist or
protofascist model in obtaining, expanding, and maintaining power.
Further, all these regimes have been overthrown, so a more or less
complete picture of their basic characteristics and abuses is possible.

Analysis of these seven regimes reveals fourteen common threads that link
them in recognizable patterns of national behavior and abuse of power.
These basic characteristics are more prevalent and intense in some
regimes than in others, but they all share at least some level of

1. Powerful and continuing expressions of nationalism. From the prominent
displays of flags and bunting to the ubiquitous lapel pins, the fervor to
show patriotic nationalism, both on the part of the regime itself and of
citizens caught up in its frenzy, was always obvious. Catchy slogans,
pride in the military, and demands for unity were common themes in
expressing this nationalism. It was usually coupled with a suspicion of
things foreign that often bordered on xenophobia.

2. Disdain for the importance of human rights. The regimes themselves
viewed human rights as of little value and a hindrance to realizing the
objectives of the ruling elite. Through clever use of propaganda, the
population was brought to accept these human rights abuses by
marginalizing, even demonizing, those being targeted. When abuse was
egregious, the tactic was to use secrecy, denial, and disinformation.

3. Identification of enemies/scapegoats as a unifying cause. The most
significant common thread among these regimes was the use of scapegoating
as a means to divert the people’s attention from other problems, to shift
blame for failures, and to channel frustration in controlled directions.
The methods of choice—relentless propaganda and disinformation—were
usually effective. Often the regimes would incite “spontaneous” acts
against the target scapegoats, usually communists, socialists, liberals,
Jews, ethnic and racial minorities, traditional national enemies, members
of other religions, secularists, homosexuals, and “terrorists.” Active
opponents of these regimes were inevitably labeled as terrorists and
dealt with accordingly.

4. The supremacy of the military/avid militarism. Ruling elites always
identified closely with the military and the industrial infrastructure
that supported it. A disproportionate share of national resources was
allocated to the military, even when domestic needs were acute. The
military was seen as an expression of nationalism, and was used whenever
possible to assert national goals, intimidate other nations, and increase
the power and prestige of the ruling elite.

5. Rampant sexism. 

Re: March for Women's Lives

2004-04-29 Thread Robert Seeberger

- Original Message - 
From: Julia Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Killer Bs Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2004 10:42 PM
Subject: Re: March for Women's Lives

 and how do you know he's not just playing with your head, anyway?

Exactly what trolls do.


Eel Kime Maru



ShrubCo Deletes, Alters Gender Issue Web Data

2004-04-29 Thread The Fool

U.S. Deletes, Alters Gender Issue Web Data -Report
Wed Apr 28, 2004 06:13 PM ET 

By Deborah Zabarenko 
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Bush administration has stripped information
on a range of women's issues from government Web sites, apparently in
pursuit of a political agenda, researchers reported on Wednesday. 

Vital information is being deleted, buried, distorted and has otherwise
gone missing from government Web sites and publications, Linda Basch,
president of the National Council for Research on Women, said in a
telephone interview. 

Taken cumulatively, this has an enormously negative effect on women and

A council report said the missing information fell into four categories:
women's health; their economic status; objective scientific data; and
information aimed at protecting women and girls and helping them advance.

The deletions and alterations appear to hew to a political agenda, rather
than providing the nonpartisan, unbiased data that has been the tradition
of U.S. government reports, the council said. 

Its report cited a fact sheet from the Centers of Disease Control that
focused on the advantages of using condoms to prevent sexually
transmitted disease; it was revised in December 2002 to say evidence on
condoms' effectiveness in curbing these diseases was inconclusive. 

The National Cancer Institute's Web site was changed in 2002 to say
studies linking abortion and breast cancer were inconsistent; after an
outcry from scientists, the institute later amended that to say abortion
is not associated with increased breast cancer risk. 


At the Labor Department's Women's Bureau Web site, the report said 25 key
publications on subjects ranging from pay equity to child care to issues
relating to black and Latina women and women business owners had been
deleted with no explanation. 

Key government offices dedicated to addressing the needs of women have
been disbanded, according to the report. These include the Office of
Women's Initiatives and Outreach in the White House and the President's
Interagency Council on Women. 

At the Pentagon, the Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services
was slated to be dismantled but was saved after an outcry. However, the
report said this committee now focused on issues such as health care for
servicewomen and the effects of deployment on families, but not on equity
and access issues. 

In the area of scientific objectivity, the report said two advisory
committees recommended the Food and Drug Administration approve a
contraceptive known as Plan B as a nonprescription drug but were blocked
by political pressure from doing so. 

Regarding violence against women, the report said the U.S. attorney
general, as of March 2004, had failed to conduct and publish a study
required under the 2000 Violence Against Women Act to investigate
discrimination against domestic violence victims in getting insurance. 

The White House did not immediately return a call for comment. 

I can't imagine that I'm going to be attacked for telling the truth. Why
would I be attacked for telling the truth? Paul O'Neill, 60 Minutes 


Re: March for Women's Lives

2004-04-29 Thread Julia Thompson
Robert Seeberger wrote:
 - Original Message -
 From: Julia Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Killer Bs Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2004 10:42 PM
 Subject: Re: March for Women's Lives
  and how do you know he's not just playing with your head, anyway?
 Exactly what trolls do.

With a troll, you have a number of options.  One of those is choosing to
be amused.  I'm trying to go with that one as much as possible this
week.  :)  (Ignoring is another, getting one's panties in a wad is yet

That receptionist comment is rankling a bit, though, due to the
ludicrous incompetency I've heard about in a number of receptionists. 
(And had to deal with personally in a rather stressful situation.)


Re: March for Women's Lives

2004-04-29 Thread Ronn!Blankenship
At 10:42 PM 4/29/04, Julia Thompson wrote:

But I'd much rather give my kid a magnifying glass than let him spread
the ant poison on the any of the 150 antmounds we have on the property.

If you do that (I am not making a recommendation here), just be sure it is 
a genuine magnifying _glass_, as many of the plastic ones I have 
experimented with¹ appear to not pass enough IR to get something¹ at the 
focal point hot enough to burn.

Of course, this introduces safety issues of its own, such as what may 
happen if he drops it on a hard surface and it shatters . . .

¹FWIW, my experiments generally involved materials such as paper or dry 
leaves . . .

-- Ronn!  :)


Re: ShrubCo Deletes, Alters Gender Issue Web Data

2004-04-29 Thread Ronn!Blankenship
At 10:56 PM 4/29/04, The Fool wrote:

Key government offices dedicated to addressing the needs of women have
been disbanded, according to the report.

Well, heck, we know that all women need is to find a man and have children 
so they can sit around all day watching soap operas and eating bob-bons . . .

Oink, Oink Maru

-- Ronn!  :)
